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Multiplicities of Linear Recurrence SequencesAllen, Patrick January 2006 (has links)
In this report we give an overview of some of the major results concerning the multiplicities of linear recurrence sequences. We first investigate binary recurrence sequences where we exhibit a result due to Beukers and a result due to Brindza, Pintér and Schmidt. We then investigate ternary recurrences and exhibit a result due to Beukers building on work of Beukers and Tijdeman. The last two chapters deal with a very important result due to Schmidt in which we bound the zero-multiplicity of a linear recurrence sequence of order <em>t</em> by a function involving <em>t</em> alone. Moreover we improve on Schmidt's bound by making some minor changes to his argument.
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Multiplicities of Linear Recurrence SequencesAllen, Patrick January 2006 (has links)
In this report we give an overview of some of the major results concerning the multiplicities of linear recurrence sequences. We first investigate binary recurrence sequences where we exhibit a result due to Beukers and a result due to Brindza, Pintér and Schmidt. We then investigate ternary recurrences and exhibit a result due to Beukers building on work of Beukers and Tijdeman. The last two chapters deal with a very important result due to Schmidt in which we bound the zero-multiplicity of a linear recurrence sequence of order <em>t</em> by a function involving <em>t</em> alone. Moreover we improve on Schmidt's bound by making some minor changes to his argument.
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Elliptic Curve Pairing-based CryptographyKirlar, Baris Bulent 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we explore the pairing-based cryptography on elliptic curves from the theoretical and implementation point of view. In this respect, we first study so-called pairing-friendly elliptic curves used in pairing-based cryptography. We classify these curves according to their construction methods and study them in details.
Inspired of the work of Koblitz and Menezes, we study the elliptic curves in the form $y^{2}=x^{3}-c$ over the prime field $F_{q}$ and compute explicitly the number of points $#E(mathbb{F}_{q})$. In particular, we show that the elliptic curve $y^{2}=x^{3}-1$ over $mathbb{F}_{q}$ for the primes $q$ of the form $27A^{2}+1$ has an embedding degree $k=1$ and belongs to Scott-Barreto families in our classification. Finally, we give examples of those primes $q$ for which the security level of the pairing-based cryptographic protocols on the curve $y^{2}=x^{3}-1$ over $mathbb{F}_{q}$ is equivalent to 128-, 192-, or 256-bit AES keys.
From the implementation point of view, it is well-known that one of the most important part of the pairing computation is final exponentiation. In this respect, we show explicitly how the final exponentiation is related to the linear recurrence relations. In particular, this correspondence gives that finding an algoritm to compute final exponentiation is equivalent to finding an algorithm to compute the $m$-th term of the associated linear recurrence relation. Furthermore, we list all those work studied in the literature so far and point out how the associated linear recurrence computed efficiently.
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Zeros and Asymptotics of Holonomic SequencesNoble, Rob 21 March 2011 (has links)
In this thesis we study the zeros and asymptotics of sequences that satisfy linear recurrence relations with generally nonconstant coefficients.
By the theorem of Skolem-Mahler-Lech, the set of zero terms of a sequence that satisfies a linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients taken from a field of characteristic zero is comprised of the union of finitely many arithmetic progressions together with a finite exceptional set. Further, in the nondegenerate case, we can eliminate the possibility of arithmetic progressions and conclude that there are only finitely many zero terms. For generally nonconstant coefficients, there are generalizations of this theorem due to Bézivin and to Methfessel that imply, under fairly general conditions, that we obtain a finite union of arithmetic progressions together with an exceptional set of density zero. Further, a condition is given under which one can exclude the possibility of arithmetic progressions and obtain a set of zero terms of density zero. In this thesis, it is shown that this condition reduces to the nondegeneracy condition in the case of constant coefficients. This allows for a consistent definition of nondegeneracy valid for generally nonconstant coefficients and a unified result is obtained.
The asymptotic theory of sequences that satisfy linear recurrence relations with generally nonconstant coefficients begins with the basic theorems of Poincaré and Perron. There are some generalizations of these theorems that hold in greater generality, but if we restrict the coefficient sequences of our linear recurrences to be polynomials in the index, we obtain full asymptotic expansions of a predictable form for the solution sequences. These expansions can be obtained by applying a transfer method of Flajolet and Sedgewick or, in some cases, by applying a bivariate method of Pemantle and Wilson. In this thesis, these methods are applied to a family of binomial sums and full asymptotic expansions are obtained. The leading terms of the expansions are obtained explicitly in all cases, while in some cases a field containing the asymptotic coefficients is obtained and some divisibility properties for the asymptotic coefficients are obtained using a generalization of a method of Stoll and Haible.
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Tribonacci Cat Map : A discrete chaotic mapping with Tribonacci matrixFransson, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Based on the generating matrix to the Tribonacci sequence, the Tribonacci cat map is a discrete chaotic dynamical system, similar to Arnold's discrete cat map, but on three dimensional space. In this thesis, this new mapping is introduced and the properties of its matrix are presented. The main results of the investigation prove how the size of the domain of the map affects its period and explore the orbit lengths of non-trivial points. Different upper bounds to the map are studied and proved, and a conjecture based on numerical calculations is proposed. The Tribonacci cat map is used for applications such as 3D image encryption and colour encryption. In the latter case, the results provided by the mapping are compared to those from a generalised form of the map.
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Abstract Numeration Systems: Recognizability, Decidability, Multidimensional S-Automatic Words, and Real NumbersCharlier, Emilie 07 December 2009 (has links)
In this doctoral dissertation, we studied and solved several questions regarding positional and abstract numeration systems. Each particular problem is the focus of a chapter. The first problem concerns the study of the preservation of recognizability under multiplication by a constant in abstract numeration systems built on polynomial regular languages. We obtained several results generalizing those from P. Lecomte and M. Rigo. The second problem we considered is a decidability problem, which was already studied, most notably, by J. Honkala and A. Muchnik. For our part, we studied this problem for two new cases: the linear positional numeration systems and the abstract numeration systems. Next, we focused on the extension to the multidimensional setting of a result of A. Maes and M.~Rigo regarding S-automatic infinite words. We obtained a characterization of multidimensional S-automatic words in terms of multidimensional (non-necessarily uniform) morphisms. This result can be viewed as the analogous of O. Salon's extension of a theorem of A. Cobham. Finally, generalizing results of P. Lecomte and M. Rigo, we proposed a formalism to represent real numbers in the general framework of abstract numeration systems built on languages that are not necessarily regular. This formalism encompasses in particular the rational base numeration systems, which have been recently introduced by S. Akiyama, Ch. Frougny, and J. Sakarovitch. Finally, we ended with a list of open questions in the continuation of this work./Dans cette dissertation, nous étudions et résolvons plusieurs questions autour des systèmes de numération abstraits. Chaque problème étudié fait l'objet d'un chapitre. Le premier concerne l'étude de la conservation de la reconnaissabilité par la multiplication par une constante dans des systèmes de numération abstraits construits sur des langages réguliers polynomiaux. Nous avons obtenus plusieurs résultats intéressants généralisant ceux de P. Lecomte et M. Rigo. Le deuxième problème auquel je me suis intéressée est un problème de décidabilité déjà étudié notamment par J. Honkala et A. Muchnik et ici décliné en deux nouvelles versions : les systèmes de numération de position linéaires et les systèmes de numération abstraits. Ensuite, nous nous penchons sur l'extension au cas multidimensionnel d'un résultat d'A. Maes et de M. Rigo à propos des mots infinis S-automatiques. Nous avons obtenu une caractérisation des mots S-automatiques multidimensionnels en termes de morphismes multidimensionnels (non nécessairement uniformes). Ce résultat peut être vu comme un analogue de l'extension obtenue par O. Salon d'un théorème de A. Cobham. Finalement, nous proposons un formalisme de la représentation des nombres réels dans le cadre général des systèmes de numération abstraits basés sur des langages qui ne sont pas nécessairement réguliers. Ce formalisme englobe notamment le cas des numérations en bases rationnelles introduits récemment par S. Akiyama, Ch. Frougny et J. Sakarovitch. Nous terminons par une liste de questions ouvertes dans la continuité de ce travail.
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