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En ekonometrisk modell för efterfrågan på nyproducerade hyreslägenheter i Stockholms kommun med fokus på områdesfaktorer / An econometric model for the demand for newly produced rental apartments in the municipality of Stockholm, focusing on area-specific factorsTrabulsi, Dana, Al-karkhi, Zaid January 2018 (has links)
I denna rapport genomförs en multipel linjär regressionsanalys för att skatta efterfrågan, mätt i kötiden som krävs för att få ett förstahandskontrakt till en hyreslägenhet, för hyreslägenheter i olika områden i Stockholms kommun utifrån ett antal områdesspecifika variabler. De oberoende variablerna valdes ur teoretisk ståndpunkt med anledning att förklara variationen i kötid. Dessa variabler är normhyran för en hyreslägenhet, genomsnittliga bostadsrättspriser i en stadsdel, avstånd till centrum och disponibla medelinkomsten i en stadsdel. En modell framställs utifrån data inhämtat från Stockholms Bostadsförmedling över 13 171 förmedlade hyreslägenheter i Stockholms kommun. Arbetet har som utgångspunkt att skatta efterfrågan utifrån en given nyproduktionshyra samt studera hur efterfrågan skiljer sig mellan områden. Studiens resultat beskriver hur den allmänna efterfrågan är större i områden belägna närmre stadskärnan. Vidare visar resultatet att kötiden till hyreslägenheter i områden belägna närmre stadskärnan påverkas som mest vid en given nyproduktionshyra i jämförelse med perifera områden. En diskussion förs kring hur detta kan ha sin grund i hur att nyproduktionshyrorna nära centrum är högre än i ytterstaden och därmed hindrar ett flertal låg- och medelinkomsttagare från att kunna efterfråga dessa. Kritik till modellen har framförts då ett flertal antaganden gjorts samt att en väldigt generaliserande indelning av Stockholms kommun gjordes vilket kan ha påverkat resultat då attraktiviteten bland stadsdelarna i respektive område kan skilja sig åt. / In this report, a multiple linear regression analysis is used to estimate the demand measured by the number of queue days required to get a first-hand contract for a rental apartment in different areas of the municipality of Stockholm based on area-specific variables. The independent variables were chosen from a theoretical point of view in order to explain the variation in queue time. The variables include the standardized rent for a rental apartment, average condominium prices in a neighborhood, distance to the city center and the average income in an area. A model is formed based on data obtained from Stockholms Bostadsförmedling over 13 171 mediated rent apartments in the municipality of Stockholm. The study’s first aim was to estimate the demand based on a given new production rent and to analyze how the demand differs between different areas. The results describe how the overall demand is greater in areas located near the city center. However, the regression analysis has shown that the que time for rent apartments in areas located near the city center is most affected by a given new production rent which indicates that the queue is more prone to decrease at a given new production rent compared new production rents in areas located further away. A discussion is made on how this may depend on the fact that the new production rent near the city center are higher than in the outskirts, thus preventing a large number of low and middle earners from being able to demand them. Criticism to the model has been presented since a number of assumptions has been made as well as a very generalized division of the municipality of Stockholm which may have affected the results as the attractiveness of the neighborhoods in each area may differ.
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A scalable business model for mass customization of broadband services in the emerging Africa market / Dawid Pieter de WetDe Wet, Dawid Pieter January 2012 (has links)
Africa’s rapid adoption of the mobile phone is quickly closing the digital divide in voice services. But, just as one divide is closing, another one is widening. Consumers almost everywhere are demanding
more services and higher Internet access data rates. In the developing world the knowledge gained
through access to information is creating unprecedented opportunities and is having a dramatic
impact on the way people live and work. Africa, however, has been largely left behind in the shift to
broadband. Increasing the availability and affordability of broadband services is thus high on the
agenda for policy makers in Africa, though it will require major efforts from both government and the
private sector.
Fundamental to the all efforts to close the “digital divide” is the need to provide a ubiquitous and
affordable access network that will enable distribution of broadband services to anywhere, and
anytime throughout Africa. While many kinds of broadband services are being offered to the African
population, the currently available services have failed to reach the majority of Africans living in rural
areas. This poses a very pertinent question that justifies further investigations: why have the existing
broadband services failed to satisfy Africa’s need for a ubiquitous digital communication service. The
lack of penetration of the existing services makes it clear that a different technology and service
offering is needed, a service offering that is affordable to the large consumer market segment and
which can complement the mobile and ADSL broadband networks to provide services to all of Africa
on a cost effective basis.
This research work investigates the current business and technology domains and develops new
knowledge and the insights that are required firstly to understand why existing broadband services
are failing to reach rural Africa and secondly to understand what criteria must be satisfied to deliver
broadband access services to the mass consumer Africa market. The research work focuses on the
interrelationships between markets, technology and business of the consumer broadband market
and defines new thinking as reference to provide guidance to the future development of more
suitable broadband offerings for the rural African market.
The study centres around three principal areas of knowledge contribution.
Analysis of the primary factors impacting the delivery of broadband services
Firstly the study addresses the current market dynamics and technology realities to determine two
critical aspects: 1) Can the mass market afford broadband services or will it remain the privilege of
the higher income groups? And, 2) Can existing mobile broadband , ADSL and satellite access services
meet the demands to service the mass market or is an alternative technology option required?
Through analytical review the study determined that there is a large, and growing, middle class
market that can afford broadband access services. This market sector is quantified in terms of
consumer income levels and demographic user data. The study formulates the commercial and
service criteria applicable to a broadband access service on servicing this target market.
The study further investigates the availability, affordability and market penetration of the current
mobile and ADSL broadband services and found that the available service options cannot effectively
meet the current and future demand. The limitation in meeting the current market demand leads to
a large under serviced consumer market in Africa. The study proposes a unique approach to quantify
the specific under-serviced gap, which will not be met by currently available broadband technologies.
The technology comparative study provides new insight into the limitations of mobile 3G broadband
services and why this technology will not be able to meet the future demand for consumer
broadband services in Africa. The technology study furthermore quantifies the advantages of using
satellite technology to implement a mass consumer broadband service in Africa. The study proves
that the ubiquitous nature and rapid deployment capabilities of satellite access networks provides
distinct benefits when deploying a mass consumer network which makes satellite the technology of
choice for consumer broadband services. We then continue to assess the ability of existing satellite
broadband offerings to satisfy the needs of African end-users, and find that those offerings have
been optimized for the needs and affordability levels of customers from the develop world. The
result is that satellite broadband services aimed at the African end-user is primarily used by
corporate and institutional customers, with little penetration of the consumer market. This finding
provides the motivation for developing a business model that can leverage available technology to
effectively service the African consumer market.
Innovation of new concepts to support a viable broadband business strategy
The mobile prepay model as well as the DStv pay-TV subscription services have demonstrated the
need for a specific business innovation to ensure successful market adoption of new technologies.
Both these industries have demonstrated that innovative approaches in the commercialization of
technology solutions are critical to ensure the mass adoption thereof. The second section of the
study therefore focuses on the innovations that are required to overcome the obstacles as identified
in section 1 in order to arrive at a business strategy and business model that will prove to be viable in
the delivery of broadband services to the rural African consumer market.
The first challenge is the selection of the most appropriate technology platforms and the
architectural design of the delivery systems to effectively service the mass consumer market. In
order to adapt the business models employed by existing satellite broadband service providers the
study defines the following two specific business innovation concepts that contribute to a new
business paradigm for mass market broadband access services:
1) Through applied billing model innovation the study defines a new billing structure for
broadband services and set a completely new paradigm for users to influence the cost of the
service. The new billing model provides end-user the capability to adapt their broadband
usage patterns to meet their budget constraints.
2) To successfully deliver a technology service to an emerging market requires a very specific
organisational structure that effectively integrates knowledge, capability and funding while
minimizing risk and uncertainty. The study proposes a new symbiotic organisational structure
that elegantly combines capability and knowledge while minimizing funding requirements to
ensure the acceptable market development risk.
Development of a business model simulator for satellite broadband service delivery
The deployment of a new type of satellite broadband service to rural Africa on an experimental basis
is too expensive to be conducted for research purposes. A more practical approach that is also
widely used in other domains of engineering is to construct a simulated model of the system being
studied. The third knowledge contribution area of the study therefore focuses on constructing a
mathematical model of the expected behavior of a business operation that provides satellite based
broadband services to the African market. This simulator can be applied to quantitatively analyze
various existing or proposed new business strategies. The business model simulation integrates all
the business, market, technology and commercial relationships that impacts on the expected
behavior of such an operation and provides a quantified model of expected business behavior based
on the underlying dynamics of the satellite broadband industry.
The development and validation of the business model simulator represents a unique contribution to
this industry as no results of a similar model that represents the operations of a satellite broadband
access service provider has been published before. The model empowers Service Providers and
industry stakeholders to analyze different business strategies and to quantify the impact of various
business decisions. In general it can be stated that this research work adds knowledge and insight to
the field of applied business strategy as applicable to providing advanced technology-based services
for emerging markets.
The final outcome of this research study is the business model simulator. It integrates various market
and business elements as well as satellite network engineering practises into an integrated financial
cost modelling, business scenario planning and engineering network design tool. Through this
integration of known disciplines the study provides an additional extension to the field of satellite
business engineering. / PhD (Electronic Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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A scalable business model for mass customization of broadband services in the emerging Africa market / Dawid Pieter de WetDe Wet, Dawid Pieter January 2012 (has links)
Africa’s rapid adoption of the mobile phone is quickly closing the digital divide in voice services. But, just as one divide is closing, another one is widening. Consumers almost everywhere are demanding
more services and higher Internet access data rates. In the developing world the knowledge gained
through access to information is creating unprecedented opportunities and is having a dramatic
impact on the way people live and work. Africa, however, has been largely left behind in the shift to
broadband. Increasing the availability and affordability of broadband services is thus high on the
agenda for policy makers in Africa, though it will require major efforts from both government and the
private sector.
Fundamental to the all efforts to close the “digital divide” is the need to provide a ubiquitous and
affordable access network that will enable distribution of broadband services to anywhere, and
anytime throughout Africa. While many kinds of broadband services are being offered to the African
population, the currently available services have failed to reach the majority of Africans living in rural
areas. This poses a very pertinent question that justifies further investigations: why have the existing
broadband services failed to satisfy Africa’s need for a ubiquitous digital communication service. The
lack of penetration of the existing services makes it clear that a different technology and service
offering is needed, a service offering that is affordable to the large consumer market segment and
which can complement the mobile and ADSL broadband networks to provide services to all of Africa
on a cost effective basis.
This research work investigates the current business and technology domains and develops new
knowledge and the insights that are required firstly to understand why existing broadband services
are failing to reach rural Africa and secondly to understand what criteria must be satisfied to deliver
broadband access services to the mass consumer Africa market. The research work focuses on the
interrelationships between markets, technology and business of the consumer broadband market
and defines new thinking as reference to provide guidance to the future development of more
suitable broadband offerings for the rural African market.
The study centres around three principal areas of knowledge contribution.
Analysis of the primary factors impacting the delivery of broadband services
Firstly the study addresses the current market dynamics and technology realities to determine two
critical aspects: 1) Can the mass market afford broadband services or will it remain the privilege of
the higher income groups? And, 2) Can existing mobile broadband , ADSL and satellite access services
meet the demands to service the mass market or is an alternative technology option required?
Through analytical review the study determined that there is a large, and growing, middle class
market that can afford broadband access services. This market sector is quantified in terms of
consumer income levels and demographic user data. The study formulates the commercial and
service criteria applicable to a broadband access service on servicing this target market.
The study further investigates the availability, affordability and market penetration of the current
mobile and ADSL broadband services and found that the available service options cannot effectively
meet the current and future demand. The limitation in meeting the current market demand leads to
a large under serviced consumer market in Africa. The study proposes a unique approach to quantify
the specific under-serviced gap, which will not be met by currently available broadband technologies.
The technology comparative study provides new insight into the limitations of mobile 3G broadband
services and why this technology will not be able to meet the future demand for consumer
broadband services in Africa. The technology study furthermore quantifies the advantages of using
satellite technology to implement a mass consumer broadband service in Africa. The study proves
that the ubiquitous nature and rapid deployment capabilities of satellite access networks provides
distinct benefits when deploying a mass consumer network which makes satellite the technology of
choice for consumer broadband services. We then continue to assess the ability of existing satellite
broadband offerings to satisfy the needs of African end-users, and find that those offerings have
been optimized for the needs and affordability levels of customers from the develop world. The
result is that satellite broadband services aimed at the African end-user is primarily used by
corporate and institutional customers, with little penetration of the consumer market. This finding
provides the motivation for developing a business model that can leverage available technology to
effectively service the African consumer market.
Innovation of new concepts to support a viable broadband business strategy
The mobile prepay model as well as the DStv pay-TV subscription services have demonstrated the
need for a specific business innovation to ensure successful market adoption of new technologies.
Both these industries have demonstrated that innovative approaches in the commercialization of
technology solutions are critical to ensure the mass adoption thereof. The second section of the
study therefore focuses on the innovations that are required to overcome the obstacles as identified
in section 1 in order to arrive at a business strategy and business model that will prove to be viable in
the delivery of broadband services to the rural African consumer market.
The first challenge is the selection of the most appropriate technology platforms and the
architectural design of the delivery systems to effectively service the mass consumer market. In
order to adapt the business models employed by existing satellite broadband service providers the
study defines the following two specific business innovation concepts that contribute to a new
business paradigm for mass market broadband access services:
1) Through applied billing model innovation the study defines a new billing structure for
broadband services and set a completely new paradigm for users to influence the cost of the
service. The new billing model provides end-user the capability to adapt their broadband
usage patterns to meet their budget constraints.
2) To successfully deliver a technology service to an emerging market requires a very specific
organisational structure that effectively integrates knowledge, capability and funding while
minimizing risk and uncertainty. The study proposes a new symbiotic organisational structure
that elegantly combines capability and knowledge while minimizing funding requirements to
ensure the acceptable market development risk.
Development of a business model simulator for satellite broadband service delivery
The deployment of a new type of satellite broadband service to rural Africa on an experimental basis
is too expensive to be conducted for research purposes. A more practical approach that is also
widely used in other domains of engineering is to construct a simulated model of the system being
studied. The third knowledge contribution area of the study therefore focuses on constructing a
mathematical model of the expected behavior of a business operation that provides satellite based
broadband services to the African market. This simulator can be applied to quantitatively analyze
various existing or proposed new business strategies. The business model simulation integrates all
the business, market, technology and commercial relationships that impacts on the expected
behavior of such an operation and provides a quantified model of expected business behavior based
on the underlying dynamics of the satellite broadband industry.
The development and validation of the business model simulator represents a unique contribution to
this industry as no results of a similar model that represents the operations of a satellite broadband
access service provider has been published before. The model empowers Service Providers and
industry stakeholders to analyze different business strategies and to quantify the impact of various
business decisions. In general it can be stated that this research work adds knowledge and insight to
the field of applied business strategy as applicable to providing advanced technology-based services
for emerging markets.
The final outcome of this research study is the business model simulator. It integrates various market
and business elements as well as satellite network engineering practises into an integrated financial
cost modelling, business scenario planning and engineering network design tool. Through this
integration of known disciplines the study provides an additional extension to the field of satellite
business engineering. / PhD (Electronic Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Global Supply Chain Design Under Stochastic Demand Considering Manufacturing Operations and the Impact of TariffsAlhawari, Omar Ibrahim Salem 20 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Zavedení a provoz supersonického business jetu / Launching and Operating Issues of Supersonic Business JetKincová, Daniela January 2015 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou zavedení a provozu nadzvukových business jetů. V dnešní době se v civilní letecké přepravě, po ukončení provozu Concordu, žádná nadzvuková letadla nevyskytují. V dnešní době existuje mnoho projektů a organizací, které se zabývají znovuzavedením nadzvukových letounů do civilního letectví a soustředí se převážně na business jety. Hlavní otázkou je, zda je vůbec vhodné, či rozumné se k tomu typu dopravy znovu vracet. Existuje hodně problémů, které toto komplikují. Tyto letouny způsobují příliš velký hluk, mají obrovskou spotřebu paliva a musí řešit nadměrné emise, létají ve vysokých výškách ve kterých může docházet k problémům s přetlakováním kabiny, navigací, radioaktivním zářením apod. Navíc zákaz supersonických letů nad pevninou letové cesty omezuje a prodlužuje. Současně vznikající projekty navíc nedosahují tak velkého doletu jako klasické moderní bussjety, což způsobuje, že se nadzvukové business jety se na delších tratích stávají neefektivní. I přes tyto problémy, je víceméně jisté, že k zavedení nadzvukových business jetů dojde během následujících 10 - 15 let, i kdyby to měla být jen otázka jisté prestiže velmi bohatých lidí.
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Monitoramento dos efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos da comercialização de produtos florestais não madereiros / Monitoring the ecological and socioeconomic effects of the commercialization of non-timber forest productsBrites, Alice Dantas 13 October 2010 (has links)
A comercialização de produtos florestais não madeireiros (PFNMs) popularizou-se como atividade promotora do desenvolvimento socioeconômico de comunidades florestais com baixo impacto ambiental. Há evidências, contudo, de que a exploração possa produzir efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos negativos, sugerindo que é necessário monitorar tais iniciativas. A comercialização frequentemente ocorre em áreas remotas e em contextos de pobreza, como é o caso de muitas daquelas da Amazônia brasileira. Desta forma, é necessário que o monitoramento restrinja-se a avaliar os efeitos evidenciados como mais comuns em estudos anteriores. Este estudo revisa e sintetiza as evidências científicas dos efeitos da exploração de PFNMs sobre parâmetros ecológicos e socioeconômicos e, a partir daí, indica aqueles mais relevantes ao monitoramento. O estudo também levanta até que ponto o monitoramento é implementado no contexto da Amazônia brasileira e avalia quais os parâmetros importantes e viáveis de monitoramento neste caso específico. Para isso, foram realizadas revisões sistemáticas da literatura e a consulta a profissionais da área através do método Delphi. Os resultados indicam que efeitos ecológicos negativos são frequentes, principalmente quando se coletam folhas ou cascas. Alterações em órgãos ou processos fisiológicos e a taxa de sobrevivência dos espécimes explorados são parâmetros que devem ser monitorados, em particular quando se coletam frutos e partes vegetativas. Para todos os tipos de PFNMs, o tamanho e a estrutura populacional são parâmetros prioritários ao monitoramento. A riqueza de espécies da comunidade explorada merece atenção, principalmente quando se coletam frutos. Para os aspectos socioeconômicos, efeitos positivos foram mais frequentes que negativos. A contribuição da renda monetária obtida com o comércio na renda total, a regularidade de ingresso desta renda e o papel dos PFNMs como recursos de salvaguarda são parâmetros do capital financeiro prioritários ao monitoramento. Para o capital social, o empoderamento feminino, a coesão de grupo e o acesso aos benefícios gerados pela comercialização devem ser monitorados. Na Amazônia brasileira são poucas as iniciativas de implementação do monitoramento da comercialização de PFNMs. Embora este seja considerado importante, existem dificuldades que derivam principalmente da falta de apoio institucional, políticas de incentivo e de recursos financeiros. Os profissionais participantes do Delphi consideram que os parâmetros ecológicos mais importantes a monitorar neste contexto são o tamanho e a estrutura populacional do recurso explorado, o aumento da taxa de mortalidade, a quantidade total de recurso extraída e a técnica de coleta utilizada. Para os parâmetros econômicos, aspectos do mercado, como o preço pago ao coletor, a demanda e a qualidade do produto, bem como a renda monetária obtida pelos indivíduos são os parâmetros considerados mais importantes. Por fim, para os aspectos sociais, os efeitos na cultura, na qualidade de vida e na organização interna da comunidade foram priorizados. Os profissionais indicam que é viável estabelecer o monitoramento dos parâmetros levantados. / Amazon, non-timber forest products, ecological effects, socioeconomic effects, monitoring.
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Monitoramento dos efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos da comercialização de produtos florestais não madereiros / Monitoring the ecological and socioeconomic effects of the commercialization of non-timber forest productsAlice Dantas Brites 13 October 2010 (has links)
A comercialização de produtos florestais não madeireiros (PFNMs) popularizou-se como atividade promotora do desenvolvimento socioeconômico de comunidades florestais com baixo impacto ambiental. Há evidências, contudo, de que a exploração possa produzir efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos negativos, sugerindo que é necessário monitorar tais iniciativas. A comercialização frequentemente ocorre em áreas remotas e em contextos de pobreza, como é o caso de muitas daquelas da Amazônia brasileira. Desta forma, é necessário que o monitoramento restrinja-se a avaliar os efeitos evidenciados como mais comuns em estudos anteriores. Este estudo revisa e sintetiza as evidências científicas dos efeitos da exploração de PFNMs sobre parâmetros ecológicos e socioeconômicos e, a partir daí, indica aqueles mais relevantes ao monitoramento. O estudo também levanta até que ponto o monitoramento é implementado no contexto da Amazônia brasileira e avalia quais os parâmetros importantes e viáveis de monitoramento neste caso específico. Para isso, foram realizadas revisões sistemáticas da literatura e a consulta a profissionais da área através do método Delphi. Os resultados indicam que efeitos ecológicos negativos são frequentes, principalmente quando se coletam folhas ou cascas. Alterações em órgãos ou processos fisiológicos e a taxa de sobrevivência dos espécimes explorados são parâmetros que devem ser monitorados, em particular quando se coletam frutos e partes vegetativas. Para todos os tipos de PFNMs, o tamanho e a estrutura populacional são parâmetros prioritários ao monitoramento. A riqueza de espécies da comunidade explorada merece atenção, principalmente quando se coletam frutos. Para os aspectos socioeconômicos, efeitos positivos foram mais frequentes que negativos. A contribuição da renda monetária obtida com o comércio na renda total, a regularidade de ingresso desta renda e o papel dos PFNMs como recursos de salvaguarda são parâmetros do capital financeiro prioritários ao monitoramento. Para o capital social, o empoderamento feminino, a coesão de grupo e o acesso aos benefícios gerados pela comercialização devem ser monitorados. Na Amazônia brasileira são poucas as iniciativas de implementação do monitoramento da comercialização de PFNMs. Embora este seja considerado importante, existem dificuldades que derivam principalmente da falta de apoio institucional, políticas de incentivo e de recursos financeiros. Os profissionais participantes do Delphi consideram que os parâmetros ecológicos mais importantes a monitorar neste contexto são o tamanho e a estrutura populacional do recurso explorado, o aumento da taxa de mortalidade, a quantidade total de recurso extraída e a técnica de coleta utilizada. Para os parâmetros econômicos, aspectos do mercado, como o preço pago ao coletor, a demanda e a qualidade do produto, bem como a renda monetária obtida pelos indivíduos são os parâmetros considerados mais importantes. Por fim, para os aspectos sociais, os efeitos na cultura, na qualidade de vida e na organização interna da comunidade foram priorizados. Os profissionais indicam que é viável estabelecer o monitoramento dos parâmetros levantados. / Amazon, non-timber forest products, ecological effects, socioeconomic effects, monitoring.
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