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Utvärdering av metoder för att mäta mental arbetsbelastning hos skotarförare - vid delautomatiserat och konventionellt kranarbete i simulatormiljö / Evaluation of methods for measurement of mental workload on forwarder operators during semiautonomous crane work and conventional crane work.Andersson, Helena W. January 2016 (has links)
Forward operators are subjected to both physical and mental workload in their work and a way to reduce mental workload and increase productivity is to automating the crane movement. To enable study the impact of automation you need methods to estimate the forwarder operators mental workload in conventional crane work and with semi automation. This study evaluated the psychophysiological parameters; trapezius muscle activity, heart rate, heart rate variability, respiratory rate, skin conductance and finger temperature. To ensure the validity and methodology reliability one need to perform more extensive studies. As for future studies this work propose additional studies of forward operator mental workload in the simulator environment regarding heart rate, heart rate variability and respiration. / Skogsmaskinförarens arbete innebär en hög belastning såväl fysiskt som mentalt. Dels för att det innefattar moment av statiskt och repetitvt arbete och dels för att en stor mängd information bearbetas och många beslut fattas på kort tid. Mental belastning är ett begrepp för olika former av belastning som påverkar människans förmåga att bearbeta information. Det finns ingen enskild faktor som kan utgöra ett mått på mental belastning. Såväl prestation som subjektiva bedömningar och psykofysiologiska mätmetoder används för att mäta mental belastning. Exempel på psykofysiologiska mätmetoder är muskelaktivitet, hjärtfrekvens, hjärtfrekvensvariabilitet, andningsfrekvens, hudkonduktans och fingertemperatur. Ett sätt att försöka minska belastningen för skotarföraren är att automatisera vissa moment i kranens arbete. Syftet med examensarbetet var att utvärdera psykofysiologiska mätmetoder lämpliga för att beöma skillnaden i mental belastning hos skotarförare vid arbete med konventionellt- och delautomatiserat kranarbete i simulatormiljö. Resultatet visar på en potential hos analyserna hjärtfrekvens, hjärtfrekvensvariabilitet och andning för fortsatta studier. Muskelaktiviteten i form av trapezius-EMG och hudkonduktans var analyser behäftade med höga brusnivåer och artefakter i studien. Arbetet ger även en bild av komplexiteten i studier där teknik och människa interagerar. Den tekniska kapaciteten på skogsmaskiner är idag så avancerad att maskinföraren bedöms vara den begränsande faktorn för prestationen. För att öka produktiviteten i skogsbruket är det av stor vikt att den tekniska utvecklingen samspelar med interaktionen mellan människa och maskin för att främja ett hållbart skogsbruk för såväl maskinförare som för skog och miljö.
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Use of air cooling and its effectiveness in dry machining processesBoswell, Brian January 2008 (has links)
Traditional liquid coolants used in metal machining are known to contain chemical carcinogens that could present serious health risks for machine operators and have inherent waste disposal concerns on the environment. In lessening these adverse effects, the manufacturing industry continually seeks to develop machining techniques incorporating liquid-less (dry) methods or environmentally benign coolants. Air-jet cooling is widely regarded as a viable alternative for liquid coolants in machining processes. This thesis proposes a novel air jet cooling arrangement, and assesses its thermal effectiveness and operational compatibility for specific requirements in metal cutting operation. For tests, steel rods were machined on a standard lathe workbench at selected cutting depth, feed and speed. Type 1040 steel, which is commonly used in automobile industry, was chosen as work piece material. Instead of traditional liquid coolant, a specially designed compressed air jet is used to dissipate heat generation in the cutting zone at the tool tip. The tool tip is presented orthogonally to the work piece to maintain conformity with relevant established cutting tool theories. A special air jet configuration based on a Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube was designed and developed for cooling the cutting zone and tool tip. The tool tip temperatures were measured by installing thermocouples at strategic locations on the tool piece and recorded on a data-logger for a range of cutting depths, feeds and speeds. The cutting power was measured with a power meter attached to the electrical power supply to the lathe. For comparison purposes, tests were also conducted with conventional single-nozzle air jets in place of the vortex-tube jets, using traditional liquid coolant and without any cooling applied to the tool tip. / A thermal vision camera was also deployed for selected tests to ascertain the temperature characteristics at the tool tip. The data was analysed to establish the thermal characteristics at the tool tip with vortex tube air jet, conventional air jet and no air jet cooling. The measured temperatures and cutting data were used to make assessments on cooling efficiency of jets used and surface finish quality of work piece. Estimates of tool life were made from the cutting theory to determine the effectiveness of the cooling systems used in the machining process. It is found that the proposed vortex tube based air jet cooling arrangement provides a highly efficient heat removal mechanism for metal cutting and delivers thermal cooling performance very much comparable to traditional liquid coolants without the inherent chemical exposure risks to machine operators and harmful impact on the environment. With the proposed air jet cooling, the tool life is very much unchanged and the surface finish quality of work piece shows no significant change while savings will realise though lesser dependency on liquid coolant requiring careful disposal and associated costs.
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The International alliance of theatrical stage employes and moving picture machine operators of the United States and Canada by Robert Osborne Baker ... with a foreword by Frank T. Stockton.Baker, Robert Osborne, January 1933 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Kansas, 1933. / Published also without thesis note.
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Unionism and labor problems in the motion picture industry.Dahn, Maurice R. January 1953 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.) - Iowa, 1953. / Also available via the WWW.
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Vad motiverar skogsmaskinförare? / What motivates forest machine operators?Jonsson, Björn January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish forestry industry has since the beginning of the mechanization in the 1950´s had a technology development that streamlined the industry and reduced costs. The role of lumberjacks has changed a lot since hand tools were replaced by high-tech forestry machines. Previous studies indicate that the profession suffers from a poor working environment and poor organizational governance, in terms of lack work management, working hours and high demands and stress levels. This has led forest machine operators choosing to quit their jobs. The purpose of the study was to identify key factors that motivate forest machine operators and how their attitude is to monetary rewards. The survey was carried out as a survey study at the forest industry company SCA, where a questionnaire on motivation factors was sent to all forest machine operators. Swedish Cellulose is one of Sweden´s largest forest companies and Europe´s largest private forest owner. 48 machine operators responded to the questionnaire, the number of respondents to the whole brand was small, but a total survey for SCA. For a more generalizable result at brand level, more respondents had been desirable. Most of all work task and colleagues motivates the forest machine operators. Their motivation is disturbed by the lack of career opportunities and the lack of opportunities to influence decisions. The forest machine operators would get more motivation through more varied tasks and they think the most important thing about their work is to develop and become more professionally skilled. Performance-based monetary rewards motivate forest machine operators. Additional pay motivates them more than other forms of rewards, and they positively endorse the performance-based payroll system that exists at SCA today. Suggestions to needed measures to make forest machine operators motivated are more feedback from the leadership as well as involving the machine operators in decisions that are made. Communication between the leadership and machine operators needs to be improved to increase job satisfaction and maintain the motivation of employees. In order to increase their motivation, their work and duties need to vary more than they do today. What the responds consider would increase the variation in their work is unclear, and needs to be explored more closely. / Skogsbruket i Sverige har sedan mekaniseringens början under 1950- talet haft en teknikutveckling som effektiviserat branschen och sänkt kostnaderna. Rollen som skogsarbetare har gått från yxa och såg till att idag som skogsmaskinförare manövrera högteknologiska skogsmaskiner. Tidigare studier pekar på att yrket lider av bristfällig arbetsmiljö och dålig organisatorisk styrning, i form av bristande arbetsledning, långa arbetstider samt höga krav och stressnivåer. Detta har lett till att skogsmaskinförare valt att sluta. Syftet med studien var att identifiera nyckelfaktorer som motiverar skogsmaskinförare och hur deras inställning är till monetära belöningar. Undersökningen gjordes som en surveyundersökning hos skogsindustriföretaget Svenska Cellulosa AB där en enkät med frågor om motivationsfaktorer skickades ut till alla anställda skogsmaskinförare. SCA är ett av Sveriges största skogsbolag och Europas största privata skogsägare. 48 maskinförare besvarade enkäten, antal respondenter sett till hela branschen var litet, men ändå en totalundersökning för SCA. För ett mer generaliserbart resultat på branschnivå hade fler respondenter varit önskvärt. Det som motiverar skogsmaskinförarna mest är arbetsuppgifter och kollegorna. Deras motivation störs av bristen på karriärsmöjligheter och bristen på möjligheter att kunna påverka beslut. Skogsmaskinförarna skulle få ökad motivation genom mer varierande arbetsuppgifter och de anser att det viktigaste på arbetet för dem är att utvecklas och bli yrkesmässigt skickligare. Prestationsbaserade monetära belöningar motiverar skogsmaskinförarna. Pengar motiverar dem mer än andra former av belöningar och de ställer sig positiva till det prestationsbaserade lönepremiesystem som finns idag hos SCA. De åtgärder som behöver vidtas för att skogsmaskinförare ska vara motiverade är mer återkoppling eller feedback från arbetsledningen samt involvera maskinförarna mer i beslut som fattas. Kommunikationen mellan arbetsledning och maskinförare behöver förbättras för att öka arbetsglädjen och behålla motivationen hos de anställda. För att öka deras motivation behöver arbetet och arbetsuppgifterna variera mer än de gör idag. Vad respondenterna anser skulle öka variationen i deras arbete är oklart, och behöver undersökas närmare.
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Avsättningar i pappersmaskiner : Utbildning och förslag till processförbättringar / Deposits in paper machines : Education and suggestions for process improvementsKarlsson, Sanne January 2014 (has links)
Deposits can be formed in the paper machine due to sticky materials from wood and recycled paper. These deposits get stuck on process equipment and cause the product quality to deteriorate and the efficiency of the paper machine is reduced. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding about deposits among machine operators, and to suggest methods that can be used to reduce the amount of deposits formed in Bravikens paper machines. To fulfill the purpose of the thesis a pre-study, a literature review and interviews with machine operators and production staff, were carried out. These methods led to the planning and creation of an education about deposits for machine operators. The education about deposits for machine operators consisted of an interactive lecture to introduce the subject of deposits and a subsequent discussion. This approach was chosen to give the machine operators the opportunity to discuss their work situation on the paper machines related to their new knowledge about deposits. The education was carried out with hopes of finding new ways to manage the formation of deposits in the paper machines. According to the evaluation of the education, all machine operators considered the purpose of the education to be fulfilled. Bravikens t hermomechanical pulp, TMP, system should be developed to reduce the amount of sticky material reaching the paper machine from TMP. More analysis of the whitewater system is needed to determine which method of development that could be implemented to reduce costs and increase functionality of the paper machine. In order to develop the methods of handling deposits, Braviken should continue their work with competence development among the employees. Enhanced competence increases awareness of the problem among machine operators and it facilitates communication between employees who are working to reduce deposit formation. Improved communication also facilitates learning and contributes to the overall competence development at Braviken paper mill. / Avsättningar kan bildas i pappersmaskinen på grund av klibbigt material från veden och returpappret. Dessa avsättningar fastnar på processutrustning och medför att slutproduktens kvalité försämras samt att pappersmaskinens verkningsgrad reduceras. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att öka förståelsen om avsättningar bland maskinoperatörer samt ge förslag på metoder som kan användas för att reducera mängden avsättningar på Bravikens pappersmaskiner. För att uppfylla syftet med examensarbetet har en förstudie, en litteraturstudie och intervjuer med maskinoperatörer och personal från Bravikens produktionssektioner, genomförts. Dessa metoder låg till grund för planering och skapande av en utbildning om avsättningar för maskinoperatörer. En utbildning med maskinoperatörer genomfördes för att uppfylla syftet med examensarbetet. Utbildningen innehöll en interaktiv föreläsning för att introducera ämnet avsättningar och ett diskussionsavsnitt. Detta upplägg valdes för att ge maskinoperatörerna möjlighet att diskutera deras arbetssituation på pappersmaskinen relaterat till deras nya kunskaper om avsättningar. Utbildningen genomfördes i hopp om att hitta nya sätt att hantera avsättningsbildningen. Utvärderingen av utbildningen visade att alla deltagande maskinoperatörer ansåg att syftet med utbildningen uppnåddes. För att utveckla Bravikens hanterande av avsättningar bör Bravikens anläggning för att tillverka termomekanisk pappersmassa, TMP, utvecklas för att minska mängden klibbigt material som tar sig vidare till pappersmaskinen, PM. Mer analyser på bakvatten bör också utföras för att avgöra vilken utvecklingsmetod som är möjlig att införa med avseende på kostnad och funktion. Arbetet med att utveckla avsättningshanteringen bör också fortsätta genom kompetensutveckling för de anställda på Braviken. Detta ökar medvetenheten om problematiken bland maskinoperatörerna och förbättrar kommunikationen mellan de olika personalgrupper som arbetar för att minska avsättningsbildningen. Den förbättrade kommunikationen i sin tur underlättar även lärande och bidrar till kompetensutveckling på Bravikens pappersbruk.
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Proposta metodologica utilizando ferramentas de qualidade na avaliação do processo de pulverização / Methodological proposition making use of quality tools in the pulverization evaluation processSantos, Sergio Rodrigues dos 23 September 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Jose da Silva Maciel / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T18:51:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Santos_SergioRodriguesdos_D.pdf: 706421 bytes, checksum: 4c9b0d692a736516619c26ec58521e8e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi gerar uma metodologia para avaliar o processo de pulverização com a utilização das ferramentas da qualidade. Para tanto foram listados os fatores primários, secundários e terciários e com auxílio da ferramenta ¿check list¿ foram elaboradas as listas de checagem. Foram avaliados os fatores mão-de-obra, máquina, material, meio e método de 32 processos de pulverização antes da aplicação de defensivos agrícolas. Nesta avaliação cada fator recebeu uma pontuação onde a somatória foi de 750 pontos. Desta amostra foi avaliado a aplicação de herbicida de dez processos participantes do Programa Agrária de Qualidade Total Rural ¿ PAQTRural. Os itens de controle avaliados nos dez processos foram a qualidade de distribuição das gotas, o controle das plantas daninhas, falhas entre os rastros de pulverização e fitotoxidez causado às culturas. A qualidade de distribuição das gotas foi avaliada no momento da execução da aplicação do defensivo onde se posicionou vinte papéis hidrossensíveis na superfície do solo. Para avaliar a qualidade distribuição de gotas foi considerado o potencial risco de deriva (PRD), a densidade de gotas (N cm-2), o diâmetro mediano volumétrico (DMV) e a amplitude relativa (AR). Considerou-se também um total de 750 pontos para os itens de controle se todos estivessem em conformidade. Os resultados mostram que a pontuação média dos fatores mão-de-obra, máquina, material, meio e método foram 78, 211, 49, 20 e 94 pontos, respectivamente. Considerando a somatória dos pontos dos fatores para os 32 processos, o valor mínimo encontrado foi de 230 e o máximo de 620 pontos. Para os processos participantes do programa de qualidade pode-se notar uma menor amplitude onde a variação foi entre 410 e 620 pontos. A somatória dos fatores avaliados dos dez processos com os pontos obtidos nos itens de controle variou de 812 até 1263 pontos de um total de 1500. Com a metodologia pode-se identificar quais as causas comuns dos processos que podem afetar o seu resultado / Abstract: The purpose this work was bring a methodologist to evaluate the process of pulverization with the utilization of the quality assistance, then it were list the primary factors, second factors, third factors and with the support ¿check list¿ so it were elaborate the list. They were evaluate this factors like factor, machine agriculture, material and method of 32 process of the pulverization before application of defense agriculture, that the soma would be 750 points. This sample was evaluate the application of herbicide of the 10 participates process at Programa Agrária de Qualidade Total Rural ¿ PAQTRural. The items of evaluate in the Process were the quality of distribution of the drops controls on the weed and imperfect between sign of pulverization and phytoxicologist that causes for the culture. The quality of distribution of drops were evaluate the application of defensive on the position 20 hydro sensible paper on the pulverization bar. To evaluate the risk potential of drift (PRD) the density of drops (N cm ¿2), the volume mean diameter medium and (VMD) and the relative amplitude and also the value 750 points for the controls all of them were in conformity. The median punctuation of the factors like hand labor, machine agriculture, material and method were of the 78, 211, 49,20 and 94 points. The soma of points of the factors for the 32 process, the minimum value found was 230 and maximum of the 620 points. For the participant¿s process of quality program can watch the smallest amplitude. It being that variation was of 410 until 620 points. The soma of the evaluate factors for the 10 process with achieved point on the control changed 812 until 1263 points with the metodoly can identify the comum cause of the process can affect your result / Doutorado / Maquinas Agricolas / Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola
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The impact of a change in work posture on work-related musculoskeletal disorders among sewing-machine operators, managed within a physiotherapy and ergonomics programmeGrobler, S.H. (Susanna Helena) 14 February 2013 (has links)
When implementing a managed healthcare intervention among a working population, evidence-based healthcare is critical. In the current study, the change of work posture of sewing-machine operators from seated to stand-up (the intervention) was managed within a physiotherapy and ergonomics programme (programme) in Johnson Controls Automotive S.A. (Pty) Ltd (company) without local evidence to guide the postural transition. The management of the intervention, implemented over a period of 4.5 years, presented the opportunity for a retrospective longitudinal study. The study determined the impact of the change in work posture on the incidence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) from June 2004 to January 2009 (period). The role of the physiotherapist in the programme was to deliver manual therapy to all sewing-machine operators with WRMSDs, and to provide a clinical - ergonomics service, as a member of a multidisciplinary team, to the company. The population of sewing-machine operators (n=123) was described in terms of personal factors (e.g. age, medical history, musculoskeletal history, and body mass index (BMI)), ergonomic risk factors (e.g. work posture, force and duration) and overall incidence of WRMSDs. The associations of risk factors (personal and ergonomic) with WRMSDs, and work posture with WRMSDs among sewing-machine operators were statistically determined. The majority of the population (97.6%) was female, with mean age 42.3± 8 years. At baseline, 17.9% were hypertensive, 3.3% had arthritis, 6.5% were diabetic, and the mean BMI was 29.7 kg/m² (22% of BMIs was normal). The largest proportion of the sewing-machine operators were sewing cloth and leather (79.7%) (compared to sewing cloth and vinyl), and the remainder performed forceful precision stitching (20.3%), including headrest covers, airbags and top stitching on the final product. Job rotation took place between forceful precision stitching and straight stitching (for 36.6% of the sewing-machine operators).p> The intervention was implemented within the study period. At baseline 100% of sewing machine operators were sewing in the seated work posture. Early in the study, 17.9% of them changed their work posture from seated to stand-up, 30.1% changed to the stand-up work posture in January 2007, and 34.9% a year later. The last 17.1% remained seated till the last year of the study period. From July 2008, 100% of the sewing-machine operators were sewing in the stand-up work posture. The results indicated two strong associations of risk factors and a change in work posture with WRMSDs. Obesity (specifically morbid obesity) was a personal risk factor for upper limb disorders and working in the stand-up work posture was protective for spinal disorders, compared to working in the seated work posture. Furthermore, the results indicated a high incidence of disorders (specifically of the spinal area and upper limb) during the first three months of the programme, as well as an increased incidence of lower leg disorders for the first and consecutive month of the change in work posture from seated to standing up. Lower limb disorders were specifically associated with obesity. The increase of lower limb disorders during the postural adaptation phase was temporary, and was addressed within the programme with proper shoe wear, silicone innersoles, supportive stockings and exercises. The combination proved to be effective in preventing and/or managing lower limb disorders. The outcome of the current study provided evidence on the incidence of WRMSDs, and associations between risk factors and work posture, and WRMSDs among sewing machine operators managed within the programme. / Dissertation (MPhysT)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Physiotherapy / unrestricted
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Selbstlernende Assistenzsysteme für MaschinenbedienerSchult, Andre, Oehm, Lukas, Carsch, Sebastian, Windisch, Markus, Majschak, Jens-Peter 06 January 2020 (has links)
Technische Entwicklungen sowie Elemente der Automatisierung führen im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau zu einer steigenden Komplexität, welche mit einem gesteigerten Gesamtwirkungsgrad (nach (DIN 8743:2014-01) der Endprodukte einhergeht. In der Bedienung kann jedoch, bspw. in der Lebensmittelverarbeitungs- und -verpackungsindustrie, eine Diskrepanz des technisch möglichen und real erzielten Wirkungsgrades im zweistelligen Prozentbereich festgestellt werden (Schult, Oehm, Klaeger & Carsch 2018). Mit den Ironies of automation wurde bereits in den 1980er Jahren eine Ursache dafür identifiziert. Die fehlende Erfahrung sowie fehlendes Prozessverständnis im Umgang mit komplexen Systemen auf Bedienenden-Seite führen zu Problemen im Umgang mit ebenjenen (Bainbridge 1983). Insbesondere bei biogenen Rohstoffen mit volatilen Eigenschaften können weit verzweigte Ursache-Wirkungs-Kausalitäten im Störungsfall weder verstanden noch nachhaltig behoben werden. Diese theoretische Annahme wird auch durch Analysen am Fraunhofer Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung (IVV) in Dresden bestätigt. Seit 1995 konnte in über 6.000 Stunden Maschineneffizienzanalysen in der Lebensmittelverarbeitung und -verpackung festgestellt werden, dass die Prozesse von so genannten Mikrostörungen, also Unterbrechungen kürzer als 2 Minuten, geprägt sind (Schult, Beck & Majschak 2015). Ein für die nachhaltige Problemlösung notwendiger Erfahrungsaustausch und -aufbau unter den Mitarbeitenden wird dabei häufig durch Personalfluktuation, Fachkräftemangel und Kommunikationsbarrieren behindert. [...aus der Einleitung]
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