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Aplikace modelů diskrétní volby / The Application of the Discrete Choice ModelsČejková, Tereza January 2008 (has links)
This thesis treats with the theory, interpretation and application of the Discrete Choice Models. The theoretical part contains the Fitting the Logistic Regression Model, Testing for the Significance of the Coefficients, Testing for the Significance of the Model. The Multiple Logistic Regression is mentioned too. The model was applied to interview data from the International research called Reflex.
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Procesorová výroba v rámci logistickeho řetězce firmy / Processing production in firm logisticAltmanová, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
The paper describes how logistic influence process in the firm, also there is a comparation with other firms in automobile section. And second part describes a case study of job scheduling in a mechanical-engineering production, the goal is to minimise the overall processing time. The production jobs are processed by machines. This problem is treated as a hybrid five-stage flow-shop. In other words, the job-processing job consists of maximum five tasks, it depends on product, because there is 12 products, each has own production flow. It is a new type of flow-shop in which the first-stage scheduling depends upon the time scheduling of the second stage, and so on. A mathematical model and a heuristic method is formulated, The problem is the NP hardness. The case study is solved with the heuristic method and the solution achieved represents a 10% reduction of the processing time for the given set of jobs.
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Analýza logistiky vratných a nevratných obalů / Analysis of logistics of returnable and non-returnable packagingSýba, Václav January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with analysis of the packaging system of a company with focus on beverages industry. Retrunable and non-returnable packaging is a frequently discussed topic at present, especially in connection with beverages industry -- this work reflects a new phenomenon of beer being bottled into PET bottles and glass returnable bottles, which are not interchangeable among breweries any more. First part presents theoretical background for analysis of logistic costs; there are identified packaging functions, basic materials and legislation. Second part inspects logistic costs with focus on transportation, warehousing, packaging and reverse logistics costs.
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Scoring Models in Finance / Scoring Models in Finance (Skóringové modely ve financích)Rychnovský, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the present work is to describe the application of the logistic regression model to the field of probability of default modeling, and provide a brief introduction to the scoring development process used in financial practice. We start by introducing the theoretical background of the logistic regression model; followed by a consequent derivation of three most common scoring models. Then we present a formal definition of the Gini coefficient as a diversification power measure and derive the Somers-type formulas for its estimation. Finally, the key part of this work gives an overview of the whole scoring development process illustrated on the examples of real business data.
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Modlování vývoje výše škodních událostí / Modeling development of incurred value of claimKantorová, Petra January 2010 (has links)
This diploma project is focused on the estimation of incurred value of claim and probability of the claim remaining opened (not settled) in the specific stage of the insurance settlement process. The change of incurred value of claim means the change of settlement process stage. Generalized linear model is used for modelling these changes. Classical linear regression model also belongs into this theory, which is its special case, just with stricter premises. Generalized linear model among others allows solving the problem of heteroscedasticity in the unusual way using joint model. This model is applied in the practical part of this piece of work. Logistic regression is the part of the generalized linear model theory, which helps to model the probability of the claim remaining opened in this piece of work. The model outcome is presented in graphic way, especially the graphs containing probability that levels of given claim will occur in certain range.
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Effektivisering av godsflöden i icke-tillverkande verksamheter : En fallstudie på DB SchenkerKowalski, Bent, Jäderén, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how an efficient freight flow and a surface utilization of a warehouse layout can be achieved in non-manufacturing third party logistics companies. In addition to that the aim is to provide an analysis of how logistics costs are affected by existing wastes. Based on this three research questions have been formulated: 1. What factors are decisive for how efficient a freight flow can be in a nonmanufacturing business? 2. How can the layout of a terminal be streamlined based on prioritizations of freight? 3. What logistics costs arise in a non-manufacturing business and how can these be linked to specific processes and activities? Methodology: In order to answer the study´s research questions and fulfill the purpose a case study and a literature review were used as the method. Identification of waste, layout prioritization and logistics costs are the investigated areas in the literature review. The case study was conducted at a company where interviews, observations and data collection have taken place in order to answer the research questions and provide a clear picture of the problem area. The collected data is subsequently analyzed against the processed theory in the selected areas. Findings: By applying the processed theory several wastes have been identified which underpin potential improvements. Among others the layout prioritization and the retrieval process of the case company have been identified as wastes and focused on in this study. The layout prioritizations have resulted in two restructured layout proposals in which the case company´s delivery destinations were relocated based on factors such as physical proximity and zone division. Through the proposal the efficiency of the internal freight flow of the case company can be increased and thereby cost and complexity be reduced. The retrieval process has been analyzed with the aim to identify all the affected activities and processes. By doing this each activity can be linked to the arising logistics cost. The result of this part of the study is an established calculation of the cost generated by the retrieval process. Recommendations: For further studies in the selected area, an extended analysis of the entire freight flow from vendor to end customer is recommended to provide a deeper understanding of the entire work process. Also further studies in the logistics costs area in a non-manufacturing business is recommended. / Syfte: Studiens syfte är att studera hur ett effektivt godsflöde och ett ökat ytutnyttjande av lagerlayouten i en icke-producerande tredjepartslogistiks verksamhet kan uppnås. Dessutom är målet att ge en analys av hur logistikkostnader påverkas av slöseri. Baserad på detta har tre forskningsfrågor formulerats: 1. Vilka faktorer är avgörande för hur effektivt ett godsflöde i en icke-tillverkande verksamhet kan vara? 2. Hur kan layouten i en terminal effektiviseras baserat på prioritering av gods? 3. Vilka logistikkostnader uppstår i en icke-tillverkande verksamhet och hur kan dessa kopplas till specifika processer och aktiviteter? Metod och genomförande: För att kunna besvara studiens forskningsfrågor och uppfylla studiens syfte användes en fallstudie och en litteraturstudie som metod. Till litteraturstudien har teori inom områdena identifiering av slöseri, layoutprioriteringar och logistikkostnader studerats. En fallstudie hos ett fallföretag genomfördes där intervjuer, observationer och insamling av data har skett för att kunna besvara studiens forskningsfrågor och ge en tydlig bild av problemområdet. Den insamlade datan analyseras senare mot vad den befintliga teorin säger inom området. Studiens resultat: Genom tillämpning av den behandlade teorin har slöseri kunnat identifieras vilket ligger till grund för potentiella förbättringar. Bland annat har layoutprioriteringen och återtagsprocessen hos fallföretaget identifierats som slöseri och fokuserats på i studien. Layoutprioritering har resulterat i ett framtagande av förbättringsförslag där fallföretagets leveransdestinationer omsorterats baserad på faktorer som fysisk närhet och zonindelning. Genom förslagen kan effektiviteten av det interna godsflödet på fallföretags terminal ökas och därmed kostnader och komplexitet minskas. Återtagsprocessen har analyserats med mål att identifiera alla aktiviteter och processer som inverkar. Detta med mål att kunna analysera varje aktivitet och sedan kunna göra en koppling till kostnaderna som uppstår. Genom detta har en beräkning av logistikkostnaderna för återtagsprocessen etablerats i studien. Rekommendationer: För vidare studier inom det valda området rekommenderas en utvidgad analys av hela godsflödet från försäljare till slutkunden för att ge en ännu djupare förståelse av arbetsprocesserna. Även en fördjupning av de logistikkostnader bundna till en icke- tillverkande verksamhet rekommenderas som ett område att studera vidare.
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Mass media’s influence on attitudestowards the EU : Do people with different levels of news consumption differ in theirattitude towards the EU?Larsson, Madeleine January 2017 (has links)
The news media is an important institution for all democracies. It helps the citizens to keep informed and be able to take part of the public debate, but in recent years the gap between the active and the inactive news consumer has increased. Does it make any difference? In order to contribute to the field, this research paper is to make a quantitative analysis to look at whether people with a high consumption of news from the Swedish mass media differ in their attitude towards the EU. As an ordered logistic regression was not applicable when analyzing the categorical dependent variable, that are measuring attitudes towards the EU, three binary logistic regressions was instead used. The results show that individuals with a high consumption of news from the Swedish mass media have higher odds of having an opinion of a positive attitude toward the EU. The data used are however self provided and voluntary survey data,which contain various biases. The fact that it is only observed and not experimental data makes it impossible to estimate a causal effect, which instead is up to future research.
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Vývoj kredit skóringových modelov s využitím vybraných štatistických metód v R / Building credit scoring models using selected statistical methods in RJánoš, Andrej January 2016 (has links)
Credit scoring is important and rapidly developing discipline. The aim of this thesis is to describe basic methods used for building and interpretation of the credit scoring models with an example of application of these methods for designing such models using statistical software R. This thesis is organized into five chapters. In chapter one, the term of credit scoring is explained with main examples of its application and motivation for studying this topic. In the next chapters, three in financial practice most often used methods for building credit scoring models are introduced. In chapter two, the most developed one, logistic regression is discussed. The main emphasis is put on the logistic regression model, which is characterized from a mathematical point of view and also various ways to assess the quality of the model are presented. The other two methods presented in this thesis are decision trees and Random forests, these methods are covered by chapters three and four. An important part of this thesis is a detailed application of the described models to a specific data set Default using the R program. The final fifth chapter is a practical demonstration of building credit scoring models, their diagnostics and subsequent evaluation of their applicability in practice using R. The appendices include used R code and also functions developed for testing of the final model and code used through the thesis. The key aspect of the work is to provide enough theoretical knowledge and practical skills for a reader to fully understand the mentioned models and to be able to apply them in practice.
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Determinanty vzniku pojistné události: případ povinného ručení / Determinants of claim occurrence: case of Motor Third Party Liability insuranceNovotný, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
In this paper the hypotheses related to individual variables used for segmentation of Motor Third Party Liability (MTPL) insurance by Czech insurance companies are tested. Summary of papers focused on this topic and development of insurance market segmentation in European Union are presented in the first part of this thesis. The first part of this paper is extended by the analysis of actual MTPL segmentation in Czech Republic. The estimation of marginal effects of exogenous variables on probability of occurrence a claim is described in empirical part. For the estimation of parameters I use the logistic regression. Specific models for small and large claims are created. The most significant variables positively correlated with probability of occurrence a claim are engine capacity, young age and region Prague. The most significant variables negatively correlated with probability of occurrence a claim are historical car, old age, number of months without any claim and region South Moravia. My results are compared to the results of other papers.
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Zkoumání závislosti materiální deprivace domácností ČR na vybraných faktorech / The analysis of dependence of the material deprivation of the households in the Czech Republic on the selected indicatorsCafourková, Magdalena January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the material deprivation of the households with regard to the selected indicators, i.e. the costs that the household spends on housing, a region where the household is located, the number of the members and the dependent children in the household, age and sex of a head of the household, and economic activity and education level of the members of the household. The thesis aims not only to prove the dependence among the selected indicators but also to quantify this dependence by using the odds ratio. The individual effect of all variables was proven except of the one related to the number of the dependent children. It was also demonstrated that the factors constituting a threat for the households by a material deprivation rate vary by the different age groups. However, it can be concluded that across all the age groups, the material deprivation rate is determined by the sex of a head of the household, education level of the members of the household, and the costs that the household spends on housing.
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