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Gamma irradiation and reburial as potential novel passive conservation treatment for waterlogged archaeological timbers of the Mary RosePointing, Stephen Brian January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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Applications of Underwater Technology on Underwater Archaeology:The Search for Underwater Cultural Heritage in Peng-Hu Sea AreaChen, Wei-Cheng 10 August 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the survey strategy for marine archaeology using modern underwater survey and identification instruments and techniques on Peng-Hu underwater cultural site survey. The survey process can be roughly divided into three stages, preliminary and comprehensive survey¡]PCS¡^, double-check and localization survey¡]DLS¡^, and precise and identification surve¡]PIS¡^respectively. The objective of PCS is not to miss any possible target. The major equipments of the underwater engineering including marine magnetometer, the subbottom profiler, and the side-scan sonar are deployed simultaneously. After the comparisons and analysis of the images from various instruments obtained from PCS and DLS, the PIS will obtain the direct photo viewing of the targets using remotely-operated vehicle¡]ROV¡^or divers. This strategy has been conducted firstly in Kaohsiung Sizihwan bay Marine Test Field as the preliminary. The research by PCS and DLS analysis out twelve possible targets, detailed investigations, respectively, the north of Tongpan Islet and internal bay discovered two suspected sunken ships of Qing Dynasty, the Steamboat Willie and Matsushima, after crossing validation documentary and divers salvaged ashore of relics to corroboration for PIS, founded that the Steamboat Willie identity and corrected Matsushima, should be the Japanese Asaka Maru ship, also verify that the feasibility of this research. In addition, the research also integrated data for the three years on Peng-Hu survey to establish a database inquire system, it will help in analysis and review for the future.
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The Applications of Magnetometer on Underwater Survey and Identification: The Search for Underwater Cultural Heritage in Peng-Hu Sea AreaSu, Bo-Lin 26 August 2009 (has links)
Taiwan is surrounded by ocean, we expect through the underwater survey could make us know more about the marine resources, history and culture and understand how to use the natural resource well. The
purpose of this paper is to investigate the survey strategy for marine archaeology using modern underwater survey and identification instruments and techniques on Peng-Hu underwater cultural site
survey. The survey process can be roughly divided into three stages, preliminary and comprehensive survey (PCS), double-check and localization survey (DLS), and precise and identification survey
(PIS) respectively. The objective of PCS is not to miss any possible target. The major equipments of the underwater engineering including marine magnetometer, the subbottom profiler, and the side-scan sonar are deployed simultaneously. After the comparisons and analysis of the images from various instruments obtained from PCS and DLS, the PIS will obtain the direct photo viewing of the targets using
remotely-operated vehicle (ROV) or divers. This strategy has been conducted firstly in Kaohsiung Sizihwan bay Marine Test Field and
Kaohsiung Cross-Harbor Tunnels as the preliminary. Then move to Peng-Hu Sea Area for the underwater archaeology survey which is authorized by Acdemia Sinica from April 2008 to June 2009. From the
result, the megnetometer can help sonar to identify the target more specifically, especially for the sediment. It brings better result than side-scan sonar and multi-beam echo sounder which can only search the target on seabed and can search broader area than
subbottom profiler. Therefor, magnetomator is an essential equipment for underwater archology.
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Οι προτεινόμενες μέθοδοι εντοπισμού ενάλιων αρχαιοτήτων με γεωφυσικές μεθόδουςΚυριάκου, Μαρία 15 October 2012 (has links)
Η εργασία περιγράφει τις γεωφυσικές μεθόδους εντοπισμού ενάλιων αρχαιοτήτων και σε ορισμένα ναυάγια του κόσμου ποιες μέθοδοι χρησιμοποιήθηκαν. Τα όργανα που χρησιμοποιούνται συνήθως σε αυτές τις μεθόδους περιγράφονται μέσα στο κείμενο και είναιτο δορυφορικό σύστημα προσδιορισμού θέσης, το βυθόμετρο, ο τομογράφος υποδομής πυθμένα, η ηχοβολιστής πλευρικής σάρωσης, το θαλάσσιο μαγνητόμετρο και το κατευθυνόμενο βαθυσκάφος. Ακολούθως, περιγράφονται οι μέθοδοι που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στο ναυάγιο του Μαζωτού, στη Λάρνακα Κύπρου, τον Απρίλιο του 2009, από την ομάδα ΕΘΑΓΕΦΩ, του Τμήματος Γεωλογίας του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών. Η εργασία περιέχει, επίσης, φωτογραφικό υλικό από τα όργανα και το σκάφος όπου δούλευε η ομάδα. / This document describes the geophysical methods to identify marine archaeological shipwrecks and what methods were used to some of the world's shipwrecks. The instruments commonly used in these methods are described in the text, such as geographic positioning system (GPS), the sonar, the sub-bottom profiler, the side-scan sonar, the marine magnetometer and the remotely operated vehicle. Also, it describes the methods that were used ih the shipwreck of Mazotos in Larnaca of Cyprus in April 2009, of the team of the Marine Geology and Physical Oceanography Laboratory, of Department of Geology, of Patras University. The document also includes photographs of the instruments and the boat where the team worked.
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Digital Marine Osteoarchaeology : The problematization of bodies and bones in waterFredriksson, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis is intended as a foundation for further development of methods for digital marine osteoarchaeology. The main purpose of this thesis was to examine and problematise the process of locating, documenting, and analyzing skeletal remains in marine archaeological, and other hard to reach sites. Three forms of osteological analysis' was performed and assessed: one based on analysis of physical skeletal remains, another based on 2D documented skeletal remains, and a third on analysis on 3D reconstructed skeletal remains. The secondary purpose of this thesis was to problematise the taphonomic effects on bodies, body parts, and bones in marine environments, necessary for the evaluation of the different methods. The analysis' has been conducted on source material provided by the research projects for the naval ships Mars and Gribshunden, the National Maritime Museum of Sweden, the Sandby Borg project, and the Çatalhöyük project. In addition, a test was carried out, with eight volunteer osteology students at Campus Gotland, Uppsala University, during a seminar exercise. The results collected through the osteological analysis' performed on the three different formats and the students osteology exercise could be used in order to highlight a variation of data available in the different formats. The results was then used in order to create a basis for future digital documentation methods that may be applied in the field. The secondary aim of this thesis was addressed through the use of the naval ships Mars and Gribshunden as case examples in order to address the limited amount of skeletal remains located so far at the marine archaeological sites. / Denna master uppsats är ämnad som grund för vidare utveckling av metoder för digital marinosteoarkeologi. Det huvudsakliga syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och problematisera problemen kring at lokalisera, dokumentera, och analysera skeletala kvarlevor vid marinarkeologiska, och andra svåråtkomliga lokaler. Tre olika slags osteologiska analyser utfördes: en baserad på analyser av skeletala kvarlevor, en annan baserad analyser av 2D dokumenterade skeletala kvarlevor, och en tredje baserat på analyser av 3D rekonstruerade skeletala kvarlevor. Det sekundära syftet uppsatsen var att problematisera den tafonomiska påverkan på kroppar, kroppsdelar, och ben i marina miljöer, nödvändiga för utvärderingen för de olika metoderna. Analyserna har utförts på källmaterial som tillgängliggjorts genom forskningsprojekten för skeppen Mars och Gribshunden, Statens Maritima Museer i Sverige, Sandby borg projektet, och Catalhöyük projektet. Utöver detta har även en studie utförts tillsammans med åtta frivilliga osteologistudenter vid Campus Gotland, Uppsala Universitet, under en seminarieövning. Resultaten som samlades in genom de osteologiska analyserna av de tre olika källmaterialen och student studien användes för att kunna understryka den datavariation som fanns tillgänglig för de olika källmaterialen. Resultaten användes för att skapa en grund för framtida digitala dokumentationsmetoder som kan appliceras i fält. Det sekundära syftet med studien besvarades genom att använda skeppen Mars och Gribshunden som exempel för att kunna diskutera den begränsade mängden skeletala kvarlevor som hittills hittats vid de marinarkeologiska lokalerna.
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The Geochemistry of Submerged Marine Landscapes: Lipid, Isotopic and Inorganic composition of Sediment Cores from the Palaeo-landscape of DoggerlandBen Sharada, Mohammed A.M. January 2022 (has links)
Ten thousand years ago Great Britain was a part of the European continent, where the surface of the North Sea was about 70 metres below present sea level. The large, prehistoric submerged landmass that connected the island of Great Britain to the European continent is now widely known as Doggerland. 85 samples from six different cores, which were collected from this prehistoric landscape, were studied using multi proxy -organic and inorganic- geochemical methods. Thermal analysis determined the organic matter and carbonate content, which were utilized as characterizing indices, dividing each core into various depositional units. In addition, lipid analysis studying three sets of biomarkers (n-alkanes, fatty acids and sterols), was used to distinguish between various depositional environments, especially between terrestrial and aquatic. Furthermore, the cores were mineralogically analysed using the detected clay and non-clay minerals as depositional indicators; significant states such as high and low energy environments, palaeosoil, type of weathering and stone types were identified and used to recognize any mineralogical and thus depositional alteration. Finally, the sulfur isotope analysis identified different sources of sulfur, which were then used as environmental distinguishing proxies. An integration of these analytical results provided a detailed geochemical history of each core; importantly, a Storegga tsunami deposit was detected in core ELF01A. The primary contribution of this thesis was establishing an analytical approach using combined results from a range of analytical methods. The established approach can be used to study the depositional settings for any cored sediments. / Libyan government
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Vantar av läder från det svenska örlogsskeppet Vasa 1628 : Arbete och materiell kultur i en maritim kontext / Leather mittens from the Swedish warship Vasa in 1628 : The material culture of labour in a maritime contextLagerquist, Emil January 2023 (has links)
The collections of the Vasa Museum in Stockholm Sweden not only include the world’s only complete 17th century warship, the famous Vasa who sank on her maiden voyage outside Stockholm in the summer of 1628, but also a unique and extensive collection of dress artifacts, fragments from clothes in textile and leather recovered during the excavation of the ship. This study aims to present historical narratives about the labour, knowledge of craft and everyday life of the ship’s crew by analysing leather mittens and other types of artifacts related to the work on board as material culture, aided by early modern Dutch depictions in art showing work being done on large ships contemporary with Vasa. Two types of leather mittens in the Vasa museum’s collections have been identified as having parallels in similar mittens also from maritime context. These mittens are further investigated regarding the mystery of their making and specific traces of use. The results indicate that some of the mittens could potentially be of a particular Dutch style or origin, perhaps worn as a fashion statement among Dutch sailors. Other mittens of an unusually dark and heavy leather bear the signs of hard labour and work with scolding hot pitch and tar from caulking wooden ships. These mittens are also characterised by an economic model of cutting the leather that may connect them with the making of simple leather shoes found on Vasa, as the left-over material for one is highly suitable for the other. Both types of mittens reveal something about the sailor’s life before they enlisted on Vasa and prove that mittens could have distinct functions within the spectra of labour in a maritime context.Most importantly the results of this study suggest that the crowns attempt to force professional practitioners of craft to move from the countryside into the cities in the early 1600’s are not only connected to the development of guilds for leatherworkers in Stockholm, but also to the navy’s need for sailors and the general lack of leather in Sweden during the ongoing war. The presence of tools and material for leathercraft as a common find category among the crew's personal belongings can be regarded together with knowledge of craft culture in the countryside in the areas where boatmen were drafted can point out skinners and cobblers in the Finish coastal regions and countryside as craftsmen who both have knowledge of leathercraftneeded for making both mittens an simple shoes as found on Vasa. These groups of poor leatherworkers were among those targeted by discharges to the navy. Leather mittens interpreted as material culture are found to be consistent with the idea that individuals with a background as Finnish leatherworkers on the countryside may have ended up as sailors on the Swedish warship Vasa.
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