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Tvorba logistické koncepce ve vybrané firmě / Creation of Logistic Concept in the Selected CompanyKrejčí, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis on the topic "Creating a Logistics Concept in a Selected Company" analyzes the logistics system of the company in terms of material and information flows in the production. The theoretical part explains the individual concepts of logistics. The analysis of the current situation of a selected company describes the current order processing, activities that affect order processing and how these activities contribute to the order realization. There are solution proposals in the field of information and material flows as a part of this thesis. These proposals contribute to streamline the course of the order management by the company.
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Srovnání heuristických a konvenčních statistických metod v data miningu / Comparison of Heuristic and Conventional Statistical Methods in Data MiningBitara, Matúš January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the comparison of conventional and heuristic methods in data mining used for binary classification. In the theoretical part, four different models are described. Model classification is demonstrated on simple examples. In the practical part, models are compared on real data. This part also consists of data cleaning, outliers removal, two different transformations and dimension reduction. In the last part methods used to quality testing of models are described.
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Odhalení klíčových faktorů vzniku neshodných kusů v sériové výrobě / Detection of key factors of non-standard pieces in series productionBeňo, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with the issue of statistical quality control of a specific production process. The thesis presents a range of statistical tools that can be used to identify the factors causing a high proportion of non-standard pieces. The diploma thesis practically introduces the application of these quality management tools to the production process characterized by an increased proportion of non-standard pieces, in which the factors causing their occurrence are unknown, and as following the thesis in detail introduces the approach how to detect these factors. The last part of the work summarizes the recommendations handed over to the company in order to verify the conclusions of the thesis.
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Optimalizace vedení logistiky skladového hospodářství ve velké firmě / Logistic process leadership optimization in big enterprisePřichystal, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with logistics and resources monitoring area, which is inseparable part of every production oriented economic activity. It uses electronic monitoring systems for more effective dealing with stock records in a production company that has many stores. The monitoring utilizes modern technologies, that are burgeoning and finding its use in all branches of market.
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Návrh logistické strategie v rámci obchodních řetězců / The Study of logistics Strategy in business ChainFajkus, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Master´s thesis analyzes logistic services in business chain, describes theoretical accesses to services optimalization and propose services problem solving, concretely goods distribution.
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Studie logistiky opatřování s vazbami na produkční procesy / The Study of Purchasing with the Linkage to Production ProcessesBambušek, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The subjekt of the diploma thesis „The Study of Purchasing with the linkage to Production Processes“ is to analyze actual situation of the purchasing logistics processes with the linkage to effective suplier-concumer relationships. In the theoretical part there will be an introduction of our chosen company Robe show lighting s.r.o. and its business focus. We will explain general principles and methods of purchasing logistics. The practical part contains an analysis of actual situation of logistics processes of the company, such as ordering, purchasing, stock management, transportation and storage. Based on this analysis we will suggest several improvements to achieve uninterrupted production process with optimum costs.
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Tvorba logistické koncepce ve velkoobchodní organizaci / The Creating Logistics Concepts in Wholesale OrganizationJarošová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the creation of logistics conception in whole sale organization. This thesis is consist of ananalysis of the current business oganization state due to suppliers, customers, matherial and informatik flows in organization. Theoretical part is focused to the explenation off undamentalic terms and characteristics of givenissue. The practical part presents a valuation of currentstate of wholesale and also includes a sugestions for apropriate management logistics solutions in regard of it´s current level.
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Tvorba logistické koncepce ve vybrané firmě / Creating Logistics Concepts in the Selected CompanyKoc, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on creating logistic concept of medical transport service of Hospital Znojmo. It contains theoretical part, which describes logistics, it analyses current business situation and there are presented changes to optimalize medical transport service.
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Studie logistiky opatřování se zaměřením na technologii skladování / Study Logistics Procurement Focusing on Storage TechnologyKoudelková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The diplom thesis is focused on storage process of component in production company, which is engaged on production of products for automotive and railway industry. There is made analysis of current status of storage process in thesis. And also based on theoretical knowledges there are proposed solution that help to remove identified weaknesses.
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Návrh a nastavení standardů materiálového toku pro vybrané komponenty z 3 produktových skupin ve firmě Edwards a následné vyhodnocení / Proposal and set up of material flow standards for selected components from 3 product groups in the Edwards company and their subsequent analysisZapletal, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with setting standards of material flow and its optimization according to the principles of lean production at Edwards Ltd. The first part is devoted to theoretical introduction to the problems of logistics and lean manufacturing with a brief description of their tools. Then, it is made introduction of company Edwards and analyse of current state of the material flow. In the last part of the thesis it is proposed steps, which should lead to efficiency and standardization of material flow.
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