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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de confiabilidade de estruturas com paredes portantes de concreto pré-moldado / Reliability analysis of structures with precast concrete loadbearing walls

Cordeiro, Érico Souza Brito 22 March 2016 (has links)
O método construtivo com painéis portantes de concreto é economicamente viável, porém relativamente novo no cenário nacional, sobretudo no caso dos pré-moldados. As incertezas referentes às peculiaridades desse método, bem como a nova norma brasileira de painéis pré-moldados, ainda em elaboração, vem a motivar uma análise probabilística dos critérios de projeto disponíveis. Utilizando-se a técnica da confiabilidade estrutural, é possível propagar as incertezas referentes às variáveis a uma resposta final no índice de confiabilidade, sendo um cálculo totalmente probabilístico. Neste trabalho, emprega-se tal técnica com informações estatísticas referentes a lajes de concreto moldadas in loco para verificar, de maneira mais verossímil, a segurança dos critérios de projeto impostos pelo Precast Concrete Institute Design Handbook - Precast and Prestressed Concrete - 7th Edition (2010) às fases transitórias (desforma, transporte e içamento) e pela Norma Brasileira ABNT NBR 6118: 2014 - Projeto de estruturas de concreto, à fase em uso. Prossegue-se a uma análise crítica dos resultados bem como sugestões para diminuir a variação dos resultados, sobretudo pela calibração de novos coeficientes parciais de segurança, processo para o qual este trabalho pode servir de base. / The shear wall building method is economicaly viable, but relatively new in the brazillian scene, that is specially true for precast members. The uncertainty pertaining this method, and the new brazillian design code for precast shear walls, still in development, serve as motivation for a probabilistic analysis of available project criteria. Using the structural reliability technique, it is possible to forward the variables uncertainties to a final answer in the form of the reliability index, being that this method is entirely probabilistic. In this study, this technique is used with statistical data pertaining cast-in-place concrete slabs to ascertain, with a higher degree of verisimilitude, the safety of the design criteria imposed by the Precast Concrete Institute Handbook - Precast and Prestressed Concrete - 7th Edition (2010) to the temporary states (stripping, transit and lifting) and by the Brazillian Code ABNT NBR 6118: 2014 - Concrete structures design, to the working state. The study then proceeds to a critical analysis of the results and to suggestions to reduce their variability, specially through calibration of new partial safety factors, a procedure to which this study might serve as a basis.

Critérios para projeto de edifícios com paredes portantes de concreto pré-moldado / Criteria for design of buildings with loadbearing walls of precast concrete

Tomo, Fabricio da Cruz 21 March 2013 (has links)
A demanda por construções habitacionais vem crescendo de forma considerável nos últimos anos, devido à boa fase da economia brasileira. A busca por processos construtivos que contribuam para melhor qualidade e eficiência no processo de produção é uma meta que tem sido perseguida por aqueles que militam na construção civil. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em apresentar critérios para projeto de paredes portantes de concreto pré-moldado, como alternativa de sistema construtivo para edifícios. São apresentados conceitos teóricos para distribuição de esforços horizontais e verticais entre as paredes e para dimensionamento dos elementos estruturais desse sistema construtivo (paredes e juntas). O trabalho também considera a análise de um edifício, com o objetivo de avaliar a influência das juntas verticais nos deslocamentos horizontais dos pavimentos, causados pelo vento. É apresentada, ainda, uma comparação entre os resultados de três modelos numéricos, em que cada um considera a junta vertical de forma diferente. Os modelos numéricos foram elaborados no programa SAP2000, admitindo-se uma análise elástica linear, sem considerar a interação solo-estrutura. Por fim são mostrados exemplos para dimensionamento de paredes portantes e de juntas verticais e horizontais. Portanto este trabalho apresenta conceitos teóricos e aplicações de critérios para projeto de estruturas de paredes portantes pré-moldadas, ressaltando a importância de juntas verticais resistentes ao cisalhamento, por conta da contribuição significativa dessas juntas na redução dos deslocamentos horizontais do edifício. / The demand for housing has been growing considerably in recent years due to the good moment of the Brazilian economy. The search for constructive processes that contribute towards better quality and efficiency in a production process is a target that has been pursued by those who militate in civil construction. The purpose of this work is to provide design criteria for loadbearing walls of precast concrete as a construction system alternative for buildings. Theoretical concepts are presented for horizontal and vertical load distribution among the walls and for the structural members design of this construction system (walls and joints). The work also considers the analysis of a building with the aim of evaluating the influence of vertical joints in horizontal displacements of the floors caused by wind. The work also presents a comparison among the results of three numerical models, wherein each one considers the vertical joint differently. The numerical models were developed in SAP2000 software, assuming a linear elastic analysis without considering the soil-structure interaction. Finally examples are shown for design of loadbearing walls and vertical and horizontal joints. Therefore this paper presents theoretical concepts and applications of criteria for the design of loadbearing precast walls structures, emphasizing the importance of vertical joints resistant to shear, due to the significant contribution of these joints in reducing the horizontal displacements of the building.

Desenvolvimento de programa computacional para dimensionamento de paredes portantes pré-moldadas / Development of computer program for design of precast bearing walls

Romão Filho, Ricardo Sampaio 27 January 2016 (has links)
Os sistemas construtivos vêm surgindo e evoluindo de acordo com a necessidade e a demanda de obras. Recentemente, a utilização de paredes portantes pré-moldadas vem sendo explorada como alternativa para construir edifícios com rapidez e eficácia. Outra tecnologia mais recente é o Concreto Ultraleve® Estrutural, ou concreto leve com EPS (CLE), em que o agregado graúdo e parte do miúdo são substituídos por pérolas de poliestireno expandido (EPS), contribuindo para reduzir o peso total do edifício, consequentemente diminuindo os esforços na estrutura e promovendo a redução nos custos com transporte e montagem dos elementos pré-moldados. Este trabalho apresenta como deve ser feito o dimensionamento de paredes portantes pré-moldadas, utilizando normas nacionais e internacionais. O principal objetivo do trabalho é apresentar um programa computacional desenvolvido para facilitar a análise e o dimensionamento de edifícios com paredes de concreto pré-moldado. Além disso, mostra-se o uso do programa para comparar o comportamento de edifício constituído por concreto com EPS e por concreto armado comum, e para avaliar a influência das juntas verticais na rigidez global. Portanto, além da importância acadêmica, este trabalho poderá ser de grande utilidade para o projeto de edifícios com paredes portantes pré-moldadas. / The construction systems have emerged and improved according to need and demand of works. Recently, the use of precast concrete walls has been explored as an alternative to construct buildings quickly and effectively. Another more recent technology is the lightweight concrete with polystyrene, wherein polystyrene beads replace the coarse aggregate and a part of the fine ones, contributing to reduce the weight of the building, thus decreasing the efforts in the structure and promoting a reduction in the cost of transport and erection of precast elements. This work shows how should be done the design of precast concrete walls using national and international standards. The main objective of the work is to present a computer program developed to facilitate the analysis and design of buildings with precast concrete walls. Moreover, the use of the program is shown to compare the behavior of building made with EPS concrete and ordinary concrete, and to evaluate the influence of vertical joints in the global stiffness. Therefore, besides the academic importance, this work can be useful for the design of buildings with precast loadbearing walls.

Querkraftverstärkung von Bauteilen mit textilbewehrtem Beton / Shear Strengthening of Structural Members with Textile Reinforce Concrete

Brückner, Anett 27 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die Querkrafttragfähigkeit eines Bauteils kann durch verschiedene Maßnahmen gesteigert werden. Zu den weltweit anerkannten Verfahren gehört das oberflächige Aufkleben von Bewehrungen aus Stahl oder Faserverbundkunststoffen. Der textilbewehrte Feinbeton hingegen ist eine noch weitgehend unbekannte Alternative. Es fehlen ebenso systematische Untersuchungen zum Tragverhalten einer solchen Querkraftverstärkung wie geeignete Bemessungsmodelle. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Möglichkeiten einer textilbewehrten Querkraftverstärkung zu analysieren. An Stahlbetonbalken unterschiedlicher Querschnittsgeometrie wurden experimentelle Untersuchungen durchgeführt, die Aufschluss über die Wirkung der Verstärkung sowie typische Versagenszustände geben. Die für die Querkrafttragfähigkeit entscheidenden Verformungen des Steges wurden durch photogrammetrische Messungen erfasst. Der Vergleich der verstärkten und unverstärkten Probekörper verdeutlicht signifikante Unterschiede. Bei den verstärkten Probekörpern ist die Stauchung des gemittelten Hauptdehnungszustandes steiler geneigt als bei den unverstärkten Probekörpern. Die steilere Neigung der Hauptstauchung, aufgrund der aufgebrachten Verstärkung, hat nach der rechnerischen Tragfähigkeit des Fachwerkmodells zur Folge, dass weniger Lasten über die Stahlbügelbewehrung abgetragen werden können. Die so fehlende Tragfähigkeit gegenüber dem unverstärkten Bauteil muss die Verstärkungsschicht zunächst ausgleichen, bevor eine Traglaststeigerung möglich ist. Als zweite wesentliche Wirkung begrenzt die textile Bewehrung die Breite der auftretenden Schubrisse wie anhand der gemessenen Rissbreiten nachgewiesen werden konnte. Die Verstärkung verzögert auftretende Schubrisse und begrenzt deren Breite und Ausdehnung. Ein Versagen der Biegedruckzone durch Schubdruckbruch tritt so erst bei deutlich höheren Lasten ein als es bei unverstärkten Stahlbetonbauteilen der Fall ist. Nach dem herkömmlichen Fachwerkmodell der Stahlbügelbewehrung sind die Stegbewehrungen eines Bauteils in der Biegedruckzone zu verankern. Externe Querkraftverstärkungen können aber nur selten oder mit hohem Aufwand bis zur Höhe der Biegedruckzone geführt werden. Meist behindern anschließende Querschnittsteile die Erreichbarkeit zur Druckzone. Für die experimentellen Untersuchungen wurden die Probekörper mit einer U-förmigen Verstärkung außerhalb der rechnerischen Biegedruckzone versehen. Die geprüften Tragfähigkeiten lagen dennoch deutlich über der Tragfähigkeit der unverstärkten Referenz. Eine Verankerung der Verstärkung am Steg des Bauteils scheint demnach möglich. Das Kräftegleichgewicht einer solchen Verankerung wurde mit einem neu entwickelten Stabwerkmodell nachgewiesen. Die Eignung des Modells zur Berechnung der Tragfähigkeit der Verstärkung wurde durch Nachrechnung der eigenen Versuche geprüft. Zusätzliche konstruktive Maßnahmen zur Verankerung der Verstärkung wurden an separaten Verbundprobekörpern untersucht. Es wurden verschiedene Verankerungsmittel geprüft, die durch Querdruck die Tragfähigkeit der Verbundfuge von Alt- und Feinbeton erhöhen. Die besten Ergebnisse erreichten Verankerungen mit vorgespannten Ankern. Die Steigerung der Verbundtragfähigkeit ist allerdings gering, da die notwendigen Bohrungen für die Anker die wirksame Fläche der textilen Bewehrung schwächen. / Shear resistance of structural members can be increased by different measures. So far only reinforcements from steel or fibre-reinforced plastic pasted on the surface have been acknowledged worldwide. Textile reinforced fine grained concrete, however, is still mostly an unknown option. Systematic research into the load bearing behaviour of this kind of shear strengthening as well as qualified design rules are missing. It is the aim of this thesis to analyse the possibilities of textile reinforced shear strengthening. Experimental investigations on RC beams with different cross sectional geometries provided information about the strengthening effect as well as common failure modes. The web deformations, which are crucial for the shear resistance, were recorded by photogrammetric measurements. A comparison of strengthened and unstrengthened specimen demonstrates significant differences. In case of the strengthened sample, the compressive strain of the averaged principle strain condition has a steeper inclination than in case of the unstrengthened specimen. This steeper inclination ensues from the applied strengthening. According to the calculated load-bearing capacity of the truss model, the steeper inclination results in less loads being removed by the steel stirrup reinforcement. Compared to the unstrengthened structural member, this lack in the load-bearing capacity has to be evened out by the strengthening layer before an increase in the load carrying capacity is possible. Secondly, the textile reinforcement limits the width of the occurring shear cracks. This could be proven by measuring the crack-width. The strengthening delays occurring shear cracks and restricts their widths and extension. Consequently, failure of the flexural compression zone induced by shear cracks only occurs under significantly higher loads than in unstrengthened RC members. In the traditional truss model of the steel stirrup reinforcement, the web reinforcements of a structural member have to be anchored in the flexural compression zone. However, external shear strengthening can be pulled up to the height of the flexural compression zone only rarely or with great effort. Often connected parts of the cross section prevent access to the compression zone. For the purpose of the experimental analysis, the specimens were fit with a U-shaped strengthening layer outside the calculated flexural compression zone. Nevertheless, the measured load-bearing capacities were distinctly higher than the load-bearing capacity of the unstrengthened reference beam. Consequently, anchoring the strengthening at the specimen’s web appears to be possible. The force balance of such an anchorage could be proved with the help of a newly developed strut-and-tie-model. The applicability of the model for calculating the load bearing capacity of the strengthening was checked by recalculating the corresponding test results. Additional structural measures for anchoring the strengthening were tested on separate bond specimens. Furthermore, various anchorage materials which increase the load carrying capacity of the interface between old and fine grained concrete through transverse pressure were tested. The best results could be achieved with pre-stressed anchorages. However, the resulting load-bearing capacity’s increase was only slight because the drill holes required for the anchors reduce the effective area of the textile reinforcement.

Querkraftverstärkung von Bauteilen mit textilbewehrtem Beton / Shear Strengthening of Structural Members with Textile Reinforce Concrete

Brückner, Anett 17 January 2012 (has links)
Die Querkrafttragfähigkeit eines Bauteils kann durch verschiedene Maßnahmen gesteigert werden. Zu den weltweit anerkannten Verfahren gehört das oberflächige Aufkleben von Bewehrungen aus Stahl oder Faserverbundkunststoffen. Der textilbewehrte Feinbeton hingegen ist eine noch weitgehend unbekannte Alternative. Es fehlen ebenso systematische Untersuchungen zum Tragverhalten einer solchen Querkraftverstärkung wie geeignete Bemessungsmodelle. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Möglichkeiten einer textilbewehrten Querkraftverstärkung zu analysieren. An Stahlbetonbalken unterschiedlicher Querschnittsgeometrie wurden experimentelle Untersuchungen durchgeführt, die Aufschluss über die Wirkung der Verstärkung sowie typische Versagenszustände geben. Die für die Querkrafttragfähigkeit entscheidenden Verformungen des Steges wurden durch photogrammetrische Messungen erfasst. Der Vergleich der verstärkten und unverstärkten Probekörper verdeutlicht signifikante Unterschiede. Bei den verstärkten Probekörpern ist die Stauchung des gemittelten Hauptdehnungszustandes steiler geneigt als bei den unverstärkten Probekörpern. Die steilere Neigung der Hauptstauchung, aufgrund der aufgebrachten Verstärkung, hat nach der rechnerischen Tragfähigkeit des Fachwerkmodells zur Folge, dass weniger Lasten über die Stahlbügelbewehrung abgetragen werden können. Die so fehlende Tragfähigkeit gegenüber dem unverstärkten Bauteil muss die Verstärkungsschicht zunächst ausgleichen, bevor eine Traglaststeigerung möglich ist. Als zweite wesentliche Wirkung begrenzt die textile Bewehrung die Breite der auftretenden Schubrisse wie anhand der gemessenen Rissbreiten nachgewiesen werden konnte. Die Verstärkung verzögert auftretende Schubrisse und begrenzt deren Breite und Ausdehnung. Ein Versagen der Biegedruckzone durch Schubdruckbruch tritt so erst bei deutlich höheren Lasten ein als es bei unverstärkten Stahlbetonbauteilen der Fall ist. Nach dem herkömmlichen Fachwerkmodell der Stahlbügelbewehrung sind die Stegbewehrungen eines Bauteils in der Biegedruckzone zu verankern. Externe Querkraftverstärkungen können aber nur selten oder mit hohem Aufwand bis zur Höhe der Biegedruckzone geführt werden. Meist behindern anschließende Querschnittsteile die Erreichbarkeit zur Druckzone. Für die experimentellen Untersuchungen wurden die Probekörper mit einer U-förmigen Verstärkung außerhalb der rechnerischen Biegedruckzone versehen. Die geprüften Tragfähigkeiten lagen dennoch deutlich über der Tragfähigkeit der unverstärkten Referenz. Eine Verankerung der Verstärkung am Steg des Bauteils scheint demnach möglich. Das Kräftegleichgewicht einer solchen Verankerung wurde mit einem neu entwickelten Stabwerkmodell nachgewiesen. Die Eignung des Modells zur Berechnung der Tragfähigkeit der Verstärkung wurde durch Nachrechnung der eigenen Versuche geprüft. Zusätzliche konstruktive Maßnahmen zur Verankerung der Verstärkung wurden an separaten Verbundprobekörpern untersucht. Es wurden verschiedene Verankerungsmittel geprüft, die durch Querdruck die Tragfähigkeit der Verbundfuge von Alt- und Feinbeton erhöhen. Die besten Ergebnisse erreichten Verankerungen mit vorgespannten Ankern. Die Steigerung der Verbundtragfähigkeit ist allerdings gering, da die notwendigen Bohrungen für die Anker die wirksame Fläche der textilen Bewehrung schwächen. / Shear resistance of structural members can be increased by different measures. So far only reinforcements from steel or fibre-reinforced plastic pasted on the surface have been acknowledged worldwide. Textile reinforced fine grained concrete, however, is still mostly an unknown option. Systematic research into the load bearing behaviour of this kind of shear strengthening as well as qualified design rules are missing. It is the aim of this thesis to analyse the possibilities of textile reinforced shear strengthening. Experimental investigations on RC beams with different cross sectional geometries provided information about the strengthening effect as well as common failure modes. The web deformations, which are crucial for the shear resistance, were recorded by photogrammetric measurements. A comparison of strengthened and unstrengthened specimen demonstrates significant differences. In case of the strengthened sample, the compressive strain of the averaged principle strain condition has a steeper inclination than in case of the unstrengthened specimen. This steeper inclination ensues from the applied strengthening. According to the calculated load-bearing capacity of the truss model, the steeper inclination results in less loads being removed by the steel stirrup reinforcement. Compared to the unstrengthened structural member, this lack in the load-bearing capacity has to be evened out by the strengthening layer before an increase in the load carrying capacity is possible. Secondly, the textile reinforcement limits the width of the occurring shear cracks. This could be proven by measuring the crack-width. The strengthening delays occurring shear cracks and restricts their widths and extension. Consequently, failure of the flexural compression zone induced by shear cracks only occurs under significantly higher loads than in unstrengthened RC members. In the traditional truss model of the steel stirrup reinforcement, the web reinforcements of a structural member have to be anchored in the flexural compression zone. However, external shear strengthening can be pulled up to the height of the flexural compression zone only rarely or with great effort. Often connected parts of the cross section prevent access to the compression zone. For the purpose of the experimental analysis, the specimens were fit with a U-shaped strengthening layer outside the calculated flexural compression zone. Nevertheless, the measured load-bearing capacities were distinctly higher than the load-bearing capacity of the unstrengthened reference beam. Consequently, anchoring the strengthening at the specimen’s web appears to be possible. The force balance of such an anchorage could be proved with the help of a newly developed strut-and-tie-model. The applicability of the model for calculating the load bearing capacity of the strengthening was checked by recalculating the corresponding test results. Additional structural measures for anchoring the strengthening were tested on separate bond specimens. Furthermore, various anchorage materials which increase the load carrying capacity of the interface between old and fine grained concrete through transverse pressure were tested. The best results could be achieved with pre-stressed anchorages. However, the resulting load-bearing capacity’s increase was only slight because the drill holes required for the anchors reduce the effective area of the textile reinforcement.

The applicability of recycled waste paper as lightweight building materials

Okeyinka, Oriyomi M. January 2016 (has links)
In this era of increasing standard of living and rapid growth of civil engineering construction, environmental issues pertaining to natural resources depletion, global warming, energy crisis, waste pollution and greenhouse gas emission have been major issues of concern throughout the world and most especially in the construction industry. This research was conducted to investigate the applicability of recycled wastepaper as lightweight building materials with focus on contributing to sustainability in the creation of the built environment. The major aim was to develop an eco-friendly lightweight non-loadbearing block from recycled wastepaper without the use of cement as binder. This study specifically addressed the drawback of low strength development that usually occur with increasing wastepaper content in the existing cement-based-wastepaper blocks. It also indirectly addresses; the environmental impacts associated with the construction industry (including; high consumption of natural resources, greenhouse gas emission, high energy consumption and so on), the environmental pollution resulting from unsustainable waste generation, and the generic drawback of high water absorption that plagues wastepaper-based blocks. To achieve this, research methods including; laboratory experimentation and simulation modelling were employed. The research outcome is an eco-friendly block unit designated as Cement-less Wastepaper-based Lightweight Block (CWLB) which contains 75% waste content and exhibiting properties that satisfy the requirements for application as non-loadbearing lightweight blocks in building construction. CWLB displayed compressive strength that far outweighs those recorded for the existing cement-based wastepaper blocks available in the literature. The properties recorded for the optimal CWLB includes; 2.71 MPa average compressive strength, 901.5 kg/m3 average density, 0.19 W/m.k thermal conductivity, 989.9 m/s ultrasonic pulse velocity, 0.0026 g/m2.S0.5 average coefficient of capillary water absorption and 883.38 MPa estimated elastic modulus. The approximate compressive strength of 2.38 MPa and 1.58 MPa were respectively predicted and recorded for the solid and hollow finite element model samples of CWLB. The impressive satisfactory properties of CWLB for the intended application and its eco-friendliness in terms of natural resources conservation and improved compressive strength suggests that CWLB shall indeed serve as a more sustainable alternative to the reigning/existing cement-based-wastepaper blocks and to the conventional masonry blocks of the same category. Amongst other things, future work will address the validation of the approximate compressive strength predicted for the solid and hollow CWLB insitu samples in order to take further the subject matter.

Critérios para projeto de edifícios com paredes portantes de concreto pré-moldado / Criteria for design of buildings with loadbearing walls of precast concrete

Fabricio da Cruz Tomo 21 March 2013 (has links)
A demanda por construções habitacionais vem crescendo de forma considerável nos últimos anos, devido à boa fase da economia brasileira. A busca por processos construtivos que contribuam para melhor qualidade e eficiência no processo de produção é uma meta que tem sido perseguida por aqueles que militam na construção civil. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em apresentar critérios para projeto de paredes portantes de concreto pré-moldado, como alternativa de sistema construtivo para edifícios. São apresentados conceitos teóricos para distribuição de esforços horizontais e verticais entre as paredes e para dimensionamento dos elementos estruturais desse sistema construtivo (paredes e juntas). O trabalho também considera a análise de um edifício, com o objetivo de avaliar a influência das juntas verticais nos deslocamentos horizontais dos pavimentos, causados pelo vento. É apresentada, ainda, uma comparação entre os resultados de três modelos numéricos, em que cada um considera a junta vertical de forma diferente. Os modelos numéricos foram elaborados no programa SAP2000, admitindo-se uma análise elástica linear, sem considerar a interação solo-estrutura. Por fim são mostrados exemplos para dimensionamento de paredes portantes e de juntas verticais e horizontais. Portanto este trabalho apresenta conceitos teóricos e aplicações de critérios para projeto de estruturas de paredes portantes pré-moldadas, ressaltando a importância de juntas verticais resistentes ao cisalhamento, por conta da contribuição significativa dessas juntas na redução dos deslocamentos horizontais do edifício. / The demand for housing has been growing considerably in recent years due to the good moment of the Brazilian economy. The search for constructive processes that contribute towards better quality and efficiency in a production process is a target that has been pursued by those who militate in civil construction. The purpose of this work is to provide design criteria for loadbearing walls of precast concrete as a construction system alternative for buildings. Theoretical concepts are presented for horizontal and vertical load distribution among the walls and for the structural members design of this construction system (walls and joints). The work also considers the analysis of a building with the aim of evaluating the influence of vertical joints in horizontal displacements of the floors caused by wind. The work also presents a comparison among the results of three numerical models, wherein each one considers the vertical joint differently. The numerical models were developed in SAP2000 software, assuming a linear elastic analysis without considering the soil-structure interaction. Finally examples are shown for design of loadbearing walls and vertical and horizontal joints. Therefore this paper presents theoretical concepts and applications of criteria for the design of loadbearing precast walls structures, emphasizing the importance of vertical joints resistant to shear, due to the significant contribution of these joints in reducing the horizontal displacements of the building.

Desenvolvimento de programa computacional para dimensionamento de paredes portantes pré-moldadas / Development of computer program for design of precast bearing walls

Ricardo Sampaio Romão Filho 27 January 2016 (has links)
Os sistemas construtivos vêm surgindo e evoluindo de acordo com a necessidade e a demanda de obras. Recentemente, a utilização de paredes portantes pré-moldadas vem sendo explorada como alternativa para construir edifícios com rapidez e eficácia. Outra tecnologia mais recente é o Concreto Ultraleve® Estrutural, ou concreto leve com EPS (CLE), em que o agregado graúdo e parte do miúdo são substituídos por pérolas de poliestireno expandido (EPS), contribuindo para reduzir o peso total do edifício, consequentemente diminuindo os esforços na estrutura e promovendo a redução nos custos com transporte e montagem dos elementos pré-moldados. Este trabalho apresenta como deve ser feito o dimensionamento de paredes portantes pré-moldadas, utilizando normas nacionais e internacionais. O principal objetivo do trabalho é apresentar um programa computacional desenvolvido para facilitar a análise e o dimensionamento de edifícios com paredes de concreto pré-moldado. Além disso, mostra-se o uso do programa para comparar o comportamento de edifício constituído por concreto com EPS e por concreto armado comum, e para avaliar a influência das juntas verticais na rigidez global. Portanto, além da importância acadêmica, este trabalho poderá ser de grande utilidade para o projeto de edifícios com paredes portantes pré-moldadas. / The construction systems have emerged and improved according to need and demand of works. Recently, the use of precast concrete walls has been explored as an alternative to construct buildings quickly and effectively. Another more recent technology is the lightweight concrete with polystyrene, wherein polystyrene beads replace the coarse aggregate and a part of the fine ones, contributing to reduce the weight of the building, thus decreasing the efforts in the structure and promoting a reduction in the cost of transport and erection of precast elements. This work shows how should be done the design of precast concrete walls using national and international standards. The main objective of the work is to present a computer program developed to facilitate the analysis and design of buildings with precast concrete walls. Moreover, the use of the program is shown to compare the behavior of building made with EPS concrete and ordinary concrete, and to evaluate the influence of vertical joints in the global stiffness. Therefore, besides the academic importance, this work can be useful for the design of buildings with precast loadbearing walls.

Análise de confiabilidade de estruturas com paredes portantes de concreto pré-moldado / Reliability analysis of structures with precast concrete loadbearing walls

Érico Souza Brito Cordeiro 22 March 2016 (has links)
O método construtivo com painéis portantes de concreto é economicamente viável, porém relativamente novo no cenário nacional, sobretudo no caso dos pré-moldados. As incertezas referentes às peculiaridades desse método, bem como a nova norma brasileira de painéis pré-moldados, ainda em elaboração, vem a motivar uma análise probabilística dos critérios de projeto disponíveis. Utilizando-se a técnica da confiabilidade estrutural, é possível propagar as incertezas referentes às variáveis a uma resposta final no índice de confiabilidade, sendo um cálculo totalmente probabilístico. Neste trabalho, emprega-se tal técnica com informações estatísticas referentes a lajes de concreto moldadas in loco para verificar, de maneira mais verossímil, a segurança dos critérios de projeto impostos pelo Precast Concrete Institute Design Handbook - Precast and Prestressed Concrete - 7th Edition (2010) às fases transitórias (desforma, transporte e içamento) e pela Norma Brasileira ABNT NBR 6118: 2014 - Projeto de estruturas de concreto, à fase em uso. Prossegue-se a uma análise crítica dos resultados bem como sugestões para diminuir a variação dos resultados, sobretudo pela calibração de novos coeficientes parciais de segurança, processo para o qual este trabalho pode servir de base. / The shear wall building method is economicaly viable, but relatively new in the brazillian scene, that is specially true for precast members. The uncertainty pertaining this method, and the new brazillian design code for precast shear walls, still in development, serve as motivation for a probabilistic analysis of available project criteria. Using the structural reliability technique, it is possible to forward the variables uncertainties to a final answer in the form of the reliability index, being that this method is entirely probabilistic. In this study, this technique is used with statistical data pertaining cast-in-place concrete slabs to ascertain, with a higher degree of verisimilitude, the safety of the design criteria imposed by the Precast Concrete Institute Handbook - Precast and Prestressed Concrete - 7th Edition (2010) to the temporary states (stripping, transit and lifting) and by the Brazillian Code ABNT NBR 6118: 2014 - Concrete structures design, to the working state. The study then proceeds to a critical analysis of the results and to suggestions to reduce their variability, specially through calibration of new partial safety factors, a procedure to which this study might serve as a basis.

Diretrizes para o projeto de alvenarias de vedação. / Guidelines to non loadbearing masonry design.

Silva, Margarete Maria de Araújo 05 February 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho é resultado das investigações sobre as práticas de projetar e de construir predominantes no cenário atual da construção civil brasileira e discute as perspectivas de evolução tecnológica do setor, através da racionalização do processo construtivo tradicional de edifícios. A partir do resgate e sistematização das informações acerca da evolução tecnológica das alvenarias de vedação, propõe a adoção de projetos voltados à sua produção racionalizada como estratégia para a otimização dos recursos materiais, humanos e energéticos investidos, além da minimização dos impactos ambientais negativos decorrentes das atividades produtivas da construção civil. Além de propor as diretrizes para o projeto de alvenarias de vedação, sugere a composição de um “banco de tecnologia construtiva" visando a sistematização e divulgação, para o meio técnico, de alternativas construtivas que contribuam para o aprimoramento do conteúdo dos projetos e ampliação de seu potencial como instrumento regulador da qualidade final do edifício. / This work is the result of the investigation on the most usual practices of architectural project and building techniques in the present scene of Brazilian civil construction. It discusses the perspectives of technological evolution for the sector, through the rationalization of traditional building processes. From rescuing and systematizing information concerned to technological evolution of non structural walls, it discusses the adoption of projects directed to its rationalized production as a strategy towards the optimization of material, human and energy resources invested, as well as the diminution of the negative environmental impacts resultant from productive activities of civil construction. Besides proposing guidelines for the project of non structural walls, it suggests creation of a "constructive technology database" aiming at the systematization and popularization, among technical practitioners, of constructive alternatives that would contribute for the qualitative improvement of projects as well as the magnifying of its potential as a regulating instrument of the final quality of the building.

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