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The Benefits of Implementing Phonemic Awareness Activities with At-Risk Kindergarten StudentsDowler, Casey January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Learning by experience: reconstructing the literacy engagement of nine men who self-report literacy difficultiesKell, Marilyn Fay, University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, School of Education and Early Childhood Studies January 2005 (has links)
This thesis, a qualitative study, examined the literacy practices of nine workers who self-report literacy difficulties. Through a series of interviews it specifically investigated how, in the course of their daily work, their mediated behaviour resulted in development of literacy competence. Through analysis of the workers’ experiences this thesis explored sociocultural themes deriving from Vygotskian traditions such as the central mediational role of psychological tools and signs and the importance of activity taking place in social settings. It took the theoretical position that literacy is an increasingly complex construct that extends beyond functional connotations such as reading, writing and spelling. It focused on the kinds of literacy skills that individuals require in a world characterised by rapid and frequent changes. In doing so this thesis recognised the diverse modalities in literacy performance that emphasise ways of knowing and ways of doing or designing as well as reading, writing, listening, thinking, speaking and comprehending across a range of modalities. This thesis argues that sociocultural concepts are applicable to adult learners. In particular it concludes that adult learners in the course of their jobs demonstrate a repertoire of literacy competence through engagement in meaningful literacy practices. This thesis reports that a significant indicator of the reported broadening in literacy competence is the support structures available in the workplace and in particular the specific characteristics of mentors / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Literacy - en studie om indiska elevers kommunikativa möten med texter, bilder och symbolerGustafsson, Karin, Karlsson, Victoria January 2013 (has links)
Det här arbetet syftar till att undersöka vilka textorienterade aktiviteter elever i en grundskola i Indien ingår i. Uppsatsens frågor berör därmed hur, samt i vilka sammanhang detta sker. Vidare syftar arbetet till att undersöka hur eleverna erövrar skriftspråk, samt vilka redskap de använder sig utav då detta sker. Arbetets teoretiska utgångspunkt är sociokulturell teori, vilken lyfter att samspelet med den omgivande miljön är av stor betydelse för människans lärande. I december 2012 aktualiserades det i de internationella kunskapsmätningarna gjorda av TIMS 2011 och PIRLS 2011, att svenska fjärdeklassares läsförmåga har försämrats. Då Sverige jämförs med andra länder såsom Indien i dessa mätningar, finner vi det intressant att undersöka hur barns erövrande av skriftspråkskompetenser kan te sig i en annan kulturell kontext. Ett ytterligare skäl till att undersökningen utförs i en skola i Indien, är att de materiella förutsättningarna kan skilja sig åt från svenska skolor, vilka i mångt och mycket kan erbjuda elever datorer, internetåtkomst, tillgång till böcker samt skrivmaterial. Vår studie är utförd i en indisk grundskola där urvalsgruppen består utav elever i åldrarna fem till tio år. Under vår vistelse besökte vi fem olika klasser med cirka 50 flickor i varje klass. Vi utgår från en etnografisk ansats där forskningsmetoden är deltagande observation. Detta då våra observatörsroller befinner sig i spänningsfältet mellan deltagande och enbart observerande. Som kompletterande källor till observationerna används informella samtal, intervju samt statliga styrdokument. Utifrån analysen av det insamlade datamaterialet framkommer det att eleverna är involverade i en rik mängd läs- och skrivhändelser, literacy events, vilka är initierade av elever som såväl lärare. I elevernas erövrande av skriftspråk använder de sig utav de fysiska och intellektuella redskap som finns att tillgå i skolmiljön. Exempel på fysiska redskap som används är: böcker, papper, penna, affischer och mobiltelefoner. Språket som lärare och elever kommunicerar genom samspelet, fungerar som ett intellektuellt redskap. Med hjälp utav redskapen deltar de i aktiviteter som: högläsning, läsning, stencilövningar, härmande klotter, lappskrivande, dramatisering, ramsor och sånger. I klassrumsundervisningen kretsar många aktiviteter kring exempelvis stavning, kontroll av läsförståelse samt stencilövningar, då lärarna i många fall har för avsikt att kontrollera elevernas kunskaper. Utifrån detta kan vi se ett kommunikationsmönster som kan kopplas till den lärarstyrda fråga-svar-bedömningsformen. Elevernas olika literacy events är därmed starkt påverkade av skolans monologiska läs- och skrivinlärningskultur, literacy practice.
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Requirements not met :Morris, Peter Carlton. Unknown Date (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Language & Literacy))--University of South Australia, 1994
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The roles of teachers, parents and deaf adults in promoting reading in deaf childrenHeineman-Gosschalk, Renee January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Parental involvement in reading : child and school influencesMacleod, Flora Jean January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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A case study into the reading of primary school pupils in BotswanaSeeco, Elizabeth Gabaswediwe January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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The Meanings of Freedom in American History: A Research GuideDickstein, Ruth January 2002 (has links)
Guide to research for Traditions and Cultures 103: The Making of American Cultures, a General Education course at the University of Arizona.
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Social deprivation, metalinguistic awareness and learning to readRaz, Ita Standen January 1992 (has links)
No description available.
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Becoming bilingual : exploring language and literacy learning through the lens of narrative.Taniguchi, Sumiko January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, I investigate the nature of change that two adult language learners/users have experienced in learning to become bilingual through the mediation of autobiographical narrative writing. The major purposes of the thesis are to identify the nature of change that adult language learners/users have experienced in learning and using plural languages through the mediation of autobiographical writing in L2, and to examine the usefulness of narrative inquiry as a complementary research approach to understand the complexity of language and literacy learning from the learner‘s perspectives. To this end the following research questions have been posed. 1. What can learners‘ stories tell about the long-term processes of language and literacy learning? 2. What role can written autobiographical narrative play in processes of language learning? 3. What is the potential contribution of narrative inquiry to research in the field of language and literacy learning? In addressing these questions, I have drawn on socio-cultural and narrative theory to undertake a longitudinal study of two language learners/users – Satoko, a young Chinese-Japanese woman, and myself. Thus, the study comprises Satoko‘s biographical study and my own autobiographical study, in which I am simultaneously the subject and the object of inquiry. I have analysed how processes of becoming bilingual for both of us were represented in autobiographical narratives, and, in turn, how the act of writing autobiographical narratives mediated ways in which we learned to become bilingual. By utilising narrative inquiry, I have attempted to broaden the locus of research into language and literacy learning from language development to learner development. A feature of the research design implemented in the thesis is its layered approach to narrative construction and analysis. This approach has enabled me to provide detailed insights into the complex interrelationships between linguistic and non-linguistic dimensions of language learning. In particular it has enabled me to highlight the multifaceted nature of learners‘ change and the significance of affect, social relations, and transformation of identities as learners work between two languages. It has also enabled me to address ways in which learners‘ engagement with written narrative impacted both their linguistic and non-linguistic development. Outcomes from the research suggest that complex processes of language and literacy learning can be profitably examined through the notion of becoming bilingual, which entails continuous translation across languages – hence the use of the term becoming bilingual in the title of this thesis.
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