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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A homoeopathic drug proving of Acacia Xanthophloea 30CH, with subsequent comparison to the doctrine of signatures

Zondi, Gugulethu Moonlight January 2016 (has links)
The objective of the following study was threefold: to conduct a homoeopathic drug proving of Acacia xanthophloea 30CH on healthy individuals in order to elucidate the totality of signs and symptoms produced by the drug substance; to analyse the signs and symptoms gathered from the proving, collate the data, and convert the symptoms into materia medica symptoms and rubrics; to compare the symptoms of the proving to the doctrine of signatures. Methodology This proving study was a double-blinded, placebo controlled study. Thirty provers or participants were recruited for the study and the sample size was divided equally between two researchers (A. Gobind and G. Zondi). The sample was randomly divided into two groups, with one group receiving an active substance (verum group) and the other group receiving a placebo (control group). Amongst the 30 provers, 24 participants received verum and six received placebo. Each prover was given a journal to record their symptoms, a pen and nine powders. The duration of this proving study was six weeks including the first week of baseline during which time each prover was required to record their symptoms before taking the proving substance. This procedure was clearly explained to each prover and an information sheet with detail explanation of the proving procedure was provided and informed consent obtained. A thorough case history was taken in the initial consultation and physical examinations to ensure that individuals participating met the inclusion criteria and were healthy. Results Information derived both researchers was combined and the extraction of signs and symptoms then commenced. The symptoms were translated into materia medica and repertory format and graded accordingly. Thereafter the symptoms that emerged from the study were discussed and compared with the doctrine of signatures of Acacia xanthophloea. Provers experienced a wide range of symptoms mentally and emotionally e.g. anger, poor concentration and focus, disconnected feeling, depression, stress, anxiety, antisocial/ aversion to company, tranquillity. A large number of physical symptoms were noted by provers e. g. headaches, ailments of extremities (joint pain, weakness), female related symptoms (irregular menses, decrease/ increase libido etc.), eye symptoms, skin symptoms and general symptoms. The comparison of the symptoms of Acacia xanthophloea 30CH to the doctrine of signatures of the tree Acacia xanthophloea illustrated certain similarities, especially with regard to skin symptoms, eye symptoms, gastrointestinal symptoms and headaches. Conclusion The proving substance Acacia xanthophloea 30CH did produced signs and symptoms when given to healthy individuals as hypothesised. The symptoms when compared to the doctrine of signatures of the acacia xanthophloea tree did show correlation as hypothesised. / M

A comparative study of the effects of the essential oil ti-tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) both in pure extract and in homoeopathic potencies, and nizoral (ketoconazole) on the growth of Candida albicans

Bond, Joddina Alberta 13 May 2014 (has links)
M.Tech. (Homoeopathy) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

The efficacy of a topical naturopathic complex (Allium sativum MT, Hydrastis canadensis MT, Apis mellifica D3 and Urtica urens D3) in the treatment of Tinea pedis

Maharaj, Prashadhna Devi January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Homoeopathy)-Dept. of Homoeopathy, Durban Institute of Technology, 2006 xx, 108 leaves / Tinea pedis, more commonly known as “Athlete’s foot”, is a common acute infection that occurs in warm, humid climates (Fitzpatrick, et al. 1992:98). Warmth, humidity, trauma and occlusion such as non-breathable footwear increase the susceptibility to infection (Prescott, et al. 1999:814). The infection can become chronic in people who are more susceptible such as patients who are immuno-suppressed or those who have Diabetes mellitus (al Hassan, et al. 2004: 1). The aim of this placebo-controlled double-blind study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a topical naturopathic complex comprising of Allium sativum mother tincture (Ø), Hydrastis canadensis (Ø), Apis mellifica (D3) and Urtica urens (D3) (in an aqueous cream base) in the treatment of Tinea pedis. The complex utilized in this study is regarded as naturopathic because the remedies comprising the complex were selected for the following reasons: •Allium sativum and Hydrastis canadensis, each utilized in mother tincture, were selected for their antifungal properties. •Apis mellifica and Urtica urens, each utilized in D3 potency were selected because their skin symptomotology most accurately matched the symptoms associated with “Athlete’s foot”.

An evaluation of the triple-blind homoeopathic drug proving of an indigenous South African substance, Erythrina lysistemon 30CH, and the traditional uses of the crude substance

Olivier, Monique January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.:Homoeopathy)-Dept. of Homoeopathy, Durban Institute of Technology, 2007 xvi, 197 leaves / The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic potential of an indigenous South African substance and the traditional uses of that crude substance. The substance under evaluation was Erythrina lysistemon which was prepared homoeopathically to the thirtieth centesimal (30CH) potency.

A group analysis evaluation of the class Insecta in terms of known materia medica

Vogel, Alta January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Homoeopathy)-Dept. of Homoeopathy, Durban Institute of Technology, 2007 ix, 153 leaves / Group analysis of homoeopathic remedies is a relatively new methodology, linking naturally related substances via their common symptomatology. At its very basic level of understanding, it is an attempt to identify a mechanism for understanding groups of related remedies according to the natural classification of various sources used in homoeopathic practice (Scholten, 1993). This not only offers new aspects to well known remedies, but illuminates the smaller, less well known remedies, resulting in a more comprehensive and rounded understanding of the materia medica

A group analysis evaluation of the kingdom fungi of homoeopathic remedies in terms of known materia medica

Leisegang, Kristian January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Homoeopathy)-Dept. of Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2007 x, 95, [4] leaves, Annexures A-C / Until recently the most important method of studying homoeopathic remedies has been to look at each remedy separately and not in the context of a particular group to which it belongs. Group analysis, as defined by pioneering authors such as Sankaran (2002) and Scholten (1993), is an attempt to identify a mechanism for understanding groups of related remedies according to natural classification of the various sources used in homoeopathic practice.

A homoeopathic drug proving of Bitis atropos with a subsequent comparison to venom toxicology and related remedies

Brijnath, Shraddha 28 May 2014 (has links)
Submitted in partial compliance with the requirements of the Master’s Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology. 2013. / This study was a homoeopathic drug proving of Bitis atropos 30CH (derived from Berg adder venom) with a subsequent comparison of the proving symptoms to known venom toxicology and existing remedies from the materia medica, that on repertorisation, yielded the greatest similarities in the Mental, General, Physical and unique symptomatology of Bitis atropos. Methodology : The proving was carried out in the form of a double-blinded, placebo controlled trial on healthy subjects who were administered the proving substance or placebo. The resultant influence of this substance on the health of provers (i.e. symptoms produced) was recorded in journal format and formed the materia medica and ultimately the clinical indications thereof according to the Law of Similars. Twenty eight healthy consenting provers who meet the inclusion criteria (Appendix B), were randomly split into two groups, one being the experimental group comprising 22 provers, and the other a placebo control group comprising 6 provers. This was further split between the researcher and co-researcher, each responsible for 11 provers receiving verum and 3 receiving placebo. The researchers and the individual provers were unaware of their respective group allocation and the provers were unaware of the identity of the proving substance. The fresh venom sourced from a wild, Berg adder, was processed according to the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (Appendix G) to produce the 30CH Homoeopathic potency thereof. Six lactose powders were dispensed to each prover (either placebo or verum) and taken sublingually three times a day or until the onset of symptoms. Symptoms were recorded by the provers in journals over 4 weeks and were closely supervised by the researcher. When the symptoms subsided, the combined journals were collected, collated, analysed, interpreted and validated. Accepted symptoms were converted to materia medica and Repertory format. Results : The proving yielded a total of 903 rubrics, of which 18 were newly created. The systems mostly affected were Dreams, Mind, Head and Eye. Comparison of proving symptoms to that of venom toxicology, as seen in case studies of envenomation by Bitis atropos, yielded similar results, as the sensations experienced in provers closely matched that of known venom toxicology. On repertorisation of the proving symptoms, the existing remedies that were closely related were Sepia officinalis, Lachesis mutus and Argentum nitricum. Further repertorisation of toxicological symptoms indicated a further relation to Belladonna, Natrum muriaticum and Hyoscyamus niger. Conclusion : Clearly observable signs and symptoms were produced by healthy provers in response to administration of Bitis atropos 30CH, in addition there was a significant degree of similarity between proving symptoms and that of known toxicology of the crude substance. The researcher identified Sepia officinalis, Lachesis mutis and Argentum nitricum as the three most similar existing homoeopathic remedies and a detailed comparison thereof was conducted. A further repertorisation of the toxicological symptoms of envenomation by the snake, yielded the remedies Belladonna, Natrum muriaticum and Hyoscyamus niger which were also compared to Bitis atropos.

The efficacy of a homoeopathic complex (Kalium bromatum 9CH, Natrum muriaticum 9CH, Selenium 9CH, Sulphur 9CH and Thuja occidentalis 9CH) in the treatment of acne vulgaris

Ally, Sameer 12 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted in partial compliance with the requirements of the Master’s Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2013. / Introduction Acne vulgaris is a common skin condition (disorder of the pilosebaceous duct) which is universal in adolescence. Acne vulgaris can persist into adulthood, with 1% of males and 5% of females requiring treatment until 40 years of age. Aim The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of a homoeopathic complex (Kalium bromatum 9CH, Natrum muriaticum 9CH, Selenium 9CH, Sulphur 9CH and Thuja occidentalis 9CH), compared to placebo, in the treatment of acne vulgaris. Methodology A total of 37 participants between the ages of 18 and 31 were recruited from the Greater Durban area by means of poster advertisements placed on notice boards in shops, pharmacies, health shops, hospitals, schools, tertiary institutions including Durban University of Technology, and other public areas. Handouts were also left at these areas for people to take home. The final sample consisted of 34 participants due to the drop out of 3 participants. After participants read an information letter (English or Zulu), fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the research, were diagnosed as having acne vulgaris by the researcher and completed an informed consent form (English or Zulu) and confidential patient information form (English or Zulu), they were randomly assigned to an experimental (homoeopathic complex) group and a control (placebo) group. In the final sample, the experimental (homoeopathic complex) group consisted of 7 males and 10 females, and the control (placebo) group consisted of 9 males and 8 females. Consultations took place at the Durban University of Technology Homoeopathic Day Clinic, and consisted of 3 consultations, an initial consultation followed by 2 follow-up consultations at 3 weekly intervals. The treatment period for each participant was therefore 6 weeks. A case history was taken and a complete physical examination was performed for all participants. The Leeds counting technique was used to assess and measure the response to treatment. The lesions assessed were the non-inflamed lesions (blackheads and whiteheads), inflamed lesions (papules, pustules, nodules, cysts and deep pustules) and the total number of acne lesions (number of non-inflamed and inflamed lesions combined). The response to treatment was measured in terms of a reduction in the number of non-inflamed, number of inflamed and total number of acne lesions, on the face, over the 6 weeks. SPSS version 20 was used to analyse the data. A p value of < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Non-parametric tests were used to analyse the data. The number of non-inflamed, number of inflamed and total number of acne lesions were compared within groups using the Friedman test and between groups using the Mann-Whitney U test. The number of lesions was compared separately for males and females, and also without gender classification. Results In females, the control (placebo) group showed a statistically significant reduction in the total number of acne lesions when compared to the experimental group (p = 0.034). However, as a whole, it was concluded from the results of this study that there was no significant difference in the number of non-inflamed (p = 0.193), number of inflamed (p = 0.290), and total number of acne lesions (p = 0.193) between the experimental (homoeopathic complex) and control (placebo) groups. Both groups showed a similar reduction when compared to each other. Conclusion It was concluded that the homoeopathic complex was not effective in the treatment of acne vulgaris.

A homoeopathic drug proving of Bitis atropos and a subsequent comparison of results with that of existing proven remedies of the Genus Bitis

Schönfeld, Victoria-Leigh 13 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted in partial compliance with the requirements of the Master’s Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2013. / Introduction The aim of this study was to investigate the homeopathic potential of Bitis atropos 30CH (Homoeopathically prepared Berg adder venom) and to compare the materia medica of Bitis atropos with that of existing remedies originating from remedies derived from the same genus: Bitis. It was hypothesised that the thirtieth centesimal potency of the substance Bitis atropos would produce clearly observable signs and symptoms in healthy volunteers, furthermore it was hypothesised that the materia medica of Bitis atropos would be comparable with those of existing remedies originating from the genus Bitis. Methodology The homeopathic drug proving of the substance Bitis atropos 30CH took the form of a double-blinded, randomised, placebo controlled trial. A total of 28 provers took part in the proving, twenty one percent (6 provers) were randomly administered placebo, the other seventy nine percent (22 provers) were randomly administered verum (active proving drug). Each prover received six lactose powder sachets, either placebo or verum, and were instructed to take one powder three times a day or until symptoms arose. Symptoms induced in healthy provers by Bitis atropos or placebo were recorded in journal format on a daily basis for a period of 4 weeks or until symptoms subsided. This data was subsequently transcribed into nomenclature suitable for the materia medica and repertory. A general picture of the remedy was described which according to the Law of Similars forms the clinical indications of the substance in homoeopathic practice. A concurrent study of the proving of Bitis atropos 30CH was conducted by Brijnath (2013), and focused on comparing the results of the proving with the venom toxicology of the snake and other related remedies. Results A wide variety of mental, emotional and physical symptoms were produced. Some of the main themes included feelings of antagonism with one’s self, polarity, anxiety, irritability and a lack of focus with a feeling of confusion. Some of the physical symptoms produced were a lack of energy, fatigue, temperature sensitivity, skin eruptions, eye symptoms, ear symptoms, back pain, asthma symptoms, and an increase in libido. The symptoms from the proving of Bitis atropos 30CH were subsequently compared with remedies that belong to the same genus: Bitis. This analysis aimed to demonstrate the similarities between the remedies in the same genus: Bitis. A significant degree of similarity was noted within the mental sphere, where the remedies shared the same themes of anxiety, irritability, polarity, confusion and lack of mental focus. Some of the physical symptoms shared by the remedies were those of respiratory symptoms, temperature sensitivity, fatigue, lack of energy and headaches and an increased libido. Conclusion This investigation supported the hypothesis that Bitis atropos 30CH would produce clear and observable signs and symptoms in healthy volunteers in addition it supported the hypotheses that the materia medica produced would be comparable to the existing remedies sharing the same genus i.e.- Bitis arietans arietans(Puff adder) and Bitis gabonica gabonica (Gaboon viper).

A homoeopathic drug proving of the plant Peucedanum galbanum with a subsequent comparison to those remedies yielding the highest numerical values and total number of rubrics on repertorisation of the proving symptoms

Wayland, Lauren January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Homoeopathy)-Dept. of Homoeopathy Durban University of Technology, 2007. 250 leaves / This research study was conducted to elucidate the total symptomatology that the plant Peucedanum galbanum in the thirtieth centesimal potency would produce on healthy individuals so that it may be prescribed according to the Law of Similiars. A further aim of the investigation was to compare this remedy to other remedies yielding the highest numerical values and total number of rubrics on repertorisation of the proving symptoms. Wagner (2007), in a concurrent study, analysed the proving results of Peucedanum galbanum in relation to the doctrine of signatures. It was hypothesised that Peucedanum galbanum 30CH would produce recognizable signs and symptoms in healthy provers, and that the comparative study of this remedy would highlight the differences and similarities between remedy symptoms and thus confusion as to indication is eliminated, plus a fuller understanding of the remedy and its relationship to other remedies is gained.

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