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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance study and modelling of an integrated pump and gas-liquid separator system: Optimisation for aero-engine lubrication systems

Steimes, Johan 26 August 2013 (has links)
A system able to simultaneously separate and pump a gas-liquid mixture was developed.<p>It works efficiently and can be used in many applications (nuclear power plants,<p>pulp and paper processing, petroleum extraction, etc.). However, this pump and separator<p>system (PASS) was especially designed to handle air-oil mixture generated in<p>aero-engine lubrication systems. The PASS combines three important functions of the<p>scavenge part of the lubrication system: the deaeration and deoiling of the air-oil mixture<p>generated in the bearing and gearbox sumps and the pumping of the oil towards<p>the tank. These are critical functions for the engine. Indeed, a poor deoiling efficiency<p>leads to a high oil consumption. This reduces the flight endurance, increases the size<p>and weight of the oil tank and has a negative impact on the environment. Poor deaeration<p>and pumping characteristics lead to problems in the cooling and the lubrication of<p>the engine bearings.<p><p>Integrating a PASS into the lubrication system allows considerable improvements<p>(and simplification) to the lubrication system architecture. An important number of<p>components are suppressed: the vent lines, the deoiler, the cyclone deaerator and the<p>scavenge pumps. This reduces the size and the weight of the lubrication system and<p>increases its reliability. Furthermore, an important part of this PhD thesis focuses on<p>reducing the oil consumption in the PASS. This improves the flight endurance, reduces<p>engine maintenance and working costs and is profitable to the environment.<p><p>In addition to the development of an advanced PASS design system, the objective of<p>this thesis was to obtain a good understanding of the separation processes occurring in<p>the PASS and to develop theoretical models able to predict the separation performance<p>for every working condition encountered in a typical aircraft flight. To achieve this<p>goal, three main tasks were performed: the development of different two-phase measurement<p>systems, the experimental tests of four different PASS architectures and the<p>theoretical development (after an extensive literature review) of correlations predicting<p>the performance of the PASS in function of the working conditions. Five specific aspects<p>of the PASS were studied: the inlet flow, the deoiling efficiency, the deaeration efficiency,<p>the pumping efficiency and the pressure drop. Finally, the models that have been developed<p>with the help of the measurement systems and of the experiments have been<p>integrated in a complete model of the lubrication system (under the EcosimPro modelling<p>environment). This helps to predict real in flight PASS working conditions and<p>performance. Indeed, the PASS is very sensitive to the engine working conditions and<p>an optimisation of the prototype size and performance is only feasible with an accurate<p>knowledge of these working conditions and a complete lubrication system model.<p>Finally, with the results of this PhD thesis, a new PASS design, optimised for different<p>aero-engine lubrication systems, is presented. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Innovative measurement of ultra-low friction : analysis of dynamic free responses characterized by damped oscillatory motion / Technique innovante pour mesurer le frottement faible : analyse de l'aspect dynamique des réponses libres caractérisées par un mouvement oscillatoire amorti

Majdoub, Fida 11 December 2013 (has links)
Réduire l’énergie générée par le frottement et dissipée dans les systèmes mécaniques réels est un des challenges actuels en tribologie. Ce point représente une importance toute particulière dans le domaine des transports terrestres. En réponse à cette nécessité, les constructeurs automobiles se concentrent sur la réduction de la consommation d'énergie en sélectionnant des lubrifiants et des matériaux appropriés d'une part et les systèmes mécaniques performants d'autre part. Grâce à leurs propriétés physiques et tribologiques en termes de réduction de la friction et de l'usure, les couches minces de DLC (Diamond-like Carbon) sont considérées comme l'une des solutions. Le comportement tribologique de couches minces de ta-C (carbone amorphe très dur dépourvu d’hydrogène) et de a-C:H (carbone amorphe hydrogéné) est ici exploré. D’autre part, des “lubrifiants verts“ et des additifs participant aussi à la réduction du frottement et de l'usure sont testés. Ces essais sont effectués dans différentes conditions en utilisant une nouvelle méthodologie expérimentale. Le tribomètre dynamique oscillant développé au LTDS possède la capacité de quantifier avec une très grande précision et sans recourir à une quelconque mesure de force, des niveaux de frottement faibles (dans la gamme 10 – 5 à 10 – 2), et permet en plus d’identifier différentes contributions du frottement. Dans un premier temps, une loi de frottement linéaire a été utilisée afin d’évaluer deux contributions de frottement. La première, μ0 est le coefficient transitoire de frottement quand la vitesse s’annule au changement de direction (du type frottement de Coulomb). La seconde, μ1, est une contribution dépendante de la vitesse de glissement. Ensuite, une étude numérique a été réalisée en appliquant une loi de frottement quadratique afin de mieux comprendre l'aspect dynamique des réponses libres. Cela nous a permis d'étudier numériquement la décroissance d’amplitude des oscillations déterminée grâce à la méthode de moindres carrés. Nous nous intéressons aussi à l‘étude des formes de l'enveloppe de ces oscillations en relation avec le modèle de frottement. Les résultats numériques et expérimentaux pour les lois de frottement linéaire et quadratique sont ensuite comparés. En complément, nous avons mesuré la force tangentielle correspondant aux tribosystèmes testés. Finalement, nous avons étudié numériquement un système dynamique masse-ressort à un degré de liberté, modélisé par la loi de frottement LuGre. Cette loi est décrite par le phénomène d’hystérésis et l’effet de décalage de temps qui ont été détectés expérimentalement. Les résultats expérimentaux obtenus avec le tribomètre oscillant montrent qu'ils sont qualitativement comparables à ceux obtenus en configuration classique cylindre-plan, travaillant à vitesse de glissement constante. Dans tous les cas, les résultats montrent la supériorité du tribosystème ta-C/ta-C dans la réduction du frottement μ0. De plus, les résultats numériques et expérimentaux sont cohérents. Cette étude montre qu’une loi de frottement quadratique est capable de décrire correctement toutes les formes d’enveloppes obtenues expérimentalement : droite, convexe, concave et une combinaison des formes convexe et concave. / Controlling friction is a one of the most significant challenges in the field of tribology. Its major purpose is directed towards the reduction of energy in real mechanical systems, especially in the area of transportation. In response to this necessity, the automobile industries are emphasizing on minimizing the consumption of energy by selecting the appropriate lubricants and materials on one hand and mechanical system with high performance on the other hand. DLC (Diamond-like carbon) coated surfaces are considered one of the solutions thanks to their physical and tribological properties in reducing friction and wear. In this study, we have been interested in investigating the friction behavior of both amorphous hydrogenated (a-C:H) and hydrogen-free tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) DLC coatings. Furthermore, some “green lubricants” and additives are tested which play a role in reducing friction and wear. These latter tests are performed at different operating conditions using a new experimental methodology, known as the dynamic oscillating tribometer. This original tribometer, developed at the Laboratory of Tribology and System Dynamics (LTDS), is able to measure the oscillatory motion corresponding to various tribosystems having low friction. This technique has the ability to quantify with remarkable precision and without any force transducer, low friction values (in the range of 10 – 5 to 10 – 2 ) and also to evaluate different friction contributions from the displacement and velocity-time responses of a mass-springdamper oscillating system. First, a linear friction law has been used for the systems tested in order to calculate two contributions of friction. The first one, μ0 is the transient friction coefficient at zero speed and the second one (Coulomb-type fiction), μ is a velocitydependent friction coefficient. Then, a numerical study is carried out in order to better understand the dynamic aspect of the oscillatory vibratory free responses. A quadratic friction law is used to model on the mechanical system of the apparatus. This allows us to study numerically the behavior of the decreasing amplitudes of the damping responses which are determined using the Averaging method. Furthermore, we are interested in studying the various forms of these oscillations’ envelop in relation with the polynomial expansion of the friction model. Also, numerical and experimental results are compared using both the linear and quadratic friction models. In addition, a particular attention is given to the measured tangential forces corresponding to our tribosystems. Finally, we study numerically a damped mass-spring single degree-of-freedom mechanical system, induced by LuGre friction law described by both hysteresis and lag effect which have been detected experimentally. Results show that friction tests performed with the oscillating tribometer can be qualitatively compared to those obtained with a conventional tribometer. Moreover, ta-C/ta-C surfaces reveal the lowest friction μ0 when tested by both oscillating and reciprocating tribometers. Also, both numerical and experimental results are found to be of good agreement. This study shows that a quadratic friction law is able to describe correctly the envelopes observed in our experimental tests: straight, convex, concave and a combination of both convex and concave.

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