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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Particle flux transformation in the mesopelagic water column: process analysis and global balance

Guidi, Lionel 10 October 2008 (has links)
Marine aggregates are an important means of carbon transfers downwards to the deep ocean as well as an important nutritional source for benthic organism communities that are the ultimate recipients of the flux. During these last 10 years, data on size distribution of particulate matter have been collected in different oceanic provinces using an Underwater Video Profiler. The cruise data include simultaneous analyses of particle size distributions as well as additional physical and biological measurements of water properties through the water column. First, size distributions of large aggregates have been compared to simultaneous measurements of particle flux observed in sediment traps. We related sediment trap compositional data to particle size (d) distributions to estimate their vertical fluxes (F) using simple power relationships (F=Ad^b). The spatial resolution of sedimentation processes allowed by the use of in situ particle sizing instruments lead to a more detailed study of the role of physical processes in vertical flux. Second, evolution of the aggregate size distributions with depth was related to overlying primary production and phytoplankton size-distributions on a global scale. A new clustering technique was developed to partition the profiles of aggregate size distributions. Six clusters were isolated. Profiles with a high proportion of large aggregates were found in high-productivity waters while profiles with a high proportion of small aggregates were located in low-productivity waters. The aggregate size and mass flux in the mesopelagic layer were correlated to the nature of primary producers (micro-, nano-, picophytoplankton fractions) and to the amount of integrated chlorophyll a in the euphotic layer using a multiple regression technique on principal components. Finally, a mesoscale area in the North Atlantic Ocean was studied to emphasize the importance of the physical structure of the water column on the horizontal and vertical distribution of particulate matter. The seasonal change in the abundance of aggregates in the upper 1000 m was consistent with changes in the composition and intensity of the particulate flux recorded in sediment traps. In an area dominated by eddies, surface accumulation of aggregates and export down to 1000 m occured at mesoscale distances (<100 km).

LISST Instruments as a Tool in Phytoplankton Ecology

Railey, Lauren 1987- 14 March 2013 (has links)
Laser in situ scattering and transmissometry (LISST) instruments are used to measure the particle size distributions (PSDs) and volume concentration of individual and groups of phytoplankton in water. The objective of this research was to test the LISST’s ability in detecting monospecific blooms in-situ and the ability to detect aggregation after diatoms were subjected to different temperatures and bacteria concentrations. The PSDs of ten harmful algal bloom (HAB) species were measured with the LISST characterizing the peak location, peak height, peak width, and peak range resulting in a scattering signature for each species. Each species had specific characteristics that would allow for their detection with the LISST, though microscope observations would be needed for complete accuracy. The LISST was able to detect HABs placed in natural seawater collected off the Texas coast. Blooms of four HAB species before they reached full” bloom concentrations were detected making the LISST a possible low cost, effective tool in the early detection and monitoring of HABs. The diatom, Odontella aurita, was used to test how well the LISST could monitor aggregation, an important process in the termination of many phytoplankton blooms. Increasing temperature causes an increase in transparent exopolymer particle (TEP) production in diatoms, which is a critical sticky particle that increases the probability of aggregation. An increase in temperature can also cause an increase in bacteria concentration that can positively effect TEP production and thus aggregation. O. aurita was grown at 20 °C and 28 °C and showed a significant increase in TEP abundance with temperature (p = 0.002), though no relationship between TEP production and bacteria concentration existed. Coomassie stained particles (CSP) are proteinaceous gel-like particles, which are currently understudied. CSP was consistently produced though it did not appear to be dependent upon any single factor. The increase in ocean temperatures has implications for an increase in phytoplankton blooms making the monitoring and understanding of these blooms even more important as they can affect the carbon cycle and potentially the microbial loop.

Particle flux transformation in the mesopelagic water column: process analysis and global balance

Guidi, Lionel 10 October 2008 (has links)
Marine aggregates are an important means of carbon transfers downwards to the deep ocean as well as an important nutritional source for benthic organism communities that are the ultimate recipients of the flux. During these last 10 years, data on size distribution of particulate matter have been collected in different oceanic provinces using an Underwater Video Profiler. The cruise data include simultaneous analyses of particle size distributions as well as additional physical and biological measurements of water properties through the water column. First, size distributions of large aggregates have been compared to simultaneous measurements of particle flux observed in sediment traps. We related sediment trap compositional data to particle size (d) distributions to estimate their vertical fluxes (F) using simple power relationships (F=Ad^b). The spatial resolution of sedimentation processes allowed by the use of in situ particle sizing instruments lead to a more detailed study of the role of physical processes in vertical flux. Second, evolution of the aggregate size distributions with depth was related to overlying primary production and phytoplankton size-distributions on a global scale. A new clustering technique was developed to partition the profiles of aggregate size distributions. Six clusters were isolated. Profiles with a high proportion of large aggregates were found in high-productivity waters while profiles with a high proportion of small aggregates were located in low-productivity waters. The aggregate size and mass flux in the mesopelagic layer were correlated to the nature of primary producers (micro-, nano-, picophytoplankton fractions) and to the amount of integrated chlorophyll a in the euphotic layer using a multiple regression technique on principal components. Finally, a mesoscale area in the North Atlantic Ocean was studied to emphasize the importance of the physical structure of the water column on the horizontal and vertical distribution of particulate matter. The seasonal change in the abundance of aggregates in the upper 1000 m was consistent with changes in the composition and intensity of the particulate flux recorded in sediment traps. In an area dominated by eddies, surface accumulation of aggregates and export down to 1000 m occured at mesoscale distances (<100 km).

Dissolved Nutrient Distributions in the Gulf of Mexico Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Parks, Ashley Ann 23 October 2015 (has links)
The Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) in the spring of 2010 introduced 4.4 million of barrels of oil to the ecosystem. Some biodegradation of the oil occurs when microorganisms, particularly bacteria, metabolize the oil as a carbon source. During this process, the microbes also require nutrients for energy. An introduction of oil at this magnitude has the ability to induce large blooms of microbes, which in turn can affect nutrient concentrations. Microbial petroleum degradation decreases nutrient concentrations, whereas the microbial assimilation and decay of organic matter increase nutrient concentrations. This study assessed whether any changes in nitrate, ammonium, and/or phosphate concentrations from historical levels could be attributed to the oil spill as a result of biodegradation, and how those changes can impact the GoM ecosystem. Nutrient samples were collected at discrete depths throughout the water column, in a cross-shelf transect inland from the spill site outside the DeSoto Canyon, in August 2010, February 2011, and May 2011 (four months to one year after the spill). In August 2010, a subsurface oil plume was found at depths of 1000 m to 1200 m. At the same depth of ~1000 m, a significant decrease in nitrate was observed, indicating the biodegradation of oil by heterotrophic bacteria of the aphotic zone, compared to earlier data during August 2000, when no known oils were present. Overall temporal increases in ammonium and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) were observed both in near-surface waters and at an intermediate depth of ~400 m next to the walls of the DeSoto Canyon, suggesting an incremental die-off of both plankton and benthic organisms during accelerated recycling of nutrients. Continued decreases of phosphate were observed into February 2011, supporting ongoing biodegradation then as well. By May 2011, however, there were more increases in near-surface ammonium concentrations, compared to April 2000, with the implication that continued interseasonal recycled nitrogen accumulations may have been due to a decadal ecological regime shift, after a combination of top-down overfishing, petroleum perturbations, and/or increases of toxic harmful algal blooms (HABs).


Schindler, Kimberly J. 01 January 2019 (has links)
The Gulf of Mexico (GoMx) is among the most productive regions for offshore oil and natural gas recovery. In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) drilling rig exploded, burned for three days, sank, and released over 4 million barrels of oil in the subsequent 84 days before it was capped. Some oil was buoyant enough to float to the ocean surface, where some was removed via a myriad techniques. Importantly, a plume of oil remained suspended in the water column at approximately 1,100 m water depth, where it drove a marine snow event, and deposited large quantities of oil on the seafloor. The northern GoMx seafloor is complex and dynamic. Submarine canyons, mounds, channels, and salt domes dominate the seafloor along the continental slope surrounding the DWH well. Using high-resolution bathymetric data, variables derived to characterize the seafloor (water depth, distance, slope, and aspect), and spatial relationships between seafloor stations and the DWH well, relationships between concentrations, fluxes and inventories of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and other seafloor variables were hypothesized to be statistically significantly related. The most significant seafloor characteristic to predict distributions was water depth, followed by distance, relative aspect, and slope.

Propriétés physiques et optiques du manteau neigeux sur la banquise arctique / Physical and optical properties of Arctic marine snow

Verin, Gauthier 18 February 2019 (has links)
L’océan Arctique est marqué par une forte saisonnalité qui se manifeste par la présence d’une banquise permanente dont l’extension varie entre 6 et 15 millions de kilomètres carré. Interface plus ou moins perméable, la banquise limite les échanges atmosphère - océan et affecte le budget énergétique global en réfléchissant une part importante du rayonnement incident. Le manteau neigeux qui se forme à sa surface est un élément essentiel notamment parce qu’il contribue fortement aux propriétés optiques de la banquise. D’une part par son albédo, proche de l’unité dans le visible, qui retarde sensiblement la fonte estivale de la glace. Et d’autre part, il est majoritairement responsable de l’extinction verticale de l’éclairement dans la banquise. Or, la faible intensité lumineuse transmise à la colonne d’eau constitue un facteur limitant important à l’accumulation de biomasse des producteurs primaires souvent des micro-algues, à la base des réseaux trophiques. Le manteau neigeux en surface, par ces propriétés physiques et leurs évolutions temporelles, joue donc un rôle essentiel en impactant directement l’initiation et l’amplitude de la floraison phytoplanctonique printanière. Dans le cadre du réchauffement climatique actuel, les mutations que subit la banquise : amincissement, réduction de son extension estivale et variations des épaisseurs du manteau neigeux bouleversent d’ores et déjà la production primaire arctique à l’échelle globale et régionale.Cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre la contribution du manteau neigeux au transfert radiatif global de la banquise, afin de mieux estimer son impact sur la production primaire arctique. Elle s’appuie sur un jeu de données collecté lors de deux campagnes de mesures sur la banquise en période de fonte. Les propriétés physiques de la neige, SSA et densité, permettent une modélisation précise du transfert radiatif de la neige qui est validée, ensuite, par les propriétés optiques comprenant : albédo, profils verticaux d’éclairement dans le manteau neigeux et transmittance à travers la banquise.Au printemps, la neige marine, marquée par une importante hétérogénéité spatiale, évolue suivant quatre phases distinctes. La fonte, d’abord surfacique puis étendue à toute l’épaisseur du manteau, se caractérise par une baisse de la SSA de 25-60 m2kg-1 à moins de 3 m2kg-1 provoquant une diminution de l’albédo dans le proche infrarouge puis à toute longueur d’onde ainsi qu'une augmentation de l’éclairement transmis à la colonne d’eau. Cette période est chaotique, et marquée par une forte variabilité temporelle des propriétés optiques causées par la succession d’épisodes de fonte et de chutes de neige. Les propriétés physiques de la neige sont utilisées par un modèle de transfert radiatif afin de simuler les profils verticaux d'éclairement, l’albédo et la transmittance de la banquise. La comparaison entre ces simulations et les profils d’éclairement mesurés met en évidence la présence d’impuretés dans la neige dont leurs natures et leurs concentrations sont estimées. En moyenne, la neige échantillonnée contenait 600 ngg-1 de poussières minérales et 10 nng-1 de suies qui réduisaient par deux l’éclairement transmis à la colonne d’eau. Enfin, la modélisation de l’éclairement à toute profondeur de la banquise, représentée de manière innovante par des isolumes, est mise en relation avec l’évolution temporelle de la biomasse dans la glace. Il apparaît que la croissance des algues de glace est systématiquement corrélée avec une augmentation de l’éclairement, et ce, jusqu’à des niveaux d’intensité de l’ordre de 0.4 uEm-2s-2. Ces variations d’éclairement sont causées par le métamorphisme et la fonte de la neige en surface. / The Arctic ocean shows a very strong seasonality trough the permanent presence of sea ice whose extent varies from 6 to 15 millions km2. As an interface, sea ice limits ocean - atmosphere interactions and impacts the global energy budget by reflecting most of the short-wave incoming radiations. The snow cover, at the surface, is a key element contributing to the optical properties of sea ice. Snow enhances further the surface albedo and thus delays the onset of the ice melt. In addition, snow is the main responsible for the vertical light extinction in sea ice. However, after the polar night, this low light transmitted to the water column is a limiting factor for primary production at the base of the oceanic food web. The snow cover, through the temporal evolution of its physical properties, plays a key role controlling the magnitude and the timing of the phytoplanktonic bloom. In the actual global warming context, sea ice undergoes radical changes including summer extent reduction, thinning and shifts in snow thickness, all of which already alter Arctic primary production on a regional and global scale.This PhD thesis aims to better constrain the snow cover contributions to the radiative transfer of sea ice and its impact on Arctic primary production. It is based on a dataset collected during two sampling campaigns on landfast sea ice. Physical properties of snow such as snow specific surface area (SSA) and density allow a precise modeling of the radiative transfer which is then validated by optical measurements including albedo, transmittance through sea ice and vertical profiles of irradiance in the snow.During the melt season, marine snow which shows strong spatial heterogeneity evolves fol- lowing four distinctive phases. The melting, which first appears at the surface and gradually propagates to the entire snowpack, is characterized by a decrease in SSA from 25-60 m2kg-1 to less than 3 m2kg-1 resulting in a decrease in albedo and an increase in sea ice transmittance. This is a chaotic period, where optical properties show a very strong temporal variability induced by alternative episodes of surface melting and snowfalls. The physical properties of snow are used in a radiative transfer model in order to calculate albedo, transmittance through sea ice and vertical profiles of irradiance at all depths. The comparison between these simulations and measured vertical profiles of irradiance in snow highlights the presence of snow absorbing impurities which were subsequently qualitatively and quantitatively studied. In average, impurities were composed of 660 ngg-1 of mineral dust and 10 ngg-1 of black carbon. They were responsible for a two-fold reduction in light transmitted through sea ice. The light extinction, calculated at all depths in sea ice, and represented by isolums, was compared to the temporal evolution of ice algae biomass. The results show that every significant growth in ice algae population is related to an increase of light in the ice. These growths were observed even at very low light intensities of 0.4 uEm-2s-2. Light variations in the ice were linked by snow metamorphism and snow melting at the surface.

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