Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mechatronics""
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A hydraulic wave energy converterDu Plessis, Jacques 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As a renewable energy source, wave energy has the potential to contribute to the increasing
global demand for power. In South Africa specifically, the country’s energy needs may
easily be satisfied by the abundance of wave energy at the South-West coast of the country.
Commercially developing and utilizing wave energy devices is not without its challenges,
however. The ability of these devices to survive extreme weather conditions and the need
to achieve cost-efficacy while achieving high capacity factors are but some of the concerns.
Constant changes in wave heights, lengths and directions as well as high energy levels and
large forces during storm conditions often lead to difficulties in keeping the complexity of
the device down, avoiding over-dimensioning and reaching high capacity factors.
The point absorber device developed as part of this research is based on an innovation
addressing the abovementioned issues. An approach is followed whereby standard "offthe-
shelf" components of a proven hydraulics technology are used. The size of the device
is furthermore adaptable to different wave climates, and the need for a control system is
not necessary if the design parameters are chosen correctly.
These characteristics enable low complexity of the device, excellent survivability and an
exceptionally high capacity factor. This may lead to low capital as well as low operationand
maintenance costs.
In this paper the working principle of this concept is presented to illustrate how it utilises
the available wave energy in oceans. The results obtained from theoretical tests correlate
well with the experimental results, and it is proven that the device has the ability to
achieve high capacity factors. As the device makes use of existing, "off-the-shelf" components,
cost-efficient energy conversion is therefore made feasible through this research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: As ’n hernubare/ herwinbare energiebron bied golfenergie die potensiaal om by te dra tot
die bevrediging van die stygende globale energie-navraag. In spesifiek Suid-Afrika kan die
oorvloed van beskikbare golfenergie aan die Suid-Weskus van die land gebruik word om
aan die land se energiebehoeftes te voldoen.
Betroubaarheid en oorlewing in erge weerstoestande, koste-effektiwiteit en die behaal van
hoë kapasiteitsfaktore is beduidende struikelblokke wat oorkom moet word in die poging
om ’n golfenergie-omsetter wat kommersieël vervaardig kan word, te ontwikkel.
Daarby dra voortdurende veranderings in golfhoogtes, -lengtes en -rigtings sowel as hoë
energievlakke en groot kragte tydens storms by to die feit dat dit moeilik is om die
kompleksiteit van die stelsel laag te hou. Dit terwyl daar voorkom moet word dat die
toestel oorontwerp en verhoed word dat hoë kapsiteitsfaktore bereik word.
Die puntabsorbeerder-toestel wat in hierdie navorsing ontwikkel is, bestaan uit ’n ontwerp
wat spesifiek ontwikkel is om die bogenoemde probleme aanspreek. ’n Unieke
benadering is gevolg waardeur standaard, maklik-bekombare komponente gebruik is en
die komponent-groottes ook aangepas kan word volgens golfgroottes. Indien die ontwerpsdimensies
akkuraat gekies word, is die moontlikheid verder goed dat ’n beheerstelsel nie
geïmplementeer hoef te word nie. Hierdie eienskappe verseker lae stelselkompleksiteit,
uitstekende oorlewingsvermoë en ’n uitstaande kapasiteitsfaktor. Lae kapitaal- sowel as
onderhoudskostes is dus moontlik.
Die doel van hierdie dokument is om die werking van die konsep voor te stel en teoreties
sowel as prakties te evalueer. Die resultate van teoretiese toetse stem goed ooreen met
eksperimentele resultate, en dit is duidelik dat die toestel hoë kapasiteitsfaktore kan behaal.
Aangesien die toestel verder gebruik maak van bestaande komponente wat alledaags
beskikbaar is, word die koste-effektiewe omsetting van golfenergie dus moontlik gemaak
deur hierdie navorsing.
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Continued development of a joint-type knee wear simulatorVan Der Merwe, Johan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is concerned with the continued development of the Stellenbosch
University joint-type knee wear simulator. Initially, information regarding simulators
from the literature and commercial entities was collected to provide a
knowledge base for current and future work. To further the design of the
simulator itself, electronic hardware and software subsystems was developed
and evaluated during experimental testing procedures. National Instruments’
cDAQ 9174 data acquisition unit was deemed inadequate for real-time inputoutput
control, though proved sufficient for signal capturing purposes in conjunction
with LabView software. Furthermore, the various servo-pneumatic
sub-circuits’ individual ability to conform to the ISO 14243 series standards’
protocol led to the estimation of measurable performance criteria and the application
to a single circuit for illustration. The anterior/posterior actuation
circuit in question demonstrated adequate performance for the cases where the
piston’s rod was respectively fixed and free to move. In-silico modelling and
identification of the relevant servo-pneumatic components then commenced,
with the valve and cylinder chamber models yielding adequate estimates of
the recorded data. The identified quasi-static friction model proved sensitive
to transient effects present within the system, resulting in performance deterioration
of the integrated model. Sufficiently accounting for these effects would
result in the emergence of the sub-circuit’s model as an invaluable tool in
terms of control system development, prediction of the simulator’s behaviour
and subsequent design recommendations. Future work therefore concerns improvement,
identification and integration of the various sub-circuit models to
fully exploit the aforementioned advantages. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis handel oor die voortgesette ontwikkeling van Universiteit Stellenbosch
se gewrigstipe knie-afslytingsimulator. Aanvanklik is inligting versamel
vanaf literatuur en kommersiële entiteite om sodoende ’n kennisbasis te
verskaf vir huidige en toekomstige werk. Elektroniese hardeware en sagteware
stelsels is ontwerp en geëvalueer tydens toetsprosedures om die ontwerp van die
simuleerder self te verbeter. National Instruments se cDAQ 9174 dataversamelaarseenheid
word onvoldoende geag vir intydse inset-uitset beheer, maar wel
vir dataversamelingsdoeleindes tesame met LabView sagteware. Die nodigheid
om die verskeie servo-pneumatiese sub-stroombane se individuele vermoë
om aan te pas by die ISO 14243-reeks se protokol-standaarde te ondersoek,
het gelei tot die beraming van meetbare werkverrigtingskriteria en die toepassing
daarvan ter illustrasie. Die anterior/posterior stroombaan het voldoende
werksverrigting getoon vir studies waar die suier se stang onderskeidelik vas
en los was. In-silico modellering en die identifisering van servo-pneumatiese
komponente het hierna begin. Die klep en silinderkamer modelle het voldoende
skattings gelewer van die gemete data. Die geïdentifiseerde kwasistatiese wrywingsmodel
het sensitiwiteit getoon teenoor die oorgangseffekte teenwoordig in
die stelsel wat gelei het tot verminderde werksverrigting van die geïntegreerde
model. Deur rekening te hou met sulke effekte kan die sub-stelsel se model
waardevol wees sover dit beheerstelsel ontwikkeling aangaan, sowel as die
voorspelling van die simuleerder se optrede en die daaropvolgende ontwerpsvoorstelle.
Toekomstige navorsing kan fokus op die verbetering, identifikasie
en integrasie van die verskeie sub-stroombaan modelle om die voorafgenoemde
potensiaal ten volle ontgin.
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The development of a device for the investigation of dorsiflexion range of the ankle with a capacity to measure pathology, recovery and pharmacological benefitBotha, Jan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Various ways exist whereby balance abilities of the individual can be assessed.
However, most of these are subjective methods. This thesis strives to demonstrate the
effectiveness of a new device, the Dorsiflexometer that can be used to objectively
assess one’s balance abilities. The Dorsiflexometer was constructed and
mathematically modelled using appropriate simplifying assumptions. After its
construction, the Dorsiflexometer was tested using two experimental set-ups to obtain
raw data. Both these set-ups consisted of the two tiltable platforms equipped with three
load cells each, the bridge amplifiers and the personal computer (PC). The only
difference in the two experimental set-ups is in the type of test that was performed as
well as the bridge amplifiers used. Numerous parameters, such as the radius of
movement and the Lyapunov number can be extracted from the raw data. A computer
program was written to analyse the raw data and present the results in a user-friendly
manner. A new parameter, the Sway Index, was used to obtain a single balance value
for the tested individual. This parameter proved useful in quantifying balance.
An advanced patent search was carried out before the device was constructed. This
was necessary to provisionally patent the device – official application number:
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Conceptual design of a fixture-based reconfigurable spot welding systemSequeira, Michael Allan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / This thesis details the conceptual design of a fixture-based, reconfigurable, automated spot welding system aimed at manufacturing various sub-assemblies of circuit breakers. The welding operations are currently done using manual welding equipment, making this stage of the assembly process highly labour intensive. A range of product models and variants are assembled in quantities requiring frequent change-overs. Low-cost automation within a developing country’s manufacturing industry, more specifically within the Republic of South Africa, is the target context. The chosen design restriction, of incorporating a part fixturing design approach, distinguishes this research from F. S. D. Dymond’s work, who addressed the same problem while restricted to a fixtureless assembly approach. A conceptual layout design was developed to address part feeding, manipulation, transportation, fixturing and welding requirements, for an entire breaker model range. A simulation model for three possible layouts of the selected conceptual design provided a means to investigate each layout’s ability to tolerate and balance variation in production requirements, and to establish objective comparative performance data. This showed that the optimal configuration consists of four single loop layout systems. The thesis concludes that the final concept possesses the flexibility to produce the primary product range. Reconfiguration for production beyond this range is assisted by the modular nature of the layout. Ultimately, a reconfigurable design should focus on a properly selected base of core product ranges, providing an expandable and reusable system. The system can be supported by manual assembly stations which handle highly variant, incompatible product ranges.
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The development of a system that emulates percussion to detect the borders of the liverRauch, Hanz Frederick 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Percussion is a centuries old bedside diagnostic technique that is used to diagnose various conditions of the
thorax and abdomen, among these, abnormalities of the liver. The physician taps the patient’s skin in the area of
interest to determine the qualities or presence of the underlying tissue or organ, by listening to the generated sound.
The research contained in this thesis views percussion as a system identification method which uses an impulse
response to identify the underlying system. A design employing an electromagnetic actuator as input pulse
generator and accelerometer as impulse response recorder was motivated and built.
Tests were performed on volunteers and the recorded signals were analysed to find methods of identifying the
presence of the liver from these signals. The analyses matched signals to models or simply extracted signal features
and matched these model parameters or signal features to the presence of the liver. Matching was done using
statistical pattern recognition methods and the true presence of the liver was established using MR images. Features
extracted from test data could not be matched to the presence of the liver with sufficient confidence which led to the
conclusion that either the test, apparatus or analysis was flawed.
The lack of success compelled a further test on a mock-up of the problem – a silicone model with an anomaly
representing the organ under test. Results from these tests showed that signals should be measured further from the
actuator and the approach followed during this test could lead to the successful location of the anomaly and
discrimination between subtle differences in the consistency thereof.
It is concluded that further research should aim to first validate percussion as performed by the physician and
increase complexity in a phased manner, validating results and apparatus at each step. The approach followed was
perhaps too bold in light of the lack of fundamental understanding of percussion and the underlying mechanisms.
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Wireless physiological monitoring system for psychiatric patientsRademeyer, A. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / This thesis is concerned with the development and testing of a non-invasive device that is
unassailable, and can be placed on an aggressive psychiatric patient to monitor the vital
signs of this patient. Two devices, a glove measuring oxygen saturation and another on
the dorsal part (back) of the patient measuring heart rate via electrocardiography (ECG),
skin temperature and respiratory rate were designed and implemented. The data is
transmitted using wireless technology. Both devices connect to one central monitoring
station using two separate Bluetooth connections ensuring a total wireless setup. All the
hardware and software to measure these variables have been designed and implemented.
A Matlab graphical user interface (GUI) was developed for signal processing and
monitoring of the vital signs of the psychiatric patient. Detection algorithms were
implemented to detect ECG arrhythmias such as premature ventricular contraction and
atrial fibrillation. The prototype was manufactured and tested in a laboratory setting on
five volunteers. Satisfactory test results were obtained and the primary objectives of the
thesis were fulfilled
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Thermal management and control of space satellite systems and subsystems in orbitVan Wyk, Peter Arnold 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this thesis is on South Africa's first micro space satellite SUNSAT, and the thermal
modelling thereof. Background theory with relevance to thermal management and control of
satellite systems and subsystems is presented. The mission profile and subsystem makeup of
SUNSAT is also briefly discussed, with emphasis placed on the physical structure, possible orbit
paths, internal heat generation, and the environmental heating. The environmental heating on the
satellite surfaces from the direct and reflected earth solar radiation, as well as the earth emitted
infrared radiation, is determined from the developed computer program ORBIT-FLUX. This
program was used in tandem with numerical programs (developed in house), as well as an
outsourced program TAS (Thermal Analysis Systems) to model SUNSAT for two possible orbit
paths. The resistance-capacitance formulation method was used to develop the numerical
programs, which served initially to establish the validity ofTAS.
The first approximated thermal model of SUNSA T's batteries was the 7 lumped-mass model that
focused on the batteries since their overheating is the suspected reason for SUNSA T'S failure to
complete its mission. A numerical program as well as a similar TAS model was developed, and
the results showed correlation to within 3°C. A lumped-mass model of SUNSAT was also
developed, both numerically and using TAS. The models were tested and the results showed that
the temperatures of the models were sensitive to changes in internal heating as well as varying
emissivity and absorptivity. The numerical and TAS lumped-mass model results did not correlate
well, possibly due to the higher number of control volumes used in the TAS lumped-mass model.
The TAS SUNSAT 2 model was developed as advancement on the lumped-mass model. The
higher number of control volumes and the effect of adding solar panels gave a more realistic
model of SUNSA T. The results did not show good correlation with actual SUNSA T temperature
data possibly due to the fact that the solar panels were not mounted on the model body as they
were on SUNSA T; but the TAS SUNSA T 2 model did set the platform for the more advanced
TAS SUNSAT 3 model. This thermal model included the effects of the solar panel mountings,
and had a higher number of control volumes, which gave a better physical representation of the
SUNSAT subsystems. The model was tested for possible orbit paths of SUNSA T. The results
showed excellent correlation to actual SUNSA T data. For the comparison of the TAS SUNSA T
3 model results with data from SUNSAT for July 1999 showed that the SUNSA T battery
temperature was modelled to within 8°C. And for June 2000, this same comparison was to
within 1°C.
A thermal management and control case study was done on a simple system (which included a
cubic box and an internal solid block with heat generation) to illustrate the effects of using
various passive and active thermal control hardware to regulate temperatures. The results showed
that internal surfaces painted black provide for maximum heat sharing, and lowest block
temperatures. The block temperatures were found to be very sensitive to changes in the cube
external optical surface properties. A slight increase in emissivity lowered the block temperature,
while a slight increase in absorptivity increased the block temperature. Heat pipes were also
found to lower the temperatures of the block and immediate subsystems by providing a path of
low thermal resistance to the flow of heat from the block directly to the radiator. The effect of
thermal insulation was also investigated. For the two materials (rubber and plastic) that were
tested, it was noticed that although insulation material does give more thermal control and
predictability over a subsystem by thermally isolating it from its environment, it can cause a
subsystem that has heat generation to become too hot.
Recommendations were made relating to future micro satellite thermal management and control
with regard to; thermal modelling techniques, acquisition of tried software, positioning of
temperature sensors for optimisation of thermal data, and the verification of optical surface
properties by physical measurement. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis fokus op Suid-Afrika se eerste mikro ruimte satelliet, SUNSAT, en die termiese
ontwikkeling daarvan. Agtergrond teorie met betrekking tot die termiese bestuur en kontrole van
die satelliet-sisteme en subsisteme word aangebied. Die missie-profiel en die samestelling van
die subsisteme word ook kortliks bespreek met die klem op die fisiese strukture, moontlike
wentelbane, interne hitte-opwekking, en die omgewingsverhitting. Die omgewingsverhitting op
die oppervlaktes van die satelliet, veroorsaak deur direkte en weerkaatste aardlson bestraling,
sowel as deur infrarooi bestraling afkomstig van die aarde, word bepaal deur die ontwikkelde
rekenaarprogram ORBIT-FLUX. Hierdie program word gebruik in tandem met numeriese
programme (intern ontwikkel), so weI as 'n uitgekontrakteerde program TAS (Termiese Analiese
Sisteme) om SUNS AT vir twee moontlike wentelbane te modelleer. Die weerstandskapasitansie
formuleringsmetode is gebruik om die numeriese programme te ontwikkel. Hierdie
programme is oorspronklik gebruik om die validiteit van TAS vas te stel.
Die eerste benaderde termiese model van SUNSAT se batterye was die 7 gekonsentreerdemassa
model wat gefokus het op die batterye aangesien daar vermoed is dat oorverhitting van die
batterye die rede is waarom SUNSAT nie sy missie voltooi het nie. 'n Numeriese program so
weI as 'n gelyksoortige TAS model is ontwikkel en die resultate korreleer tot binne 3°C. 'n
Gekonsentreerde-massa model van SUNSA T is ook ontwikkel, numeries en met gebruik van
TAS. Die modelle is getoets en die resultate toon dat die temperature van die modelle gevoelig
is vir veranderinge in interne hitte sowel as vir wissellende uitstralingsvermoe en
absorpsievermoe, Die numeriese- en die TAS gekonsentreerde-massa model resultate het nie
goed met mekaar korrelleer nie, moontlik weens die hoe aantal kontrole volumes wat in die TAS
gekonsentreerde-massa model gebruik is. Die TAS SUNSA T 2 model is 'n verdere
ontwikkeling van die gekonsentreerde-massa model. Die hoer aantal kontrole volumes en die
byvoeging van solarpanele het tot gevolg gehad dat hierdie 'n meer realistiese model van
SUNSA T is. Die resultate het nie goed gekorrelleer met die temperatuurdata van die werklike
SUNSAT nie, moontlik weens die feit dat die solarpanele nie op die bakwerk monteer is, soos in
die geval van SUNSA T nie. Nietemin het het die TAS SUNSAT 2 model gelei tot die meer
gevorderde TAS SUNSAT 3 model. Hierdie termiese model het die solarpaneel montuur
ingesluit en het 'n hoer aantal kontrole volumes gehad, wat 'n beter fisiese weergawe van die
SUNSAT subsisteme tot gevolg gehad het. Die model is getoets vir moontlike wentelbane van
SUNSAT. Die resultate het 'n hoe korrellasie getoon met die data van die werklike SUNSAT. 'n
Vergelyking van die TAS SUNSAT 3 model resultate met data van SUNSAT vir Julie 1999 wys dat die SUNSAT battery temperatuur dieselfde is tot binne 8°C. Vergelyk met die resultate vir
Junie 2000 was dit binne 1°C.
'n Termiese bestuurs- en kontrolestudie is gedoen op 'n eenvoudige sisteem (insluitende 'n
kubieke boks en 'n interne soliede blok met hitte opwekking) om die uitwerking van die gebruik
van passiewe en aktiewe termiese kontrole hardeware wat temperature reguleer, te illustreer. Die
resultate toon dat interne oppervlaktes wat swart geverf is, lei tot die maksimum hitte-deling, en
die laagste bloktemperature. Daar is gevind dat bloktemperature baie gevoelig is vir
veranderinge in die eienskappe van die kubus se eksterne optiese oppervlaktes. 'n Effense
vermedering van uitstralingsvermoe verlaag die bloktemperatuur, terwyl 'n effense vermedering
van absorpsievermoe die bloktemperatuur verhoog. Daar is ook gevind dat hittepype die
temperatuur van die blok en onmiddelike subsisteme verlaag deur om 'n pad van lae termiese
weerstand teen die vloei van hitte vanaf die blok, direk na die verkoeler te verskaf. Die
uitwerking van termiese isolasie is ook ondersoek. In die geval van die twee materiale (rubber en
plastiek) wat getoets is, is daar opgemerk dat, alhoewel isolasie materiaal meer termiese beheer
oor die subsisteem en voorspelbaarheid tot gevolg gehad het deurdat die subsisteem termies van
die omgewing isoleer is, kan dit veroorsaak dat die subsisteem te warm word.
Aanbevelings is gemaak met betrekking tot toekomstige mikro satelliet bestuur en kontrole en
wel in verband met die volgende: termiese modelleringstegnieke, die aanskaffing van getoetste
sagteware, die plasing van temperatuut sensors vir die beste termiese data, en die verifikasie van
die eienskappe van optiese oppervlaktes deur fisiese meting.
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Inlet manifold tests and performance evaluation of dephlegmators in air-cooled steam condensersSmit, Leslie van Zyl 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Measurements on air-cooled reflux steam condensers or dephlegmators at different
power plants have shown that sections of these units do not transfer heat effectively
over a range of operating conditions. The ineffective sections may be due to flooding in
the finned tubes although entrainment of condensate in certain steam inlet manifolds is
usually the main reason for the poor performance.
In this dissertation factors that limit effective dephlegmator operation are discussed and
the influence of two inlet manifold designs on dephlegmator operation is investigated.
Laboratory experiments are conducted to show under which conditions liquid
entrainment occurs and to visualize the flow distribution within the respective
An alternative, essentially horizontal arrangement of the dephlegmator is proposed. In
order to evaluate the performance of such a system, the heat transfer and pressure drop
on the steam-side is determined experimentally in an air-cooled finned tube. No
flooding was observed during tests conducted at zero and negative tube angles to the
horizontal. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Toetse op lugverkoelde stoom terugvloeikondensors, of deflegmators, by verskeie
kragstasies het getoon dat sekere dele van hierdie eenhede onder verskeie
werkstoestande nie warmte effektief oordra nie. Hierdie oneffektiewe dele kan deur
vloeding van die vinbuise veroorsaak word alhoewel die meesleur van kondensaat in
sekere stoom inlaatspruitstukke gewoonlik die hoof oorsaak is.
In hierdie dissertasie word faktore wat effektiewe deflegmator werksverrigting
beinvloed bespreek en die invloed van twee inlaatspruitstukontwerpe op deflegmator
werksverrigting ondersoek. Eksperimente is in 'n laboratorium uitgevoer om aan te
toon onder watter werkstoestande vloeistof samesleping voorkom en om vloeiverdeling
binne die onderskeie inlaatspruitstukke te visualiseer.
'n Altematiewe, wesenlike horisontale deflegmator opstelling word voorgestel. Die
werksverrigting van hierdie voorstelling is ondersoek deur die warmteoordrag en
stoorn-kant drukval eksperimenteel te bepaal in 'n lugverkoelde vinbuis. Geen vloeding
is opgemerk vir toetsgevalle waar klein negatiewe of zero hoeke tot die horisontaal
ondersoek is nie.
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A de-coupled level controller for cascaded flotation processesVan Heerden, Jacobus P. (Jacobus Petrus) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Flotation was introduced early in the zo" century as a separation process for
extracting valuable minerals from grinded ore. Today flotation is a dominant mineral
concentration method and is used for almost all sulphide minerals and also for nonsulphide
metallic minerals, industrial minerals, and coal.
Automation and control has become a basic requirement in flotation plants. Effective
control of pulp levels plays a very important role in stabilising the flotation process
and therefore requires careful attention.
This thesis presents a de-coupled level controller that has been developed for the
control of levels in cascaded flow processes, including multi-tank cascaded flotation
processes. The controller was developed on a two tank cascaded pilot plant using
water as a flow medium. A simulation model was constructed for the cascaded flow
process. The simulation model made it possible to develop and evaluate a decoupled
level controller in a simulation environment. Finally independent loop PIO
control and integrated PIO control loops with feed-forward de-coupling were
compared through simulation, as control strategies for the pilot plant. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Flotasie is vroeg in die 20ste eeu bekend gestel as 'n skeidingsproses om
waardevolle minerale te onttrek uit fyngemaalde erts. Vandag is flotasie die
dominante proses om minerale te konsentrasie en word gebruik vir byna aile sulfied
minerale sowel as nie-sulfied metaal minerale, industriele minerale and steenkool.
Outomatisasie en beheer het 'n basiese vereiste geword in flotasie aanlegte. Die
effektiewe beheer van pulpvlakke speel 'n baie belangrike rol in die stabilisering van
die flotasie proses en verdien om hierdie rede deeglike aandag.
Hierdie tesis stel 'n ontkoppelde vlakbeheerstelsel voor wat ontwikkel is vir die
beheer van vlakke in kaskade vloei prosesse byvoorbeeld multi-tenk flotasie
prosesse. Die beheerstelsel is ontwikkel op 'n twee-tenk kaskade toetsaanleg met
water as vloeimedium. 'n Volledige simulasiemodel is ontwikkel wat dit moontlik
gemaak het om die vlakbeheerstelsel te ontwerp, toets en verfyn in 'n simulasie
omgewing. Verder is die verskil tussen onafhanklike enkellus PID beheerders en
ontkoppelde PID beheerlusse ondersoek en word in die tesis geillustreer.
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An evaluation of inertial motion capture technology for use in the analysis and optimization of road cycling kinematicsCockcroft, Stephen John 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Optical motion capture (Mocap) systems measure 3D human kinematics accurately and at high sample rates. One of the limitations of these systems is that they can only be used indoors. However, advances in inertial sensing have led to the development of inertial Mocap technology (IMCT). IMCT measures kinematics using inertial measurement units (IMUs) attached to a subject's body without the need for external sensors. It is thus completely portable which opens up new horizons for clinical Mocap. This study evaluates the use of IMCT for improving road cycling kinematics. Ten male sub-elite cyclists were recorded with an IMCT system for one minute while cycling at 2, 3.5 and 5.5 W.kg-1 on a stretch of road and on a stationary trainer. A benchmark test was also done where cycling kinematics was measured simultaneously with the IMCT and a gold-standard Vicon optical system. The first goal was to assess the feasibility of conducting field measurements of cycling kinematics. Magnetic analysis results showed that the IMUs near the pedals and handlebars experienced significant magnetic interference (up to 50% deviation in intensity) from ferrous materials in the road bicycles, causing significant errors in kinematic measurement. Therefore, it was found that the IMCT cannot measure accurate full-body kinematics with the subject on a road bicycle. However, the results of the benchmark test with the Vicon showed that the IMCT can still measure accurate hip (root mean square error (RMSE) < 1°), knee (RMSE < 3.5°) and ankle (RMSE < 3°) flexion using its Kinematic Coupling algorithm. The second goal was to determine whether there is a significant difference between road cycling kinematics captured on the road and in a laboratory. The outdoor flexion results were significantly different to the indoor results, especially for minimum flexion (P < 0.05 for all joints). Changes in rider kinematics between high and low power were also found to have significantly more variability on the road (R2 = 0.36, 0.61, 0.08) than on the trainer (R2 = 0.93, 0.89, 0.56) for the hip, knee and ankle joints respectively. These results bring into question the ecological validity of laboratory cycling. Lastly, applications of IMCT for optimizing cycling performance were to be identified. Several aspects of kinematic analysis and performance optimization using the IMCT were evaluated. It was determined that IMCT is most suited for use as a dynamic bicycle fitting tool for analysis of biomechanical efficiency, bilateral asymmetry and prevention of overuse injuries. Recommendations for future work include the elimination of the magnetic interference and integration of the IMCT data with kinetic measurements to develop an outdoor dynamic fitting protocol. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Optiese bewegingswaarnemingstelsels (BWS) meet drie-dimensionele menslike kinematika met hoë akkuraatheid en teen hoë monstertempo's. Een van die nadele van BWS is dat hulle slegs binnenshuis gebruik kan word. Onlangse ontwikkelings in sensor tegnologie het egter gelei na die beskikbaarheid van traagheids-BWS-tegnologie (TBT). TBT gebruik traagheidsmetingseenhede (TMEs) wat aan 'n persoon se liggaam aangeheg kan word om die kinematika te verkry sonder enige eksterne sensore. TBT is dus volkome draagbaar, wat nuwe geleenthede skep vir kliniese bewingsanalises. Hierdie projek evalueer die gebruik van TBT vir die verbetering van fietsry kinematika. Tien kompeterende fietsryers (manlik) was getoets met 'n TBT terwyl hulle teen 2, 3.5 and 5.5 W.kg-1 gery het op 'n pad, en op 'n stilstaande oefenfietsraam. 'n Maatstaftoets was ook uitgevoer waar fietsry-kinematika gelyktydig met die TBT en die Vicon optiese BWS opgeneem was. Die eerste doel van die navorsing was om die moontlikheid te ondersoek of fietsryer kinematika op die pad gemeet kan word. Die resultate toon dat die ferro-magnetiese materiale wat in meeste padfietse voorkom, 'n beduidende magnetiese steuring (tot 50% afwyking in intensiteit) op die TMEs naby die pedale en handvatsels veroorsaak, wat lei tot aansienlike foute in die kinematiese metings. Gevolglik was dit gevind dat die TBT nie volle-liggaam kinematika op 'n fiets kan meet nie. Nogtans, het die resultate van die Vicon maatstaftoets bewys dat die TBT nog steeds akkurate heup (wortel van die gemiddelde kwadraad fout (WGKF) < 1°), knie (WGKF < 4°) en enkel (WGKF < 3°) fleksie kan meet met die “Kinematiese Koppeling” algoritme. Die tweede doel was om te bepaal of daar 'n beduidende verskil tussen die laboratorium en pad fietsry-kinematika is. Die buitelug fleksie data het beduidend verskil van die binnenshuise resultate, veral vir minimum fleksie (P < 0.05 vir alle gewrigte). Veranderinge in fietsryer kinematika tussen hoë en lae krag het ook beduidend meer variasie op die pad (R2 = 0.36, 0.61, 0.08) as op die oefenfietsraam (R2 = 0.93, 0.89, 0.56) vir die heup, knie en enkel gewrigte, onderskeidelik, gehad. Hierdie resultate bevraagteken die ekologiese geldigheid van kinematiese toetse op fietsryers in 'n laboratorium. 'n Laaste doel was om die toepassings van TBT vir die optimering van fietsry kinematika te ondersoek. 'n Verskeidenheid aspekte van die analise en verbetering van fietsry kinematika met die TBT word bespreek. Die gevolgtrekking is dat TBT geskik is vir gebruik as 'n dinamiese instrument vir die analise van biomeganiese doetreffendheid, bilaterale asimmetrie en die voorkoming van beserings. Aanbevelings vir toekomstige werk, sluit in die uitskakeling van die magnetiese inmenging, asook die integrasie van die TBT data met kinetiese metings.
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