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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patterns of Consumption: Ceramic Residue Analysis at Liangchengzhen, Shandong, China

Lanehart, Rheta E. 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to identify the different patterns of food consumption across space and time at Liangchengzhen, a Longshan (ca. 2600-1900 B.C.) site located in Shandong Province, China. The primary hypothesis of the research contended that evidence of increasing social inequality with respect to food consumption would be found from early to late phases at Liangchengzhen. In addition, rice and meat from mammals, especially pigs, were hypothesized as the most likely types of prestigious foods for daily and ritual activities. Fish and marine foods in general were hypothesized to be foods that average households could obtain since Liangchengzhen was close to the sea and would not have as high a value as mammal meat. Pottery was sampled from Early Phase storage/trash and ritual pits as well as Late Phase storage/trash and ritual pits located in Excavation Area One. Pottery types included ding and guan, hypothesized for cooking meat, and yan, hypothesized for steaming vegetables and grains. Lipid residue analysis was performed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GCMS) to quantify the amount of C15 and C17 alkane peaks in the pottery and compare these quantities to the amount of C15 and C17 alkane peaks in terrestrial and marine food reference sources. Results indicated that socially valued food consumption transitioned from marine food sources in the early phase ritual pits to rice and pig in the late phase ritual pits. Millet and plant residues were consistently present in storage/trash pits from both early and late phases. Findings also indicated that the use of pottery types for cooking were not limited to one source, i.e., marine, rice, millet and plant residues were found in all pottery types while pig residues were found in ding and yan pottery. Results of the lipid residue analysis provide partial support of increasing social inequality with respect to food consumption from early to late phases at Liangchengzhen, The findings from the lipid residue analysis in this thesis more closely resemble the distribution of integrative, communal consumption pattern in the early phase and a hierarchical consumption pattern during the late phase. Fish, more abundant in the early phase, was almost non-existent by the late phase. Pig and rice, hypothesized as preferred foods, were found only during the late phase, primarily in the ritual pit, H31. Millet and plant were conspicuously present during both phases, but had greater separation from ritual pits during the late phase. However, these findings are surprising since it does not match the material remains of rice and pig found in early phase pits or late phase storage/trash pits from Excavation Area One. It can be concluded that patterns of consumption at Liangchengzhen changed substantially from the early phase to the late phase with regards to food residues found in hypothesized ritual pits. Considering these data with the understanding that food in China has historically been used as a tool to wield influence and power, it can be hypothesized that a social hierarchy may have developed by the late phase that was not present during the early phase. However, participation in the activities held in late phase ritual pits may have been inclusive for all Liangchangzhen residents rather than exclusive for higher status individuals. The current research provides a starting point for further investigation into the foodways at Liangchengzhen. This thesis is the first systematic study of food residues from the interior of Neolithic vessels from ancient China that relates the results of the residue analysis to patterns of food consumption and social change.

La técnica de la policromía en los artesonados de templos budistas en Taiwán: caracterización científica y estudio de la aplicabilidad de consolidantes biocompatibles para su conservación

Lee, Yu 07 January 2016 (has links)
[EN] ABSTRACT The traditional Taiwan polychrome include a wide range of materials, with very different behaviors showing problems of different nature that sometimes requires the application of appropriate adherence and/or consolidation treatment. From this, a study has been conducted aimed to identify these materials and their behaviors as well as, the proposal of a proper adhesive/consolidant with physico-chemical stability and low toxicity. The identification of the materials confirms the use of porcine blood as binder in the preparation layer and tung oil as the binder in the paint layer. Besides, the multi-technical approach by using FTIR, GC-MS and VMP allow the dating of the polychrome under study. The application of a proper treatment on paintings will depends on the adherent/consolidant properties that could appear during and/or post the treatment as: i) mechanical properties (strength, flexibility); ii) hydric (permeability to water vapor and other gases); iii) the physico-chemical stability one the adhesive/consolidant has been apply. Here we propose, the use of an andhesive/consolidant based on technical gelatin, in combination with the correct concentration of additives: glycerol as plasticizer and citronella as natural fungicide, for the conservation and restoration of the polychrome decoration present on different places in the architectural complex of the Longshan Temple in Lukang, Taiwan belonging to the XVIII century. In a second step the study of the chemical and morphological changes demonstrate that the use of glicerol and citronella as additives improves the physic-mechanical properties and slows the ageing process of the adhesive/consolidant. Moreover, the citronella oil inhibits proliferation of fungi Aspergillus niger (CECT-2088), Chaetomium globosum (CECT-2701), Fusarium oxysporum (CECT-2154), Mucor rouxii (CECT-2655), Penicillium chrysogenum (CECT-2655) y Trichoderma pseudokoningii. (CECT-2937). / [ES] RESUMEN Los materiales que componen la policromía tradicional en Taiwán, son muy diversos y además presentan problemas de diferente naturaleza que requieren la aplicación de tratamientos de adhesión y consolidación adecuados para cada caso. El estudio llevado a cabo incluye la identificación de sangre porcina como el aglutinante en la capa de preparación y el aceite de tung como el aglutinante en la capa pictórica. Además, combinando las técnicas analíticas (FTIR, GC-MS y VMP) se ha logrado la datación de las policromías analizadas. Los tratamientos de intervención de obra pictórica dependen de múltiples factores, tales como las propiedades adherentes/consolidantes que se ponen de manifiesto durante el tratamiento y seguidamente, las propiedades mecánicas (resistencia mecánica, flexibilidad), hídricas (permeabilidad al vapor de agua y otros gases) y la estabilidad físico-química una vez el adhesivo/consolidante ha sido aplicado. A ellas hay que sumar otros aspectos tales como toxicidad, impacto medioambiental, coste económico y disponibilidad. El presente estudio, propone un adhesivo/consolidante obtenido de la gelatina técnica, y se adiciona unos aditivos, el glicerol (plastificante) y la citronela (fungicida natural), para la conservación y restauración de la decoración polícroma aplicada en diferentes partes del complejo arquitectónico del Templo Longshan en Lukang (siglo XVIII, Taiwán). Finalmente, se ha demostrado que la adicción de glicerol y aceite de citronela mejora las propiedades físico-mecánicas y ralentizan el proceso de envejecimiento del adhesivo/consolidante. Además, el aceite de citronela inhibe la proliferación de los hongos Aspergillus niger (CECT-2088), Chaetomium globosum (CECT-2701), Fusarium oxysporum (CECT-2154), Mucor rouxii (CECT-2655), Penicillium chrysogenum (CECT-2655) y Trichoderma pseudokoningii. (CECT-2937). / [CA] RESUM Els materials que componen la policromía tradicional a Taiwan, són molt diversos i a més presenten problemes de diferent naturalesa que requereixen l'aplicació de tractaments d'adhesió i consolidació adequats per a cada cas. L'estudi dut a terme inclou la identificació de sang porcina com l'aglutinant a la capa de preparació i l'oli de tung com l'aglutinant a la capa pictòrica. A més, combinant les tècniques analítiques (FTIR, GC-MS i VMP) s'ha aconseguit la datació de les policromies analitzades. Els tractaments d'intervenció d'obra pictòrica depenen de múltiples factors, tals com les propietats adherents / consolidants que es posen de manifest durant el tractament i seguidament, les propietats mecàniques (resistència mecànica, flexibilitat), hídriques (permeabilitat al vapor d'aigua i altres gasos ) i l'estabilitat fisicoquímica un cop l'adhesiu / consolidant ha estat aplicat. A tot aixo, cal sumar altres aspectes com ara toxicitat, impacte mediambiental, cost econòmic i disponibilitat. El present estudi, proposa un adhesiu / consolidant obtingut de la gelatina tècnica, i s'addiciona uns additius, el glicerol (plastificant) i la citronela (fungicida natural), per a la conservació i restauració de la decoració polícroma aplicada en diferents parts del complex arquitectònic del Temple Longshan a Lukang (segle XVIII, Taiwan). Finalment, s'ha demostrat que l'addicció de glicerol i oli de citronella millora les propietats físico-mecàniques i ralenteixen el procés d'envelliment de l'adhesiu / consolidant. A més, l'oli de citronella inhibeix la proliferació dels fongs Aspergillus niger (CECT-2088), Chaetomium globosum (CECT-2701), Fusarium oxysporum (CECT-2154), Mucor rouxii (CECT-2655), Penicillium chrysogenum (CECT-2655) i Trichoderma pseudokoningii. (CECT-2937). / Lee, Y. (2015). La técnica de la policromía en los artesonados de templos budistas en Taiwán: caracterización científica y estudio de la aplicabilidad de consolidantes biocompatibles para su conservación [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59465

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