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Vliv médií na sociální práci / Media influence on social workPODLEŠÁKOVÁ, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the influence of media on social work. Emphasis is placed on the media and the ethical principles of mass communication. The aim is to explore the mechanisms that the media use to influence the recipients, which functions the media have in society, how we can classify recipients of media messages, what can influence the final form of communication, and whether the ethical principles of journalism and the ethical principles of social work have the same foundation so media can serve the fulfilment of the mission of social work. The work is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the characteristics of the media, the public and media communications. The basic concepts of media studies are mentioned. The second part focuses on the ethics of the media. A normative theory of media behaviour is introduced and also why it is important that the media should be responsible for their behaviour and their messages and should be controlled by ethical instruments have e. g. in the form of Ethical Code of Journalists in the Czech Republic. The third part is more focused on social work and clarifies the relationship between media and social work. The last part includes current topics that fall into social work activities and which are widely publicized. The aim is to interpret the behaviour of the media in relation to social work.
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Dynamika jazykových prostředků v současných masových médiích / Dynamics of Language Expression in Contemporary Mass MediaHunalová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis called "Language Innovations in Mass Media" is to identify and compare language innovations in articles produced by major printed mass medium with language innovations in news programme broadcasted by public TV channel. Thesis aims to describe actual trends of language innovations, specifically lexical and word-building process. Overall, author analysed language of 17,723 reports and 1,174 articles from TV programme Události (produced by Česká televize and broadcasted daily at 7pm) and front pages of daily newspaper (MF DNES) from one-year period. Author detects similar patterns in terms of language innovations in both sources, however, the realization of the innovations is different.
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Vliv medií na agresivitu dětí základní školy. / The influence of media on aggressive elementary school childrenJÍROVÁ, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to learn basic information about mediche in general and the impact of media on children's aggression elementary school. The theoretical section defines the basic concepts ? media, mass media and aggression. It also discusses the psychology of the group studied, the effects and deal with the impact of media is the most popular media among children on elementary school. In the practical part I investigate how children prefer to spend their leisure time, whether playing computer games and sitting at the internet is really that popular activity. Finally, I find that it is not indifferent to parents what their children are doing in their free time, all using the questionnaire in the fifth elementary school classrooms. In conclusion verifying hypotheses set.
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Mediální výchova na 2. stupni ZŠ z pohledu budoucího učitele Občanské výchovy / Media Education at the 2nd primary school from the perspective of the future teachers of civic educationHANDRLICOVÁ, Erika January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the teaching of media education at the upper primary school from the perspective of the future teacher of civic education. The first section defines some of the topics that are part of media education and media literacy, they provide the reader basic information about this issue. The practical part contains my own research, whose aim is to identify and compare the development of media education in different schools from the perspective of both pupils of the 9th class and the future teacher of civic education. Part of this practice section are results of the research whose aim was to investigate if teachers systematically and purposefully work with the cross-cutting theme of media education and how they integrate it into education. For the research there was used direct observation in the lessons and questionnaires for pupils of the 9th forms of primary school.
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Mezi nezbytnostmi a zbytečnostmi / Necessity vs NeedlessnessKažmír, Martin January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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K proměně politického prostředí ve Velké Británii v důsledku nástupu masových médií (60.-70. léta 20. století) / The Transformation of the Political Environment in Great Britain as a Result of the Rise of Mass Media (until the 70s of the 20th Century)Koštel, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The main theme of this thesis is the relationship between media and politics in Great Britain mainly in the twentieth century. The research is based on the fact that dynamic post-war growth in technological and economical areas resulted in the development and mass expansion of new media, especially radio and television broadcasting. The main goal of the thesis is to analyze the transformation of British political environment and to verify the hypothesis arguing that this transformation was primarily caused by the development of new media. Changes in the British politics during the twentieth century are demonstrated especially by the election campaigns and methods of political communication. Another part of this work is also the brief analysis of the development of British mass media (press, radio and television) which provides an important context for achieving the stated objectives. The thesis is methodologically based on the research from fields of media history, political history and sociology which concentrates on political communication.
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Mediální zarámování koaličních vyjednávání po volbách do Poslanecké sněmovny v roce 2006 (na příkladech MF Dnes a Práva) / Media framing of coalition negotiations after parliamentary elections in 2006 (on example of MF Dnes and Pravo)Balíčková, Anna January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Media framing of coalition negotiations after parliamentary elections in 2006 (on example of MF Dnes and Pravo)- deals with the way how two most widely read daily newspapers informed about post-election negotiations in 2006. In the quantitative part, the position of researched topic in monitored media is touched; in the qualitative analysis, the most frequently used media frames are shown. The thesis describes the topic development in the time and points out at the main differences between both the monitored daily papers.
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Digitalizace a její vliv na tištěná média. Případová studie na vybraných českých tiskovinách. / Digitization and its impact on the print media. Case study of selected Czech periodicals.Bílková, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the influence of digitization and electronic media on print media. It shows the progress of development of the digital, its constant growth and transformation of getting public information, especially by particular theories of Marshall McLuhan, Jay David Bolter, Richard Grusin, Alessandro Ludovico and another authors dealing with the issues of media and digitization. The thesis shows a brief media development and the largest part is devoted to the digitization and remediation of the media. The central part is assessing the impact of digitization and the advent of electronic media on print media. It is shown how the print media deal with digitization. In the practical part of my work, it should find out how the print titles of the Czech market are, how are they affected by increasing digitization of media and how they try to deal with this aspect of trying to cope. All of these issues are shown in three cases, the daily newspapers Mladá Fronta DNES, Lidové noviny and Hospodářské noviny, which are the ones of the most important media in Czech republic, which have their printed version, with which they began. With digitization, however, they were forced to start also with their electronic versions. Key words: digitalization, electronic media, mass media, print media, electronic...
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Mediální imigranti Sametu: Produktivní věk ze stran Rudého práva až na zeď Facebooku / Velvet Media Immigrants: The productive age from the pages of Rudé právo to the Facebook wallBurger, Tadeáš January 2020 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to find out how the Velvet media immigrants (VMI) from our research sample use traditional and new media to search for information. VMI are a specific age group of Czech people we define on our own in chapter 2. They represent the media users who had reached adulthood before the Velvet revolution and then had to adjust to the ideological and technological changes in the media sphere. First part of this thesis focuses on theories of media use, the historical context of changes the Czech media system underwent during the Velvet revolution and then it introduces the issue of digital divide and digital immigrants, focusing on how adults adjust to the technologies of new media. Methodological part serves to describe our research, which is based on twelve qualitative interviews and the coding method based on the grounded theory. The Research part then serves to sort the gathered data into three main categories, which offer a complex answer to our main research question.
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Vliv médií na proměnu demokracie / The Media Influence on Transformation of DemocracyPůlpánová, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
Mass media has always played the key role in democratic process. They are not only the indicator of its right functioning, but also the iniciator. From historical point of view is obvious, that technological progress and changes in the way of informing people were related to the political area. But with the increasing role of media, they changed their position from pure mediators of informations to the main actors of social and political life. The ‚old' media, such as newspapers, radio and television, are therefore partly responsible for commercialization of the public sphere and also for its depolitization. With contribution of the globalization effect on today's world, which causes besides other things the weakening of the nation state, there are only a little of the key democratic aspects left. Some find the solution in the ‚new' media represented by the Internet and social media, which are more interactive so they could get the citizens back to the game. And right in the increase of civic engagement see the theorists the potencial for creating a new democratic order based on high-level participation. KEY WORDS Mass media, Democracy, Public Sphere, Civic Engagement, Internet, Social media, Participative Democracy, Deliberative Democracy
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