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Att synas är att finnas : Kvantitativ studie om studenters och yrkeverksammas användande av personlig varumärkeshantering på sociala medierBergman-Gullmark, Fredrik, Löfgren, Angelica January 2014 (has links)
Författarna har identifierat ett forskningsgap inom personlig varumärkeshantering ur individens perspektiv. Det finns dock ett begränsat antal studier kring individerna bakom och hur de använder sig av personlig varumärkeshantering. Det behövs fler studier som antar individens, användarens, perspektiv vid studerandet av personlig varumärkeshantering. Idag är varumärkeshantering ett välkänt begrepp och en inriktining inom varumärkeshantering är personlig varumärkeshantering. Personlig varumärkeshantering syftar till att individer marknadsför sig själv genom att lyfta egenskaper och karaktärsdrag som gör dem unika. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur studenters och yrkesverksammas personliga varumärkeshantering på sociala medier ser ut och vilka skillnader det finns mellan dessa gruppers användande. Studien undersöker även hur sociala mediers karaktär påverkar användandet av personlig varumärkeshantering. Därför studeras Facebook vars huvudsakliga användningsområde är att behålla kontakten med vänner och familj samt LinkedIn vars huvudsakliga syfte är professionellt nätverksskapande. Författarna har använt sig av en kvantitativ undersökning där webb- och pappersenkäter har delats ut till studenter och yrkesverksamma i Norrland. I den teoretiska referensramen redovisas relevanta teorier om personlig varumärkeshantering samt den teknologiska utvecklingen. I och med att personlig varumärkeshantering studeras med sociala medier som kontext är det viktigt att även bygga en teoretisk grund för sociala medier. Tidigare studier har påvisat att ålder och livsfaser kan påverka användandet av personliga varumärkeshantering i sociala medier, därför har även teorier om generationer och deras vanor kring teknologi använts. Resultatet visade att studenter överlag var mer aktiva att publicera innehåll till fördel för karriären än yrkesverksamma. Båda grupperna var medvetna om det personliga varumärket och att deras information på sociala medier kan komma att användas när de söker jobb. Dock var det ingen av urvalsgrupperna som aktivt jobbade konsekvent med personlig varumärkeshantering genom sociala medier. Vilket innebär att trots en medvetenhet om vikten av det personliga varumärket användes inte sociala medier i större utsträckning för detta ändamål. Studien visade även att det fanns signifikanta skillnader mellan generationernas användande av sociala medier, där de yngre använde det i högre utsträckning. Detta kan ha påverkat skillnaderna mellan studenter och yrkesverksamma eftersom de äldre generationerna respresenterades av yrkesverksamma och de yngre representerades av studenterna. Studien visade även att det fanns skillnader mellan de olika medierna Facebook och LinkedIn. Facebook användes mest privat och var det medium där flest valde att vara restriktiva med hur de delade informationen samt mindre noggranna med vilken information de publicerade. LinkedIn å andra sidan användes för karriärsmässiga ändmål och informationen publicerades öppet i mycket större utsträckning samt att informationen ansågs i högre grad spegla verkligheten. Sammanfattningsvis behöver studenter och yrkesverksamma i högre grad uppmärksamma potentialen i att konsekvent arbeta med sitt personliga varumärke för att stärka sin position på arbetsmarknaden.
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¿Cómo posicionar mi perfil profesional en LinkedIn?Perez, Segundo 01 June 2021 (has links)
Segundo Perez ( Perú)- Expositor / Gerente de RR.HH con más de 10 años de experiencia en reclutamiento nos dará una charla magistral de tips para tener un perfil de LinkedIn atractivo para las empresas.
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"I''d Like to Add you to my Professional Network: An Exploratory Look into the Effect of LinkedIn Usage on Sales Performance"Dugan, Riley 12 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Hiring practices and instruments: Investigating CV and LinkedIn Profiles as Tools of Personnel Selection.Casciano, Alberto 07 October 2024 (has links)
This doctoral thesis investigates the inferential processes recruiters use when evaluating applicants through curriculum vitae (CVs) and LinkedIn profiles, focusing particularly on personality traits inferences. The three studies described, examined the elements involved in such inference-making process from different perspectives. First study investigates the validities of cues retrievable in CVs, in particular the relationships with self-reported personality and job performance scores. In collaboration with an Italian public transportation company, we analyzed data collected in past selection processes across three occupational families and 787 applicants. The findings highlighted significant correlations between CV cues and both personality traits (e.g., number of languages spoken indicative of openness) and job performance (e.g., coherent training certifications positively predicting overall job performance). However, cues taken from previous literature also showed limitations in the generalizability to present sample, with many indicators studied showing no significant relationships with both criteria (personality and job performance). The second study delved deeper into the utilization recruiters do of CV information, examining how specific cues (i.e., the presence of teamwork skills and volunteering activities) affect raters’ perceptions of candidates’ personality traits. Through manipulating CV content, we observed that these cues significantly influence perceptions of agreeableness (with additional impacts observed on perceptions of extraversion and openness) supporting the effect that the availability of specific cues can have on the subsequent utilization and, consequently, on personality inferences. The third study assessed the impact of a training session designed to improve the accuracy of personality trait ratings from LinkedIn profiles. Participants, divided into a control group (who did not receive a training before the assessment) and an experimental group (who received a training on cue validity and utilization), rated the personality traits of LinkedIn users, with their assessments compared against a composite score of self- and friend-reports and experts’ evaluations of the same profiles. The trained group showed greater accuracy in discerning personality trait variations within profiles (i.e., profile accuracy), than the control group. However, the ability to compare different profiles’ levels of specific personality traits (i.e., trait accuracy), was improved only when using experts’ ratings as the criterion of interest (and only for the traits of conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness). Although these findings do not support the substitution of classical assessment tools for personality evaluations, like personality questionnaires (nor had this purpose), they collectively offer empirical evidence related to cues validity and their utilization, also exploring the possibility to improve screening practices, advocating for more informed and structured approaches in assessing applicant information.
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Moderné metódy získavania zamestnancov / Modern methods of employees‘ sourcingLevrincová, Vieroslava January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to create an overview of modern methods of sourcing employees, which reflect the current trends at labor market, and to elaborate a set of basic principles guaranteeing their successful use. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part a larger context of the process of sourcing employees is defined and the basic traditional ways of sourcing are described. The core part of the thesis is then dedicated to the analysis of current labor market trends and the actual modern ways of sourcing, especially career web pages, social and professional media and eventually virtual realities and online games. In the practical part, the employees'sourcing strategy at Danone, a.s. is analysed and its basic optimization initiatives are identified.
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Přístup zaměřený na člověka ve výzkumu osobnosti a predikce chování v online prostředí / Person-centered approach in personality research and prediction of online environment behaviorFousková, Petra January 2021 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis focuses on the person-centered approach in personality research and on the possibilities of predicting behavior in the online environment. The theoretical part defines different approaches to personality descriptions, with a special focus on the person-centered approach, variable-centered approach, and person-specific approach. The outputs of thematically relevant research studies are also summarized here. The empirical part describes the exploratory research, which aimed to examine the possibility of predicting the personality type of LinkedIn users in the context of the person-centered approach, based on an analysis of their profile and behavior associated with this professional social network. The standardized HEXACO-PI-R and 4Elements Personality Inventory® questionnaires were used in the research. Cluster analysis was performed on data from 118 participants who filled out the 4Elements Personality Inventory®. Based on that, 4 clusters that describes 52,2 % of the variance were formed. Furthermore, using multinomial logistic regression, two models predicting the probability of a person belonging to a certain cluster based on information about predictors were created. Another cluster analysis was performed on the data from HEXACO-PI-R, which created 6 clusters that...
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Internet Based Networking Websites (IBNWs) & EntrepreneurshipJara, Carlos, Wayburne, Terence January 2011 (has links)
New technologies are changing the way entrepreneurs network. Internet Based Neworking Websites (IBNWs) are re shaping the process in which we network and communicate with one another, on a personal and also on a professional level. The biggest example of this is the incredible rise of IBNWs such as Facebook and LinkedIn that together hold more than 300 million users. This is a very new form of networking where individuals are able to communicate and connect with an almost limitless amount of people, regardless of their geographical location. The more traditional forms of networking are seen as phone calls and face to face communication, while in the last two decades email has also been incorporated into a common and professional form of networking for the purpose of business. Since IBNWs are a new form of maintaining relationships, for our thesis we have decided to address the question of how IBNWs affect the process of networking during the development of ventures. In the thesis we explore the concepts put forward by authors such as; Granovetter, Hoang and Antoncic, Aldrich and Zimmer, Deutsch, Sonnenberg among others. In addition we used the structure used by Hoand and Antoncic to create a framework when analyzing the networking process though IBNWs. This framework is split in to three categories: Network structure, governance, and content. Using a qualitative interpretivist approach we have developed an extensive case study and we have interviewed ten entrepreneurs from a wide array of industries and locations. To help us analyze the data retrieved we have also interviewed an expert in the field of business and internet landscaping. The aim of the study is to generate a new framework for networking in the 21st century in light of the IBNW boom. The findings demonstrate that IBNWs are being used widely by entrepreneurs, but mainly for advices and information or in other words, providing low commitment content. We have concluded that IBNWs are perceived as an informal cold and weak form of networking and maintaining business networks and if relationships where to progress to higher levels of commitment then entepreneurs will turn to more traditional ways of network maintenance such as face-to-face meetings.
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Motivating Millennials : A study on generation Y motivationIngnäs, Gustav, Heikkilä, Kasper January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores generation Y motivators. They are a growing group of young people among the general workforce, and they have different behavior and motivators at work. This paper explores effective motivating factors for this group of employees by studying a company, LinkedIn, which successfully motivates generation Y employees. Data is gathered through several interviews done with LinkedIn employees working at their Dublin office. The data is analyzed with the help of a motivational theory called self-determination theory and its main concepts autonomy, relatedness and competence. Other insights from earlier studies done on generation Y motivation are used to support the analysis as well. The results and analysis are consistent with theory and earlier studies, and can even show some interesting factors generation Y employees value, such as high value for manager flexibility and sharing similar values with the company they work for.
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Autentisk eller inte? : En kvalitativ studie om individers självpresentation på LinkedIn / Authentic or not? : A qualitative study on individuals self presentation on LinkedInNeskovska, Viktoria, Merdanic, Lejla January 2017 (has links)
In various social networks available on the Internet, including LinkedIn, individuals may present themselves in a profile with a personal presentation in aim to find a new job. However presentations do differ depending on from which line of profession individuals present themselves from. Do to previous research LinkedIn users utilize strategies to manipulate information they present, also seen in controlling and handling of how an individual should be perceived. The theoretical framework was found in Erving Goffman's theories about impression management which is used to examine the phenomenon on a deeper level. The method used for this study was qualitative method with text analysis where the material was collected from the LinkedIn website and consisted of four different profession categories with ten profiles per category. The study's results showed how profession categories present themselves on LinkedIn, where was even shown what was common and what distinguished. The conclusion was that profession categories present themselves with expressions which are contingent on the norms, values and expectations as conditioned by the given profession. They are therefore the result of an tradition in their social profession which requires that specific form of expression.
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Influencia de las redes sociales en la creación y mantención del capital social en ChileAguilera Jorquera, Nicolás, Castillo Castañon, Eduardo, Romero Rojo, Claudio January 2013 (has links)
Seminario para optar al grado de Ingeniero Comercial, Mención Administración / No autorizada por los autores para ser publicada a texto completo / El presente trabajo se replicó el estudio realizado por Ellison , Steinfield y Lampe (2007) sobre el uso de redes sociales y su influencia dentro del capital social. Este estudio original se centro en estudiar alumnos de la Universidad de Michigan, Estados Unidos, en su uso de Facebook y la influencia que tuvo en la mantención y creación del capital social de estos individuos. En este estudio se buscó testear las mismas hipótesis del trabajo original pero ahora adaptadas en la realidad social de Chile, utilizando una muestra de 546 alumnos de 1 a 5 año de la Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad de Chile. Para obtener respuestas más precisas en esta oportunidad se ampliaron las redes sociales investigadas, a Facebook ya analizada en el trabajo original, se le agregaron las redes sociales con mayor crecimiento durante el ultimo tiempo: Twitter y LinkedIn. Al testear, analizar, tabular y realizar regresiones a los resultados de la encuesta realizada, se tuvo resultados similares al trabajo original, inclusive en el caso de Facebook se vio mucho más potenciada. En las otras dos redes sociales también se cumplió la hipótesis generada, pero con una menor intensidad. Estos resultados terminan siendo consistentes con los encontrados en el trabajo original del cual se basa este informe.
El estudio muestra que el uso de las redes sociales afecta positivamente a mantener y crear los distintos tipos de capital social (ya sea puente o vínculo), junto con los índices de felicidad tales como la satisfacción con la vida universitaria y el grado de autoestima.
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