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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comportamento da mecânica ventilatória durante a realização de um atendimento de fisioterapia respiratória

Moreira, Fernanda Callefe January 2009 (has links)
Question: Can Respiratory therapy alter the lung mechanics in patients with invasive mechanical ventilation? The data available in the literature remain controversial. This study aims to assess the changes of pulmonary mechanics in patients with invasive mechanical ventilation, comparing hemodynamic and ventilatory parameters one hour prior to application of the service, immediately after and one hour after the service. Design: Participants: Patients on mechanical ventilation for at least 48 hours with oro-tracheal tube. Intervention: Patients underwent a protocol of respiratory therapy and hemodynamic variables were recorded at different times. Outcome measures: The following variables were measured one hour before, immediately after and one hour after application of the protocol of respiratory therapy. Dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn), respiratory system resistance (Rsr), Tidal Volume (Vt), Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP), Peak inspiratory pressure (PIP), Heart Rate (HR), Respiratory frequency (RF), and Saturation peripheral oxygen (SpO2). Results: The variables obtained the following mean and standard deviation: HR 88.9 ± 18.7 an hour before the service, presented an increase to 93.7 ± 19.2 immediately after the service, which fell one hour after the service, 88.5 ± 17.1. So we can conclude that heart rate showed an increase after treatment of respiratory therapy and one hour after this variable had a value less than the obtained in the beginning. SpO2 96.5 ± 2.29 one hour before the service, with an increase to 98.2 ± 1.62 immediately after the service, and a slight decrease to 97.8 ± 1.79 one hour after the service. We can conclude that the oxygen saturation showed a significant improvement one hour after the service, not returning to the value obtained one hour before the service. RF 20.8 ± 5.40 one hour before the service, increasing to 21.9 ± 5.89 immediately after the service and presenting a decrease of 19.4 ± 1.79 one hour after the service, when compared to one hour before the service. Rsr 14.2 ± 4.63 one hour before the service, down immediately after the service 11.0 ± 3.43 and a small increase one hour after the service, but did not return to baseline. Vt 550± 134 one hour before the service, increasing significantly to 698 ± 155 and presenting a decrease 672 ± 146, although it remained higher than the value obtained one hour before the service. PIP 22.2 ± 5.54 one hour before the service, with a slowdown that does not differ from the Bonferroni test with the value immediately after the service, and decreased to 21.5 ± 5.24, when compared with the previous two times . Cdyn 52.3 ± 16.1 one hour before the service, increased significantly immediately after the service 65.1 ± 19.1 and decreased to 64.7 ± 20.2 one hour after the service, with no significant difference if compared to the second time, and significant difference if compared with the first time. Peep 5.93 ± 1.80 one hour before the service, 5.89 ± 1.71 immediately after the service and 5.91 ± 1.70 one hour after the service. This was the only variable that showed no significant difference in any of the times compared. In Conclusion: The variables HR, SpO2, RF, Rsr, Vt and Cdyn obtained significance p < 0,01.Variable PIP gained significance with p <0, 013.

Influência da mecânica respiratória sobre a assincronia paciente-ventilador, na ventilação com pressão de suporte, com e sem sistema de disparo e ciclagem automáticos, e na ventilação assistida proporcional / Influence of respiratory mechanics on patient-ventilator asynchrony in pressure support ventilation with and without automatic triggering and cycling system and proportional assist ventilation

Vasconcelos, Renata dos Santos January 2013 (has links)
VASCONCELOS, Renata dos Santos. Influência da mecânica respiratória sobre a assincronia paciente-ventilador, na ventilação com pressão de suporte, com e sem sistema de disparo e ciclagem automáticos, e na ventilação assistida proporcional. 2013. 101 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Médicas) - Universidade Federal do Ceará. Faculdade de Medicina, Fortaleza, 2013. / Submitted by denise santos (denise.santos@ufc.br) on 2013-12-05T12:35:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_dis_rsvasconcelos.pdf: 5201948 bytes, checksum: 2bcbf3278e4af6a5053e56c6bb7f094c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by denise santos(denise.santos@ufc.br) on 2013-12-05T12:35:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_dis_rsvasconcelos.pdf: 5201948 bytes, checksum: 2bcbf3278e4af6a5053e56c6bb7f094c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-12-05T12:35:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_dis_rsvasconcelos.pdf: 5201948 bytes, checksum: 2bcbf3278e4af6a5053e56c6bb7f094c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Obtaining a good patient-ventilator synchrony is one of the biggest challenges in the management of mechanical ventilation (MV). Pressure support ventilation (PSV) is a ventilator mode widely used in the MV weaning process. Proportional assist ventilation (PAV) is a mode of ventilator support in which the ventilator generates assistance proportional and instant to the efforts of the patient. Digital Auto-TrakTM consists in a technology capable of automatically adjusting, cycle by cycle, the mechanisms of triggering and cycling in PSV mode. Objectives: To determine the influence of respiratory mechanics on patient-ventilator asynchrony during PSV mode, with and without automatic triggering and cycling system, and PAV, in a mechanic lung model and to identify patterns on ventilation curves presented on the ventilator screen, which are related to the types of asynchrony investigated. Methods: This is an experimental bench study using the mechanic lung model, ASL 5000TM. Three profiles of respiratory mechanics were studied: normal, obstructive and restrictive, with variation of neural inspiratory time of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 seconds, with maximum intensity of muscle effort (Pmus) fixed in -7.5 cmH2O, during MV in PSV and PAV modes, in five ICU ventilators, with double limb, and in one single limb ventilator. Auto-TrakTM was studied when avaliable in the ventilator. Primary outcomes were: inspiratory delay time and cycling asynchrony time identifying, in the second case, two possible types, late or premature cycling. Furthermore, we proceeded to an analysis by visual inspection of the: flow, VT and Pmus curves of ASL 5000TM and the: VT, flow and pressure curves on the ventilator screen in an attempt to identify patterns associated to asynchrony that would be identified through simple observation. Results: There was a marked influence of respiratory mechanics on patient-ventilator asynchrony. The inspiratory delay time was higher and clinically significant in the obstructive profile of respiratory mechanics, and lower, many times “zero”, with the single limb ventilator. Cycling asynchrony was common in the obstructive profile, predominantly the late cycling type, while in the restrictive profile, the premature cycling type predominated. The use of Auto-TrakTM system eliminated the occurrence of auto triggering asynchrony type in the single limb ventilator. Visual analysis of the curves detected patterns of flow x time curves that are characteristic of premature and late cycling asynchrony types and which can be identified by direct visual inspection of the ventilator screen. Conclusion: Triggering and cycling asynchronies between the patient and the ventilator are the rule rather than the exception during PSV and PAV modes, which are influenced by respiratory mechanics. The use of Auto-TrakTM system showed benefit during the use of the single limb ventilator, with substantial improvement of the triggering. Visual inspection of the flow curve on the ventilator screen may favor the identification of these types of asynchrony. / Contextualização: A obtenção de uma boa sincronia paciente-ventilador consiste em um dos maiores desafios no manejo da ventilação mecânica (VM). A ventilação com pressão de suporte ou pressure support ventilation (PSV) é uma modalidade ventilatória amplamente utilizada no processo de desmame da VM. A ventilação assistida proporcional ou proportional assist ventilation (PAV) é uma modalidade de suporte ventilatório onde o ventilador gera assistência proporcional e instantânea aos esforços do paciente. O Auto-Trak® digital consiste em uma tecnologia capaz de ajustar automaticamente, ciclo a ciclo, os mecanismos de disparo e ciclagem durante o modo PSV. Objetivos: Determinar a influência da mecânica respiratória sobre a assincronia paciente-ventilador durante os modos PSV, com e sem sistema de disparo e ciclagem automáticos e na PAV, em modelo pulmonar mecânico e identificar padrões nas curvas de ventilação apresentadas na tela do ventilador que sejam relacionadas aos tipos de assincronia investigados. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo experimental, de bancada utilizando o simulador pulmonar mecânico, ASL 5000®. Estudaram-se três perfis de mecânica respiratória: normal, obstrutivo e restritivo, com variação do tempo inspiratório neural 0,5, 1,0, 1,5 e 2,0 segundos, sendo a intensidade máxima do esforço muscular (Pmus) fixada em -7.5 cmH2O, durante a VM nos modos PSV e PAV, em cinco ventiladores de UTI, de circuito duplo, e um ventilador de circuito único. O Auto-Trak® foi estudado quando disponível no ventilador. Os desfechos primários foram: tempo de retardo inspiratório e tempo de assincronia de ciclagem identificando, neste segundo caso, dois tipos possíveis, ciclagem tardia ou precoce. Além disso, procedeu-se a uma análise por inspeção visual comparativa entre as curvas de mecânica: fluxo, VC e Pmus do ASL 5000® e as curvas na tela gráfica do ventilador mecânico de VC, fluxo e pressão x tempo, na tentativa de se identificar padrões associados à assincronia, que fossem passíveis de identificação pela simples observação na tela do ventilador pulmonar. Resultados: Houve marcante influência da mecânica respiratória sobre a assincronia paciente-ventilador. O tempo de retardo inspiratório foi maior e clinicamente significativo (> 100 ms) no perfil obstrutivo de mecânica respiratória, e foi menor, muitas vezes zero, no ventilador de circuito único; a assincronia de ciclagem foi comum no perfil obstrutivo, sendo predominantemente do tipo ciclagem tardia, enquanto no perfil restritivo predominou o tipo ciclagem precoce. O emprego do Auto-trak® eliminou a ocorrência de assincronia do tipo auto-disparo no ventilador de circuito único. A análise visual das curvas detectou padrões de traçados da curva de fluxo x tempo que são característicos de assincronia do tipo ciclagem precoce e ciclagem tardia e passíveis de identificação por inspeção visual direta na tela do ventilador. Conclusão: as assincronias de disparo e ciclagem entre o paciente e o ventilador são a regra e não a exceção durante os modos PSV e PAV, sendo estas influenciadas pela mecânica respiratória. O emprego do sistema Auto-trak®, mostrou benefício durante o uso do ventilador de circuito único com melhora substancial do disparo. A inspeção visual da curva de fluxo na tela do ventilador pode favorecer a identificação destes tipos de assincronia.

Comportamento da mecânica ventilatória durante a realização de um atendimento de fisioterapia respiratória

Moreira, Fernanda Callefe January 2009 (has links)
Question: Can Respiratory therapy alter the lung mechanics in patients with invasive mechanical ventilation? The data available in the literature remain controversial. This study aims to assess the changes of pulmonary mechanics in patients with invasive mechanical ventilation, comparing hemodynamic and ventilatory parameters one hour prior to application of the service, immediately after and one hour after the service. Design: Participants: Patients on mechanical ventilation for at least 48 hours with oro-tracheal tube. Intervention: Patients underwent a protocol of respiratory therapy and hemodynamic variables were recorded at different times. Outcome measures: The following variables were measured one hour before, immediately after and one hour after application of the protocol of respiratory therapy. Dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn), respiratory system resistance (Rsr), Tidal Volume (Vt), Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP), Peak inspiratory pressure (PIP), Heart Rate (HR), Respiratory frequency (RF), and Saturation peripheral oxygen (SpO2). Results: The variables obtained the following mean and standard deviation: HR 88.9 ± 18.7 an hour before the service, presented an increase to 93.7 ± 19.2 immediately after the service, which fell one hour after the service, 88.5 ± 17.1. So we can conclude that heart rate showed an increase after treatment of respiratory therapy and one hour after this variable had a value less than the obtained in the beginning. SpO2 96.5 ± 2.29 one hour before the service, with an increase to 98.2 ± 1.62 immediately after the service, and a slight decrease to 97.8 ± 1.79 one hour after the service. We can conclude that the oxygen saturation showed a significant improvement one hour after the service, not returning to the value obtained one hour before the service. RF 20.8 ± 5.40 one hour before the service, increasing to 21.9 ± 5.89 immediately after the service and presenting a decrease of 19.4 ± 1.79 one hour after the service, when compared to one hour before the service. Rsr 14.2 ± 4.63 one hour before the service, down immediately after the service 11.0 ± 3.43 and a small increase one hour after the service, but did not return to baseline. Vt 550± 134 one hour before the service, increasing significantly to 698 ± 155 and presenting a decrease 672 ± 146, although it remained higher than the value obtained one hour before the service. PIP 22.2 ± 5.54 one hour before the service, with a slowdown that does not differ from the Bonferroni test with the value immediately after the service, and decreased to 21.5 ± 5.24, when compared with the previous two times . Cdyn 52.3 ± 16.1 one hour before the service, increased significantly immediately after the service 65.1 ± 19.1 and decreased to 64.7 ± 20.2 one hour after the service, with no significant difference if compared to the second time, and significant difference if compared with the first time. Peep 5.93 ± 1.80 one hour before the service, 5.89 ± 1.71 immediately after the service and 5.91 ± 1.70 one hour after the service. This was the only variable that showed no significant difference in any of the times compared. In Conclusion: The variables HR, SpO2, RF, Rsr, Vt and Cdyn obtained significance p < 0,01.Variable PIP gained significance with p <0, 013.

Comportamento da mecânica ventilatória durante a realização de um atendimento de fisioterapia respiratória

Moreira, Fernanda Callefe January 2009 (has links)
Question: Can Respiratory therapy alter the lung mechanics in patients with invasive mechanical ventilation? The data available in the literature remain controversial. This study aims to assess the changes of pulmonary mechanics in patients with invasive mechanical ventilation, comparing hemodynamic and ventilatory parameters one hour prior to application of the service, immediately after and one hour after the service. Design: Participants: Patients on mechanical ventilation for at least 48 hours with oro-tracheal tube. Intervention: Patients underwent a protocol of respiratory therapy and hemodynamic variables were recorded at different times. Outcome measures: The following variables were measured one hour before, immediately after and one hour after application of the protocol of respiratory therapy. Dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn), respiratory system resistance (Rsr), Tidal Volume (Vt), Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP), Peak inspiratory pressure (PIP), Heart Rate (HR), Respiratory frequency (RF), and Saturation peripheral oxygen (SpO2). Results: The variables obtained the following mean and standard deviation: HR 88.9 ± 18.7 an hour before the service, presented an increase to 93.7 ± 19.2 immediately after the service, which fell one hour after the service, 88.5 ± 17.1. So we can conclude that heart rate showed an increase after treatment of respiratory therapy and one hour after this variable had a value less than the obtained in the beginning. SpO2 96.5 ± 2.29 one hour before the service, with an increase to 98.2 ± 1.62 immediately after the service, and a slight decrease to 97.8 ± 1.79 one hour after the service. We can conclude that the oxygen saturation showed a significant improvement one hour after the service, not returning to the value obtained one hour before the service. RF 20.8 ± 5.40 one hour before the service, increasing to 21.9 ± 5.89 immediately after the service and presenting a decrease of 19.4 ± 1.79 one hour after the service, when compared to one hour before the service. Rsr 14.2 ± 4.63 one hour before the service, down immediately after the service 11.0 ± 3.43 and a small increase one hour after the service, but did not return to baseline. Vt 550± 134 one hour before the service, increasing significantly to 698 ± 155 and presenting a decrease 672 ± 146, although it remained higher than the value obtained one hour before the service. PIP 22.2 ± 5.54 one hour before the service, with a slowdown that does not differ from the Bonferroni test with the value immediately after the service, and decreased to 21.5 ± 5.24, when compared with the previous two times . Cdyn 52.3 ± 16.1 one hour before the service, increased significantly immediately after the service 65.1 ± 19.1 and decreased to 64.7 ± 20.2 one hour after the service, with no significant difference if compared to the second time, and significant difference if compared with the first time. Peep 5.93 ± 1.80 one hour before the service, 5.89 ± 1.71 immediately after the service and 5.91 ± 1.70 one hour after the service. This was the only variable that showed no significant difference in any of the times compared. In Conclusion: The variables HR, SpO2, RF, Rsr, Vt and Cdyn obtained significance p < 0,01.Variable PIP gained significance with p <0, 013.

A contribuição da oscilometria de impulso na obstrução das vias aéreas

Moreira, Maria Angela Fontoura January 2005 (has links)
A oscilometria de impulso (IOS) é uma técnica que avalia a obstrução das vias aéreas através de ondas sonoras sobrepostas à respiração normal, de forma não invasiva e com pequena cooperação do paciente. A espirometria já tem seus critérios e graduações bem definidos, mas necessita de esforço ventilatório e manobras nem sempre de qualidade técnica acessível. Objetivo: Avaliar as alterações da mecânica respiratória em relação à impedância das vias aéreas, em pacientes com distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo (DVO). Metodologia: Foram analisados três grupos de pacientes adultos: Grupo controle (sem doença respiratória, espirometria normal), Grupo Controle tabagista (sem doença respiratória, espirometria normal) e o Grupo de obstrutivos (de graus variados), classificados de acordo com o distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo (Diretrizes para Testes de Função Pulmonar 2002) em: Incipiente (DVOI), Leve (DVOL), Moderado (DVOM) e grave (DVOG). Todos os pacientes realizaram curva fluxo-volume e oscilometria de impulso (entre 5 e 35 HZ). Utilizamos equipamentos da marca Jaeger. Analisamos o VEF1(volume expiratório forçado no 1ºsegundo), V'máx50 e V'máx75(Fluxo expiratório máximo a 50% e 75% da capacidade vital) retirados da espirometria e a Fres (freqüência de ressonância), R5-35(resistência entre 5 e 35Hz), X5-35 (reactância entre 5 -35 Hz) e Z(impedância) retirados da oscilometria. Os parâmetros espirométricos foram avaliados em Litros e os oscilométricos em mmHg/L/s. Resultados: O grupo controle ficou constituído de 42 pacientes (média de idade: 46 anos), o grupo controle tabagista ficou com 25 pacientes (média de idade: 30 anos) e o grupo obstrutivo com 110 pacientes media de idade: 56 anos. A comparação dos parâmetros oscilométricos de fumantes e não fumantes, não evidenciaram diferença significativa. Unindo-se os dois grupos controles, ficamos com 67 pacientes. O VEF1 médio do grupo controle foi 3,45L e do grupo obstrutivo foi: 2,82L no DVOI, 1,89L no DVOL, 1,47L no DVOM e 0,72L no DVOG. Os parâmetros oscilométricos destacados pela Jaeger são R5, R20, Fres, X5 e Z. A Fres foi negativamente correlacionada com os parâmetros da espirometria. X5 ficou positivamente correlacionada com os parâmetros da espirometria. R20 não mostrou correlação estatisticamente significativa com os índices espirométricos. A melhor correlação foi da Fres com O VEF1 ( r= -0,809 e r2 log =0,720), e da Fres com o V'máx50 (r = -0,758 e r2 log =0,695). A sensibilidade da Fres para o diagnóstico de obstrução foi de 86% e a especificidade de 85%. Conclusão: A oscilometria de impulso foi capaz de separar pacientes obstrutivos e controles normais. A freqüência de ressonância foi o melhor parâmetro correlacionado com a espirometria. A inclinação da linha da reactância entre 5Hz e 20Hz foi mais marcada no grupo obstrutivo que no grupo controle / The impulse oscillatory system (IOS) is a method with which to assess airway obstruction through superimposing external signals on the spontaneous breathing, in a non invasive way and with little patient's cooperation. The spirometry has already its criteria and graduation well defined but it needs forced breathing maneuvers not always with accessible technical quality. Objectives: Evaluated the respiratory mechanics related to the airway impedance in patients with obstructive ventilatory disturb. Methodology: It was analised 3 groups of adults patients: controlling group (without respiratory disease, normal spirometry), smoker controlling group(normal spirometry) and obstructive group (from varied levels,), classified according to the spirometry: in: obstructive ventilatory disease incipient(OVDI), mild (OVDM), moderate (OVDM) and severe(OVDS). All the patients did flow-volume curve and IOS (between 5 and 35Hz). IT was used Jaeger equipments. It was analised FEV1, max flow at 50% end 75% vital capacity taken from spirometry . Fres (ressonance frequency), R5 - R35 (resistance between 5 and 35 Hz), X5 - X 35 (reactance between 5 - 35H) and Z(impedânce) taken from oscilometry. Results: The control group (CG) was formed by 42 patients (in average 46 years old), the smoker group (SG) with 25 patients (in average 30 anos) and the obstructive group(OG) with 110 patients(in average 56 years old). The oscilometrics results between smoker and nonsmoker did not show significant differences. Joing the 2 controlling groups, we counted 67 patients. The average FEV1, in the CG was 3,45L and in the OG was do 2,82L to the OVDI, 1,89L to the OVDM, 1,47L to the OVDM and 0,72L to the OVDS. The oscillometric parameters suggested by Jaeger are R5, R20, Fres, X5 and Z. The Fres was negatively correlated with parameters of spirometry. X5 was positively correlated with spirometric parameters. R20 didn't have statistical correlation with spirometric indices. The best correlation was Fres to the FEV1( r= -0,809 and r2 log =0,720), and Fres to the V'máx50(r = -0,758 and r2 log =0,695). The sensibility of Fres for diagnosis obstruction was 86% and the specificity was 85%. Conclusions: The IOS was able to discriminated obstructive patients and normal controls. The Ressonant Frequence was the best parameter correlated with spirometry. The slope of reactance line between 5Hz and 20 Hz was more marked in obstructive group than the healthy group

Efeitos da pleurotomia na mecânica pulmonar e trocas gasosas após cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio sem circulação extracorpórea / Effects of pleurotomy on the pulmonary mechanics and gas exchange after of pump coronary artery bypass grafting

Tavolaro, Kelly Cristiani [UNIFESP] January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-06T23:47:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008 / OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da pleurotomia na mecânica pulmonar e trocas gasosas após cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (RM), utilizando enxerto de artéria torácica interna esquerda (ATIE), sem circulação extracorpórea (CEC). MÉTODO: Trinta e dois pacientes foram alocados prospectivamente em dois grupos: grupo PA (n=16 pacientes com abertura da cavidade pleural esquerda); grupo PI (n=16 pacientes com cavidade pleural intacta). Todos os pacientes foram submetidos às medidas de complacência pulmonar e resistência de vias aéreas durante a cirurgia de RM, antes da abertura do tórax e após o fechamento do tórax. Nestes momentos também foram avaliados os gases sanguíneos arteriais e o shunt pulmonar. RESULTADOS: Ambos os grupos obtiveram queda significante da complacência estática após o fechamento do tórax (p<0,0001) mas quando comparados entre si o grupo PA obteve queda significantemente maior (p=0,017). Houve queda da complacência dinâmica para ambos os grupos (p<0,0001), no entanto, entre os grupos não houve diferença significante (p=0,13). A resistência de vias aéreas aumentou em ambos os grupos (p<0,05), porém o grupo PA mostrou maior aumento (p=0,013). Houve decréscimo da PaO2 em ambos os grupos (p<0,0001) com maior queda para o grupo PA (p=0,046). O shunt pulmonar aumentou em ambos os grupos (p<0,0001), mas o grupo PA apresentou maior aumento (p=0,046). O tempo de intubação orotraqueal (p=0,041) e a permanência no hospital (p=0,0004) foram menores no grupo PI. CONCLUSÃO: A cirurgia de RM, utilizando enxerto de ATIE sem CEC, independente da abertura pleural induziu um significante prejuízo na mecânica pulmonar e trocas gasosas após fechamento do tórax. Entretanto os pacientes submetidos à pleurotomia demonstraram um decréscimo maior da complacência estática e aumento mais acentuado da resistência de vias aéreas e do shunt pulmonar quando comparado aos pacientes com pleura intacta. / BACKGROUND: To evaluate the effects of pleurotomy on pulmonary mechanics and gas changes after off-pump coronary artery bypass (OPCAB) using left internal thoracic artery (LITA). METHODS: Thirty two patients were prospectively allocated in two groups: group OP (n=16 patients with opened left pleural cavity); group IP (n=16 patients with intact pleural cavity). All patients were submit for the measure of the pulmonary compliance and resistance of the lungs during the surgery, before the median sternotomy and after the chest closed. In this moment were analyzed the artery blood gas and pulmonary shunt. RESULTS: Both groups showed significantly decrease of static lung compliance after chest closed (p<0,0001) but when compared both groups the group OP had a decrease significantly major (p=0,017). There was decrease of dynamic lung compliance for both groups (p<0,0001), however, between the groups there was no significantly difference (p=0,13). The resistance of the lungs increased in both groups (p<0,05), however the group OP has a major increase (p=0,013). There was decreased of PaO2 for both groups ((p<0,0001) with more decrease for the group OP (p=0,046). The pulmonary shunt had a significantly increase for both groups (p<0,0001), when compared both of then the OP had major increase (p=0,046). Orotracheal intubation time (p=0.041) and hospital stay (p=0,0004) were shorter in group IP. CONCLUSION: OPCAB using LITA, independently of pleural opening, induced significant damage on pulmonary mechanics and gas changes after the chest closed. However the patients undergoing pleurotomy demonstrated a major decrease of static compliance and major increase of the resistance of the lungs and pulmonary shunt when compared patients whit intact pleural cavity / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações

Influência da mecânica e padrão respiratórios e do tipo de ventilador pulmonar mecânico na assincronia paciente-ventilador durante a ventilação não invasiva / Influence of mechanical and respiratory pattern and the type of mechanical ventilator asynchrony in patient-ventilator during noninvasive ventilation

Melo, Luiz Henrique de Paula January 2014 (has links)
MELO, Luiz Henrique de Paula. Influência da mecânica e padrão respiratórios e do tipo de ventilador pulmonar mecânico na assincronia paciente-ventilador durante a ventilação não invasiva. 2014. 86 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Médicas) - Universidade Federal do Ceará. Faculdade de Medicina, Fortaleza, 2014. / Submitted by denise santos (denise.santos@ufc.br) on 2014-07-18T12:38:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_dis_ lhpmelo.pdf: 1875797 bytes, checksum: 53b66cb69302947288b261cd7c2b4296 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by denise santos(denise.santos@ufc.br) on 2014-07-18T12:39:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_dis_ lhpmelo.pdf: 1875797 bytes, checksum: 53b66cb69302947288b261cd7c2b4296 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-18T12:39:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_dis_ lhpmelo.pdf: 1875797 bytes, checksum: 53b66cb69302947288b261cd7c2b4296 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Contextualization: Ideal patient-ventilator synchrony can be very difficult to achieve, especially during NIV, due presence of. Intensive care unit (ICU) ventilators were designed to function without the presence of leaks and are likely to suffer interference in their presence during NIV, but the latest generation of ventilators incorporated NIV algorithms (“NIV modes”) to compensate e deal better with leaks. Auto-Trak® consists in a technology capable to automatically adjust, cycle by cycle, triggering and cycling mechanisms during PSV. Objectives: Determine the influence of the type of pulmonary ventilator, respiratory mechanics and breathing pattern on patient-ventilator asynchrony during NIV, with and without the use of NIV algorithms, and with and without an automatic triggering and cycling system. Methods: Experimental bench study using the mechanic lung model, ASL 5000TM. Three profiles of respiratory mechanics were studied: normal, obstructive and restrictive, with neural inspiratory time of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 seconds and maximum intensity of muscle effort (Pmus) fixed in -7.5 cmH2O. We simulated NIV in five ICU ventilators and in four noninvasive ventilators. Auto-TrakTM was studied when available in the ventilator. Primary outcomes were: respiratory asynchronies, inspiratory delay time and cycling asynchrony time identifying, in the second case, two possible types, late or premature cycling. Results: Inspiratory delay time was shorter on dedicated NIV ventilators in most of situations. A short neural time was associated with late cycling and a long neural time with premature cycling. Dedicated NIV ventilators cycled later than the ICU ventilators, when the neural time was 0,5s and mostly in the obstructive pattern, but was associated with a shorter cycling asynchrony time when the neural time was longer (> 1,0s). NIV algorithms and Auto-TrakTM had little impact on triggering and cycling, however remained slightly more stable the effective PEEP. Conclusion: Respiratory mechanics and breathing pattern influence the degree of patient-ventilator asynchrony during NIV. Neural time is a determinant factor of triggering and cycling asynchronies, associated to late cycling when short and to premature cycling when long. The type of mechanical ventilator influence, on varying intensity, the degree of asynchrony. NIV algoritms and Auto-TrakTM have little impact on triggering and cycling. Keywords: Artificial Respiration. Respiratory Mechanics. Noninvasive Ventilation / Contextualização: A sincronia paciente-ventilador ideal pode ser muito difícil de se alcançar, especialmente durante a ventilação não invasiva (VNI), devido a presença de vazamentos. Ventiladores de unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) foram desenvolvidos para funcionarem sem vazamentos e podem sofrer interferências em sua presença, porém a geração mais moderna incorporou algoritmos (“modos VNI”) para compensar e lidar melhor com as fugas. O Auto-Trak® consiste em uma tecnologia capaz de ajustar automaticamente, ciclo a ciclo, os mecanismos de disparo e ciclagem durante o modo PSV. Objetivo: Determinar a influência do tipo de ventilador pulmonar, da mecânica e do padrão respiratórios sobre a assincronia paciente-ventilador durante a VNI, com e sem o uso de algoritmos para VNI e com e sem o sistema de disparo e ciclagem automáticos. Método: Trata-se de estudo experimental, de bancada utilizando o simulador pulmonar mecânico, ASL 5000®. Estudaram-se três perfis de mecânica respiratória: normal, obstrutivo e restritivo, com tempo inspiratório neural de 0,5, 1,0, 1,5 e 2,0 segundos e intensidade máxima do esforço muscular (Pmus) fixada em -7.5 cmH2O. Simulou-se VNI em cinco ventiladores de UTI e em quatro ventiladores específicos de VNI. O Auto-Trak® foi estudado quando disponível no ventilador. Os desfechos primários foram: assincronias respiratórias, tempo de retardo inspiratório e tempo de assincronia de ciclagem identificando, neste segundo caso, dois tipos possíveis, ciclagem tardia ou precoce. Resultados: O tempo de retardo inspiratório foi menor nos ventiladores específicos de VNI na maioria das situações. O tempo neural curto se associou à ciclagem tardia e o tempo neural longo à ciclagem precoce. Os ventiladores específicos de VNI ciclaram mais tardiamente que os de UTI no tempo neural de 0,5s e sobretudo no padrão obstrutivo, mas associaram-se a um tempo de assincronia de ciclagem menor quando o tempo neural foi mais longo (> 1,0s). Os algoritmos de VNI e o Auto-Trak® mantiveram um pouco mais estável a PEEP efetiva. Conclusão: A mecânica e o padrão respiratórios influenciam o grau de assincronia paciente-ventilador durante a VNI. Tempo neural é fator determinante de assincronias de disparo e ciclagem. O tipo de ventilador mecânico influencia, em intensidade variável, o grau de assincronia. Os algoritmos de VNI e o Auto-Trak® têm pouco impacto sobre o disparo e a ciclagem. Palavras-chave: Respiração Artificial. Mecânica Respiratória. Ventilação não invasiva

Avaliação das alterações inflamatórias e funcionais do pulmão no curso da pancreatite aguda experimental induzida por ceruleína / Evaluation of inflammatory and functional lung in the course of acute pancreatitis induced by cerulein

Morais, Cecília Mendes January 2013 (has links)
MORAIS, Cecília Mendes. Avaliação das alterações inflamatórias e funcionais do pulmão no curso da pancreatite aguda experimental induzida por ceruleína. 2013. 71 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Farmacologia) - Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2013. / Submitted by denise santos (denise.santos@ufc.br) on 2016-03-22T13:05:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_dis_cmmorais.pdf: 1163824 bytes, checksum: 4fdcef02a7a94eec09ddb4068273f114 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by denise santos(denise.santos@ufc.br) on 2016-03-22T13:25:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_dis_cmmorais.pdf: 1163824 bytes, checksum: 4fdcef02a7a94eec09ddb4068273f114 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T13:25:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_dis_cmmorais.pdf: 1163824 bytes, checksum: 4fdcef02a7a94eec09ddb4068273f114 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Acute pancreatitis (AP) is considered an emergency abdominal, the severe form of the disease patients develop intense systemic inflammatory response and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS). About one-third of all deaths from acute pancreatitis has been reported to occur prior to admission to hospital, and in most cases, is associated with acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Objectives: To assess the inflammatory and functional lung alterations in the course of AP induced by cerulein. Methods: Male Wistar rats (100-150g) were treated four times with one hour interval, intraperitoneally with cerulein (20 μg / kg, suspended in saline) or saline. Twenty-four hours after the first injection of cerulein, the animals were anesthetized, tracheostomized and placed in a spirometer for small animals and with following parameters evaluated: Flow, Volume(VC), Respiratory Frequency(RF) and Minute Volume(MV), and lung mechanics were observed where Dynamic Elastance (Edyn), Dynamic Compliance (Cdyn), Peak Pressure, Resistance (Raw). Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed to count and differential cell. Arterial blood sample was drawn for assessment of pulmonary gas exchange parameters. Then the animals were sacrificed and serum amylase, lipase, EPO, TNF-α, GRO-KC, MIP-1, VEGF, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, IL-17, IL-18 and malondialdehyde (MDA) were measured. Myeloperoxidase activity (MPO) and histological evaluation of pancreas and lung were determined. In addition, venous blood samples were collected for evaluation of bacterial translocation. Results: Serum levels of amylase, lipase, cytokines, MDA and MPO activity of pancreatic and lung were increased in animals with PA, there was damage to pancreatic tissue and lung histology revealed, in animals that received cerulein compared to the control group. There was an increase in the number of BAL cells, predominantly macrophages. Arterial blood gas analysis showed no significant difference between groups. Flow, and MV proved lower in animals with PA; FR remained unchanged. Edyn and pressure peak were larger and Cdyn was lower in animals with PA and no changes in Res. There was no translocation in any groups. Conclusion: Cerulein induced AP in rats with elevated serum amylase and pancreatic lipase, with histopathological changes in the pancreas and lung dependent neutrophilic infiltrate, free radicals and inflammatory cytokines. PA induces spirometric and lung mechanics alterations that are not dependent on bacterial translocation / A pancreatite aguda (PA) é considerada uma situação de emergência abdominal, na forma grave da doença os pacientes desenvolvem acentuada resposta inflamatória sistêmica e Síndrome de Disfunção de Múltiplos Órgãos (SDMO). Um terço das mortes relacionadas com PA acontecem antes da admissão hospitalar, e a maior parte dos casos estão relacionados com lesão pulmonar aguda (LPA) e síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SDRA). Objetivos: Avaliar as alterações inflamatórias e funcionais do pulmão no curso da pancreatite aguda experimental induzida por ceruleína. Métodos: PA foi induzida em Ratos Wistar, machos pensando 100-150g, pela administração de 4 doses de ceruleína (20µg/kg) com intervalo de uma hora e os grupos controle receberam apenas solução salina. Após 24 horas, os animais foram sedados, analgesiados e traqueostomizados e análise da função pulmonar foi realizada através da espirometria, onde foram avaliados Fluxo, Volume Corrente (VC), Frequência Respiratória (FR) e Volume Minuto (VM), e da mecânica pulmonar onde foram observados Elastância Dinâmica (Edin), Complacência Dinâmica (Cdin), Pressão de Pico, Resistência (Res). Lavado bronco-alveolar (LBA) foi realizado para contagem total e diferencial de células. Amostra de sangue arterial foi colhida para avaliação dos parâmetros gasométricos. Em seguida os animais foram sacrificados e níveis séricos de amilase, lipase, EPO, TNF-α, GRO-KC, MIP-1, VEGF, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, IL-17, IL-18 e de malondialdeído (MDA) foram medidos. Atividade de mieloperoxidase (MPO) e avaliação histológica de pâncreas e pulmão foram determinadas. Além disso, amostras de sangue venoso foram colhidas para avaliação de translocação bacteriana. Resultados: Níveis séricos de amilase, lipase, citocinas, MDA e atividade de MPO pancreática e pulmonar estavam aumentados nos animais com PA; houve danos ao tecido pancreático e pulmonar, revelados na histologia, nos animais que receberam ceruleína, quando comparados ao grupo controle. O LBA dos animais tratados com ceruleína demonstrou maior quantidade de células, sendo predominantemente macrófagos. Gasometria arterial não apresentou diferença significativa entre os grupos. Fluxo, VC e VM se mostraram diminuídos nos animais com PA; FR permaneceu inalterada. Edin e Pressão de Pico estavam maiores e Cdin estava menor nos animais com PA e não houve alterações na Res. Estudo da bacteremia foi negativo em ambos grupos. Conclusão: Ceruleína induz PA em ratos com elevação dos níveis de amilase e lipase pancreática, com alterações histopatológicas no pâncreas e no pulmão dependente do infiltrado neutrofílico, radicais livres e citocinas inflamatórias. PA induz alterações espirométricas e na mecânica pulmonar que não são dependentes de processo infeccioso.

Desenvolvimento de diferentes graus de enfisema pulmonar induzido por elastase em camundongos

Kuhl, Cristiana Palma January 2013 (has links)
O uso de modelos murinos de enfisema pulmonar é importante para testar diferentes estratégias terapêuticas. Dependendo do grau de dano pulmonar, algumas terapias resultam em diferentes efeitos. O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver um modelo murino de enfisema induzido por diferentes doses de elastase a fim de produzir diferentes graus de severidade. Foram testadas três diferentes doses de elastase (0,1U, 0,15U e 0,2U), administradas uma vez por semana durante quatro semanas, por via intratraqueal. Foram medidas mecânica pulmonar (pletismografia), diâmetro alveolar médio e fração de área ocupada por fibras colágenas e elásticas em camundongos fêmeas C57BL/6. Este estudo foi realizado no Centro de Pesquisa Experimental do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Observamos aumento na resistência pulmonar com maior dose de elastase (0,2U) [2,02(1,67; 2,34) cmH2O.s/ml; p=0,008]. . No mesmo grupo, volume corrente e ventilação minuto reduziram. O pico de fluxo expiratório aumentou significativamente nos grupos tratados com 0,15U e 0,2U. Nenhuma alteração significativa foi observada na complacência pulmonar dinâmica. O diâmetro alveolar médio foi maior nos grupos com 0,15U e 0,2U de elastase demonstrando a destruição dos espaços alveolares [E15: 30,31(26,65;43,13)μm and E20: 49,49(31,67;57,71)μm; p<0,0001). . A fração de área ocupada por fibras colágenas e fibras elásticas foi menor nos animais que receberam 0,2U de elastase. Concluímos que quatro instilações intratraqueais de 0,2U de elastase, uma vez por semana induzem alterações na função pulmonar e na histologia, sugerindo um modelo experimental de enfisema pulmonar severo, enquanto que doses menores resultam somente em modificações histológicas. / The use of murine models of emphysema is important to test different therapeutic strategies. Depending on the degree of lung damage some therapies result in different effects. The aim of this study was to develop a murine model of emphysema induced by different doses of elastase in order to produce different degrees severity. We tested three doses of elastase (0.1 U, 0.15 U and 0.2 U) administered once a week for four weeks intratracheally. Lung mechanics (plethysmography), mean linear intercept and the fraction area occupied by collagen and elastic fibers were measured in female C57BL/6 mice. This study was conducted at the Experimental Research Center, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. We observed an increase in lung resistance with higher dose of elastase (0.2 U) [2.02(1.67; 2.34) cmH2O.s/ml; p=0.008]. In the same group, tidal volume and minute ventilation reduced. Peak expiratory flow increased significantly in groups treated with 0.15 U and 0.2 U. No significant changes in dynamic lung compliance were observed. Mean linear intercept was higher with 0.15 U and 0.2 U elastase, demonstrating the destruction of the alveolar spaces [E15: 30.31(26.65;43.13)μm and E20: 49.49(31.67;57.71)μm; p<0.0001). The fraction area occupied by collagen and elastic fibers was lower in the animals that received 0.2 U elastase. We concluded that four intratracheal instillations with 0.2 U elastase, once a week induced changes in lung function and in histology, suggesting an experimental model of severe pulmonary emphysema whereas lower doses resulted in only histological modifications.

A contribuição da oscilometria de impulso na obstrução das vias aéreas

Moreira, Maria Angela Fontoura January 2005 (has links)
A oscilometria de impulso (IOS) é uma técnica que avalia a obstrução das vias aéreas através de ondas sonoras sobrepostas à respiração normal, de forma não invasiva e com pequena cooperação do paciente. A espirometria já tem seus critérios e graduações bem definidos, mas necessita de esforço ventilatório e manobras nem sempre de qualidade técnica acessível. Objetivo: Avaliar as alterações da mecânica respiratória em relação à impedância das vias aéreas, em pacientes com distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo (DVO). Metodologia: Foram analisados três grupos de pacientes adultos: Grupo controle (sem doença respiratória, espirometria normal), Grupo Controle tabagista (sem doença respiratória, espirometria normal) e o Grupo de obstrutivos (de graus variados), classificados de acordo com o distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo (Diretrizes para Testes de Função Pulmonar 2002) em: Incipiente (DVOI), Leve (DVOL), Moderado (DVOM) e grave (DVOG). Todos os pacientes realizaram curva fluxo-volume e oscilometria de impulso (entre 5 e 35 HZ). Utilizamos equipamentos da marca Jaeger. Analisamos o VEF1(volume expiratório forçado no 1ºsegundo), V'máx50 e V'máx75(Fluxo expiratório máximo a 50% e 75% da capacidade vital) retirados da espirometria e a Fres (freqüência de ressonância), R5-35(resistência entre 5 e 35Hz), X5-35 (reactância entre 5 -35 Hz) e Z(impedância) retirados da oscilometria. Os parâmetros espirométricos foram avaliados em Litros e os oscilométricos em mmHg/L/s. Resultados: O grupo controle ficou constituído de 42 pacientes (média de idade: 46 anos), o grupo controle tabagista ficou com 25 pacientes (média de idade: 30 anos) e o grupo obstrutivo com 110 pacientes media de idade: 56 anos. A comparação dos parâmetros oscilométricos de fumantes e não fumantes, não evidenciaram diferença significativa. Unindo-se os dois grupos controles, ficamos com 67 pacientes. O VEF1 médio do grupo controle foi 3,45L e do grupo obstrutivo foi: 2,82L no DVOI, 1,89L no DVOL, 1,47L no DVOM e 0,72L no DVOG. Os parâmetros oscilométricos destacados pela Jaeger são R5, R20, Fres, X5 e Z. A Fres foi negativamente correlacionada com os parâmetros da espirometria. X5 ficou positivamente correlacionada com os parâmetros da espirometria. R20 não mostrou correlação estatisticamente significativa com os índices espirométricos. A melhor correlação foi da Fres com O VEF1 ( r= -0,809 e r2 log =0,720), e da Fres com o V'máx50 (r = -0,758 e r2 log =0,695). A sensibilidade da Fres para o diagnóstico de obstrução foi de 86% e a especificidade de 85%. Conclusão: A oscilometria de impulso foi capaz de separar pacientes obstrutivos e controles normais. A freqüência de ressonância foi o melhor parâmetro correlacionado com a espirometria. A inclinação da linha da reactância entre 5Hz e 20Hz foi mais marcada no grupo obstrutivo que no grupo controle / The impulse oscillatory system (IOS) is a method with which to assess airway obstruction through superimposing external signals on the spontaneous breathing, in a non invasive way and with little patient's cooperation. The spirometry has already its criteria and graduation well defined but it needs forced breathing maneuvers not always with accessible technical quality. Objectives: Evaluated the respiratory mechanics related to the airway impedance in patients with obstructive ventilatory disturb. Methodology: It was analised 3 groups of adults patients: controlling group (without respiratory disease, normal spirometry), smoker controlling group(normal spirometry) and obstructive group (from varied levels,), classified according to the spirometry: in: obstructive ventilatory disease incipient(OVDI), mild (OVDM), moderate (OVDM) and severe(OVDS). All the patients did flow-volume curve and IOS (between 5 and 35Hz). IT was used Jaeger equipments. It was analised FEV1, max flow at 50% end 75% vital capacity taken from spirometry . Fres (ressonance frequency), R5 - R35 (resistance between 5 and 35 Hz), X5 - X 35 (reactance between 5 - 35H) and Z(impedânce) taken from oscilometry. Results: The control group (CG) was formed by 42 patients (in average 46 years old), the smoker group (SG) with 25 patients (in average 30 anos) and the obstructive group(OG) with 110 patients(in average 56 years old). The oscilometrics results between smoker and nonsmoker did not show significant differences. Joing the 2 controlling groups, we counted 67 patients. The average FEV1, in the CG was 3,45L and in the OG was do 2,82L to the OVDI, 1,89L to the OVDM, 1,47L to the OVDM and 0,72L to the OVDS. The oscillometric parameters suggested by Jaeger are R5, R20, Fres, X5 and Z. The Fres was negatively correlated with parameters of spirometry. X5 was positively correlated with spirometric parameters. R20 didn't have statistical correlation with spirometric indices. The best correlation was Fres to the FEV1( r= -0,809 and r2 log =0,720), and Fres to the V'máx50(r = -0,758 and r2 log =0,695). The sensibility of Fres for diagnosis obstruction was 86% and the specificity was 85%. Conclusions: The IOS was able to discriminated obstructive patients and normal controls. The Ressonant Frequence was the best parameter correlated with spirometry. The slope of reactance line between 5Hz and 20 Hz was more marked in obstructive group than the healthy group

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