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Framställning av fixtur för ISO-testning av kryckkäpparTjäder, Robin, Johansson, Christoffer January 2007 (has links)
<p>Introduction: Dolomite AB was in need of a dummy arm for crutch testing, to complement their existing test capabilities. Background: A large number of people need crutches on a daily basis. For them it is essential that their crutches do not fail. ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) conducts ongoing work to guarantee the durability and function of e.g. crutches. ISO has recently adopted a new standard for testing if elbow crutches. This has already met resistance, it has been claimed that the tests in it should include loading of the crutch in the frontal plane. Aim: To enable Dolomite to test elbow crutches in accordance with guidelines in ISO/FDIS 11334-1. And examine the magnitude of loads on a crutch in the horizontal- sagittal- and frontal plane. This to see if loading of the crutch in the fontal plane should be included in a new ISO-test. Goal: To fabricate a dummy arm for testing of elbow crutches. To gain knowledge of the magnitude of the load a crutch is subject to in the horizontal-, sagittal-, and frontal plane. Method: A dummy arm was made using methods and tools described in DPD (dynamic product development), and conventional fabrication methods. A test equipment was made, which registered the loads on a crutch, in three directions. Eleven persons, constituted the test group, one was excluded. Result: A fully functional dummy arm was manufactured. The average maximum load for the ten test subjects was: 33 kilos downwards, 12 kilos backwards and 2 kilos side wards. Discussion: The choice of materials was influenced by the strength demands, ease of manipulation, access and price. Dummy arm design was mostly a question of durability and function. The test group was made up of persons available when the test was done The crutch loading test indicates that the forces applied to a crutch In the frontal plane are small, compared to forces in the horizontal- and sagittal plane, almost negligible. Conclusion: A fully functional dummy arm was fabricated, no need for a new ISO-test for standard crutches was identified.</p>
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Framställning av fixtur för ISO-testning av kryckkäpparTjäder, Robin, Johansson, Christoffer January 2007 (has links)
Introduction: Dolomite AB was in need of a dummy arm for crutch testing, to complement their existing test capabilities. Background: A large number of people need crutches on a daily basis. For them it is essential that their crutches do not fail. ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) conducts ongoing work to guarantee the durability and function of e.g. crutches. ISO has recently adopted a new standard for testing if elbow crutches. This has already met resistance, it has been claimed that the tests in it should include loading of the crutch in the frontal plane. Aim: To enable Dolomite to test elbow crutches in accordance with guidelines in ISO/FDIS 11334-1. And examine the magnitude of loads on a crutch in the horizontal- sagittal- and frontal plane. This to see if loading of the crutch in the fontal plane should be included in a new ISO-test. Goal: To fabricate a dummy arm for testing of elbow crutches. To gain knowledge of the magnitude of the load a crutch is subject to in the horizontal-, sagittal-, and frontal plane. Method: A dummy arm was made using methods and tools described in DPD (dynamic product development), and conventional fabrication methods. A test equipment was made, which registered the loads on a crutch, in three directions. Eleven persons, constituted the test group, one was excluded. Result: A fully functional dummy arm was manufactured. The average maximum load for the ten test subjects was: 33 kilos downwards, 12 kilos backwards and 2 kilos side wards. Discussion: The choice of materials was influenced by the strength demands, ease of manipulation, access and price. Dummy arm design was mostly a question of durability and function. The test group was made up of persons available when the test was done The crutch loading test indicates that the forces applied to a crutch In the frontal plane are small, compared to forces in the horizontal- and sagittal plane, almost negligible. Conclusion: A fully functional dummy arm was fabricated, no need for a new ISO-test for standard crutches was identified.
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Fjärrvärmeanslutna passivhus : Fallstudie av värmelaster och innetemperaturer i fyra flerbostadshusNilsson, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
Intresset kring lågenergibyggnader blir allt större och så kallade passivhus, med god isolering, hög lufttäthet och värmeåtervinning, byggs i allt större utsträckning i Sverige och andra europeiska länder. Vissa frågetecken har dock uppkommit kring inomhusklimatet i husen och risken för både under- och övertemperaturer. En annan viktig aspekt är hur husens egenskaper påverkar värmelasterna och hur detta i sin tur påverkar energiförsörjningssystemet. I detta examensarbete undersöks dessa båda aspekter – värmelastegenskaper och innetemperaturer – i fyra likadana nybyggda flerbostadshus i Falkenberg. Mätvärden från husens tekniska system, inklusive lufttemperaturmätningar i samtliga lägenheter, analyseras. Husen består av totalt 108 lägenheter, värms med fjärrvärme och använder ca 50 kWh/m2 Atemp årligen. Värmelastegenskaperna kännetecknas framförallt av låga effektbehov för både uppvärmning och varmvatten samt relativt stora svängningar över dygnet. Husen tycks vara känsligare för variationer i interntillskott än konventionella hus, vilket leder till regelbundna svängningar i effektbehovet för uppvärmning, med en topp under natten och morgonen. Detta leder till förstärkta svängningar i fjärrvärmenätet, vilket skulle kunna undvikas med hjälp av effektstyrning. Passivhusens stora termiska tröghet talar för en sådan möjlighet. Även innetemperaturen uppvisar regelbundna dygnsvariationer, som kan vara något större än i vanliga hus. Låga temperaturer förekommer tidvis under vintern, men resultaten pekar inte på några brister i de tekniska systemen. Temperaturen på sommaren är inte högre än i andra hus, och övertemperaturer tycks inte vara något stort problem i dessa hus. Det kan dock finnas en möjlighet att minska risken för övertemperaturer ytterligare genom användning av nattkyla under varma perioder. Denna möjlighet kan vara ett sätt att utnyttja passivhusens speciella egenskaper för att ytterligare förbättra konceptet. / There is today an increasing interest in low-energy buildings, and the so-called “passive houses” are becoming increasingly popular in Sweden and other European countries. There are however some concerns regarding the indoor climate in these houses, notably the risk of too low indoor temperatures in the winter and too high temperatures in the summer. Another issue is the heat load characteristics of this type of buildings, and how these affect the energy systems. In this thesis, these two aspects – heat load characteristics and indoor temperatures – are analysed in four identical multi-family buildings in Falkenberg, Sweden, using measured values from the buildings’ technical systems and measured indoor air temperatures in all dwellings. The buildings are heated with district heating, comprise 108 dwellings in total and use approximately 50 kWh/m2 annually (space heating, hot water and electricity for building services). The heat loads are mainly characterised by low but varying heat demands for space heating and hot water. The buildings appear to have a higher than usual sensitivity for variations in heat from internal sources and solar gains, leading to regular variations in the heat demand for space heating and fluctuations in the total heat demand. These fluctuations, which may negatively affect the energy system, could be avoided by actively controlling the heat demand for space heating. There are also daily fluctuations in the indoor temperatures, but the buildings perform well in this aspect, with temperatures that stay within the acceptable range most of the time. The summer indoor temperatures do not get higher than in other buildings. A possibility for further improvement within this area could be the use of forced ventilation during the night in hot periods, and hence utilising the buildings’ well insulated and airtight building envelope to keep heat out during the day. This possibility might further improve the passive house concept.
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Nepřímé měření momentu na výstupu převodovky zatěžovacího pohonu / Indirect torque measurement in the output of load driveJelének, Marek January 2018 (has links)
For loading of excavator drive units, it is necessary to use electromechanical loads with a high torque up to 16,000 Nm in a low speed range from 0 to 150 min-1 with a maximum output of 50 kW. The electromechanical load consists of an asynchronous dynamometer assembly with a tilting torque measurement system in conjunction with a front three-speed gearbox. The dynamometer is powered by a converter with vector control. To determine the torque at the gearbox output, a correction must be made and the influence of operating temperature and operating speed must be taken into account. Experimental measurement of these influences and dependencies makes it possible to create a mathematical model that can be implemented in the power converter for torque control at the output of the gearbox. The aim of the master thesis is a brief design of the loading drive, design an implementation of experimental measurement of efficiency maps and evaluation of the influence of inefficiency of gearbox efficiency.
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Aerodynamic Load Characteristics Evaluation and Tri-Axial Performance Testing on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Connections and Metal Fasteners to Promote Hurricane Damage MitigationCanino-Vazquez, Iván R. 13 November 2009 (has links)
Damages during extreme wind events highlight the weaknesses of mechanical fasteners at the roof-to-wall connections in residential timber frame buildings. The allowable capacity of the metal fasteners is based on results of unidirectional component testing that do not simulate realistic tri-axial aerodynamic loading effects. The first objective of this research was to simulate hurricane effects and study hurricane-structure interaction at full-scale, facilitating better understanding of the combined impacts of wind, rain, and debris on inter-component connections at spatial and temporal scales. The second objective was to evaluate the performance of a non-intrusive roof-to-wall connection system using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials and compare its load capacity to the capacity of an existing metal fastener under simulated aerodynamic loads. The Wall of Wind (WoW) testing performed using FRP connections on a one-story gable-roof timber structure instrumented with a variety of sensors, was used to create a database on aerodynamic and aero-hydrodynamic loading on roof-to-wall connections tested under several parameters: angles of attack, wind-turbulence content, internal pressure conditions, with and without effects of rain. Based on the aerodynamic loading results obtained from WoW tests, sets of three force components (tri-axial mean loads) were combined into a series of resultant mean forces, which were used to test the FRP and metal connections in the structures laboratory up to failure. A new component testing system and test protocol were developed for testing fasteners under simulated tri-axial loading as opposed to uni-axial loading. The tri-axial and uni-axial test results were compared for hurricane clips. Also, comparison was made between tri-axial load capacity of FRP and metal connections. The research findings demonstrate that the FRP connection is a viable option for use in timber roof-to-wall connection system. Findings also confirm that current testing methods of mechanical fasteners tend to overestimate the actual load capacities of a connector. Additionally, the research also contributes to the development a new testing protocol for fasteners using tri-axial simultaneous loads based on the aerodynamic database obtained from the WoW testing.
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The subject of research were effect of elevated water level in the downstream apron on the weir flow capacity and load characteristics of the flap gate. The thesis is focused on possibilities of physical and CFD modeling of flap gate weir flow. In the introduction are contained current condition of knowledge, perfomed model studies conducted in the Czech republic and abroad, as well as flap weirs realized in our country and in the world. This is followed by experimental physical research on family of weir structure models in scales 1:1 (prototype), 1:2 and 1:2.5. Options CFD simulations a flap gate weir are contained in chapter of CFD modeling. In conclusion are compared physical methods with CFD simulations on flap gate weir.
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