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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sliding mode control of active magnetic bearings with low losses : a model-free approach / Commande par mode glissant de paliers magnétiques actifs économes en énergie : une approche sans modèle

Kandil, Mohamed Salah January 2016 (has links)
Abstract : Over the past three decades, various fields have witnessed a successful application of active magnetic bearing (AMB) systems. Their favorable features include supporting high-speed rotation, low power consumption, and rotor dynamics control. Although their losses are much lower than roller bearings, these losses could limit the operation in some applications such as flywheel energy storage systems and vacuum applications. Many researchers focused their efforts on boosting magnetic bearings energy efficiency via minimizing currents supplied to electromagnetic coils either by a software solution or a hardware solution. According to a previous study, we adopt the hardware solution in this thesis. More specifically, we investigate developing an efficient and yet simple control scheme for regulating a permanent magnet-biased active magnetic bearing system. The control objective here is to suppress the rotor vibrations and reduce the corresponding control currents as possible throughout a wide operating range. Although adopting the hardware approach could achieve an energy-efficient AMB, employing an advanced control scheme could achieve a further reduction in power consumption. Many advanced control techniques have been proposed in the literature to achieve a satisfactory performance. However, the complexity of the majority of control schemes and the potential requirement of powerful platform could discourage their application in practice. The motivation behind this work is to improve the closed-loop performance without the need to do model identification and following the conventional procedure for developing a model-based controller. Here, we propose applying the hybridization concept to exploit the classical PID control and some nonlinear control tools such as first- and second-order sliding mode control, high gain observer, backstepping, and adaptive techniques to develop efficient and practical control schemes. All developed control schemes in this thesis are digitally implemented and validated on the eZdsp F2812 control board. Therefore, the applicability of the proposed model-free techniques for practical application is demonstrated. Furthermore, some of the proposed control schemes successfully achieve a good compromise between the objectives of rotor vibration attenuation and control currents minimization over a wide operating range. / Résumé: Au cours des trois dernières décennies, divers domaines ont connu une application réussie des systèmes de paliers magnétiques actifs (PMA). Leurs caractéristiques favorables comprennent une capacité de rotation à grande vitesse, une faible consommation d'énergie, et le contrôle de la dynamique du rotor. Bien que leurs pertes soient beaucoup plus basses que les roulements à rouleaux, ces pertes pourraient limiter l'opération dans certaines applications telles que les systèmes de stockage d'énergie à volant d'inertie et les applications sous vide. De nombreux chercheurs ont concentré leurs efforts sur le renforcement de l'efficacité énergétique des paliers magnétiques par la minimisation des courants fournis aux bobines électromagnétiques soit par une solution logicielle, soit par une solution matérielle. Selon une étude précédente, nous adoptons la solution matérielle dans cette thèse. Plus précisément, nous étudions le développement d'un système de contrôle efficace et simple pour réguler un système de palier magnétique actif à aimant permanent polarisé. L'objectif de contrôle ici est de supprimer les vibrations du rotor et de réduire les courants de commande correspondants autant que possible tout au long d'une large plage de fonctionnement. Bien que l'adoption de l'approche matérielle pourrait atteindre un PMA économe en énergie, un système de contrôle avancé pourrait parvenir à une réduction supplémentaire de la consommation d'énergie. De nombreuses techniques de contrôle avancées ont été proposées dans la littérature pour obtenir une performance satisfaisante. Cependant, la complexité de la majorité des systèmes de contrôle et l'exigence potentielle d’une plate-forme puissante pourrait décourager leur application dans la pratique. La motivation derrière ce travail est d'améliorer les performances en boucle fermée, sans la nécessité de procéder à l'identification du modèle et en suivant la procédure classique pour développer un contrôleur basé sur un modèle. Ici, nous proposons l'application du concept d'hybridation pour exploiter le contrôle PID classique et certains outils de contrôle non linéaires tels que contrôle par mode glissement du premier et du second ordre, observateur à grand gain, backstepping et techniques adaptatives pour développer des systèmes de contrôle efficaces et pratiques. Tous les systèmes de contrôle développés dans cette thèse sont numériquement mis en oeuvre et évaluées sur la carte de contrôle eZdsp F2812. Par conséquent, l'applicabilité des techniques de modèle libre proposé pour l'application pratique est démontrée. En outre, certains des régimes de contrôle proposés ont réalisé avec succès un bon compromis entre les objectifs au rotor d’atténuation des vibrations et la minimisation des courants de commande sur une grande plage de fonctionnement.

Untersuchung der Eisenkreiszeitkonstante eines axialen Magnetlagers

Seifert, Robert 25 March 2022 (has links)
Die Dynamik von axialen Magnetlagern ist im besonderen Maße von den eingesetzten Materialien abhängig. Axiale Flussverläufe machen eine Blechung von Stator und Rotor unwirksam und hohe induzierte Spannungen rufen im Magnetkreis wirbelstrombedingte Gegenfelder hervor. Zusätzliche kompensierende Magnetisierungsströme lassen den messbaren Strom der Steuerspule dem kraftbildenden Hauptfluss vorauseilen. Durch Einsatz von Pulververbundwerkstoffen lässt sich dieser Effekt reduzieren. Aus mechanischen Gründen wird die rotierende Axiallager-Scheibe in konventionellen Anwendungen dennoch aus Stahl gefertigt. In dieser Diplomarbeit werden alternative Materialien und Ausführungsformen untersucht und die auftretenden Unterschiede im dynamischen Verhalten mit der Eisenkreiszeitkonstante quantifiziert. Neben dem zu Grunde liegenden analytischen Modell soll eine fortgeschrittene Systembeschreibung vorgestellt werden, die das atypische Übertragungsverhalten der Regelstrecke berücksichtigt. Dieses setzt sich aus Differenziergliedern gebrochen-rationaler Ordnung zusammen und bildet ein sogenanntes „Fractional-Order-System“. Die Modelle werden mittels FEM-Simulationen und Experimenten am eigens konstruierten Versuchslager verifiziert. / The dynamics of axial magnetic bearings are characterized by an above-average dependency on the used materials. Axially directed fields render laminated stators and rotors ineffective. High induced voltages inside the magnetic core evoke eddy currents and opposing fields, which are compensated by an additional magnetizing current. Therefore a significant delay between the measurable coil current and the force-related magnetic flux is observed. The use of soft magnetic composites can minimize this effect, though the bearing disk usually is manufactured from conventional steel for mechanical reasons in a wide range of applications. In this diploma thesis alternative materials and embodiments are considered and the occurring differences regarding the dynamic behavior will be quantified by means of the magnetic circuit time constant. Beside its underlying analytical model, an advanced system description is introduced to include the atypical transfer function of the closed loop control system, characterized by so-called Fractional-Order-Derivatives. All models will be verified by FE-analysis and experiments on a newly constructed magnetic bearing.

Sensorlose Flussdichteregelung für axiale Magnetlager auf Basis fraktionaler Systeme

Seifert, Robert, Hofmann, Wilfried 28 June 2022 (has links)
Typischerweise wird die Rotorposition aktiver Magnetlager mit einer Lageregelung mit unterlagerter Stromregelung geregelt. Dieser Ansatz erreicht jedoch insbesondere bei axialen Magnetlagern mit massivem Kern seine Grenzen, daWirbelströme und Sättigungserscheinungen im Magnetkreis eine Diskrepanz zwischen den messbaren und kraftbildenden Spulenströmen hervorrufen. Die in der Folge erhebliche Verminderung der Lagersteifigkeit kann durch eine alternative Flussdichteregelung vermieden werden, da so unmittelbar die kraftbildende Komponente gestellt wird. In diesem Artikel stellen wir eine Regelungsvariante auf Basis eines fraktionalen Flussdichteschätzers vor, der ohne zusätzliche Sensorik auskommt und sich somit auch für bestehende Systeme implementieren lässt. Anhand von berechneten Frequenzgängen zeigen wir das große Verbesserungspotenzial dieser neuen Variante in Bezug auf Regelgüte und Stabilität im Vergleich zu einer klassischen Lageregelung mit unterlagerter Stromregelung.

Fraktionale Flussschätzung in aktiven Magnetlagern

Seifert, Robert 18 September 2023 (has links)
Seit jeher sind Wirbelströme ein fester Bestandteil der Leistungsbilanz und Verlustberechnung in zahlreichen elektromagnetischen Energiewandlern. In aktiven Magnetlagern und Aktoren haben sie jedoch häufig einen zusätzlichen Einfluss auf die Kraftdynamik, da die einhergehende Feldverdrängung parasitäre Magnetisierungsströme hervorbringt, welche die meist strombasierten Kraftregler beeinträchtigen. Besonders betroffen sind die in dieser Dissertation beispielhaft betrachteten magnetischen Axiallager mit ihrer dreidimensionalen Flussführung, für welche die sonst übliche und effektive Blechung des Kerns unwirksam wird. Aus diesen Gründen werden regelungsbasierte Lösungen angestrebt. Bekannte fortschrittliche Topologien nutzen mitunter aufwendige Regler und Beobachter, wobei der direkte physikalische Bezug zu den mechanischen Parametern Steifigkeit und Dämpfung meist verloren geht. Diese Analogie zu mechanischen Lagern ist jedoch essentiell für eine einfache Inbetriebnahme des Magnetlagers, ein Grund, weshalb sich viele alternative Topologien nicht nachhaltig durchsetzen konnten und die dezentrale kaskadierte Lageregelung mit unterlagerter Stromregelung noch immer als weit verbreiteter Industriestandard gilt. Die in Axiallagern eingeschränkte Stabilität, Dynamik und Bandbreite aufgrund der Wirbelstromeffekte wird dabei zu Gunsten der einfacheren Anwendbarkeit toleriert. Diese Arbeit stellt ein fraktionales Kompensationsglied in Gestalt eines Flussschätzers vor, welches im Rückführungszweig der unterlagerten Regelung die Folgen der Wirbelströme dort herausrechnet, wo sie physikalisch wirken. Die resultierende modellbasierte Flussregelung erhält somit sämtliche physikalische Bezüge und die gute Anwendbarkeit, bei gleichzeitig verbesserten Regelungseigenschaften, sodass diesbezüglich keine Kompromisse notwendig sind. Das zugrundeliegende Modell leitet sich aus der Lösung der Diffusionsgleichung für den massiven Kern ab und stellt zunächst ein transzendentes fraktionales System dar, welches nicht direkt in einer Regelung anwendbar ist. Über Kettenbruchentwicklungen und Frequenzganganalysen ist es jedoch möglich, eine rationale Systembeschreibung zu ermitteln, die in Form einer digitalen Biquad-Filter-Kaskade auch in bestehende Mikroprozessor-Regelungen echtzeitfähig implementierbar ist. Die Arbeit dokumentiert das Vorgehen für eine Vielzahl von Randbedingungen und berücksichtigt verschiedene denkbare Einschränkungen, die in praktischen Anwendungen erwartbar sind. Der messtechnische Funktionsnachweis zeigt eine nahezu vollständige Kompensation der Wirbelstromeffekte in der unterlagerten Regelung, während sich die Bandbreite der Lageregelung nachweislich mindestens vervierfacht bei einem um bis zu 90 % Überschwingen gegenüber dem Industriestandard. / Eddy currents have always been part of loss calculations and power balances in numerous electromagnetic energy converters. In active magnetic bearings and actuators they additionally have a great influence on the force dynamic, as the concomitant magnetic skin effect provokes parasitic magnetizing currents that impair the usually current-based force controllers. Thrust bearings with their three-dimensional flux propagation, which serve as example in this thesis, are especially affected, due to the ineffectiveness of the commonly applied lamination of the iron core. For these reasons, control-based solutions are desired. Known advanced control topologies employ possibly intricating controllers and observers, which hardly preserve the direct physical reference to mechanical parameters like stiffness and damping. However, this analogy to mechanical bearings is essential for a simple bearing operation. That is one reason why many alternative topologies could not been established sustainably and the decentralized cascaded position control with subordinated current control is considered as the indisputable industry standard. Its limitation of stability, dynamic and bandwidth, caused by the eddy current effects in thrust bearings, is only tolerated, in favor of a superior applicability. This thesis introduces a fractional-order compensation element in the form of a flux estimator that compensates the eddy currents effects, where they physically occur, to wit, within the feedback path of the subordinated control. Hence, the resulting flux control maintains all physical references and the simple applicability, but does not compromise on the control characteristic in this regard. The underlying model is derived from the solution of the diffusing equation that describes the nonlaminated core. It firstly constitutes a transcendental fractional-order system, which cannot be directly applied to a bearing control. However, by the use of continued fraction expansions and frequency analysis, a rational system description is determinable, which can be implemented as biquad filter cascade for real-time application even in existing microprocessor controls. This work documents the procedure for a variety of boundary conditions while considering various possible restrictions, which are to be expected in practical applications. The experimental proof of concept reveals a nearly complete compensation of the eddy current effects in the subordinated control. The bandwidth of the outer position control is at least quadrupled, while the overshoot can be reduced by up to 90 % compared to the industry standard.

Health Monitoring of Cracked Rotor Systems using External Excitation Techniques

Wroblewski, Adam Christopher 03 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Controle de sistema de mancais magnéticos ativos para um motor de indução linear tubular. / Control system applied to active magnetic bearings for a tubular linear induction motor.

Monaco, Leandro Henrique 08 October 2012 (has links)
Para aplicações de extração de petróleo de poços em terra foi desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Eletromagnetismo Aplicado (LMAG) da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo um protótipo de motor de indução linear tubular (MILT), onde o movimento axial do secundário do motor aciona diretamente a bomba de extração situada no fundo do poço. Numa segunda etapa, foi prevista a substituição dos mancais mecânicos por dois mancais magnéticos ativos (AMBs), que permitem melhor movimentação e praticamente nenhum atrito, reduzindo o desgaste causado por impurezas contidas no petróleo extraído, e consequentemente os esforços de manutenção. Todavia, o protótipo atual possui apenas um mancal magnético, e o outro é mecânico. O presente trabalho apresenta a instalação do segundo mancal magnético ao protótipo do MILT, e propõe realizar o controle do sistema de mancais magnéticos para o MILT, tendo em vista um problema multivariável, onde as posições do secundário do motor em relação aos dois mancais são correlacionadas, bem como as ações de controle sobre os mesmos. O trabalho faz uma revisão do sistema atual com um AMB, abordando sua concepção física, modelagem e o controlador, e tal controlador é replicado para o segundo AMB. Um novo modelo é apresentado, considerando o comportamento multivariável dos dois AMBs, e um sistema de controle robusto multivariável é projetado, através da técnica LQG/LTR. Resultados de simulação do novo controlador são analisados e comparados com os resultados experimentais do controlador atual aplicado aos dois AMBs, e apresentam-se as conclusões. / For onshore oil extraction applications, a tubular linear induction motor (TLIM) prototype was developed by Applied Electromagnetism Laboratory (LMAG) of Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, on which the axial movement of the motor secondary drives the suction pump, placed in the down hole of the oil well. In a second step, it was planned to replace the mechanical bearings by two Active Magnetic Bearings (AMB), in order to have better movement and practically no friction, reducing damages caused by impurities in the oil, thus reducing maintenance effort. Nevertheless, the actual prototype has only one AMB, being the other one a mechanical bearing. This paper presents the installation of the second AMB onto TLIM prototype, and a proposal to implement the control algorithm for the TLIM magnetic bearing system, considering now a multivariable problem, where the position of the motor secondary for both AMB are related, as well as control efforts. The present work review the actual system with only one AMB, approaching its physical construction, mathematical model and applied control system; and this control system is applied to the second AMB. A new model is presented, considering the AMB system multivariable behavior, and a multivariable robust control system is then designed, using LQG/LTR approach. Simulation results for the new controller are analyzed and compared to experimental results from the actual controller applied to both AMB, and some conclusions are presented.

Algoritmo de autoidentificação para o controle autônomo de vibrações em sistemas rotativos / Self-identification algorithm for the autonomous control of vibrations in rotating systems

Buttini, Thiago Malta 29 July 2011 (has links)
Vibrações são intrínsecas às máquinas rotativas e, embora não possam ser completamente eliminadas, devem ser controladas de modo a se evitar fadiga e até mesmo falha da máquina. Neste contexto, devido à sua capacidade de alterar as características dinâmicas destas máquinas, os mancais ativos são uma solução efetiva a fim de se reduzir vibrações em rotores, permitindo não só maior ciclo de vida, mas também aumento de confiabilidade e desempenho. Frequentemente, o projeto do sistema de controle destes mancais baseia-se em um modelo matemático da planta, o qual pode ser de difícil obtenção e, devido à adoção de hipóteses simplificadoras (inerentes ao processo de modelagem), pode ser impreciso. Com base nestes conceitos, propõe-se a utilização de uma técnica de controle do tipo proporcional-derivativa baseada em medições de resposta em frequência (livre de modelos matemáticos) aplicada ao controle de vibrações em sistemas rotativos, contornando dificuldades de modelagem. Esta técnica é testada experimentalmente em uma bancada de testes cujos elementos de atuação são os eletromagnetos de um mancal ativo, e um algoritmo para a identificação automática das FRFs do sistema (algoritmo de autoidentificação) é desenvolvido e implementado, permitindo, de forma autônoma, o cálculo dos ganhos ótimos do controlador PD visando atenuação de vibrações. Com base nos resultados obtidos, tem-se que este trabalho é um estudo preliminar que pode viabilizar o desenvolvimento de um mancal ativo inteligente, o qual, a partir de medições do deslocamento do eixo, seria capaz de obter a resposta em frequência do sistema e determinar, de forma automática, os ganhos ótimos do controlador, possibilitando o controle autônomo de vibrações em sistemas rotativos, a partir de um algoritmo de autoidentificação e de uma metodologia de controle livre de modelos. / Vibrations are intrinsic to rotating machinery and, although they cannot be completely eliminated, it is important to control this kind of motion with the objective of avoiding fatigue and even failure of the machine. In this context, due to their capacity of changing the dynamic characteristics of these machines, active bearings are an effective solution to reduce vibration in rotors, allowing not only longer lifecycle, but also higher performance. Frequently, the design of the control system of these bearings is based on a mathematical model of the plant, whose obtainment can be hard and, due to the adoption of simplifying hypotheses (inherent to the modeling process), it may be imprecise. Keeping in mind these concepts, this dissertation proposes the use of a proportional-derivative control technique based on frequency response measurements (free of mathematical models) applied to the vibration control of rotating systems, overcoming modeling difficulties. This technique is experimentally tested in a test rig whose actuation elements are the electromagnets of an active bearing, and an algorithm for automatic identification of the system\'s FRFs (self-identification algorithm) is developed and implemented, allowing, in an autonomous way, the calculation of the optimum gains of the PD controller aiming at controlling vibrations. Based on the obtained results, this work consists in a preliminary study that may enable the development of a smart active bearing, which, from measurements of the shaft\'s displacement, would be capable of obtaining the frequency response of the system and determine, automatically, the optimum gains of the controller, making it possible the autonomous vibration control in rotating systems, from a self-identification algorithm and a model-free control methodology.

Controle de sistema de mancais magnéticos ativos para um motor de indução linear tubular. / Control system applied to active magnetic bearings for a tubular linear induction motor.

Leandro Henrique Monaco 08 October 2012 (has links)
Para aplicações de extração de petróleo de poços em terra foi desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Eletromagnetismo Aplicado (LMAG) da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo um protótipo de motor de indução linear tubular (MILT), onde o movimento axial do secundário do motor aciona diretamente a bomba de extração situada no fundo do poço. Numa segunda etapa, foi prevista a substituição dos mancais mecânicos por dois mancais magnéticos ativos (AMBs), que permitem melhor movimentação e praticamente nenhum atrito, reduzindo o desgaste causado por impurezas contidas no petróleo extraído, e consequentemente os esforços de manutenção. Todavia, o protótipo atual possui apenas um mancal magnético, e o outro é mecânico. O presente trabalho apresenta a instalação do segundo mancal magnético ao protótipo do MILT, e propõe realizar o controle do sistema de mancais magnéticos para o MILT, tendo em vista um problema multivariável, onde as posições do secundário do motor em relação aos dois mancais são correlacionadas, bem como as ações de controle sobre os mesmos. O trabalho faz uma revisão do sistema atual com um AMB, abordando sua concepção física, modelagem e o controlador, e tal controlador é replicado para o segundo AMB. Um novo modelo é apresentado, considerando o comportamento multivariável dos dois AMBs, e um sistema de controle robusto multivariável é projetado, através da técnica LQG/LTR. Resultados de simulação do novo controlador são analisados e comparados com os resultados experimentais do controlador atual aplicado aos dois AMBs, e apresentam-se as conclusões. / For onshore oil extraction applications, a tubular linear induction motor (TLIM) prototype was developed by Applied Electromagnetism Laboratory (LMAG) of Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, on which the axial movement of the motor secondary drives the suction pump, placed in the down hole of the oil well. In a second step, it was planned to replace the mechanical bearings by two Active Magnetic Bearings (AMB), in order to have better movement and practically no friction, reducing damages caused by impurities in the oil, thus reducing maintenance effort. Nevertheless, the actual prototype has only one AMB, being the other one a mechanical bearing. This paper presents the installation of the second AMB onto TLIM prototype, and a proposal to implement the control algorithm for the TLIM magnetic bearing system, considering now a multivariable problem, where the position of the motor secondary for both AMB are related, as well as control efforts. The present work review the actual system with only one AMB, approaching its physical construction, mathematical model and applied control system; and this control system is applied to the second AMB. A new model is presented, considering the AMB system multivariable behavior, and a multivariable robust control system is then designed, using LQG/LTR approach. Simulation results for the new controller are analyzed and compared to experimental results from the actual controller applied to both AMB, and some conclusions are presented.

Algoritmo de autoidentificação para o controle autônomo de vibrações em sistemas rotativos / Self-identification algorithm for the autonomous control of vibrations in rotating systems

Thiago Malta Buttini 29 July 2011 (has links)
Vibrações são intrínsecas às máquinas rotativas e, embora não possam ser completamente eliminadas, devem ser controladas de modo a se evitar fadiga e até mesmo falha da máquina. Neste contexto, devido à sua capacidade de alterar as características dinâmicas destas máquinas, os mancais ativos são uma solução efetiva a fim de se reduzir vibrações em rotores, permitindo não só maior ciclo de vida, mas também aumento de confiabilidade e desempenho. Frequentemente, o projeto do sistema de controle destes mancais baseia-se em um modelo matemático da planta, o qual pode ser de difícil obtenção e, devido à adoção de hipóteses simplificadoras (inerentes ao processo de modelagem), pode ser impreciso. Com base nestes conceitos, propõe-se a utilização de uma técnica de controle do tipo proporcional-derivativa baseada em medições de resposta em frequência (livre de modelos matemáticos) aplicada ao controle de vibrações em sistemas rotativos, contornando dificuldades de modelagem. Esta técnica é testada experimentalmente em uma bancada de testes cujos elementos de atuação são os eletromagnetos de um mancal ativo, e um algoritmo para a identificação automática das FRFs do sistema (algoritmo de autoidentificação) é desenvolvido e implementado, permitindo, de forma autônoma, o cálculo dos ganhos ótimos do controlador PD visando atenuação de vibrações. Com base nos resultados obtidos, tem-se que este trabalho é um estudo preliminar que pode viabilizar o desenvolvimento de um mancal ativo inteligente, o qual, a partir de medições do deslocamento do eixo, seria capaz de obter a resposta em frequência do sistema e determinar, de forma automática, os ganhos ótimos do controlador, possibilitando o controle autônomo de vibrações em sistemas rotativos, a partir de um algoritmo de autoidentificação e de uma metodologia de controle livre de modelos. / Vibrations are intrinsic to rotating machinery and, although they cannot be completely eliminated, it is important to control this kind of motion with the objective of avoiding fatigue and even failure of the machine. In this context, due to their capacity of changing the dynamic characteristics of these machines, active bearings are an effective solution to reduce vibration in rotors, allowing not only longer lifecycle, but also higher performance. Frequently, the design of the control system of these bearings is based on a mathematical model of the plant, whose obtainment can be hard and, due to the adoption of simplifying hypotheses (inherent to the modeling process), it may be imprecise. Keeping in mind these concepts, this dissertation proposes the use of a proportional-derivative control technique based on frequency response measurements (free of mathematical models) applied to the vibration control of rotating systems, overcoming modeling difficulties. This technique is experimentally tested in a test rig whose actuation elements are the electromagnets of an active bearing, and an algorithm for automatic identification of the system\'s FRFs (self-identification algorithm) is developed and implemented, allowing, in an autonomous way, the calculation of the optimum gains of the PD controller aiming at controlling vibrations. Based on the obtained results, this work consists in a preliminary study that may enable the development of a smart active bearing, which, from measurements of the shaft\'s displacement, would be capable of obtaining the frequency response of the system and determine, automatically, the optimum gains of the controller, making it possible the autonomous vibration control in rotating systems, from a self-identification algorithm and a model-free control methodology.

Investigation on the control of supercritical centrifugal compressors supported by active magnetic bearings : Toward a new control strategy? / Recherches sur le contrôle des compresseurs centrifuges supercritiques supportés par des paliers magnétiques actifs : Vers une nouvelle stratégie de contrôle ?

Defoy, Benjamin 14 December 2012 (has links)
Le comportement dynamique des turbomachines industrielles doit respecter des critères émis par les normes internationales et les utilisateurs. Les rotors flexibles sont sensibles à la distribution de balourd, et sont soumis aux excitations aérodynamiques de leur environnement. Usuellement, les contrôleurs utilisés peinent à délivrer le niveau d’exigence demandé, par conséquent les propriétés mécaniques des paliers magnétiques sont fortement dépendantes de celles des rotors. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’analyser le comportement dynamique des compresseurs centrifuges afin de proposer une stratégie de contrôle innovante. D’abord, chaque palier est considéré comme une entité a part entière en couplant ses deux axes d’action. Le comportement dynamique du rotor est exprimé dans le repère polaire. Par ailleurs, la logique floue, qui utilise un modèle de pensée proche du raisonnement humain, applique des actions correctives en fonction du comportement dynamique global du rotor. Ainsi, l’utilisation couplée de ces deux approches créé une synergie permettant d’agir sur le système de manière ciblée. Le contrôleur dissipe l’énergie cinétique du rotor lors du franchissement de vitesses critiques afin d’atténuer la réponse au balourd, ou augmente la raideur du palier lors de vibrations transitoires ou asynchrones afin de réduire la trajectoire du rotor. Le faible amortissement structurel du rotor le rend sensible au phénomène de « spillover » (l’énergie de contrôle affecte les modes de fréquence élevée). Or, la logique floue ne peut pas gérer ce phénomène. Ainsi, un contrôleur PID sous-jacent est utilisé pour maîtriser la stabilité des modes hautes fréquences. Au final, le contrôleur flou polaire permet d’obtenir des marges de performances entre les capacités de cet asservissement et le cahier des charges. Ces marges sont utilisées pour trois objectifs : le respect des spécifications, l’amélioration du comportement subsynchrone, et enfin la simplification et la standardisation du contrôleur sous-jacent nommé ici SPID. Ce contrôleur est tel que ses caractéristiques, dans la plage de fréquence utile, sont indépendantes du rotor pour une application donnée. Enfin, la stratégie développée est évaluée avec des simulations numériques et des essais expérimentaux. D’abord, le modèle numérique est validé, puis le contrôleur est appliqué à un banc d’essais académique. Le comportement est stable et robuste. Il présente des performances supérieures au PID augmenté fourni avec le banc, que ce soit pour la réponse au balourd, ou pour la réponse à des excitations subsynchrones. Finalement, la démarche est appliquée à un compresseur industriel. Les simulations montrent que le comportement est proche de celui exigé pour des machines sur paliers classiques. L’optimisation de l’approche et l’automatisation de la conception pourraient conduire à la standardisation des paliers magnétiques actifs. / The dynamic behaviour of large turbomachinery should satisfy stringent requirements dictated by international standards and final users. Their flexible rotor is sensitive to the unbalance distribution and subjected to particular excitations coming from the industrial process. Usually, the performance margins between the requirements and the classical controller capabilities are small. Consequently, the magnetic bearing characteristics depend on the rotor geometry. Designing such controllers is difficult and time consuming. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the dynamic behaviour of supercritical centrifugal compressors in order to propose a new control strategy. First, each bearing is considered as one entity by coupling its two axes of action. The introduction of polar quantities permits a better observation of the rotor dynamic behaviour. In addition, by using logic close to human being reasoning, the fuzzy logic modulates the action forces as a function of the global dynamic behaviour. The coupling of the two approaches is an efficient way to apply targeted corrective actions. This controller attenuates the unbalance vibration when crossing critical speeds by applying damping forces, or increases the stiffness during transient or asynchronous excitations in order to limit the maximum displacement reached. As their structural damping is low, flexible rotors are very sensitive to spillover effect, which cannot be managed by fuzzy controllers. Consequently, an underlying PID is necessary. This hand-synthesized controller has high frequency characteristics tuned in order to ensure stability and robustness for each rotor. Compared to a classical approach, the polar fuzzy controller enables to increase the performance margins. These margins are used to fulfil three objectives: the achievement of standards requirements, the improvement of the subsynchronous behaviour, and the simplification and the standardization of the PID controller that we called SPID. This SPID is designed for a given application, such that the bearing characteristics on the operating frequency range are always the same. The control strategy is assessed numerically and experimentally. First, the numerical model is validated with experimental tests. Then, the controller developed is applied to an academic test rig. The controller is stable and robust. It exhibits performance superior to the augmented PID supplied with the test rig for both unbalance response and response to subsynchronous excitations. Finally, the control of an industrial compressor is assessed numerically. The results obtained are close to the standards requirements used for classical bearings. The optimization of the approach and the utilization of an automatic tuning algorithm for high frequency characteristics could lead to the standardization of Active Magnetic Bearings.

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