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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Love or protection? : defining and measuring maternal-fetal attachment from the woman's perspective

Sandbrook, Sandra January 2009 (has links)
Existing commonly used maternal-fetal attachment instruments have not been thoroughly tested for reliability and validity; criticism can be levelled for a variety of problems ranging from lack of reliability due to an inadequate underpinning framework to facilitate objective interpretation to limited generalizability due to the sample. The aim of this study is to acknowledge the centrality of the mother, to use the experiences of pregnant women to generate a definition of maternalfetal attachment and ultimately create a tool that will act as a reliable, valid and simple measurement. A mixed method framework utilising a sequential exploratory strategy has allowed qualitative exploration of the phenomenon under investigation followed by quantitative testing of the emerging theory on a much larger and different sample. Phase 1 involved face to face open structured interviews on an opportunity sample of 10 (5 primigravid; 5 multiparous) women in the final trimester of pregnancy followed by 3 focus groups targeting specific groups – primigravid women (6 participants); multiparous women (7 participants) and teenagers (4 participants). Data analysis was through constant comparative methodology. A multidimensional, psycho-biological definition of attachment was generated from the women’s own perception of their attachment to their fetus. This was used as a framework to design a questionnaire for the measurement of maternal-fetal attachment. Phase 2 involved the validation of the questionnaire and further testing of the definition. Cohort 1 tested for reliability with 200 participants within their second or third trimester of pregnancy. Following modification of the questionnaire, Cohort 2 a sample of 150 women within the final trimester of pregnancy tested the tool for internal reliability and validity. The generated Maternal-Fetal Attachment Tool (MFAT) following rigorous testing proved both reliable and valid. Maternal fetal attachment is founded in psycho-biological theory and is a complex multi-dimensional construct. Central to the definition is the woman’s need to protect her fetus, attachment develops as the fetus becomes more tangible, it is facilitated through the woman’s intergenerational experience of attachment and through appropriate social support. Maternal-fetal attachment facilitates behavioural change to ensure a favourable intra-uterine environment.

Návrh metodiky a vytvoření vybraných programových modulů pro nastavování a snímání defektů soustružnických nástrojů pomocí laserového měřícího zařízení / The design of methodology and creating of chosen SW modules for setting and exploring of lathe tools defects using laser measuring device

Křížek, Michal January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with possibility of a non-contact tool corrections measurement and broken tool detection on CNC lathes. For this purpose was made a methodology for measuring and application in NC program. For testing the program in praxis was used CNC lathe SPM 16 with Sinumerik 840D controller. As measuring equipment was used a laser probe NC4 by Renishaw manufacturer.

La réalisation d’instruments de mesure électroniques : une intervention didactique pour l’apprentissage interdisciplinaire en science expérimentale, en mathématique et en technologie

Pellerin, David 02 1900 (has links)
Notre recherche de développement en didactique s’est articulée autour de deux pôles : l’engagement actif des élèves dans les paradigmes constructivistes de l’apprentissage par compétences et l’amélioration technologique d’un environnement de laboratoire utilisant la nouvelle technologie des systèmes MicrolabExAO. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes intéressés aux possibilités didactiques offertes par ce nouvel environnement MicrolabExAO qui permet aux apprenants de réaliser leurs propres instruments de mesure électroniques avec l’expérimentation assistée par ordinateur (ExAO). En développant une intervention didactique appropriée, nous voulions permettre à l’élève non seulement de construire ses instruments, mais aussi d’en comprendre le fonctionnement. Par la réalisation concrète de quatre instruments de mesure, l’élève s’est approprié progressivement une démarche de résolution de problèmes complexes mobilisant des savoirs et savoir-faire en sciences expérimentales, en mathématique et en technologie. Dans l’activité finale de l’intervention didactique, pour vérifier le niveau d’intégration de cette démarche technoscientifique, nous avons demandé aux apprenants de transférer leurs apprentissages en situation nouvelle en construisant un manomètre de manière autonome. Ce faisant, les apprenants ont déployé leurs savoirs et savoir-faire en sciences expérimentales, en mathématique et en technologie pour construire l’instrument de mesure et en expliciter le fonctionnement, effectuant ainsi un apprentissage interdisciplinaire. Comme ils n’ont obtenu aucune directive de la part de l’enseignant ni aucun protocole de manipulations, nous pouvons dire qu’ils étaient placés dans une situation adidactique qui leur a permis de manifester une expertise de traitement interdisciplinaire. / Our developmental research in didactics has focused on two distinct aspects : The students' active engagement under the constructivist paradigms of competency-based learning and the technological enhancement of laboratory settings using the new MicrolabExAO environment. Towards these ends, we have explored the teaching possibilities offered by MicrolabExAO which allows learners to design their own electronic measuring tools with the computer assisted experimentation. By developing an appropriated teaching intervention, we wanted to enable the student not only to build his/her tools, but also to understand how they work. Through the actual implementation of four measuring tools, the student has progressively developed his/her own approach to resolving complex problems which call upon knowledge and skills in experimental sciences, mathematics and technology. In the final activity of the teaching intervention, with the objective of assessing the level of integration of this technoscientific approach, we have asked the learners to apply their new knowledge within the framework of building a manometer on their own. In doing so, the learners have deployed their knowledge and skills in experimental sciences, mathematics and technology in order to build the measuring tool and to explain its functioning, thereby achieving interdisciplinary learning. Since they have been given neither instructions from the teacher, nor operating protocols, we can say that they have been put in an adidactical situation which allowed them to demonstrate interdisciplinary expertise in their approach.

A measuring tool for integrated internal communication : a case study of the University of South Africa library

Mandiwana, Awelani Reineth 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English, abstract in English, Afrikaans and Venda / This study developed and tested an integrated internal communication audit (IICA) tool to evaluate the communication strengths and weaknesses of the Unisa Library. The existing communication audit instruments were explored, namely: the Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ) and the International Communication Association (ICA) audit were adapted and complemented by the Organisational Culture Survey (OCS) and the Critical Incident Technique (CIT). The current trends and the trends in South Africa were also explored. The sequential mixed method design consisting of the semi-structured qualitative interviews and the quantitative surveys were used to collect data. The ATLAS.ti and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software packages were used to analyse qualitative and quantitative data. The results revealed the IICA as an appropriate tool for measuring the integrated internal communication of the Unisa Library. The IICA identified the communication needs of employees; the active and preferred communication channels; and the positive and negative communication experiences of employees. / Hierdie studie het ʼn geïntegreerde interne kommunikasie-oudit (IICA)-hulpmiddel ontwikkel en getoets om kommunikasie-sterkpunte en -swakhede van die Unisa-biblioteek te evalueer. Die bestaande kommunikasie-oudit-instrumente was ondersoek, naamlik: die Kommunikasietevredenheidsvraelys (CSQ) en die Internasionale Kommunikasievereniging (ICA) se oudit is aangepas en gekomplementeer deur die Organisasiekultuur-opname (OCS) en die Kritiese-insident-tegniek (CIT). Die sekwensiële gemengdemetode-ontwerp, bestaande uit die halfgestruktureerde kwalitatiewe onderhoude en die kwantitatiewe opnames, is gebruik om data in te samel. Die ATLAS.ti-programmatuurpakket en die Statistiese Pakket vir Sosiale Wetenskappe (SPSS)-programmatuur is gebruik om kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data te ontleed. Die resultate gewys die IICA as ʼn geskikte hulpmiddel was in die meting van die geïntegreerde interne kommunikasie van die Biblioteek. Die IICA geïdentifiseer die kommunikasie behoeftes van werknemers; die aktiewe en voorkeur kommunikasie kanale; en die positiewe en negatiewe kommunikasie ervarings van werknemers. / Ngudo iyi yo bveledza na u linga tshishumiswa tsha u Sedzulusa Vhudavhidzani ha nga ngomu ho Ṱanganelaho (Integrated Internal Communication Audit (IICA), u ṱola vhuḓi na vhuvhi ha vhudavhidzani kha Ḽaiburari ya Univesithi ya Afrika Tshipembe. Zwishumiswa zwa u sedza vhudavhidzani zwi re hone zwo sedzuluswaho zwi katela: Mbudzisambekanywa dza Vhudavhidzani dzine dza fusha ṱhoḓea (Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire) (CSQ) na tshishumiswa tsha u sedzulusa vhudavhidzani tsha Dzangano ḽa Dzitshaka ḽa Vhudavhidzani (International Communication Association) (ICA). Zwishumiswa izwo zwo ḓadziswa nga tshishumiswa tsha Ṱhoḓisiso ya Mvelele ya Tshiimiswa (Organisational Culture Survey) (OCS) na Tshikalo tsha u ela Maitele a Zwithu zwa ndeme (Critical Incident Technique) (CIT). Pulane ya thevhekano ya maitele o ṱanganelaho o vhumbwaho nga maitele a ṱhoḓisiso ane a shumiswa kha saintsi dza matshilisano (qualitative) na maitele a ṱhoḓisiso ane a shumisa zwiṱatisiṱika na mbalo (quantitative) zwo shumiswa u kuvhanganya mawanwa. Phakhedzhi ya Sofuthiwea ya ATLAS.ti na phakhedzhi ya Siṱatisiṱika ya Saintsi dza Matshilisano (Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS) dzo shumiswa u saukanya mawanwa a ṱhoḓisiso dza matshilisano na a ṱhoḓisiso dza zwiṱatisiṱika na mbalo. Mvelelo dzo bvisela khagala uri IICA ndi tshishumiswa tsho teaho u ela vhudavhidzani ho ṱanganelaho ha nga ngomu Ḽaiburari ya Univesithi ya Afrika Tshipembe. Tshishumiswa itshi tsho bvisela khagala thoḓea dza vhashumi dza vhudavhidzani, zwishumiswa zwa vhudavhidzani zwine zwa khou shumiswa na zwi takalelwaho; na tshenzhemo ya vhashumi kha vhudavhidzani havhudi and vhu si havhudi. / Communication Science / M. Comm (Communication Science)

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