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Mezipředmětové vztahy na úrovni plánovaného kurikula pro 1. stupeň základní školy / Interdisciplinary relationships at the level of the planned curriculum for elementary school.MACHÁČKOVÁ, Edita January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis Cross-curricular Links Matching Proposed Curriculum for Lower Primary School deals with an issue of cross-curricular links and their usage in Maths teaching. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part provides an analysis of issues of cross-curricular links and curriculum integration, it introduces The Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education, characterises a curriculum of Maths and its application and other areas of education with which a link within the practical part was implemented. It also summarises important features of a Middle Primary School child and it surveys a quality of cross-curricular links usage in contemporary textbooks of Maths. The practical part contains a set of exercises that combine curricula of two areas to apply the cross-curricular links which are intended for practical usage in teaching at Lower Primary School, and evaluating part that describes and evaluates a practical course of implementation.
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Zpracování vybraných témat z matematiky pro děti s omezenou hybností rukou - druhá třída ZŠ / Processing of Selected Topics in Mathematics for Children with Limited Mobility Hands - The Second Class of Elementary SchoolŠTEFKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
My thesis is focused mainly on my own electronic work sheets for children with limited hand mobility - the second class of elementary school. The introduction deals with methodology of chosen topics which I have used in my work sheets. I compare teaching methods which I have used with alternative ones. The main part of my thesis aims at SMART Board 10 software for interactive whiteboard which I have used for creating my work sheets, secondly on its use, thirdly on its tools from the tool kit and at last but not at least on description of my work sheets. I also describe the teaching of a physically disabled girl with limited hand mobility that I have taught. The conclusion consists of summarizing my experience with teaching based on my work sheets and assessing my teaching lessons.
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Využití počítače na prvním stupni ZŠ při výuce tématu Přirozená čísla do 1000. / Using computer on the primary school to teach the topic Natural numbers to 1 000.SELUCKÁ, Eva January 2014 (has links)
My dissertation is mainly focused on work sheets created in Smart notebook 10 which are intended for the third-grade pupils of primary school. At the beginning I am dealing with the didactic part of chosen curriculum in material which was made by me. Futhermore I am comparing available mathematic schoolbooks which are intended for the third grade. The main part contains methodical manual for users of the working sheets which were created in Smart Notebook 10. It is mainly focused on the operation, the usage and the right method of working out the particular tasks. In conclusion of my dissertation I am summarizing my conclusions of hours and I am evaluating my experience gained from teaching at the primary school during which I used the chosen working sheets.
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Historické početní postupy a jejich aplikace ve výuce / Historical development of numerical methods and computational techniques, from the perspective of mathematics education in elementary school.DIVÍŠKOVÁ, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I deal with historical numerical procedures and their application in teaching. In a total of eight chapters, I describe counting techniques from history, such as magic squares, interesting counting algorithms, unconventional divisibility criteria, ancient numeration techniques, golden ratio, figurate numbers, and graphic papers. I deal with the use of historical numerical methods in teaching in the final chapter. This chapter contains eight worksheets and activity suggestions with methodical commentary.
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Netradiční výrazové prostředky a techniky. Matematické principy v komparaci netradičního výtvarného a hudebního díla / Unconventional Means of expression and techniques. Mathematical principles in comparing unconventional visual and musical artEffenbergerová, Klára January 2011 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze / Pedagogická fakulta / Katedra výtvarné výchovy // Charles University in Prague / Faculty of Education / The Department of Fine Art Education Netradiční výrazové prostředky a techniky Matematické principy v komparaci netradičního výtvarného a hudebního díla UnconventionalMeansofexpressionandtechniques Mathematical principles in comparing unconventional visual and musical art Klára Effenbergerová Výtvarná výchova - pedagogika Prezenční studium, 5. ročník Datum dokončení: květen 2011 Vedoucí práce: Doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Bláha, Ph.D. Abstract The thesis deals with a comparative analysis of a project called Poéme électronique in the Philips Pavilion (1958), while an emphasis is put on its mathematical background and broader interdisciplinal contexts. Particular attention is devoted to grand oldman Iannis Xenakis. The thesis tries to interpret the phenomenon of Electronic poetry, which we understand as an effort to design a multimedia "Gesamtkunstwerk". This brings the necessitate of the multi-specialized synthetic approach in searching of a relationship between the kinds of arts, and the analysis of interactions of individual project components.
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Diplomová práca / Diploma workNěmec, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The aim of my work is to reflect expression coincidence that reflects the theoretical basis of cellular automata and quantum mechanics. I think that art should point to examples of accurate knowledge and in this way spread among potential viewers. This is how I try to get closer to the subjective utopian society WERP-VEGA. I am not entirely convinced that fine arts can change the political situation or address fundamental civilization complications, but I believe that art is able to predict freely one of the possible scenarios of the future because one is only able to do what he can imagine.
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Alternativní ontologie: topologická imaginace a topologický materialismus / Alternative Ontology: topological Imagination and Topological MaterialismMrva, Jozef January 2022 (has links)
The dissertation Alternative Ontology, subtitled Topological Imagination and Topological Materialism, focuses on the analysis of spatial phenomena and space in the intentions of the mathematical discipline of topology, which is interested in spaces from the point of view of set theory. My goal is to present topology as a tool not only for contemporary philosophy, but also for artistic creation. For the purpose of the dissertation, I formulate two concepts: Topological imagination and Topological materialism. Topological imagination is a tool and method for creating and thinking with the consciousness of space as a dynamic structure, which is not bound only by fixed laws of geometry. This method originated as the name of my long-term artistic practice, which is largely based on the study of space, topology, knot theory and the search for ways of their application in artistic and theoretical work. I propose Topological materialism as a concept that combines the thinking of networks and multi-dimensional spaces with the philosophical currents of the materialist tradition, especially the New Materialism. My basic thesis is that these cannot be perceived separately. Materialism cannot be thought without its spatial dimension, and topology without anchoring in the material world becomes a mere abstraction. The second part of the dissertation is devoted to the analysis of specific spaces: the space we inhabit, which I call phenomenological, infrastructure, logistics space, information space and the space of capital. In addition to individual analyzes, I also focus on their intersections, connections and joint operation.
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Průřezová témata ve výuce matematiky na prvním stupni základní školy / Cross-Curricular subjects in the teaching of mathematics at primary schoolŠIMANOVÁ, Vendula January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Cross-Curricular topics in the teaching of mathematics at primary schools" describes possible ways of involving personality and social education, education of a democratic citizen, education towards thinking in European and global contexts, multicultural education, environmental education and media education in primary school mathematics. The thesis is divided into a theoretical, practical and an evaluative section. The theoretical part of this thesis analyses domestic and foreign findings on cross-curricular topics, outlines the historical development of the curriculum in relation to this issue and characterizes the educational area of "Mathematics and its application RVP ZV". It further focuses on interconnecting particular cross-curricular subjects with mathematics and examines their integration in current mathematics schoolbooks. The practical part contains proposals of activities (methodical activity sheets) connecting the area of "Mathematics and its application" with cross-curricular topics. It further presents organizational teaching forms and work methods used in activities including their descriptions. The last part evaluates the application of the activities in practice in terms of the development of pre-assigned mathematical skills and knowledge and the involvement of thematic units of cross-curricular topics.
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Aplikace principů připraveného prostředí podle M. Montessori v podmínkách základní školy praktické / Application of prepared enviroment principles by Maria Montessori at primary school for children with mild intellectual disabilitiesBENEDIKTOVÁ, Erika January 2015 (has links)
The first part of this thesis introduces basics principles of the Montessori pedagogical system with emphasis on prepared environment. Next part is about examples of prepared environment in professional literature and in the visisted school. The end part deals with application of prepared environment principles in the example of my own pedagogical work in education of children with special needs in education and in self-realisation. In appendix is a set of used didactical material.
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Laberinto / LaberintoSkopalová, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Laberinto is a type of book-form game, invented by Andrea Ghisi, and first printed in 1607. A second version was printed in 1616 and includes all the characters of the so-called tarocchi of Mantegna, with the addition of a new series of ten cards (following the logic of composition of the tarocchi). Another two versions of Laberinto (printed in 1607 and 1610) contain none of the Mantegna tarocchi characters. The rules of the game are based on the art of mathematical combinations. The aim of the game is to move through a visual labyrinth and discover which figure the opponent has in mind. The focus of this work will be on the 1616 version; my intention is to describe the problematic of the repetition of the original game concept a century and a half later, examining the conditions under which players used the allegorical field of the so-called Mantegna Tarocchi, and under which the cosmological meaning was secularized and the new series of ten cards added.
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