Spelling suggestions: "subject:"chronotropic""
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Development of a novel cell traction force transducer based on cholesteryl ester liquid crystals. Characterisation, quantification and evaluation of a cholesteryl ester liquid crystal based single cell force transducer system.Soon, Chin Fhong January 2011 (has links)
In biomechano-transducing, cellular generated tension can be measured by soft substrates based on polymers but these techniques are limited either by spatial resolution or ability to detect localised cell traction forces (CTF) due to their non-linear viscous behaviour under shear rates. A newly developed cell traction force transducer system based on cholesteryl ester lyotropic liquid crystals (LCTFT) was developed to sense localised traction forces of human keratinocyte cell lines (HaCaTs), in which the length of the deformation line induced represents the intensity of the CTF exerted. The physical properties of the cholesteryl ester based lyotropic liquid crystals (LLC) were characterised by using polarising microscopy, rheology, atomic force microscopy (AFM) based nano-indentation, spherical indentation, and micro-tensile tests. The interactions of LLC with cells were studied by using cell viability studies, cytochemical treatments, widefield surface plasmon resonance (WSPR) microscopy and various immuno-staining techniques. The results show that LLC is thermally stable (0 - 50 oC) and linearly viscoelastic below 10 % shear strain at shear rates of < 1 s-1. AFM nano and spherical indentations show a good agreement on the Young¿s modulus of both determined at ~110 kPa which is close to the elastic modulus of the epidermis. The Poisson¿s ratio of LLC was determined at ~0.58 by using micro tensile tests. The biophysical interaction studies indicated that LLC is biocompatible and allowed cell attachment. Cell relaxation technique by cytochalasin-B treatment suggested that the attachment and contraction of cells on LLC was due to the contractile activity of actin cytoskeletons that are mediated by focal adhesions. The staining experiments showed that cells consistently expressed the same suites of integrins (¿2, ¿3, ¿5 and ¿1) and ECM proteins (collagen type IV, laminin and fibronectin) on both glass and LLC coated substrates. Interfacial interaction of cells with LLC observed via the staining of actin and vinculin, and WSPR imaging suggest the association of marginal actin filaments and focal adhesions in attaching HaCaT cells to the LLC. Linear static analysis applied in the Finite Element model of focal adhesion-LC confirmed the compressive force patterns induced by cells. By applying cell relaxation techniques and Hooke¿s theorem, the force-deformation relationships of the LLC were derived and used for direct quantification of CTF in culture. The sensitivity of the LCTFT was implied by a wide range of CTF (10 - 140 nN) measured at high resolutions (~2 ¿m). Nonetheless, a custom-built cell traction force measurement and mapping software (CTFM) was developed to map CTF of single cells. Reliability of the LCTFT was evaluated by using a known pharmacological active cytokine, TGF-¿1, in inducing contraction of human keratinocytes. This study inferred internal consistency and repeatability of the LCTFT in sensing contraction responses of HaCaT cells in a concentration dependent manner of TGF-¿1. The overall LCTFT and CTFM software had shown good potential for use in the study of contraction and migration of keratinocytes. / Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education
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Development of a novel cell traction force transducer based on cholesteryl ester liquid crystals : characterisation, quantification and evaluation of a cholesteryl ester liquid crystal based single cell force transducer systemSoon, Chin Fhong January 2011 (has links)
In biomechano-transducing, cellular generated tension can be measured by soft substrates based on polymers but these techniques are limited either by spatial resolution or ability to detect localised cell traction forces (CTF) due to their non-linear viscous behaviour under shear rates. A newly developed cell traction force transducer system based on cholesteryl ester lyotropic liquid crystals (LCTFT) was developed to sense localised traction forces of human keratinocyte cell lines (HaCaTs), in which the length of the deformation line induced represents the intensity of the CTF exerted. The physical properties of the cholesteryl ester based lyotropic liquid crystals (LLC) were characterised by using polarising microscopy, rheology, atomic force microscopy (AFM) based nano-indentation, spherical indentation, and micro-tensile tests. The interactions of LLC with cells were studied by using cell viability studies, cytochemical treatments, widefield surface plasmon resonance (WSPR) microscopy and various immuno-staining techniques. The results show that LLC is thermally stable (0-50 °C) and linearly viscoelastic below 10% shear strain at shear rates of < 1 s⁻¹. AFM nano and spherical indentations show a good agreement on the Young's modulus of both determined at ~110 kPa which is close to the elastic modulus of the epidermis. The Poisson's ratio of LLC was determined at ~0.58 by using micro tensile tests. The biophysical interaction studies indicated that LLC is biocompatible and allowed cell attachment. Cell relaxation technique by cytochalasin-B treatment suggested that the attachment and contraction of cells on LLC was due to the contractile activity of actin cytoskeletons that are mediated by focal adhesions. The staining experiments showed that cells consistently expressed the same suites of integrins (α2, α3, α5 and β1) and ECM proteins (collagen type IV, laminin and fibronectin) on both glass and LLC coated substrates. Interfacial interaction of cells with LLC observed via the staining of actin and vinculin, and WSPR imaging suggest the association of marginal actin filaments and focal adhesions in attaching HaCaT cells to the LLC. Linear static analysis applied in the Finite Element model of focal adhesion-LC confirmed the compressive force patterns induced by cells. By applying cell relaxation techniques and Hooke's theorem, the force-deformation relationships of the LLC were derived and used for direct quantification of CTF in culture. The sensitivity of the LCTFT was implied by a wide range of CTF (10 - 140 nN) measured at high resolutions (~2 μm). Nonetheless, a custom-built cell traction force measurement and mapping software (CTFM) was developed to map CTF of single cells. Reliability of the LCTFT was evaluated by using a known pharmacological active cytokine, TGF-β1, in inducing contraction of human keratinocytes. This study inferred internal consistency and repeatability of the LCTFT in sensing contraction responses of HaCaT cells in a concentration dependent manner of TGF-β1. The overall LCTFT and CTFM software had shown good potential for use in the study of contraction and migration of keratinocytes.
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Élaboration et application de matériaux poreux : études théoriques et expérimentales / The novel synthesis of microporous and mesoporous materials and their applications for hydrocarbon transformation and chiral recognitionWattanakit, Chularat 06 August 2013 (has links)
Dans ce travail nous étudions l’élaboration, la caractérisation et les applications de différents matériaux poreux. L’étude est organisée en trois parties majeures: la synthèse de zéolithes micro/mesoporeux et leur application potentielle dans l’industrie pétrochimique, l’étude théorique de mécanismes réactionnels sur des zeolites microporeux, et le design de métaux mesoporeux avec une chiralité intrinsèque de leur surface interne. Ces matériaux poreux montrent des propriétés excellentes, notamment pour des applications potentielles en catalyse et comme interfaces chirales. / In the present work, the elaboration, characterisation and applications of differentporous materials have been studied. Porous materials are divided into three categoriesdepending on the porous cavity size, namely microporous materials (pore diameter < 2nm), mesoporous materials (2 nm < pore diameter < 50 nm) and macroporous materials(pore diameter > 50 nm). The thesis work is organized in three major parts: the synthesisof hierarchical micro/mesoporous zeolites and their potential application for thepetrochemical industry, the theoretical study of reaction mechanisms on microporouszeolite and the design of mesoporous metals with intrinsic chirality at their inner surface.The hierarchical micro/mesoporous zeolite, composed of microporous andmesoporous features, has been prepared using carbon-silica (C/SiO2) composites derivedfrom a pyrolysis of hydrocarbon gas on silica gel. Our findings demonstrate that not onlythe presence of a high surface area and porosity, but also an improved efficiency of thesematerials for many petrochemical processes such as n-butene isomerization, nhexadecanecatalytic cracking and hydrocracking. The novel synthetic method is expectedto be generalized for other types of zeolites, and is considered to be a promising methodfor creating hierarchical micro/mesoporous zeolites for potential catalytic applications,especially in the petrochemical industry.In addition to the study of practical catalytic aspects, a theoretical approach hasbeen used to investigate potential reaction mechanisms such as the selective isomerizationof 1-butene into isobutene. More specifically, the monomolecular skeletal isomerizationof 1-butene into isobutene on H-FER zeolite was theoretically studied by using theONIOM approach. This process was found to involve the transformation of adsorbed 1-butene through 2-butoxide, isobutoxide, and tert-butyl cation intermediates. The ratedeterminingstep is the conversion of isobutoxide into isobutene, in which the reactionhas to proceed through the primary isobutyl cation transition state. The shape selectivitydue to the “nano-confinement” effect of the zeolite framework strongly affects theadsorption, the stability of alkoxide species and carbenium ion, as well as the skeletalisomerization mechanism of 1-butene.Moreover, the microporous and mesoporous zeolite, the generation of chiralmesoporous metal and its enantioselective recognition properties have been studied.Molecular imprinting (MI) is a major approach for generating materials withenantioselective properties. In this work, a chiral imprinted mesoporous platinum hasbeen obtained by the electrochemical reduction of platinum salts in the simultaneouspresence of a lyotropic liquid crystal phase and chiral template molecules. The resultingmaterials exhibit not only a dramatic increase in active surface area due to theirmesoporosity, but also a significant discrimination between two enantiomers of a chiralprobe, confirmed by both electrochemical and enantioselective adsorption experiments.Most importantly the porous platinum retains its chiral character even after removal of thechiral template molecule. Our findings could lead to the development of new materials,which are of potential interest for applications in areas such as chiral synthesis, sensors,separation, purification and drug development.
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Développement de nanovecteurs multicompartimentaux à base de cyclodextrines amphiphiles et de lipides pour des applications en nanomédecine / Development of multicompartment nanocarriers based on amphiphilic cyclodextrins and lipids for application in nanomedicineZerkoune, Leïla 29 September 2015 (has links)
L’idée directrice de ce travail de thèse était d’introduire au sein de mésophases lipidiques des molécules de β-cyclodextrine (βCD) amphiphiles obtenue par bio-estérification afin d’obtenir des nano-assemblages plurimoléculaires et multi-compartimentés combinant trois fonctions essentielles pour le transport ou la vectorisation de molécules thérapeutiques : (i) la capacité d’incorporer une substance d’intérêt par formation de complexe d’inclusion avec la cyclodextrine ; (ii) être biocompatibles et aptes à passer facilement les barrières biologiques ; (iii) pouvoir co-incorporer une seconde substance d’intérêt, hydrophile ou hydrophobe, dont l’action biologique soit différente de celle assurée par la première substance. L’ensemble des travaux ont porté sur le dérivé βCD-C10 polysubstitué en face secondaire par des chaînes hydrocarbonées en C10 avec un degré moyen de substitution de 7,5. L’association de ce dérivé avec trois catégories de lipides a été envisagée : des tensioactifs micellaires non-ioniques (Brij 98, Polysorbate 80, n-dodécyl-β-D-maltoside), un lipide lyotrope non lamellaire formant des mésophases de type cubique bicontinue (monooléine), un phospholipide s’auto-organisant en bicouches propices à l’obtention de vésicules (dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine). Selon une démarche principalement physico-chimique, différentes techniques ont été mises en œuvre pour caractériser les systèmes mixtes lipide/βCD-C10 aux échelles moléculaire et supramoléculaire : diffusion-diffraction des rayons X, calorimétrie différentielle, spectrophotométrie d’absorption UV-visible, spectroscopie de fluorescence, diffusion de la lumière statique (turbidimétrie) ou quasi-élastique, microscopie optique et microscopie électronique par cryo-transmission. L’ensemble des résultats démontrent que le dérivé βCD-C10 forme spontanément ou selon un protocole très simple, des assemblages plurimoléculaires mixtes avec les trois catégories de lipides, assemblages dont la topologie dépend de la structure chimique du lipide et du taux de cyclodextrine amphiphile incorporé (tubules, vésicules uni- ou oligolamellaires, cubosomes). Ces assemblages sont stables et capables d’incorporer une substance hôte hydrophobe, notamment les vésicules mixtes tensioactif non-ionique/ βCD-C10 et les cubosomes mixtes monooléine/P80/ βCD-C10. / The key idea of this Ph.D. thesis is to introduce amphiphilic β-cyclodextrin molecules (βCD), obtained by bio-transesterification, within lipid mesophases in order to obtain multi-compartment plurimolecular nano-assemblies, which combine three essential functions for transport or delivery of therapeutic molecules: (i) capacity to incorporate a substance of interest through formation of inclusion complexes with the modified cyclodextrin; (i) biocompatibility and ability to easily pass the biological barriers; and (iii) possibility for co-encapsulation of a second substance of interest, a hydrophilic or a hydrophobic one, whose biological action is different from that provided by the first substance. The performed Ph. D. work focused on the β-cyclodextrin derivative βCD-C10 with an average degree of substitution of 7.5 of the secondary face of the macrocycle by hydrocarbon chains C10. The association of this derivative with three classes of amphiphiles was studied: (i) nonionic micellar surfactants (Brij 98, Polysorbate 80, n-dodecyl β-D-maltoside), (ii) a lyotropic nonlamellar lipid forming bicontinuous cubic mesophases (monoolein), and (iii) a phospholipid (dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine), which self-ssembles into bilayer membranes permitting the production of vesicles.The employed physical-chemical approach involved different techniques for characterization of the mixed βCD-C10/lipid systems at molecular and supramolecular levels: cryo-transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, turbidimetry, and quasi-elastic light scattering.The obtained results indicated that the βCD-C10 derivative forms spontaneously (or via a very simple preparation protocol) plurimolecular mixed nano-assemblies with the three types of lipids. The topologies of the resulting nano-assemblies essentially depend on the chemical structures of the lipids and the degree of incorporation of the amphiphilic cyclodextrin (tubules, unilamellar or oligolamellar vesicles, and cubosomes). These assemblies, namely the mixed vesicles of nonionic surfactant/βCD-C10 and the cubosomes of mixed monoolein/P80/βCD-C10 compositions, are stable and capable of incorporation of hydrophobic guest substances.
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Estudo da mesofase liotrópica na fase Nc submetida a campo magnético: determinação de K3 e X\'alfa\' e geração de instabilidades hidrodinâmicas. / Study of lyotropic mesophase phase Nc subjected to magnetic field: determination of K3 and X and generation of hydrodynamic instabilities.Palangana, Antonio Jose 28 June 1991 (has links)
No presente trabalho foram estudadas, inicialmente, distorções periódicas \"bend\" provocadas por campo magnético em amostra nemática calamítica da mistura: decilsulfato de sódio, decanol e água. Com base na teoria elástica continua, medidas do comprimento de onda das distorções periódicas permitiram obter a razão K IND. 9 / X IND. em função da temperatura, onde K IND. 9 é a constante elástica de \"bend\" e X IND. a anisotropia de susceptibilidade diamagnética. Em seguida, amostras nemáticas foram dopadas com ferrofluído em diferentes concentrações, o que possibilitou, através da comparação entre os resultados (com e sem o \"doping\"), determinar K IND. 9 e X IND. , respectivamente. Num segundo momento, a mesofase nemática calamítica obtida da mistura liotrópica de laurato de potássio, decanol e água, é submetida a gradiente térmico vertical em configuração planar. Uma nova instabilidade térmica foi observada envidenciando uma estrutura de rolos com os seus eixos perpendiculares à configuração inicial do diretor. O comprimento de onda da instabilidade tem valores em torno de 10 vezes menores que a espessura da amostra. A instabilidade, cujo processo de formação e relaxação é estudado, aparece com a diminuição do gradiente térmico próximo à transição de fase nemático-isotrópica. Considerando-se estes fatos, sugere-se um mecanismo em função da variação das dimensões dos objetos micelares com a temperatura. / In this work were primarily studied the periodic distortions \"bend\" provoked by magnetic field on calamitic nematic sample of the mixture: sodium decylsulfate, decanol and water. Based on the continuum elastic theory, measures of the wave lenght of periodic distortions permitted to obtain the ratio K9 /X in function of the temperature, where k9 is the elastic constant of \"bend\" and x the anisotropic of diamagnetic susceptibility. Afterwards, nematic samples were doped with ferrofluid in different concentrations, which made possible, through a comparison between the results (with and without the \"doping\"), to determine x and K9 respectively. In a second moment, the calamitic nematic mesophase obtained from the liotropic mixture of potassium laurate, decanol and water is submitted to a vertical thermic gradient in plane configuration. A new thermic instability was observed showing evidences of a roll structure with its perpendicular axis to the initial configuration of the director. The lenght of the instability wave has values around ten times smaller than the thickness of the sample. The instability, whose process of formation with the decrease of the thermic gradient next to the transition of isotropic-nematic phase. Considering these facts, we would suggest a mechanism related to the variation of the micelar objects dimensions in function of the temperature.
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Estudo da mesofase liotrópica na fase Nc submetida a campo magnético: determinação de K3 e X\'alfa\' e geração de instabilidades hidrodinâmicas. / Study of lyotropic mesophase phase Nc subjected to magnetic field: determination of K3 and X and generation of hydrodynamic instabilities.Antonio Jose Palangana 28 June 1991 (has links)
No presente trabalho foram estudadas, inicialmente, distorções periódicas \"bend\" provocadas por campo magnético em amostra nemática calamítica da mistura: decilsulfato de sódio, decanol e água. Com base na teoria elástica continua, medidas do comprimento de onda das distorções periódicas permitiram obter a razão K IND. 9 / X IND. em função da temperatura, onde K IND. 9 é a constante elástica de \"bend\" e X IND. a anisotropia de susceptibilidade diamagnética. Em seguida, amostras nemáticas foram dopadas com ferrofluído em diferentes concentrações, o que possibilitou, através da comparação entre os resultados (com e sem o \"doping\"), determinar K IND. 9 e X IND. , respectivamente. Num segundo momento, a mesofase nemática calamítica obtida da mistura liotrópica de laurato de potássio, decanol e água, é submetida a gradiente térmico vertical em configuração planar. Uma nova instabilidade térmica foi observada envidenciando uma estrutura de rolos com os seus eixos perpendiculares à configuração inicial do diretor. O comprimento de onda da instabilidade tem valores em torno de 10 vezes menores que a espessura da amostra. A instabilidade, cujo processo de formação e relaxação é estudado, aparece com a diminuição do gradiente térmico próximo à transição de fase nemático-isotrópica. Considerando-se estes fatos, sugere-se um mecanismo em função da variação das dimensões dos objetos micelares com a temperatura. / In this work were primarily studied the periodic distortions \"bend\" provoked by magnetic field on calamitic nematic sample of the mixture: sodium decylsulfate, decanol and water. Based on the continuum elastic theory, measures of the wave lenght of periodic distortions permitted to obtain the ratio K9 /X in function of the temperature, where k9 is the elastic constant of \"bend\" and x the anisotropic of diamagnetic susceptibility. Afterwards, nematic samples were doped with ferrofluid in different concentrations, which made possible, through a comparison between the results (with and without the \"doping\"), to determine x and K9 respectively. In a second moment, the calamitic nematic mesophase obtained from the liotropic mixture of potassium laurate, decanol and water is submitted to a vertical thermic gradient in plane configuration. A new thermic instability was observed showing evidences of a roll structure with its perpendicular axis to the initial configuration of the director. The lenght of the instability wave has values around ten times smaller than the thickness of the sample. The instability, whose process of formation with the decrease of the thermic gradient next to the transition of isotropic-nematic phase. Considering these facts, we would suggest a mechanism related to the variation of the micelar objects dimensions in function of the temperature.
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Dispersão de nanopartículas de látex em um cristal líquido liotrópico / Dispersion of nanoparticles of latex in the lyotropic liquid crystalSandra Nakamatsu 25 September 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos a dinâmica de formação e dispersão de agregados de látex quando inseridos num cristal líquido liotrópico. Esse cristal líquido é um sistema ternário composto de laurato de potássio, cloreto de decilamônia e água; e apresenta fases nemáticas uniaxiais calamítica e discótica (NC e ND, respectivamente) e biaxial (NB). As partículas de látex possuem diâmetro de 100nm e partículas com diferentes tipos de recobrimentos foram testadas. Observamos que nas fases NC e NB há formação de aglomerados de partículas, porém na transição para a fase ND as partículas se dispersam no meio. Verificamos que esse processo de aglomeração e dissociação das partículas está relacionado com a transição de fase NB - ND e foi observado em dois sistemas hospedeiros por resfriamento e por aquecimento. No intervalo de temperatura que corresponde à fase nemática biaxial para o cristal líquido puro, observa-se que há um aumento na dimensão dos aglomerados, que se tornam anemométrico e orientados na direção de orientação do meio. Dois diagramas de fases foram construídos, variando-se a concentração de partículas dispersas no meio, e a composição relativa de surfactantes do sistema hospedeiro. Experimentos de espalhamento de raios X indicam que a distância média entre as micelas que formam o meio hospedeiro não é alterado pela inserção de partículas no cristal líquido e permanece a mesma em todas as fases nemáticas. Foram também realizados estudos de reologia que mostram que a viscosidade do sistema é alterada pela presença das partículas de látex. Os fenômenos observados são interpretados levando-se em conta as flutuações de orientação das micelas nas diferentes fases nemáticas. / In this work, we studied the dynamics of agglomeration and dissociation of latex particles when inserted into a lyotropic liquid crystal. This liquid crystal is a ternary system formed by potassium laurate, decilamonium chloride and water, presenting uniaxial calamitic and discotic nematic phases (NC e ND, respectively) and a biaxial nematic phase NB. The latex particles have diameter of 100 nm and particles with different surface treatments were tested. It was observed that in the NC e NB phases the latex particles form agglomerates, however in the transition to the ND phase, the particles disperse in the medium. In the temperature domain of the biaxial nematic phase the agglomerates increase in size, become anisometric and oriented along parallel to the orientation of the medium. Two phase diagrams were built by varying the particle concentration dispersed in the liquid crystal and by varying the relative composition of surfactants of the liquid crystal. X rays diffusion experiments have shown that the average distance between the micelles in the host medium are not affected by the presence of the latex particles and remain the same in all nematic phases. Rheology studies were also performed and it was found that the viscosity of the system is affected by the presence of the particles. The observed phenomenon are interpreted taking into account the orientational fluctuations of miceles in the different nematic phases.
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Dispersão de nanopartículas de látex em um cristal líquido liotrópico / Dispersion of nanoparticles of latex in the lyotropic liquid crystalNakamatsu, Sandra 25 September 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos a dinâmica de formação e dispersão de agregados de látex quando inseridos num cristal líquido liotrópico. Esse cristal líquido é um sistema ternário composto de laurato de potássio, cloreto de decilamônia e água; e apresenta fases nemáticas uniaxiais calamítica e discótica (NC e ND, respectivamente) e biaxial (NB). As partículas de látex possuem diâmetro de 100nm e partículas com diferentes tipos de recobrimentos foram testadas. Observamos que nas fases NC e NB há formação de aglomerados de partículas, porém na transição para a fase ND as partículas se dispersam no meio. Verificamos que esse processo de aglomeração e dissociação das partículas está relacionado com a transição de fase NB - ND e foi observado em dois sistemas hospedeiros por resfriamento e por aquecimento. No intervalo de temperatura que corresponde à fase nemática biaxial para o cristal líquido puro, observa-se que há um aumento na dimensão dos aglomerados, que se tornam anemométrico e orientados na direção de orientação do meio. Dois diagramas de fases foram construídos, variando-se a concentração de partículas dispersas no meio, e a composição relativa de surfactantes do sistema hospedeiro. Experimentos de espalhamento de raios X indicam que a distância média entre as micelas que formam o meio hospedeiro não é alterado pela inserção de partículas no cristal líquido e permanece a mesma em todas as fases nemáticas. Foram também realizados estudos de reologia que mostram que a viscosidade do sistema é alterada pela presença das partículas de látex. Os fenômenos observados são interpretados levando-se em conta as flutuações de orientação das micelas nas diferentes fases nemáticas. / In this work, we studied the dynamics of agglomeration and dissociation of latex particles when inserted into a lyotropic liquid crystal. This liquid crystal is a ternary system formed by potassium laurate, decilamonium chloride and water, presenting uniaxial calamitic and discotic nematic phases (NC e ND, respectively) and a biaxial nematic phase NB. The latex particles have diameter of 100 nm and particles with different surface treatments were tested. It was observed that in the NC e NB phases the latex particles form agglomerates, however in the transition to the ND phase, the particles disperse in the medium. In the temperature domain of the biaxial nematic phase the agglomerates increase in size, become anisometric and oriented along parallel to the orientation of the medium. Two phase diagrams were built by varying the particle concentration dispersed in the liquid crystal and by varying the relative composition of surfactants of the liquid crystal. X rays diffusion experiments have shown that the average distance between the micelles in the host medium are not affected by the presence of the latex particles and remain the same in all nematic phases. Rheology studies were also performed and it was found that the viscosity of the system is affected by the presence of the particles. The observed phenomenon are interpreted taking into account the orientational fluctuations of miceles in the different nematic phases.
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NMR Investigations Of Oriented Systems : Novel Techniques And ApplicationsDeepak, H S vinay 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis presents results of novel methodologies applied to oriented systems. Both pure liquid crystalline materials as well as molecules oriented in liquid crystalline matrices have been studied. In particular this thesis presents investigations related to various aspects of NMR in liquid crystalline media, such as, assignment of resonances and the study of director dynamics of spinning liquid crystals in different phases and with different symmetry. Simplified methods for structure determination of solutes dissolved in liquid crystal solvents have been proposed. Diffusion ordered spectroscopy has been used to study a mixture of liquid crystals of opposite diamagnetic susceptibility at its coexistent phase. The methods presented represent novel techniques to characterize the liquid crystalline phase.
NMR spectroscopy which has become a method of choice for understanding ordering mechanisms of mesogens requires a robust method for obtaining assignments of the NMR spectra of various nuclei that are found in the mesogens [1, 2]. It turns out that the spectra in the isotropic phase and in the nematic phase of a liquid crystal molecule are very different due to the presence of chemical shift anisotropy in the mesophase spectrum. There are a host of methodologies available for assigning spectra in the isotropic phase [3]. These methods however fail, when applied to the spectrum of the molecules in the mesophase due to the dominating role of strong anisotropic interactions, such as homonuclear couplings among protons. Problems arising while assigning spectral lines of liquid crystals in their nematic phase have been dealt with in chapter 2. To circumvent these problems, a property of the liquid crystal molecules under off-magic angle sample spinning can be utilized. It has been shown by Courtieu et al. [4] that the director/symmetry axis of a Δχ + ve liquid crystal aligns along the spinning axis for θ between 0 ° and θm, where θ is the angle between the spinning axis and the magnetic field and θm = 54.7° is the magic angle. It may be noted that the spectrum of θ = 0° spinning angle corresponds to the normal static spectrum, while the spectrum of θ = θm corresponds to the isotropic spectrum. In an earlier study, Teearr et al. [5] had recorded the 13C liquid crystal spectra as a function of very closely spaced θ values from 90° all the way up to 0°. From these plots of chemical shift versus the angle of spinning, it is possible to follow the trajectory of each 13C line from its position from θ = θm to θ = 0° and then match the spectrum in the isotropic phase (equivalently the magic angle sample spinning spectrum of the nematic phase) to the spectrum of the static sample in the nematic phase. However this method requires recording spectra at closely spaced angle intervals, so that one can unambiguously follow the trajectory of each of the lines without missing out any crossover of trajectories. However, this operation is time consuming. In this thesis we propose an alternate method, where we utilize the fact that the above trajectory has a very distinct relationship to the isotropic and anisotropic chemical shift and the problem of assignment does not require a continuous variation of angles, but just a few selected experiments should enable the assignment of the spectrum in the anisotropic phase. Thus the method of assignment has been made simpler and faster. It is shown that in addition to the assigned isotropic spectrum, only one other Off-magic angle spinning spectrum whose spinning angle θ is accurately known is necessary to obtain the complete assignment of the static spectrum. This procedure is non-trivial due to possibilities of errors in assignments arising out of inaccuracies in the knowledge of chemical shifts and the spinning angle. A computational procedure is proposed to take into account deviations arising out of non-ideal experimental conditions. A discussion regarding the details of the procedure and also situations where there can be ambiguities and how they can be resolved has been elaborated. The developed method has been demonstrated on a well known thermotropic liquid crystalline system, N-(4-ethoxybenzylidene)-4-n-butlyaniline [EBBA]. Since assignment of resonances in the nematic phase is a primary requirement for any further analysis regarding the ordering and deeper understanding of the role of various substituents in the mesogens we believe our novel prescription will be of immense use and utility.
The third chapter presents the study of director dynamics in a lyotropic liquid crystal composed of Potassium laurate, 1-Decanol and D2O [6] under variable angle sample spinning using 2H NMR spectrum of D2O. A very interesting interplay of the magnetic orienting torque due to interaction of the liquid crystal director with the magnetic field and viscous torque arising from the viscosity of the sample on the director comes to fore.
The relative magnitude of these torques has a direct bearing on the spectral pattern and line shapes observed, providing valuable insights into magnetohydrodynamics of the spinning liquid crystals. This study leads to even more interesting behavior for liquid crystals which deviate from uniaxial symmetry. This competition between magnetic and viscous torques has been quantitatively visualized by simulation of the 2H spectrum. It has been possible to visualize the observed spread in the director distribution arising out of viscous torque in terms of the energetics of the system under fast spinning. If the magnetic torque dominates over the viscous torque, then the equilibrium corresponds to the director orientation of δ = 0° where the energy is at its minimum. However the viscous and magnetic torques can become comparable as it may happen if the spinning angle is close to the magic angle or when the Δχ of the system is small. In those circumstances additional energy from the viscous torque causes the distribution of the director orientation to spread further away from δ = 0° for a positive Δχ liquid crystal. The trigonometric factor [P2(cosθ)∗P2(cosδ)] being proportional to the total energy of the system has been plotted against the spinning angle. The spectrum of the biaxial phase [7] as a function of the spinning angle shows more interesting director distribution. Here the patterns of the director distribution are observed on either side of the magic angle due to the presence of more than one director. The patterns observed also have information about the symmetry of the phase. This work provides insights into magnetohydrodynamics of spinning liquid crystals and can also be of relevance to samples of biological interest such as bicelles with protein oriented in them [8].
The fourth chapter deals with a novel characterization method relevant for the biaxial phase [9]. As an off shoot of the previous chapter, it effectively overcomes the disadvantages of the previous experimental methods which require simulation and line shape fitting to extract useful parameters. The chapter also presents the measurement of geometrical parameters of oriented solutes in phases exhibiting biaxial symmetry. The measured parameters show the effect of the onset of biaxiality as significant deviation in the value of the measured parameter.
The utility of liquid crystalline media as solvents in high resolution NMR spectroscopy has been very rewarding since the pioneering work of Saupe and Englert [6]. The intramolecular interactions within solutes are only partially averaged. As a result one obtains a liquid like spectrum while at the same time very useful anisotropic interactions such as dipolar couplings, chemical shift anisotropies, quadrupolar couplings and anisotropic part spin-spin J couplings are extracted [10]. NMR spectra of molecules dissolved in thermotropic liquid crystals have long been used to obtain structural and orientational information. As the same time the complexity of the spectrum increases with the increase in the number of spins and the reduction in symmetry of the molecule, which can make the spectral analysis forbidding. Generally proton spectra have been used to obtain the geometry of the proton skeleton of the molecule and the information that includes dilute X nuclei such as 13C and 15N are available only from satellites which are buried in the intense proton spectrum. Different inequivalent dilute spins coupled to protons form different coupled spin systems in their natural abundance and appear as satellites in the proton spectra. Identification of transitions belonging to each of the spin system is essential to determine heteronuclear dipolar couplings, which is a formidable task. The fifth chapter deals with development of the techniques to obtain the complete structure of the dissolved molecules including nuclei other than protons in their natural abundance. The use of inverse experiments has been elaborated to overcome the problems of sensitivity and complexity for solute molecules having larger number of spins. In the present study using HSQC and HMQC experiments, we have selectively detected spectra of each inequivalent rare spin coupled to protons in pyrazine, pyrimidine and pyridazine dissolved in thermotropic Phase 4 and Phase 5 liquid crystal solvents. This way we could obtain enhancement in the intensity of satellites signals without the interference from the signals connected to the major isotopomers. Besides, we could resolve a complex spectrum into its sub-spectra corresponding to individual 13C and 15N isotopomers. This separation of the spectra corresponding to individual sub-spin systems makes analysis easy and helps analyze larger systems with higher number of spins and lower symmetry. Besides 1H-1H dipolar couplings, 13C-1H and 15N-1H dipolar couplings have been determined in natural abundance, thereby giving the complete dipolar coupling network between all the spins in the molecule. In this treatment pyrazine, pyrimidine and pyridazine have been used as examples of methodology developed. It is expected that the method will be of wider use for several other similar systems.
Chapter six describes the diffusion ordered spectroscopic investigation [11] of a phase arising out of mixing together two liquid crystals having opposite signs of diamagnetic susceptibility anisotropy [12]. Towards this end we have used CH3CN as a probe molecule. The spectrum of CH3CN has with it the information about the parallel or perpendicular orientation of the phase. Such a mixture of liquid crystals have shown interesting behavior at the critical temperature where the two phases seem to coexist. It has been an interesting question to understand what exactly happens for the molecular orientation when the macroscopic anisotropy Δχ vanishes. Earlier Jokisaari et al. [13] have varied the temperature very finely taking due precautions to maintain homogeneity and stability of temperature to the tune of ±0.05K across the sample volume. Their observation of a powder pattern exactly in the critical temperature was interpreted as arising out of a distribution of directors equally oriented in all directions. In our experiments we have measured the diffusion coefficient of the probe molecule i.e. acetonitrile as we change the temperature of the system through the critical temperature. At the critical temperature we have a situation of being able to measure the parallel and perpendicular orientational diffusion coefficients simultaneously. The measurements show that the parallel component of the diffusion coefficient has reduced and the perpendicular component has increased in comparison to the trend in the immediate neighboring temperatures, thereby indicating that at the exact critical condition the liquid crystal mixture consists of an isotropic distribution of molecules. As a check to rule out any exchange of molecules in different domains of parallel and perpendicular orientations an EXSY experiment was conducted with a mixing time which was same as that of the diffusion delay in the DOSY experiment. The EXSY spectrum showed no exchange cross peaks between the two orientations, this confirms that the anisotropy of the diffusion vanishes at the critical temperature.
Nematic liquid crystals exhibit a rich variety of phases and properties. NMR is a very powerful tool to study the various phases at the microscopic and molecular level. It has also turned out that some of these properties can be usefully utilized for investigation of both small and large molecules by NMR. Thus this thesis has attempted to expand several of the techniques already available for various applications and extend the utility of NMR for the study of partially ordered systems.
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Advanced cellulose composites, preparation and properties / Advanced cellulose composites; preparation and propertiesAbouzeid, Ragab 27 September 2012 (has links)
L'accumulation de déchets agricoles tels que la bagasse et le développement d’alternatives aux polymères issus de la pétrochimie ont reçu une attention croissante au cours des deux dernières décennies, due à l'augmentation de la population et à la préoccupation croissante pour la préservation de l'environnement. Cette étude tente de résoudre ces problèmes à l’aide de deux approches principales.La première est liée à des composites à base de papier et de liant naturel et la seconde est associée à la préparation et à la caractérisation de dérivés cellulosiques présentant des propriétés cristaux liquides. En ce qui concerne les composites à base de papier et de liant naturel, la modification par dénaturation d’isolat de protéines de soja (SPI), l'ajout d'acrylamide et le changement de pH améliorent certaines propriétés et rendent les SPI plus utiles et acceptables dans diverses applications. Des expériences préliminaires ont été menées pour déterminer la concentration optimale de SPI permettant d’obtenir des propriétés mécaniques et physiques maximales. Des concentrations de 0,5%, 2,5%, et 5% ont été utilisées et 2.5% correspond à la concentration optimale. Pour augmenter les propriétés adhésives du SPI, l’acrylamide a été utilisé comme un modificateur supplémentaire dans des proportions 1,5%, 2,5% et 5%. L’addition nucléophile de l'acrylamide aux chaînes de protéines en milieu alcalin améliore les propriétés de solubilité du SPI et augmente ses propriétés adhésives. L'effet supplémentaire de l'acrylamide sur le SPI est prononcé sur les propriétés mécaniques et physiques. Comme la charge nette du SPI peut être modifiée en faisant varier le pH du milieu aqueux, la corrélation entre les propriétés mécaniques et physiques des feuilles de papier et le pH du SPI a été étudiée. Les pH utilisés ont été 3, 5, 7 et 10, où le pH 5 est le point isoélectrique (IEP) du SPI.A ce pH, le nombre de charges positives et négatives est pratiquement identique. La seconde approche a consisté à préparer et caractériser une série de dérivés cellulosiques 4 - alkyoxybenzoyloxypropyl (ABPC-n). Ces dérivés ont été synthétisés par estérification d'hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) avec un DS 3 par l'acide 4- alkoxybenzoic portant 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12 et 14 atomes de carbone dans la chaîne latérale. D'autre part, de la pâte debagasse a été préparée et caractérisée à partir bagasse égyptienne. L’Hydroxypropylation a ensuite été menée sur la cellulose obtenue et de l’HPC partiellement substituée a été obtenue. En outre, l'estérification de ce dernier avec des acides 4-alkyloxybenzoic portant 2, 10 et 12 atomes de carbone dans la chaîne latérale a été réalisée et les dérivés ont été désignés (ABPC-m). La structure moléculaire du HPC partiellement substitué et des deux esters (ABPC-n et-m ABPC) a été confirmée par spectroscopies infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (FT-IR) et 1H RMN. Les phases cristal liquide (LC) et les transitions de phases ont été étudiées par microscopie en lumière polarisée (PLM) et calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC), respectivement. Pour étudier les propriétés lyotropiques, différentes concentrations de ces échantillons ont été dissous dans le diméthylacétamide (DMA) (20, 30, 40, 50 et 60% en poids) et la concentration critique a été déterminée par réfractométrie en mesurant l'indice de réfraction des solutions dans le DMA et en traçant l’évolution des indices de réfraction en fonction des concentrations. Pour ABPC-n, nous avons observé que les températures de transition vitreuse (Tg) et de compensation (Tc) diminuent avec la longueur de la chaîne alkoxy et que la gamme mésomorphique (Tm-Tc) diminue avec la longueur de la chaîne alkoxy. / The present study deals with utilization of Egyptian bagasse in both conventional and non-conventional fields. The conventional application is devoted to papermaking, where bagasse pulp is the most appropriate pulp for this purpose due to the suitability of fiber length and high cellulose and hemicellulose contents. The non-conventional application is dedicated to the preparation of cellulosic derivatives having liquid crystalline properties.The first approach deals with using modified soy protein isolate (SPI) as binder for cellulosic fibers in paper composites. Modification of SPI was carried out through i) denaturation with urea and NaOH. ii) addition of acrylamide to the denatured SPI. iii) changing pH of SPI. These types of modification were used to improve the adhesion properties of SPI. Pronounced mechanical and physical properties of paper sheets filled with 0.5, 2.5 or 5% denatured SPI was obtained upon using 2.5%. The optimum condition of SPI addition was used in ii and iii modifications. The additional effect of acrylamide on SPI was pronounced where the mechanical and physical properties were enhanced. Correlation between the mechanical and physical properties of paper sheets with the pH of SPI was studied. The used pHs were 3, 5, 7 and 10.The results showed that the maximum breaking length was obtainedAbstract - xix -at the isoelectric point of SPI at pH 5 (at the isoelectric point (IEP) the number of positive and negative charges on the polyion is the same, giving a net charge of zero) and it began to decrease when the pH is increased to pH 10. Both the burst index and the tear index showed parallel trends.In the second approach, a series of 4- alkyoxybenzoyloxypropyl cellulose (ABPC-n) samples were synthesized via the esterification of hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) with 4-alkoxybenzoic acid bearing alkoxy chain with different lengths. On the other hand, cellulose was isolated in pure form from Egyptian bagasse pulp. Hydroxypropylation was then conducted on the isolated cellulose. 4-alkyoxybenzoyloxypropyl cellulose (ABPC-m) samples were synthesized via the esterification of the latter product with the same acid, bearing 2, 10 and 12 carbon atoms in the side chain and characterized.The molecular structure of both esters (ABPC-n and ABPC-m) was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The liquid crystalline (LC) phases and transition behaviors were investigated using polarized light microscopy (PLM), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), respectively. The lyotropic behavior of the derivatives was investigated in DMA solutions using PLM andAbstract - xx -the critical concentration was firstly determined via refractive index measurements.
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