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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Razvoj modela upravljanja ljudskim resursima uz podršku informacionih tehnologija / IT-Supported Development of Human Resources Management Model

Lajšić Helena 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Sposobnost za postizanje postavljenih ciljeva bilo koje<br />organizacije, u kontekstu strategijskog i performans<br />menadžmenta, zavisi od sposobnosti te organizacije da uči, da<br />razvija i upravlja razvojem svog intektualnog kapitala, odnosno<br />ljudskim resursima. Inovacija i razvoj proizvoda, usluga i<br />poslovnih procesa mogu se postići unapređenim znanjima i<br />umjećima osoblja, nadmoćnom informacionom tehnologijom i<br />uređenim procesima organizacije. Savremene organizacije sve<br />jasnije shvataju da im valjano upravljanje ljudskim resursima<br />može značajno doprinjeti sticanju održivih kompetitivnih<br />prednosti. Značaj koncepata i pristupa upravljanja ljudskim<br />resursima, a prema tome i vrednovanja i ocjenjivanja ljudskog<br />kapitala, sa podr&scaron;kom upravljačkih informacionih sistema, se<br />prema svemu sudeći, zasniva se na činjenici da, zahvaljujući<br />pomenutim sistemima, biva reorganizovano doskora&scaron;nje<br />shvatanje i razumijevanje doprinosa osoblja performansama<br />organizacije.<br />Upravljanje ljudskim resursima u svakom poslovnom sistemu<br />postaje potpuno različito od dosada&scaron;njeg. Ono se vi&scaron;e ne shvata<br />samo kao puka funkcionalna aktivnost već i kao nova poslovna<br />filozofija koju treba provoditi na svim menadžerskim nivoima.<br />Neki od neophodnih uslova za uspje&scaron;no upravljanje ljudskim<br />resursima i performansom se obezbjeđuju putem upravljanja<br />informacionim resursima organizacije (podacima,<br />informacijama i znanjima) kao i od strane poslovne<br />inteligencije kao osnove za sticanje potrebnih informacija.<br />Stoga se značajan dio ove teze fokusira na koncipiranje i razvoj<br />upravljačkih informacionih sistema za podr&scaron;ku upravljanju<br />ljudskim resursima.</p> / <p>The ability to achieve the set objectives of an organisation<br />in the context of strategic and performance management<br />depends on the organisation&rsquo;s ability to learn, develop and<br />manage the development of its own intellectual capital i.e.<br />human resources. Innovation and development of products,<br />services and business processes can be achieved by<br />improved staff&rsquo;s knowledge and skills, supreme<br />information technology and regulated organisational<br />processes. Modern organisations are becoming more and<br />more aware of the fact that proper human resources<br />management can considerably contribute to gaining<br />sustainable competitive advantages. The importance of<br />conceptions of and approaches to human resources<br />management, and therefore the evaluation and assessment<br />of the human capital supported by IT systems seems to be<br />based on the fact that the previous understanding of staff&rsquo;s<br />contribution to the organisation&rsquo;s performance is being<br />reorganised owing to IT support. In every business system<br />human resources management is becoming totally different<br />than before; it is no longer seen as a mere functional<br />activity but also as a new business philosophy to be<br />applied on all levels of management.<br />Some of the conditions necessary for successful human<br />resources management and performances are provided by<br />the informational resources of an organisation (data,<br />information and skills) and business intelligence as the<br />basis for acquiring the necessary information. Therefore, a<br />significant part of this thesis is focused on conceiving and<br />developing the management information systems for<br />human resources management support.</p>

Lessons from social housing provision: A case study in Asanda village township in Strand, Western Cape province

Mqikela, Dumisa January 2021 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / This study investigates problems around provision of social housing with a specific focus in social housing programmes in South Africa. Research is looking at challenges faced by the municipality in making sure housing beneficiaries receive houses of their own. This challenge arises from the ability of government to provide enough and adequate houses to people with housing demand. The government has promised to provide for each citizen a roof over their head however the apparent housing allocation and distribution process has been slow with some parts of the society being excluded from the housing subsidy. Since 1994 after democracy took place, the government has built 1 million houses however this was not enough to secure houses for all, as many individuals are still living in shacks with little or no access to basic services. This paper looks at the challenges and experiences in social housing learnt by housing beneficiaries mainly in the Siyanyanzela Informal Settlement.

Exploring Inventory Management's Effects on a Company's Profitability

Frye, Mason 01 May 2022 (has links)
Effective inventory management policy is a recognizable critical driver for company success, but which techniques and tools are relevant today? This thesis explores the theory that a company's inventory management practices directly impact the firm's efficiency, responsiveness, and profitability. Research from previously published studies on inventory management is shared to develop a framework of understanding to answer the question of relevancy. Additionally, interviews with successful business professionals within the field provide additional insight into specific inventory management practices that affect profitability and performance. Moreover, these professionals discuss how the practices are effectively applied in the real world today. Finally, this thesis will explore specific challenges the coronavirus pandemic presents for inventory managers across the globe and strategies that industry professionals are utilizing to manage through these taxing times.

The Impact of Team-Based Learning’s Readiness Assurance Process on Virtually Isolated Adults

Barclay, Matthew W. 01 August 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of the readiness assurance process of team-based learning (TBL) in virtually isolated settings. Many Internet sites offer courses for adults to use on their own without access to mentors or other learners. However, educational theory suggests that people learn better with others than by themselves. The focus of this investigation was whether the inclusion of the readiness assurance process would increase participants’ levels of learning based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy within the limits of virtual isolation. In this study an experimental pretest-posttest design was employed. Using a 2- day mini-course about listening in marriage, 117 participants were randomly assigned to three groups. In the TBL group, married couples worked together following the principles of the readiness assurance process. In the independent group, one spouse from a marriage worked alone, also following the principles of the readiness assurance process. In the baseline group, one spouse from a marriage took the pretest and posttest only. The first posttest, called posttest-L, measured lower levels of learning (remembering and understanding). The second posttest, called posttest-D, measured deeper learning (applying and evaluating). Using ANCOVA with the pretests as the covariates, results showed a statistically significant difference in learning gains between the TBL group and the independent group for lower levels of learning (ES = .39). However, statistical significance was not achieved for deeper learning. Moreover, TBL scores and independent scores were no different from the baseline scores for measures of deeper learning. Along with explanations for these results, limitations of the study are described and suggestions for future research are offered.

The Adoption of Computer Security: An Analysis of Home Personal Computer User Behavior Using the Health Belief Model

Claar, Chester L. 01 May 2011 (has links)
The primary purpose of this research was to examine the adoption of computer security software in the home computer environment. The use of the Health Belief Model as a framework to design a model to examine home user adoption of computer security provided the basis for this research. The method of the investigation was a cross-sectional study using a self-reported web-based survey to test the theoretical model derived from the Health Belief Model. The survey targeted individuals who are responsible for the selection, installation, and maintenance of software on their home computers. The data collection relied on a snowball sampling technique that recruited a total of 186 participants who completed the online survey. The research model contains a total of 26 hypothesized relationships that were tested using multiple regression analysis techniques. The research model contains six main predicting variables (perceived vulnerability, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, self-efficacy, and cues to action) and four moderating variables (age, gender, education, and prior experience of attack). The model explains 30.4% of the variance in computer security usage, the dependent variable in the research model. The results demonstrate that certain constructs found in the Health Belief Model are more effective than others in motivating individuals to utilize computer security software. Specifically, the results show that perceived vulnerability (H1), perceived barriers (H4), self-efficacy (H5), and the two-way interactions of age and barriers (H8d), education and benefits (H9c), prior experience and perceived severity (H10b), and prior experience and self-efficacy (H10e) had significant effects on computer security usage. Additionally, prior experience was found to have a significant main effect on the dependent variable. Information from this research provides evidence that the Health Belief Model can be used to study the computer security usage behavior of home computer users. Further, the relationship of perceived vulnerability and computer security usage provides a way for practitioners to increase computer security usage behavior through targeted media campaigns.

A descriptive predictive model for the employment of computer-based management information systems for the government of a developing country: case, Iran

Bidgoli, Hossein 01 January 1983 (has links)
This study was undertaken to identify the most decisive variables in the successful employment of a Computer-Based Management Information System (CBMIS) in a developing country such as Iran. A descriptive model was designed. Using a series of predictive models, several dimensions of successful CBMIS employment were investigated. Data were collected via a questionnaire sent to 79 Iranian governmental computer installations. Questions posed by the study are: (1) Under what conditions should a developing country continue to operate manually? (2) If computerization is feasible, what should the acquisition criteria be? (3) What are the most important variables for optimum utilization of existing computers? (4) What are the most important variables for the timely and efficient implementation of a CBMIS? (5) Should a developing country employ standardization in data collection? In data transmission? In hardware selection? In software selection? (6) How should a developing country choose the manufacturer of computer technology? (7) How can experience-sharing among installations by improved? (8) How can the reliability of the provided information be improved? The usefulness? Responsiveness of the CBMIS? Utilization of the provided information? Adaptability of the existing CBMIS to the growing technology? To answer these questions, a series of multiple regression models were run, using four different methods: forced entry, backward elimination, forward entry, and stepwise selection. Analyses showed that of the 54 variables originally hypothesized to be significant, 24 were, in fact, significant at the 5% level. It also demonstrated seven circumstances under which a change to automation in a developing country would not be advisable.

The Knowledge Systems Transfer Project: A Multiple Perspective Investigation into the Integration of a New Technology within a Business Unit

Tarr, Steven Craig 01 January 1990 (has links)
Many organizations have been attempting to build a conceptual framework for managing technology, with varying degrees of success. Most begin by consulting leading technology authorities, borrowing elements of their thinking, and adapting these elements to their organizational and personal situations. This dissertation extends this process by using the formal research methodology of multiple perspectives (technical, organizational, personal, and cross-cuing) to build a case-based model of the technology integration process. The research and the model construction benefits from a solid foundation established through a review of technology management and knowledge systems literature. The significant aspects of the research are tied to its objectives which can be divided into academic and industrial classifications: Academic Objectives: 1. Use multiple perspectives in real-time (for input to decisions as events unfold) 2. Focus on a multiple perspectives view of technology integration into an organization Industrial Objectives: 1. Improve project effectiveness by increasing understanding of the technology integration process 2. Establish a model for the integration of a new technology into an organization The development of the case-based model was the primary objective, with the other objectives providing the methodology and subject-matter content to support model development. These four objectives are of interest to three parties: scholars who are interested in the theoretical and methodological aspects of technology integration and inquiring systems, technology developers in general who can benefit from improved means to integrate technology and analyze success/failure, and technology developers in information systems organizations who can obtain specific insight as well as utilize the general industrial results. From the multiple perspectives investigation, thirteen conclusions were reached about the process of integrating knowledge systems into an information systems organization. These conclusions are specific to the case study, but may have general applicability. The multiple perspectives methodology is then presented as the foundation for a technology integration model, on which the technology usage phases of awareness, motivation, and functioning capability can be completed. The model is described and then illustrated with two knowledge systems development project cases. With regards to the research objectives, it is concluded that: 1. The use of multiple perspectives in real-time are difficult and requires practice 2. Because technology integration is dependent upon technical, organization, and personal factors, the use of multiple perspectives are appropriate and useful. Eight of 13 conclusions were dependent upon the cross-cuing process 3. Multiple perspective analysis improved the understanding of the technology integration process. This understanding was sometimes helpful and sometimes harmful to the effectiveness of the integration process 4. The proposed technology integration model, using the awareness, motivation, and functioning capability phases, was developed and exercised. This model proved useful in limited application Finally, a method for organizing and navigating the perspectives, cross-cuing, and conclusions is presented and used.

The reformulation model of expertise.

Mark, William Scott. January 1976 (has links)
Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1976 / Bibliography: leaves 292-296. / Ph. D. / Ph. D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Control systems for the building design process.

Roth, Dennis Levin January 1975 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil Engineering; and, (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1975. / Bibliography: leaves 80-81. / M.S. / M.Arch.

A Dialectical Methodology For Decision Support Systems Design

Elgarah, Wafa 01 January 2005 (has links)
As organizations continue to grow in size, reaching global proportions, they have ever increasing impacts on their environments. Some believe that a much broader array of concerns should be brought into organizational decision-making processes, including greater consideration of social, political, ethical and aesthetic factors (Mitroff and Linstone, 1993; Courtney, 2001). Decision environments such as these are decidedly "wicked" (Rittel and Webber, 1973). Designing decision support systems in such environments where there is a high level of interconnectedness, issues are overlapping and a multiplicity of stakeholders is involved, is a very complex task. In this dissertation a methodology for the development of a DSS for wicked situations is proposed using the design theory building process suggested by Walls et al. (1992). This proposed theory is based on dialectic theory and the multiple perspective approach suggested by Linstone and Mitroff (1993). The design process consists of identifying relevant stakeholders, their respective worldviews, and conflicts in these worldviews. A design (thesis) and "counter design" (antithesis) are created, and a prototype systems based on these designs are developed. These prototypes are then presented to the different stakeholder groups who engage in a dialogue which leads to the development of a synthesized design. The process is repeated until all conflicts are resolved or resources are exhausted, and a final system is produced. Using action research and system development research methodologies, the proposed design theory was applied to zoning decision process in Orange County, Florida. The results of this study led to the following: 1. It is feasible to implement the MPDP methodology proposed in this dissertation. 2. The MPDP methodology resulted in a synthesized design that accommodates the different views of the stakeholders. 3. The MPDP methodology is suitable for contentious situations and may not be feasible for structured decisions. 4. Most of the subjects did achieve a more understanding of the decision process. These results suggest that the MPDP design theory can be effective in developing decision support systems in contentious situations.

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