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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Význam psychospirituální péče v období sénia. Speciálně pedagogické impulsy pro rozvoj seniorů / Significance of Psycho-spiritual Care in the Old Age PeriodStimulating the Development of the Elderly in the Field of Special Needs Education

Jičínská, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Disertační práce se zabývá problematikou seniorského věku a snaží se poukázat na některé základní přístupy v souvislosti s porozuměním této velmi heterogenní a diverzifikované skupině, těžiště přitom klade do vzájemného vyváženého poměru speciálně pedagogických přístupů a teologicko-pastorální impulsů. Toto spojení však vyžaduje hledání společného dialogu mezi vědami a umožňuje tak najít kvalitní základnu pro porozumění seniorům v jejich integrovaném životním příběhu a zasadit se tak o kvalitní, ale i efektivní péči navazující na poznatky humanitních, medicínských i společenských věd. Zvolená metoda vyžaduje multidisciplinární přístup a vzdělání, které přesahuje hranice vymezení oborů. Práce využívá jako zdroj kvalitativní výzkum, který byl zaměřen na širokou oblast kvality života seniorů a zohledňoval též spirituální otázky. Vzhledem k volbě metody je daný text ukotven ve výpovědích klientů, čímž získává pestrost, autenticitu a praktické ukázky příběhů, zkušeností a otázek. Práce je členěna do pěti kapitol, které postupně kopírují jednotlivé tematické oblasti. Vychází z teoretických a praktických přístupů, přičemž vše propojuje s poznatky získaný během terénního výzkumu. Zohledňuje filozofický, teologický, axiologický, speciálně pedagogický a etický pohled na danou problematiku a hledá srozumitelné...

Syndrom vyhoření u profesionálů ve zdravotnictví. / Burnout syndrome in Health Care Professionals.

Riethof, Norbert January 2019 (has links)
N. Riethof - Burnout syndrome in Health Care Professionals ABSTRACT Burnout syndrome is a state of total exhaustion related to work condi- tions and prolonged stress. While initial phases of burnout resemble stress symptoms, final phases of burnout are characterized by feelings of hopelessness, loss of meaning and desperation that have similar qual- ities as depression as well as existential vacuum described by Frankl in his logotherapy. In addition, the burnout syndrome involves stages in which people detach from their emotions and feelings as a defense mechanism against stress and have decreased ability to experience their own feelings and emotional states. Burnout usually begins with feelings of enthusiasm and idealized visualizations and it is in contrast with sub- sequent disillusionment, disappointment experienced later. After decades of burnout research, there is still a need for better def- inition of this condition including more precise diagnostic criteria and internationally recognized measurement tools, especially within health care system where the risks of unrecognized and untreated burnout are high. This study is focused on examination of potential causes of burn- out and relationships of burnout symptoms with certain personality traits, defense mechanisms and coping reactions including...

Úzkost z pohledu vybraných existenciálních autorů / Anxiety from the perspective of the selected existentialist authors

Sauerová, Kristina January 2014 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is the subjective experience of anxiety. The author has attempted to secede from the strictly psychological level, therefore there are authors dealing with the overlap of human existence included. As a result, the thesis is also a partly philosophical view of anxiety. However, given the focus of the author, the greater part of the work is based on the psychological view. In the practical part, the hypothesis that the consciousness of the meaning of life has a certain influence on the experience of anxiety was confirmed. However, this effect is not as large and as clear as Frankl describes in his work.

Naplňování životních a profesních hodnot v sociálně-pedagogické práci / Meeting the life and career values in social-pedagogical work

Lindová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
Meeting the life and career values in social-pedagogical work Abstract: My thesis deals with the possibilities of finding and implementing the values of social pedagogue in the context of his profession and even in the context of the personal life. Its objective is based on an analysis of scientific literature, reflecting own experience and on the qualitative research, to show where and how the helping professionals can find their personal and professional values and how they manage to fulfill them. For these reasons I decided to make a research that would support the content of the theoretical part and was able to bring life caring professionals through finding their innermost attitudes - values, motivations and motives - which are private but in the end affect the quality of their work. Through analysis of the results of semi-structured interviews conducted with social pedagogues it was found that personal values of employees in many ways penetrate into the professional values, the main motivation to pursue social pedagogical work lies in th need of transcendence and that the benefits of this mission in many ways exceeds it caused losses. Key words: Profession of the social pedagogue, client of social pedagogical work, helping professions, professional and personal values, search for meaning, logotherapy,...

Dílo Viktora Emila Frankla jako východisko pro reflexi vybraných etických pojmů v sociální práci / Viktor Emil Frankl's work as a starting point for reflection on selected ethical concepts in social work

MOŠTKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The work deals with the selected ethical concepts of social work, such as human and person, freedom, conscience, values, suffering and death. These concepts are thoughtful and their understanding is deepened on the basis of the texts of Viktor Emil Frankl. In the work the personality of V. E. Frankl is presented, his method of logotherapy and existential analysis, further are presented the fields of ethics and social work. The selected concepts are introduced as they are introduced in the work of V. E. Frankl and in the works of representatives of existential philosophy whose approaches Frankl used. There is also evaluated the relevance of these concepts for ethics of social work on the basis of monographs and on the basis of the academic articles of the authors dealing with ethics in social work.The work pointed out the potential benefits of logotherapy and existential analysis of ethics of social work during the application of Frankl's psychotherapeutic methods into the fields of social work.

Průnik logoterapie a existenciální analýzy do sociální práce s předluženými klienty / The logical breakthrough of logotherapy and existential analysis into social work with over-indebted clients

ČECHOVÁ, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
This work deals with the topic how to help the over-indebted clients. The theoretical part describes the term over-indebtedness, its forms and the ways of help provided to the people with such problems. The closer interest is put on how these people can be helped by social work, which methods are suitable and relevant to this type of work and how these methods are defined in specialized literature and corresponding legislation. The practical part of this work focuses on the form of help to these people within a specific organization that provides social services and works for the over-indebted clients. Using some case studies the work describes some particular cases and methods of work which were applied. Concerning the methods of work with these clients, the thesis describes the elements of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis which are used by social workers while working with their clients. Further on, the thesis describes the social workers' attitudes, their experiences with their clients and points out some existential questions they deal with, especially from the perspective of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis.

Člověk, smysl a volný čas / The Man, the Sense and the Free-time

HRUDKOVÁ, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is based on the theoretical research using scientific texts. Method of reasoning (deduction) were compared ideas of the individual authors who deal with description of contemporary (postmodern ) society, exploring the question of the sense of life and represent a difficult life events that can cause the threat or loss. The work is divided into three chapters, each of which contains sub -chapters. The first part refers to a person in postmodern society. There is a characterization of contemporary society, the challenges of the new era, gain new requirements on the man and related problems. The second chapter is building on the issues of the first chapter. Some fragments which describe the particular challenges of life events and their impact on the man, the sense of living in certain periods of life. There were used mainly idea sof psychotherapists who are dedicated to working with people in a state of crisis. Following the previous chapters, the last part of the thesis deals with the question of the free time, defining the category of the free-time and pointing out its importance for contemporary man. Emphasis was placed on the free-time pedagogy using appropriate free-time activities as a tool for finding richer and more meaningful human life in certain difficult life events that brings the requirement of a new era. Last but not least, there was to explain the context of the free-time and religion.

Smysluplnost života ve stáří / The meaningfulness of life in the elderly

Ondrušová, Jiřina January 2012 (has links)
The submitted thesis deals with the issue of the meaning in life in the elderly. The meaningfulness of life, which was as a deep human need listed among the evaluated items in the WHOQOL assessments, is considered to be an important salutogenic factor. The thesis briefly introduces logotherapy, a method focused on the revelation and renewal of the meaning in life and the orientation towards values. It also mentions the possibilities of logotherapeutic approach in the communication with seniors being in a difficult life situation. The theoretical part specifies the fundamental terms regarding the ageing, the elderly, the demographic evolution of the contemporary society, health and psychosocial aspects of ageing and the seniors' needs. Further, this part summarizes the theoretical knowledge about the issue of quality of life and its meaning, the methods of their examination and the results of research. The last chapter of the theoretical part summarizes the existing knowledge regarding the depression in the elderly. The course of the research is described in the empirical part of the thesis. The aim of the research was to find out to what extent the seniors over 75 years of age in the Czech Republic live their lives as meaningful, to compare the measure of meaningfulness of life of older and younger...

Smysluplnost života ve stáří / The meaningfulness of life in the elderly

Ondrušová, Jiřina January 2012 (has links)
The submitted thesis deals with the issue of the meaning in life in the elderly. The meaningfulness of life, which was as a deep human need listed among the evaluated items in the WHOQOL assessments, is considered to be an important salutogenic factor. The thesis briefly introduces logotherapy, a method focused on the revelation and renewal of the meaning in life and the orientation towards values. It also mentions the possibilities of logotherapeutic approach in the communication with seniors being in a difficult life situation. The theoretical part specifies the fundamental terms regarding the ageing, the elderly, the demographic evolution of the contemporary society, health and psychosocial aspects of ageing and the seniors' needs. Further, this part summarizes the theoretical knowledge about the issue of quality of life and its meaning, the methods of their examination and the results of research. The last chapter of the theoretical part summarizes the existing knowledge regarding the depression in the elderly. The course of the research is described in the empirical part of the thesis. The aim of the research was to find out to what extent the seniors over 75 years of age in the Czech Republic live their lives as meaningful, to compare the measure of meaningfulness of life of older and younger...

Psychologicko-etické aspekty posledních věcí člověka / Psychological and ethical aspects of the last things of man

KÜMMELOVÁ, Magda January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the very last issues of a person from the psychologically-ethical view, however it doesn't neglect the social view. With the topic is worked also in a context of selected current ethical systems, mainly deontologism and utilitarianism, also regarding the topic of the thesis, the topic of bioethics is discussed as well. Regarding the field of psychology, the thesis elaborates more in detail on the existential psychotherapy, actually also on the logotherapy, which was shaped by an Austrian psychologist Viktor E. Frankl. There is also included the problematics of burial, the possibilities of giving a last farewell, also in a religious and an ethnical point of view. The key part of the thesis deals mainly with a needed psychosocial care for the terminally ill, the dying and also their close ones, in the times of pre finem, in finem and post finem by the prospective death of adults, it deals also with the influence of this care on the experiencing of the final period of life of the dying, and the following grieving of the survivors. In the thesis is also shortly mentioned the topic of palliative and hospice care. The thesis also follows the evaluation of the influence of the last farewell on the process of the survivors' grieving. The inspiration for writing the thesis were apart from professional literature and other professional sources also to a bigger extent the many years of work experience of the author, thanks to which is the work supplemented with many own cases.

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