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Automatisering av intern materialhanteringSvensson, David, Persson, Jörgen January 2019 (has links)
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Bromsfunktion till nivellerande lyftok / Safety Function for Leveling Lifting Yoke.Sylvén, Anton January 2019 (has links)
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Konstruktion av broms till motståndsvagn / Construction of Brake for Resistance SledBagir, Mohammad January 2019 (has links)
Baltic fitness, which is the project owner, is a company that invests in Swedish-made training equipment. This work has been about constructing a resistance brake for a weight-bearing resistance sled, consisting of a chassis on wheels and four handles. Resistance sleds are often used for training purposes where the practitioner pulls or pushes the handles. In order for the exercise to have maximum effect the carriage must have some type of braking function that gives more resistance to the work and makes the work heavier. A preliminary study initiated the project to investigate various brake types and resistors used in vehicles and training equipment. Concepts for the brake function were designed with regard to the carriage construction and the requirements set by the project owner. Calculation have been made to ensure that the braking function creates sufficient resistance. The final result was two concept proposals, a magnetic resistance brake that acts like an electromagnetic retarder in heavy vehicles, without mechanical friction. The second concept is an electric resistance brake where an electric motor acts as a generator and a high load resistor loads the motor shaft. / Baltic fitness som är projektets beställare är ett svenskt företag som satsar på svensktillverkade träningsprylar. Detta arbete har gått ut på att utveckla koncept förenbroms till en viktbärandemotståndsvagn,vagnen består av ettchassi på hjul medfyra handtag.Motståndsvagnar används för träningsändamål därutövaren drareller trycker påhandtagen.För att övningenskagemaximal effektmåste vagnen ha någon typ av bromsfunktion som medförtyngre arbete. En förstudie har utförtsför att undersöka olika bromsanordningar och motstånd som används i fordon och träningsutrustningar. Design för bromsfunktionen gjordesmed hänsyn till vagnenskonstruktionoch kraven från projektbeställaren. Beräkningar har gjorts för att kunna hitta lämpliga komponenter till bromsfunktionen ochsäkerställa att bromsfunktionen skapartillräckligt motstånd. Detslutliga resultatet blev två konceptförslag, en magnetiskmotståndbroms som fungerar som elektromagnetiska retarder i tunga fordon, d.v.s.utan mekanisk friktion. Det andra konceptet ären elektriskmotståndbroms där en elmotorfungerar som en generator och etthöglastmotstånd som belastarmotoraxeln.
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Högupplöst varvtalsgivare till hydraulisk radialkolvmotor / High-resolution speed sensor for hydraulic radial piston motorNilsson, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Bosch Rexroth i Mellansel, utanför Örnsköldsvik, jobbar med att utveckla, förbättra och tillverka Hägglunds hydrauliska drivsystem. Drivsystemet består av en drivenhet ochenhydraulmotor.Motorn är en radialkolvmotor som omvandlar hydrauliskt tryck till vridmoment. Dessa motorer finns i några olika modeller och företaget vill nu utöka alternativen av tillbehör till den minsta motormodellen, CAb. Detta för att kunnata sig in på nya marknader genom att erbjuda lösningar som fungerar inom flera områden och miljöer. Det tillbehör detta examensarbete utvärderadevar en högupplöst varvtalsgivare. En högupplöst varvtalsgivare har till uppgiftattta in information om hur snabbt motorn roterar för att sedan skicka det vidare till styrsystemet som i sin tur styr hur myckethydraulolja som pumpen genererar,så kallad varvtalsåterkoppling.Varvtalsgivaren behövs alltså för att kunna styra hastigheten på motorn mer exakt. I rapporten framgår de specifika krav som ställs på varvtalsgivaren till CAb, olika teknikerför att mäta varvtal presenteras samtdekonstruktionsförslagsomladesfram. Examensarbetet resulterade i fyra olika förslag på högupplösta varvtalsgivare till CAb-motorn, alternativen jämfördes med kravspecifikationen och graderades utifrån det. Detta utvärderades och resulterade i atten inductive angle encoder (IncOder)ladesfram som lämplig varvtalsgivare till CAb. / Bosch Rexroth in Mellansel, outside of Örnsköldsvik, is workingwithdeveloping, improving and manufacturing Hägglunds hydraulic drive systems. The drive system consists of a drive unit and a hydraulic motor, the motor is a radial piston motor that converts hydraulic pressure to torque. These motors are available in several different models and the company now wants to expand the options of accessories to the smallest motor-model, CAb. This is to be able to enter new markets by offering solutions that work in several areas and environments. The accessory this thesis focused on was a high-resolution speed sensor. A high-resolution speed sensor picks up information on how quickly the motor rotates and then sends it to the control system (speed-feedback), which in turn controls how much hydraulic oil the pump generates. So the speed sensor is needed to be able to control the speed of the motor more accurately. The report shows the specific requirements that are set on the speed sensor for CAb, various techniques for measuring speed are presented as well as the design proposals. The thesis resulted in four different proposals for high-resolution speed sensors for the CAb motor, the alternatives were compared with the requirement specification and graded based on that. This was evaluated and resulted in an inductive angle encoder (IncOder) being presented as a suitable speed sensor for CAb.
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Concept Development of Stroller Wheel / Konceptutveckling av barnvagnshjulBengtsson, Erik January 2019 (has links)
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Produktpackning mot kundorder : Produktionstekniskt förbättringsprojekt vid Morakniv ABBergman, Ida January 2019 (has links)
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Optimering av slipningsprocess på belagt bandstål : Analys av parametrars påverkan på restspänningar / Optimization of Grinding Process for Coated Strip Steel : Analysis of Parameters Influence on Residual StressesJohansson, Casper January 2019 (has links)
This report is a degree project for a Bachelor of Science degree with specialization in mechanical engineering MSGC17 at Karlstad University. It’s made by a graduate engineering student specializing in mechanical engineering MSGC17 at Karlstad University. The work was carried out at voestalpine Precision Strip AB in Munkfors. Voestalpine Precision Strip AB is a company where they roll precision steels. To one of their products, an abrasion-resistant coating is ground to get the desired shape to the customer. The purpose of this work is to investigate the formation of residual stresses in the coating when the coating has been ground. The aim of the work is to optimize the parameters in the grinding machine so that the residual stresses are reduced and deliver a grinding recipe with recommendations for voestalpine. The method that was used to investigate the influence of the parameters was to make a design of experiments (DOE) on the process. By doing this, different parameters could be tested in high and low value simultaneously on one and the same band. 5 parameters were examined which were considered to affect residual stress formation. The factorial design was a 2 5−2 factorial design. The tests were carried out in 8 different variations where the parameters were run in low or high level. After grinding, the residual stresses in the material were measured with X-ray diffraction to obtain values for residual stresses. The X-ray diffraction measured the residual stresses in 3 different directions. With the stresses in the three different directions, the main stresses were also calculated. The result showed that parameter B is a recurring parameter in all trial planning, and it should be at a high level. In the grinding recipe voestalpine wanted will A and C run as much they’re required too, B at high level, D at low level and parameter E at a high level. With this recipe the residual stresses are theoretically reduced in the material.
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Konstruktion av omslutande kåpa för givareJohansson, Christian, Asterlund, Lucas January 2019 (has links)
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Skyltdockor på moderna människors vis : Ett innovativt utvecklingsarbete där digital teknologi har använts för att skapa mjuka värden så som inkludering, jämlikhet och välmående.Emma, Reinholdsson, Hannah, Carlbom January 2019 (has links)
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Product Training : A study to train service engineers for the ELegance PodLennemar, Simon January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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