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Motivational considerations of mass media messages used to promote more physical activity and less sedentary behaviour : what messages should be used?Knox, Emily C. January 2014 (has links)
Physical activity guidelines have become a focal point of mass media messages promoting physical activity to the adult population. Messages regarding sedentary behaviour have also emerged. Further, Chapter 3 identified knowledge of just 18% within a large sample of highly educated and employed UK adults. Of concern is the further finding that knowledge is likely to be higher within this group than within the general population and many groups within society may therefore have even lower knowledge. As many individuals are seemingly not likely to know the current physical activity guidelines, disseminating messages to promote them appears to be a reasonable strategy. However, Chapter 1 of this thesis highlighted the lack of research investigating the efficacy of messages designed around physical activity guidelines. Chapters 4, 5 and 6 began to explore some of the possible motivational implications of messages prominent in mass media campaigns promoting physical activity guidelines. Chapter 4 describes a cross-sectional study which compared the effects of messages using the threshold of 150 minutes a week with a generic message on perceived benefits of physical activity. Messages were representative of those found in mass media campaigns. Those receiving a threshold message held significantly less positive views of the benefits of physical activity at durations below 150 minutes a week. While a threshold message may be motivationally damaging in certain contexts, they tend not to be provided in isolation. Intensity of physical activity i.e. moderate-to-vigorous (MVPA) is another key aspect of physical activity guidelines featured in mass media campaigns. Subsequently, Chapter 5 employed an online survey of highly educated adults to investigate associations between threshold and generic messages describing MVPA as either walking or using a physiological description, with motivational constructs. Interestingly, the message incorporating a threshold was motivationally advantageous when MVPA was described as walking. On the other hand, inactive adults tend to overestimate their physical activity with walking behaviour being serially overestimated. This could result in reduced motivation to engage in MVPA. The influence of regular walking speed on misperceptions was therefore investigated in Chapter 6. Further, accurate knowledge of physical activity requirements has been theorised to reduce misperceptions. Chapter 6 reports findings that regularly slow walkers are more likely to overestimate their physical activity levels while knowledge of guidelines has no effect. This leaves a complex picture of the motivational qualities of messages promoting physical activity guidelines. Finally, Chapter 7 describes a content analysis which broadens the investigation of mass media messages by scrutinising the introduction of messages promoting reductions in sedentary behaviour. Sticking closely to guidelines, combining messages on sedentary behaviour with those on physical activity, the relative omission of standing and the demonisation of sitting emerged as common themes. This thesis highlights the problem of low knowledge of physical activity guidelines within a sample of UK adults and points towards a lack of evidence-based messaging. With knowledge being low, the provision of a threshold is desirable on an informational level. The provision of walking as an exemplar appears to make the threshold more amenable, however, for inactive adults the use of this exemplar in messages may lead to overestimation of physical activity and decrease motivation. Clearly, the motivational implications of these messages are complex and require further investigation.
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Implementation of digital role-playing games in higher education classrooms to accomplish learning outcomesThong, L. P. January 2016 (has links)
Industries have expectations that university graduates possess well-rounded theoretical and practical knowledge to be successful in their jobs. While effective teaching and learning are essential goals in higher education institutions, lessons and learning activities in traditional classroom settings are often out of context, presented to students with much theoretical generality and abstract representations. This leads to a disconnection between academia and industry, where students struggle to apply abstract principles and knowledge in a real-world context to perform effectively in their workplace. Live role-play has been traditionally used as an educational technique to engage students and provide them the opportunity to learn with a real-world context within classroom settings. While role-playing in the classroom encourages transfer of learning, one of its limitation is traditional role-play often does not provide an authentic and believable real-world experience to participants. The primary aim of this study is to converge the pedagogical benefits of role-playing, educational technology and digital games to investigate the effectiveness of using digital role-playing games in classrooms to achieve learning outcomes. Qualitative data were collected from digital media lecturers of a transnational university based in Vietnam and Australia to identify desirable learning outcomes and describe teaching and learning challenges of digital media courses. Through interviews, lecturers also discussed their perceptions of digital RPGs and their level of acceptance in using this educational technology as part of their teaching practice to accomplish learning outcomes. The results highlighted three key desirable learning outcomes: The first learning outcome is students should develop solid understanding of theoretical and foundational design knowledge, enabling effective application of theoretical knowledge to produce creative digital media outputs. The second learning outcome - students should speak the "design language". Students should develop the ability to articulate, critique and explain creative works using appropriate design vocabularies and terminologies, which are used by design practitioners in the industry. The third learning outcome indicated that students should be resourceful and self-sufficient to conceptualise and generate creative ideas. Using Bloom’s taxonomy categories, game characteristics and identified learning outcomes, a conceptual framework was developed for the design and use of digital RPGs to achieve learning outcomes for digital media education. In validating this conceptual framework, a 3d digital role-playing game, Virtual Designer was developed and implemented in classroom environment. A pre/post-test experimental setup was implemented, in which performance gains were measured and compared between control (conventional learning methods) and treatment group (played digital RPG) to determine the learning effectiveness of digital RPGs. Opinion-based survey and focus group interview was also conducted. Based on collected feedback, students find Virtual Designer an effective tool to assess their state of knowledge in different areas of design and apply theoretical knowledge into practical contexts. Students find the game to be an engaging alternative to conventional learning methods, but some have commented the game to be too difficult and at times frustrating to play. Lecturers have also play-tested Virtual Designer and provided favorable views on the overall feasibility of using similar digital RPGs as a teaching and learning tool to sustain students’ interest in learning their subjects – and successfully accomplishing learning outcomes.
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”Det är svårt att hinna med allt”- : en studie av synen på ett vidgat textbegrepp i samband med skönlitteraturundervisningen / ”It’s hard to manage everything”- : a study of the attitudes towards media literacy in relation to literature studiesEskengren, Linda, Dusper, Tanja January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to examine the usage and occurrence of media literacy in relation to literature studies in the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. The questions at issue were;</p><p>How do teachers and students look upon media literacy and how is this attitude reflected in their education?</p><p>How do teachers incorporate media literacy with literature studies?</p><p>What attitudes do students have towards their teachers’ education of media literacy and literature studies?</p><p>The study took place in two<strong> </strong><em>cities in Sweden.</em> It consists of eighteen qualitative interviews with six teachers and twelve students. The study shows that teachers have different attitudes towards media education in relation to literature studies. When teachers use media in their classroom movies tend be more common. Many teachers had difficulties with media education; it’s a question about time and technical resources.<em> </em>Some of the students were satisfied with their education. Some students wanted to include more media types with the literature studies, like blogs, but they didn’t share this with their teachers.</p> / <p>Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka om det vidgade textbegreppet förekommer och hur det används i samband med skönlitteratur i svenskundervisningen på högstadiet. Frågeställningarna vi utgick från i arbetet var:</p><p>Vilken syn har lärare och elever på det vidgade textbegreppet och hur avspeglas detta i undervisningen?</p><p>Hur arbetar svensklärare med skönlitteratur ur ett undervisande perspektiv i samband med ett vidgat textbegrepp?</p><p>Hur ser eleverna på sin svensklärares skönlitteraturundervisning i relation till det vidgade textbegreppet?</p><p>Studien är gjord i två mellanstora grannkommuner i södra Sverige, den består av arton kvalitativa intervjuer med sex lärare och tolv elever. Resultatet visar att lärare har olika syn på det vidgade textbegreppet i skönlitteraturundervisningen. När lärare använder medier i klassrummet blir det vanligtvis film. Undersökningen visade även att flera lärare stöter på svårigheter i samband med mediepedagogiken, det handlar om allt från resurser till tidsbrist.<em> </em>Många av elever var nöjda med undervisningen. En del ville arbeta med fler medier som t.ex. bloggar, men detta framförde dem inte till sina lärare.</p>
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”Det är svårt att hinna med allt”- : en studie av synen på ett vidgat textbegrepp i samband med skönlitteraturundervisningen / ”It’s hard to manage everything”- : a study of the attitudes towards media literacy in relation to literature studiesEskengren, Linda, Dusper, Tanja January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the usage and occurrence of media literacy in relation to literature studies in the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. The questions at issue were; How do teachers and students look upon media literacy and how is this attitude reflected in their education? How do teachers incorporate media literacy with literature studies? What attitudes do students have towards their teachers’ education of media literacy and literature studies? The study took place in two cities in Sweden. It consists of eighteen qualitative interviews with six teachers and twelve students. The study shows that teachers have different attitudes towards media education in relation to literature studies. When teachers use media in their classroom movies tend be more common. Many teachers had difficulties with media education; it’s a question about time and technical resources. Some of the students were satisfied with their education. Some students wanted to include more media types with the literature studies, like blogs, but they didn’t share this with their teachers. / Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka om det vidgade textbegreppet förekommer och hur det används i samband med skönlitteratur i svenskundervisningen på högstadiet. Frågeställningarna vi utgick från i arbetet var: Vilken syn har lärare och elever på det vidgade textbegreppet och hur avspeglas detta i undervisningen? Hur arbetar svensklärare med skönlitteratur ur ett undervisande perspektiv i samband med ett vidgat textbegrepp? Hur ser eleverna på sin svensklärares skönlitteraturundervisning i relation till det vidgade textbegreppet? Studien är gjord i två mellanstora grannkommuner i södra Sverige, den består av arton kvalitativa intervjuer med sex lärare och tolv elever. Resultatet visar att lärare har olika syn på det vidgade textbegreppet i skönlitteraturundervisningen. När lärare använder medier i klassrummet blir det vanligtvis film. Undersökningen visade även att flera lärare stöter på svårigheter i samband med mediepedagogiken, det handlar om allt från resurser till tidsbrist. Många av elever var nöjda med undervisningen. En del ville arbeta med fler medier som t.ex. bloggar, men detta framförde dem inte till sina lärare.
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Eine unternehmensübergreifende Knowledge Community für die MedizintechnikbrancheGleske, Jan-Patrick, Hollenbacher, Jens, Zülch, Joachim January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Herausforderungen und Erfolgsfaktoren für das Wissensmanagement in verteilten, wissensintensiven Unternehmensnetzwerken – Ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer explorativen UmfrageForzi, Tomaso, Peters, Meikel, Kiratli, Ediz January 2005 (has links)
In den letzten Jahren verstärkte sich der Trend hin zu mehr Kooperationen in vernetzten Strukturen. Hintergrund dieser Entwicklung ist einerseits die Konzentration vieler Unternehmen auf ihre Kernkompetenzen, welche die Auslagerung vieler Funktionen zur Folge hat. Andererseits werden auch große Geschäftsbereiche in kleinere Einheiten aufgeteilt, um flexibler auf sich immer schneller verändernde Kundenanforderungen reagieren zu können. Dieser höheren Flexibilität steht jedoch eine steigende Notwendigkeit zur erfolgreichen Kooperation über Bereichs- und Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg gegenüber. War Wissen bisher schon als Erfolgsfaktor in Unternehmen von großer Bedeutung für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit auf globalen Märkten, gilt dies für Netzwerke um so mehr, da der zielgerichtete Wissenstransfer zwischen den beteiligten Partnern eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Kooperation darstellt. Allerdings erschweren eine Reihe netzwerkspezifischer Probleme ein effizientes und effektives Wissensmanagement (WM). Insbesondere in wissensintensiven Kooperationen führen unterschiedliche Ziel- und Wertsysteme dazu, dass der Austausch von Wissen oft an kulturellen Barrieren und mangelndem Vertrauen zwischen den Partnern scheitert. Eine Reihe von Arbeiten hat sich bisher mit dem Thema Wissensmanagement beschäftigt. Sie beschränken sich jedoch meist auf Ansätze in fest definierten Unternehmensgrenzen und sind zudem stark technologiefokussiert. Erste Ansätze im Bereich des Wissensmanagements in Netzwerken beleuchten insgesamt gesehen viele relevante Aspekte des hier behandelten Problems. Allerdings werden diese Aspekte in keiner der Arbeiten durch eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung integriert. Adäquate Modelle und Methoden, die einer solchen ganzheitlichen Betrachtung gerecht werden, fehlen bislang.
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Komunikace v sociálních sítích v České republice - případová studie / Communication in social networks in the Czech Republic - case studyBouček, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with themes of social networks and the current situation in the Czech Republic. The object of this work is to introduce the readers problems, that today's socialnetworks offer. In this work is developed a basic knowledge of interpretation of terms like information, data and knowledge, characteristics of communication and the communication models, and where the information deformation rise. Next part is to devot perception of media in various areas, it's development is captured from inception to the present. Subsequently there are analyzed socialnetworks, which are the core subject of this work. As a last, but not a least, is indicated marketing opportunity. For this work were developer four online questionnaires. The purpose of the questionnaire was to find out respondents thoughts of general concept of information and how to interpret the definition of information according to ČSN. Questionnaires are focused on security of social networks Facebook and respondents action in social networks. The thesis is further developed and evaluated with statistics relating to the current number users of socialnetwork Facebook in the Czech Republic, followed up with global FB usage and usege in Europe. Hereafter is also formulated connection among users of the mentioned networks. The goal of the practial part of this work is to evaluate situation of social networks and their possible further development in terms of the market.
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Knowledge Management als Dienstleistung in einem virtuellen Netzwerk aus dezentral organisierter Technologietransferstellen und WirtschaftsunternehmenDangelmaier, Wilhelm, Emmrich, Andreas, Huber, Daniel, Tenholt, Hermann, Donath, Matthias January 2005 (has links)
Innovative Produkt- und Verfahrensentwicklungen sowie die Einführung neuer Technologien setzen insbesondere für Existenzgründer sowie kleine- und mittlere Unternehmen (KmU) firmenübergreifende Kommunikation und Kooperation voraus. Weil insbesondere diesen Unternehmen häufig der Kontakt zu externen Partnern fehlt, sind sie auf die Leistungsangebote von Technologietransferstellen bei der Vermittlung von Informationen und Kontakten zur Umsetzung aus der Forschung abgeleiteter und in der betrieblichen Praxis eingesetzter Produktionsverfahren und -technologien angewiesen. Diese als Intermediäre agierenden Akteure können aufgrund ihrer Wissensbasis relevante Informationen selektieren und dem Nutzer zielgerecht zur Verfügung stellen. Hiermit bieten Sie einen Vorteil gegenüber WZ93-klassifikationsbasierten oder analogen Verzeichniseinträgen und Recherchedatenbanken, die darüber hinaus eine Qualifizierung der erhaltenen Informationen nicht leisten können. In diesem Beitrag werden aufbauend auf einer Darstellung der Problemstellung im Technologietransfer speziell für Existenzgründer sowie KmU, die Anforderungen eines dezentral organisierten Technologietransfer-Netzwerks an einen virtuellen Technologieatlas als Wissensbasis und KM-Instrument vorgestellt. Nachfolgend werden bestehende Konzepte virtueller Technologieatlasse hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung zur Problemlösung entsprechend den vorliegenden Anforderungen der Transferstellen aus der Beispielregion HELLWEG evaluiert. Abschließend wird das entwickelte Konzept für einen virtuellen Technologieatlas hinsichtlich zugrunde liegender technologischer, inhaltlicher und verfahrenstechnischer Merkmale vorgestellt und in Bezug auf zu erreichende Nutzeneffekte bewertet.
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