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Det vidgade textbegreppet : Vikten av IT, bilder och drama i undervisning / The Expanded Concept of Text : the importance of IT, pictures and drama in educationKarlsson, Andreas January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att med hjälp av litteratur och intervjuer undersöka om lärare är medvetna om det vidgade textbegreppet samt hur de använder sig av det i klassrummet. Jag använde mig av två frågeställningar: Är lärare medvetna om det vidgade textbegreppet i klassrummet? Hur används det vidgade textbegreppet avseende drama/teater, bilder och IT i klassrummet? Mitt tillvägagångssätt var att intervjua sju lärare i olika årskurser och därefter sammanställa resultatet. Det framkom att endast en av de sju respondenterna var medveten om det vidgade textbegreppet men att samliga använde undervisningsmetoden i klassrummet, mer eller mindre. Med hjälp av utvald facklitteratur som beskriver det vidgade textbegreppet samt skolans läroplaners definition av begreppet analyserades och jämfördes resultatet av intervjuerna. Till hjälp att finna relevant litteratur användes sökord som bild, bildtolkning, det vidgande textbegreppet, drama och IT i skolan. Det visade sig att alla lärarna, trots okunskap om begreppet, använde sig mer av arbetssättet än vad de själva trodde. De ansåg alla att det var viktigt att använda sig av alternativa former i utbildningssituationen och skulle gärna göra det mer om inte tidsbrist, kunskapsbrist och resursbrist hindrade dem. Slutsatsen blir att vi som lärare har ett stort ansvar att leva upp till det vidgade textbegreppet och med ett nyfiket, kritiskt förhållningsätt försöka skapa en bra balans mellan nya mediers intåg i skolan och traditionella undervisningsformer.
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How Readers Process Narrative Information Involving Characters' DecisionsLuan, Lingfei January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Stories Of The Windde Souza, Aline R. S. S. 13 May 2020 (has links)
Stories of the Wind is an audiovisual performance exploring various media to tell a story, integrating media at the intersection of visual arts and music, leveraged by technology. Different materials and technologies coexist as pieces of an audiovisual performance, with images, sound objects and interactive works. The production of this work was informed by artistic-scholarship, which involved the combination of aesthetic education and aesthetic experience with research and analysis in the process of artistic and academic creation.
This project was meant to be exhibited in the Cube, at the Moss Arts Center, at Virginia Tech. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, it was not possible to present the project in the space that it was created for, so a video adaptation was made to be submitted for the thesis defense. The video submitted as the thesis project pandemic adaptation can be seen through the following link: https://youtu.be/dH8ce9KO41w / M.F.A. / Stories of the Wind is an audiovisual performance telling a story using visual arts and music. It was created to be performed in the Cube, at the Moss Arts Center, at Virginia Tech.
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, it was not possible to perform the project. A video adaptation was made instead, which can be seen through the following link: https://youtu.be/dH8ce9KO41w
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Gestaltungs- und Einsatzkonzeption multimedialer (interaktiver) Lehr- und Lernumgebungen für den Einsatz im Bildungswesen Mosambiks - Prototypische Lösung für die InformatikgrundausbildungSingo, Felisberto 03 May 2002 (has links)
This report begins with the presentation of "the state of the art" as well as the foreseen trend in the education system in Mozambique and analyses the present situation in the area utilizing media opportunities for teaching and/or learning. Basing on this analysis, the prevailing problems and the aims (this might need research) of the study shall then be identified and formulated (chapter 1 and 2). The necessity to carry out the study is grounded by the worldwide stormy developments utilizing modern information technology. These developments do also apply to Mozambique as the pre-studies show. A flashback on the history of teaching-/learning system as well as on present solutions utilizing new media and new information as well as communication technology shall be discussed in the third chapter. To this end, the study shall contribute to identify the lacking of previous concepts as well as to introduce an orientation as to the current world sustainable system. The software for training on the market at present show (without doubt) that they reflect developers' imaginations (knowingly or unknowingly) as to what learning and teaching actually is and how this process take place. Basing on this knowledge, it is worth to work out the starting point as to teaching-/learning methodology before working out a conception. In addition, it shall be made clear (in the course of analysis) that the dominating criterion for customizing a teaching-/learning system is that system or its form that has been realised. The contribution of this report, further, is to make the definition of the media more precise by adding new terminology that shall be discussed and viewed from different viewpoints. This shall in turn contribute to a clear and sound understanding of the media. In the past years, a series of different teaching and methodologies concepts on the design of computer-based teaching-/learning environment were developed and discussed. Among them is the so called "anchored instruction" of the cognition and Technology Group based at Vanderbilt University and the Cognitive Apprenticeship developed by Collins, Brown and their co-workers. This shall be dealt with in the fourth chapter. On that basis, and taking other factors into consideration, such as design, functionality, applications scenarios, boundary conditions as well as user backgrounds, a more effective teaching-/learning environment can be predicted and consequently a concrete design proposal can be derived. The guidelines strived as to the design of context-sensitive multimedia teaching and learning environment shall not only be treated intuitive, but implemented technically in a prototype. In so doing they can then be evaluated and adopted. The so evaluated guidelines and other relevant design proposals that can find use in other areas with respect to the demand of the study as a whole shall make the results of this report. The fifth chapter shall describe the development and evaluation of prototype-art "e-Aula" solutions basing on the developed and grounded conception. The conception constitutes of a hybrid solution in the form of training software that supports both freelance as well as classroom learning. This training technology solution is called teaching-/learning environment and it is being characterised through its feature that it embodies two system interfaces having functions (learning environment and teaching arrangement) that basically refer to the same data collection (media) that can be accessed by the in different ways. This function rates "e-Aula" at a relatively higher position in comparison with a number of learning systems. The sixth chapter shall then summarise the important findings of the report and recommend areas for further research. Appendix: e-Aula Suite 1.0 (1,26 MB) Usage: Referat Informationsvermittlung der SLUB / Mit der Arbeit wurde Ein Konzept für eine Hybridlösung in Form von Bildungssoftware entwickelt begründet und evaluiert, mit der sich einmal erzeugte digitale didaktische Medien sowohl für selbstständiges und unterrichtliches Lernen in sog. "Multimedia Learning Environments" als auch für das Lehren über sog. "Teaching Arrangements" nutzen lassen. Anlage: e-Aula Suite 1.0 (1,26 MB) Nutzung: Referat Informationsvermittlung der SLUB
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Multimediální komunikace / Multimedia communicationVondra, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
Multimedia communication arises as a theoretical issue according to the constant and fast progress in information and communication technology evolution. In relation to the process of digitalization, there are made a new instruments and possibilities of communication that integrate a lot of new and also standard approaches. Focus of the public and both the producers is directing mainly to the technologies and tools. Theoretical framework that predicts the impacts and advices effective using in society context retreated into the background of interest. It is going to start massive expansion of technological instruments without the general know-how of parameters of its using and without the importance in whole society contact. Literacy in this way is a key to effective information design which allows us to communicate the message we want to in the way we want to. This document deals with issue of analysis actual state and synthesis of the basics that are important for the development of theoretical base. Main goal of this base it to support effective production of multimedia content thru identifying elementary principles that affects the transfer of message by multimedia. In the process of multimedia communication is happening that the initiator is separated from the message and has no possibility to manipulate with it during the process. So it is very necessary to act consciously and qualified during the formulations and coding to media to avoid bad reinterpretations and so that message will be resistant to the disruptive effects.
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