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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Retroviral long Terminal Repeats; Structure, Detection and Phylogeny

Benachenhou, Farid January 2010 (has links)
Long terminal repeats (LTRs) are non-coding repeats flanking the protein-coding genes of LTR retrotransposons. The variability of LTRs poses a challenge in studying them. Hidden Markov models (HMMs), probabilistic models widely used in pattern recognition, are useful in dealing with this variability. The aim of this work was mainly to study LTRs of retroviruses and LTR retrotransposons using HMMs. Paper I describes the methodology of HMM modelling applied to different groups of LTRs from exogenous retroviruses (XRVs) and endogenous retroviruses (ERVs). The detection capabilities of HMMs were assessed and were found to be high for homogeneous groups of LTRs. The alignments generated by the HMMs displayed conserved motifs some of which could be related to known functions of XRVs. The common features of the different groups of retroviral LTRs were investigated by combining them into a single alignment. They were the short inverted terminal repeats TG and CA and three AT-rich stretches which provide retroviruses with TATA boxes and AATAAA polyadenylation signals. In Paper II, phylogenetic trees of three groups of retroviral LTRs were constructed by using HMM-based alignments. The LTR trees were consistent with trees based on other retroviral genes suggesting co-evolution between LTRs and these genes. In Paper III, the methods in Paper I and II were extended to LTRs from other retrotransposon groups, covering much of the diversity of all known LTRs. For the first time an LTR phylogeny could be achieved. There were no major disagreement between the LTR tree and trees based on three different domains of the Pol gene. The conserved LTR structure of paper I was found to apply to all LTRs. Putative Integrase recognition motifs extended up to 12 bp beyond the short inverted repeats TG/CA. Paper IV is a review article describing the use of sequence similarity and structural markers for the taxonomy of ERVs. ERVs were originally classified into three classes according to the length of the target site duplication. While this classification is useful it does not include all ERVs. A naming convention based on previous ERV and XRV nomenclature but taking into account newer information is advocated in order to provide a practical yet coherent scheme in dealing with new unclassified ERV sequences. Paper V gives an overview of bioinformatics tools for studies of ERVs and of retroviral evolution before and after endogenization. It gives some examples of recent integrations in vertebrate genomes and discusses pathogenicity of human ERVs including their possible relation to cancers. In conclusion, HMMs were able to successfully detect and align LTRs. Progress was made in understanding their conserved structure and phylogeny. The methods developed in this thesis could be applied to different kinds of non-coding DNA sequence element.

Predikce transpozonů v DNA / Prediction of Transposons in DNA

Černohub, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Cílem práce je seznámení se s problematikou uchovávání informace v DNA, provést rešerši na téma transpozony, bioinformatické nástroje a algoritmy, které jsou používány k jejich detekci v nasekvenovaných genomech a vytvořit tak stručný úvod do obsáhle problematiky, včetně jejího zasazení do kontextu současně probíhajícího výzkumu v dané oblasti. Na základě přehledu stávajících algoritmů a nástrojů pro detekci transpozonů je navržen a implementován nástroj pro hledání tzv. LTR transpozonů.

Dysregulated trophoblast-specific gene expression mediated by retroviral regulatory sequences contributes to preeclampsia (PE)

Anwar, Rabia 11 March 2021 (has links)
Präeklampsie (PE) ist eine Komplikation, die während der Schwangerschaft auftritt, fast 2-8% aller Schwangerschaften betrifft und human spezifisch ist. PE ist eine der Hauptursachen für den Tod von Mutter und Kind. Eine abnormale Plazentaentwicklung aufgrund einer verminderten Trophoblasteninvasion und einem gestörten Umbau der Spiralarterien trägt zur Pathogenese der PE bei. Klinisch wird die PE durch Bluthochdruck und Proteinurie, auftretendnach der 20. Schwangerschaftswoche, diagnostiziert und kann durch eine Funktionsstörung von Organen begleitet werden. Bei besonders schweren Verläufen ist die frühzeitige Endbindung die letzte Möglichkeit das Überleben der Mutter zu gewährleisten. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, weitere Gene zu identifizieren, die durch ERVs in der menschlichen Plazenta spezifisch reguliert werden und in PE dysreguliert sind. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurde das Transkriptom von primären menschlichen Trophoblastenzellen von 5 gesunden und 5 früh einsetzenden PE-Plazenten mittels RNA-Sequenzierung analysiert. Es wurden 335 Gene identifiziert, welche eine höhere Expression in den Trophoblastenzellen im Vergleich zu anderen Geweben aufwiesen. Zusätzlich zeigten einige der Gene (n=88) eine Co-Regulation der Expression durch retrovirale LTRs (10-kb 5‘ des transcription start side (TSS) des Gens). Hauptinteresse lag hierbei auf den Genen, welche ebenfalls eine Dysregulation in der PE aufwiesen (n = 16). Diese Studie identifizierte EPS8L1, das durch primaten-spezifisches ERV-LTR (MLT1G1) in Trophoblastenzellen reguliert wird, als einen wichtigen Faktor in der Entwicklung der menschlichen Plazenta. EPS8L1 ist in der PE Plazenta dysreguliert und involviert in mehrere Signalwege und die Funktionalität von Trophoblasten wie Invasion, Angiogenese und Redoxhomöostase. Hierdurch führt diese Arbeit zu einem besseren Verständnis der PE und deren human-spezifischer Natur. / Preeclampsia (PE) is a complication that occurs during pregnancy and affects almost 2-8% of all pregnancies and is often regarded as a human-specific disorder.1,2 PE is one of the major causes of maternal and fetal death.1 Failure of the trophoblast cells to invade into the maternal decidua results in the improper remodeling of spiral arteries leading to PE pathogenesis. Clinically, it is diagnosed as a maternal syndrome, diagnosed by the new-onset of hypertension and proteinuria or other end-organ dysfunction after the 20th week of pregnancy. So far, the only effective treatment of the disorder is the removal of the placenta tissue and delivery of the infant. The aim of this study is to identify additional genes that are regulated by the human ERV-LTRs in the human placenta specifically, and are dysregulated in PE. To achieve this aim, the transcriptome of primary human trophoblast cells of 5 healthy and 5 early-onset PE placentas were analyzed by RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). RNA-seq analysis identified genes (n=335) with stronger expression in the trophoblast cells as compared to other human body tissues. Additionally, some of the genes (n=88) showed co-regulation of expression by the human ERV-LTRs in their vicinity (10-kb upstream of transcription start side (TSS) of the gene). Since my interest was to identify the new targets of PE pathogenesis, so I focused on genes (n=16) with dysregulated expression in women presented with PE. This study identified a new gene EPS8L1, regulated by primate-specific ERV-LTR in trophoblast cells that has a predominant role in the human placenta development and demonstrated that its dysregulation affected multiple pathways involved in trophoblast function like invasion, angiogenesis and maintenance of cell redox homeostasis. Furthermore, this study leads to the better understanding of the disease by explaining certain aspects of human-specific nature of PE.

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