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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parental death and its impact on the marital satisfaction of the surviving adult child

Henry, Ryan Glenn 26 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Previous literature has identified parental death as having a negative impact on the physical and mental health of the surviving adult child. In addition, research suggests that the marital satisfaction of a male or female adult child is negatively impacted after either a father or mother has died. The purpose of this research is to further study this topic by examining longitudinal dyadic data to determine how the death of a parent or death of an in-law impacts marital interaction when certain mediating variables are taken into account. Some of the mediating variables included quality of the parent-child relationship, caregiving, and gender. Data from 98 couples, with an average age of 47, from the USC Longitudinal Study of Generations, were examined using stepwise regression. During the 3 year interval between 1997 and 2000, 45 couples in the sample experienced the death of at least one of their parents. The main finding of the study was that marital satisfaction appears to remain fairly stable following the death of a parent. In other words, there were very few significant changes in positive or negative marital interactions for grieving sons and daughters. However, the few significant results indicated that sons who had a mother die experienced a significant decline in negative interaction with their wife. The death of a spouse's parent also did not impact perceived marital satisfaction in a significant way. Clinical implications are discussed, as well as recommendations for future research.

臺灣地區婚姻狀態別預期壽命變遷 / Change of marital status life expectancy in Taiwan

蔣侃學, Chiang ,Kan Hsueh Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣地區近五十年來的人口結構,在婚姻組成上有著相當大的變化。婚姻組成的改變,除了一方面作為瞭解過去社會變遷的重要指標外,對於未來的生育率、勞動力及人口結構等重要事件,都會產生根本性的影響,是瞭解社會變遷的重要指標之一。此外,婚姻組成的改變,背後蘊含的,是臺灣社會對於婚姻的想像及態度的變遷。由於婚姻生活對於個人生命歷程,有著絕對關鍵性的影響,故而,對於婚姻的態度,也直接改變了人們對於自身生命歷程的想像。也正因為如此,對於婚姻組成狀態以及婚姻生命歷程的分析與理解,是作為瞭解臺灣社會變遷的重要參考指標,也正是構成本論文研究的核心議題。 前輩學者在討論類似議題時,採用的方法,乃是透過估算各婚姻狀態(未婚、離婚、有偶、喪偶、死亡)間的轉移率,建構多重狀態遞增遞減婚姻生命表,以理解婚姻的生命歷程變化。 然而,此一方法雖然可以提供我們相當多關於婚姻生命歷程變遷的訊息,卻由於資料的難以取得,使得在估算的結果上,各學者間莫衷一是、無有定論。有鑑於此,在探討此一問題時,本研究不採取上述的路徑,而是採用目前在學界公認較為穩定的估算方法--「蘇立文法」。此法雖然透露的訊息,不如多重狀態遞增遞減婚姻生命表來得豐富,卻可以提供我們對於各婚姻狀態別預期壽命相對穩定且可靠的訊息。 在上述討論的脈絡下,本研究以「蘇立文法」,透過1956、1966 、1980、1990、2000年五次的普查資料,配合相對應年度的「國民生命表」,建構這五個年度的「年齡別婚姻生命表」,企圖勾勒臺灣地區近五十年來婚姻生命歷程的變遷。 本論文研究的結果發現,隨著預期壽命的不斷延長,臺灣地區人口處於未婚的預期時間不斷增加,未婚佔其一生壽命的比例也持續上升。同時,離婚的預期時間增加,喪偶的預期時間減少,顯示人們一生中處於鰥寡狀態的比例下降。而可能造成婚姻解組的主要風險,從過去的「喪偶」轉變為「離婚」。另外值得注意的是,雖然未婚、離婚的預期時間增加,生命中總共處於有偶狀態的比例,卻幾乎沒有下降。顯見未婚時間的延長,代表的不是人們不進入婚姻,而是「延後進入婚姻」;離婚時間延長,不是人們從此處於單身,而是很可能透過再婚,再次進入婚姻狀態。 承上所述,本研究發現,由於晚婚、離婚、不婚、再婚等等現象的盛行,過去集中且單一的適婚年齡,開始變得分散、延後。人們可能進入婚姻的時間,不僅僅限於過去的「三十大關」,而是整個的延後。同時,婚姻的歷程,不再如過去單一且穩定的「未婚-有偶-(喪偶)-死亡」,而是像「未婚-(有偶)-(離婚)—(再婚)-(喪偶)-(有偶)-(喪偶)-死亡」一般,呈現相對多元、複雜的婚姻生命歷程。

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