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Função mastigatória: proposta de protocolo de avaliação clínica / Masticatory function: a proposal of clinical evaluationWhitaker, Melina Evangelista 09 June 2005 (has links)
Objetivo: Tendo em vista as divergências de informações quanto à avaliação da função mastigatória quanto aos aspectos investigados e a forma de avaliação dos mesmos, bem como a necessidade de padronização para fins de comparação, sentiu-se a necessidade de se elaborar uma proposta de avaliação clínica da função mastigatória. Material e Método: Foi elaborado um questionário e encaminhado via endereço eletrônico para fonoaudiólogos de vários locais do país. Este continha questões sobre a formação e atuação dos profissionais e informações sobre os aspectos investigados na história clínica da função mastigatória e na avaliação desta função quanto aos aspectos morfofuncionais investigados e forma de avaliação da mesma, além da verificação de outras funções orais. Foram respondidos e analisados 70 questionários, utilizados na elaboração da proposta de avaliação, além da análise da literatura e da experiência dos fonoaudiólogos do Laboratório de Fisiologia do HRAC/USP. Resultados: A partir das análises realizadas, um protocolo de avaliação da função mastigatória foi proposto, contemplando os seguintes aspectos: alimentos testados, quantidade do mesmo, preensão, movimento mandibular, lado inicial da função, tipo mastigatório, participação da musculatura perioral, postura dos lábios, presença de tremor, contração de masseteres, coordenação dos movimentos, escape anterior de alimento, amassamento com a língua, movimento de cabeça, local de trituração do alimento, respiração durante a mastigação, ruídos nas ATMs, tempo mastigatório, número de ciclos mastigatórios, formação do bolo, presença de tosse ou engasgo e dor durante a mastigação, além do teste de eficiência mastigatória. Considerações Finais: Este trabalho, que propõe um protocolo para a avaliação clínica da mastigação, irá contribuir com a Fonoaudiologia, de modo a trazer critérios para a avaliação desta função. / Objective: According to the divergences of informations in the evaluation of the masticatory function as for the investigated aspects and the form of evaluation of them, as well as the need of standardization for comparison of the patients' masticatory function; it was necessary to elaborate a proposal of clinical evaluation of the masticatory function. Material and Method: A questionnaire was elaborated and sent by e-mail for some Speech Pathologists from several places from Brazil. This questionnaire had some questions about the formation and the professionals' performance and informations about the aspects that were investigated in the clinical history of the masticatory function and in the evaluation of this function as for the morphologic and functional aspects that were investigated and the form of evaluation of the masticatory function, besides the verification of other oral functions. Seventy questionnaires were answered and analyzed and they were used for the elaboration of the proposal of evaluation besides the analysis of the literature and experience of the Speech Pathologists of the Laboratory of Physiology at HRAC/USP. Results: From the analyses it was proposed the elaboration of a protocol of evaluation of the masticatory function, contemplating the following aspects: the test foods, the amount of the test foods, the teeth that bite the food, the mandibular movement, the initial side of the masticatory function, the masticatory laterality, the participation of the perioral muscles, the labial posture, if exists tremor, the contraction of muscles masseteres, the coordination of the mandibular movements, if there is a leak of food from the mouth, the trituration of the food with the tongue, the head's movement, the place of the trituration of the food, the breathing during the mastication, the noises in ATMs, the duration of masticatory function, the number of masticatory cycles, the formation of the bolus, if there is cough or choking and pain during the mastication, besides the test of masticatory efficiency. Final considerations: It was verified the lack of standardization of the evaluation of the masticatory function related to the aspects to be investigated, as well as the form of evaluation of them. For this reason, this work proposes a protocol for the clinical evaluation of the mastication and it will contribute with the Speech Pathology to bring criteria for the evaluation of the masticatory function.
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Função mastigatória: proposta de protocolo de avaliação clínica / Masticatory function: a proposal of clinical evaluationMelina Evangelista Whitaker 09 June 2005 (has links)
Objetivo: Tendo em vista as divergências de informações quanto à avaliação da função mastigatória quanto aos aspectos investigados e a forma de avaliação dos mesmos, bem como a necessidade de padronização para fins de comparação, sentiu-se a necessidade de se elaborar uma proposta de avaliação clínica da função mastigatória. Material e Método: Foi elaborado um questionário e encaminhado via endereço eletrônico para fonoaudiólogos de vários locais do país. Este continha questões sobre a formação e atuação dos profissionais e informações sobre os aspectos investigados na história clínica da função mastigatória e na avaliação desta função quanto aos aspectos morfofuncionais investigados e forma de avaliação da mesma, além da verificação de outras funções orais. Foram respondidos e analisados 70 questionários, utilizados na elaboração da proposta de avaliação, além da análise da literatura e da experiência dos fonoaudiólogos do Laboratório de Fisiologia do HRAC/USP. Resultados: A partir das análises realizadas, um protocolo de avaliação da função mastigatória foi proposto, contemplando os seguintes aspectos: alimentos testados, quantidade do mesmo, preensão, movimento mandibular, lado inicial da função, tipo mastigatório, participação da musculatura perioral, postura dos lábios, presença de tremor, contração de masseteres, coordenação dos movimentos, escape anterior de alimento, amassamento com a língua, movimento de cabeça, local de trituração do alimento, respiração durante a mastigação, ruídos nas ATMs, tempo mastigatório, número de ciclos mastigatórios, formação do bolo, presença de tosse ou engasgo e dor durante a mastigação, além do teste de eficiência mastigatória. Considerações Finais: Este trabalho, que propõe um protocolo para a avaliação clínica da mastigação, irá contribuir com a Fonoaudiologia, de modo a trazer critérios para a avaliação desta função. / Objective: According to the divergences of informations in the evaluation of the masticatory function as for the investigated aspects and the form of evaluation of them, as well as the need of standardization for comparison of the patients' masticatory function; it was necessary to elaborate a proposal of clinical evaluation of the masticatory function. Material and Method: A questionnaire was elaborated and sent by e-mail for some Speech Pathologists from several places from Brazil. This questionnaire had some questions about the formation and the professionals' performance and informations about the aspects that were investigated in the clinical history of the masticatory function and in the evaluation of this function as for the morphologic and functional aspects that were investigated and the form of evaluation of the masticatory function, besides the verification of other oral functions. Seventy questionnaires were answered and analyzed and they were used for the elaboration of the proposal of evaluation besides the analysis of the literature and experience of the Speech Pathologists of the Laboratory of Physiology at HRAC/USP. Results: From the analyses it was proposed the elaboration of a protocol of evaluation of the masticatory function, contemplating the following aspects: the test foods, the amount of the test foods, the teeth that bite the food, the mandibular movement, the initial side of the masticatory function, the masticatory laterality, the participation of the perioral muscles, the labial posture, if exists tremor, the contraction of muscles masseteres, the coordination of the mandibular movements, if there is a leak of food from the mouth, the trituration of the food with the tongue, the head's movement, the place of the trituration of the food, the breathing during the mastication, the noises in ATMs, the duration of masticatory function, the number of masticatory cycles, the formation of the bolus, if there is cough or choking and pain during the mastication, besides the test of masticatory efficiency. Final considerations: It was verified the lack of standardization of the evaluation of the masticatory function related to the aspects to be investigated, as well as the form of evaluation of them. For this reason, this work proposes a protocol for the clinical evaluation of the mastication and it will contribute with the Speech Pathology to bring criteria for the evaluation of the masticatory function.
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Trimatis žmogaus kramtymo sistemos modelis / A three-dimensional model of the human masticatory systemValaitis, Mindaugas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Matematinis dantų lanko modeliavimas leidžia įvertinti funkcinę tam tikro paciento dantų lanko būklę ir analizuoti racionalius gydymo variantus. Dabar mechaninė žmogaus kramtomosios sistemos analizė sujungia daugiau anatominių detalių ir todėl žmogui gali atrodyti, jog pagrindinės mechaninės problemos yra išsprendžiamos. Deja, tai nėra tiesa. Viena iš pagrindinių problemų susieta su raumenų stiprinimu - ar turime mes aktyvinti savo kramtymo raumenis ir kodėl. Pradžioje ištyrėme probleminę sritį ir iki šiol gautus pasiekimus žmogaus kramtymo sistemos trimačiame modeliavime. Vėliau parinkome tinkamą programinę įrangą bei susipažinome su jos galimybėmis. Tada įvairių bandymų metu nustatėme kaip įvairios naudojamų programų funkcijos ir jų parametrai įtakoja duomenų apdorojimą ir remdamiesi šiais duomenimis sudarėme žmogaus kramtymo sistemos trimačio modeliavimo algoritmą. Pasinaudodami juo sukūrėme trimatį paciento kramtymo sistemos modelį. Šio darbo tikslas buvo pasirinkti įrankius bei sukurti naujus, kurie gali pagelbėti sudarant trimatį modelį iš tomografijos būdu gaut�� vaizdų. Turėjome atsižvelgti į taisykles ir apribojimus. Pagrindinis šio darbo rezultatas yra makro komanda sukurta „Image-Pro Plus“ programai, kuri yra naudojama koordinačių gavimui iš tomografijos būdu gautų vaizdų. Buvo daryti eksperimentai skirti apibrėžti faktoriams, įtakojantiems sukuriamo modelio kokybę. / Relationships between muscle tensions, jaw motions, bite and joint forces, and craniofacial morphology are not fully understood, and critical information is often difficult or impossible to obtain in experiments on living humans. The inaccessibility of the mandible and its related structures is a major obstacle to measure their internal forces and stresses, and understanding their effects. Computer modeling offers an alternative method for doing this. Despite its limitations, modeling appears to provide a useful conceptual framework for developing hypotheses regarding the role of stresses during human masticatory system function. Three-dimensional model of main elements of masticatory system was created from computed tomography images. Later this model will be improved with physical characteristics. The objective of this work is to select the set of tools and create the new ones which could be used to acquire the three dimensional model from tomography images. The rules and restrictions of using medical hardware should be taken into account. The main outcome of this work is a macro-command created for the “Image Pro Plus”, which is used to capture object coordinates from the tomography pictures. Experiments were made to define the factors which are influencing the quality of the created model.
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The relative effectiveness of three treatment protocols in the management of temporomandibular disorderPoacher, Elizabeth January 2011 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for a Masters Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2011. / The relationship between TMD and dysfunction in the cervical spine has been reported in the literature and there are many case studies which have shown favourable results when treatment was aimed at the TMJ, cervical spine relationship. However, the numerous TMD treatment protocols described in the literature concerning this relationship, and the effectiveness of these treatments have not been well established. In spite of this many chiropractors treat TMD. TMD is a multifactoral condition and conservative treatment options need to be further investigated in order to determine if manual interventions directed at the cercival spine in the treatment of TMD are beneficial.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare myofascial trigger point therapy and manipulative therapy of either the TMJ, cervical spine or a combination of the two in order to determine their effectiveness for the TMD.
Method: Thirty participants with TMD were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups. Participants in each group received two treatments per week for two weeks with a follow up consultation in the third week. Data were collected before the commencement of the first, second, and fourth treatments and at the follow up consultation. Outcome measures included algometer readings, CROM, Mouth opening readings, NRS and a disability questionnaire. SPSS version 15.0 was used for analysis of the data. A p value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Multivariate testing was used for intra- and inter-group comparisons. Profile plots were generated to assess the direction and trend of the effect and to visually compare the trends in the different treatment groups.
Results: Inter-group comparisons did not reveal any statistically significant different improvements between the three treatment groups.
Conclusion: All groups responded favourably to treatment and showed trends towards improvement. However, statistically analysis revealed that no one treatment protocol was superior to the other. Although no definitive inferences may be drawn regarding the effectiveness of each treatment approach, within group trends indicated that the combination of the two treatment approaches may be preferred.
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The relative effectiveness of three treatment protocols in the management of temporomandibular disorderPoacher, Elizabeth January 2011 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for a Masters Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2011. / The relationship between TMD and dysfunction in the cervical spine has been reported in the literature and there are many case studies which have shown favourable results when treatment was aimed at the TMJ, cervical spine relationship. However, the numerous TMD treatment protocols described in the literature concerning this relationship, and the effectiveness of these treatments have not been well established. In spite of this many chiropractors treat TMD. TMD is a multifactoral condition and conservative treatment options need to be further investigated in order to determine if manual interventions directed at the cercival spine in the treatment of TMD are beneficial.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare myofascial trigger point therapy and manipulative therapy of either the TMJ, cervical spine or a combination of the two in order to determine their effectiveness for the TMD.
Method: Thirty participants with TMD were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups. Participants in each group received two treatments per week for two weeks with a follow up consultation in the third week. Data were collected before the commencement of the first, second, and fourth treatments and at the follow up consultation. Outcome measures included algometer readings, CROM, Mouth opening readings, NRS and a disability questionnaire. SPSS version 15.0 was used for analysis of the data. A p value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Multivariate testing was used for intra- and inter-group comparisons. Profile plots were generated to assess the direction and trend of the effect and to visually compare the trends in the different treatment groups.
Results: Inter-group comparisons did not reveal any statistically significant different improvements between the three treatment groups.
Conclusion: All groups responded favourably to treatment and showed trends towards improvement. However, statistically analysis revealed that no one treatment protocol was superior to the other. Although no definitive inferences may be drawn regarding the effectiveness of each treatment approach, within group trends indicated that the combination of the two treatment approaches may be preferred. / M
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