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The effectiveness of homoeopathic similimum treatment in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)Saul, Wayne January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Homoeopathy)-Dept. of Homoeopathy, Durban Institute of Technology, 2005
xxvii, 153 p. / Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) remains a medically unexplained syndrome, with differing aetiological models, case definitions and treatment recommendations (Ranjith, 2005:13). Sharpe & Wessely (1997:179) state that the current case definition for CFS has assumed acceptance as representing nothing more than a working definition of a clinical problem, pending further understanding. CFS has subsequently become the focus of much research and debate (Wessely, Hotopf & Sharpe, 1999:13). Notwithstanding, the definition in terms of diagnostic criteria is adequate in meeting the needs of research studies (Rutherford, 2003).
Anecdotal reports, espousing the effectiveness of homoeopathic treatment of CFS, points to the use of the similimum. (Bailey, 1995:189; De Schepper, 2001:6-7; Hardy, 2005:8-10). However, the limited research available on the subject suggests that more research needs to be conducted in this regard (Wessely, Hotopf & Sharpe, 1999:371; Walach, 2004:210-211).
This double-blind placebo-controlled study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of homoeopathic similimum treatment in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
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An investigation of the concept of homoeopathic imponderabilia using a Hahnemannian proving of focused pink lightSomaru, Nevorndutt January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Homoeopathy)- Dept. of Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2008.
xvi, 256 leaves. / Conduct a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled study in order to determine the sphere of action of the imponderable remedy Pink 30CH on healthy volunteers who recorded the signs and symptoms produced in order to determine the substances potential usefulness in a future clinical setting according to the Law of Similars.
Determine and highlight the commonalities shared between the symptoms and themes produced by remedy Pink 30CH and the other selected imponderable remedies.
In the homoeopathic drug proving of remedy Pink 30CH, provers were uninformed to both the nature of the substance as well as to the potency selected and used for proving purposes. Neither the provers nor the research investigator had any knowledge of who received the verum or the placebo until the end of the proving.
Thirty (30) provers were selected after meeting the inclusion criteria of which thirty percent (30%) of the subjects received placebo in a randomised fashion. Verum and placebo were dispensed to the proving body in a set of six (6) powders which were taken sublingually three (3) times daily or until any proving symptoms were experienced.
All provers were examined and made to record in their journals before, during and after the administration of the proving substance so as to serve as their own intra-individual controls. At the end of the proving period all journals were then recalled and all proving data recorded was then collated and edited into a repertory and materia medica format, which was then used to formulate a homoeopathic drug picture of the remedy that could be used in future clinical settings.
The homoeopathic drug picture thus derived was then analysed with the aim of highlighting the important themes that were elicited during the proving. These symptoms and themes were then related and compared to seven (7) other imponderable remedies: Luna (Moonlight); Magnetis Polus Arcticus (North pole of the magnet); Magnetis Polus Australis (South pole of the magnet); Positronium (Anti-matter); Radium bromatum (Radium bromide); Sol (Sunlight) and X-ray, in order to expand the overall understanding of the commonalities shared by the imponderabilia as an entirety.
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A homoeopathic drug proving of Gymnura natalensis with a subsequent comparison to existing homoeopathic remedies derived from sea animalsNaidoo, Vanishree January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Homoeopathy)-Dept. of Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2008. xiii, 159 leaves / The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Gymnura natalensis in the thirtieth centesimal potency on healthy volunteers and to record the signs and symptoms produced by the volunteers during the study. These signs and symptoms determined the therapeutic indications of this remedy for its prescription according to the homoeopathic Law of Similars. A further aim of this study is a proposed group analysis of a natural family of biologically unrelated sea animal remedies (Mangialavori, 2002) with the aim of highlighting themes, similarities and differences within the group.
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A homoeopathic drug proving of the ivory of the male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) with a subsequent comparison to the doctrine of signaturesSpeckmeier, Claire Tamryn January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Homoeopathy)-Durban University of Technology, 2008. xiv, 222 leaves / A proving of ivory from the male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 30CH was conducted. The proving symptoms were then analysed according to the doctrine of signatures, and compared to the proving symptoms of Lac Loxodonta africana. Aims and Objectives of the study The aim of this study was to identify the effects of ivory from male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) in a 30CH dilution, on healthy provers, and to record the clearly observable signs and symptoms produced by the provers, so as to determine the material medica of the proven substance. The objective of the study was to analyze the symptoms obtained from the proving according to the doctrine of signatures, and to establish any correlation that may exist between the homoeopathic drug picture produced and this doctrine. Methodology The remedy was derived from the tusk of a male african elephant (Loxodonta africana) and was prepared in accordance to the German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (Drishien, 2003:36-38). The remedy was dispensed in the form of six lactose powders.
The research was conducted as a randomised, double blind placebo controlled study. A group of provers (26) that were carefully selected from the general public (Appendix A) were divided into two groups. Recruitment commenced by obtaining suitable provers through speaking to fellow homoeopathic students, as
well as members of the general public. The researchers conducted interviews with potential provers, excluding those that did not meet the inclusion criteria (Appendix A). The provers were randomly divided into two groups, and instructed to begin recording in their journals a week before starting the remedy, and a week after taking the remedy. The provers continued to record all symptoms until the symptoms abated and continued recording after this time for another two weeks. Once the proving had been completed another full case history and physical exam was performed. Results After the results were collaborated the proving symptoms were then analysed according to the doctrine of signatures. The results of this proving indicated that Loxodonta africana has the potential to be a valuable remedy in homoeopathic practice. Proving signs and symptoms revealed that the remedy could be indicated for mental and emotional conditions as well as a variety of physical diseases. The results of this research confirmed the hypothesis that the proving of Loxodonta africana 30CH would produce clear observable signs and symptoms when administered to healthy individuals. The results of this research also confirmed the second hypothesis that a comparison would exist between the proving symptoms and a doctrine of signatures analysis. Conclusion Thus the proving of Loxodonta africana and the subsequent comparison to the doctrine of signatures has the potential to become a well utilised homoeopathic remedy.
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A comparison of the results from the proving of Erythrina lysistemon 30CH, with toxicology of the crude substanceGryn, Agnieszka January 2007 (has links)
Mini-dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements of the Master's Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Durban University of Technology, 2007 / The homoeopathic drug proving of Erythrina lysistemon 30CH took a form of a randomised triple–blind, placebo–controlled study. This trial was conducted at the Homoeopathic Day Clinic on the premises of Durban University of Technology. The research group consisted of 32 provers, which were recruited from amongst practicing homoeopaths, homoeopathic students (2`nd–5`th year), as well as patients of the Homoeopathic Day Clinic (DUT) and their relatives. The participation was purely on voluntary basis.
Provers were randomly divided into two groups: a placebo group of 12; a proving group of 20. Each researcher supervised 8 provers. Neither the provers, nor the researchers were aware of the name or nature of the substance being proved, and whether a prover is receiving a placebo or the proving substance until the unblinding process. Provers had a homoeopathic case history taken and a physical examination performed on them before commencement of the proving to establish each individual’s baseline. Provers were required to keep journals in which they recorded their sign and symptoms: starting 7 days prior to commencing the proving, throughout the proving, as well as after administration of the remedy formulated. All the information gathered was then correlated and interpreted by the researchers i.e. four M.Tech.Hom students. Subsequent translation of the symptoms into materia medica and repertory language took place. On completion of the proving a homoeopathic picture of the remedy with
distinct affinities was established. Those affinities were then compared to the toxicology of the major chemical constituents of Erythrina lysistemon. Data was then analyzed by qualitative methods for it was not amendable to standard statistical analysis.
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The effectiveness of a homoeopathic complex (Germanium metallicum 30CH, Nux vomica 12CH, Kalium phosphoricum 6CH, Picricum acidum 6CH) in the treatment of job burnout in the human services fieldVaithilingam, Vimlen January 2008 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements of the Master’s Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Durban University of Technology, 2008. / The purpose of this double blind placebo-controlled study was to evaluate the efficacy of a homoeopathic complex (Germanium metallicum 30CH, Nux vomica 12CH, Kalium phosphoricum 6CH, Picricum acidum 6CH) in the treatment of job burnout in the human services field. In total 30 participants were chosen according to specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sample group was then randomly divided into a treatment group consisting of 15 participants, and a placebo group consisting of 15 participants. The study was conducted at the Durban University of Technology. The Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (Appendix A) was used as a measurement tool. There was an initial consultation with the researcher which consisted of a full consultation, physical examination and administration of the survey. Thereafter there were two follow-up consultations at 4 week intervals at which the survey was re-administered. Medication was dispensed to the participants at the initial and the first follow up consultations only. The data obtained from the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey was statistically analysed using the SPSS software package (Version 15). Due to the small sample size of the study non-parametric tests were conducted. The intra-group analysis was performed using Friedman‟s Test and Wilcoxon‟s Signed Rank Test. The inter-group analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis Test.
Friedman‟s Test indicated a significant improvement in the emotional exhaustion subscale for both the treatment and placebo groups. The subscales of depersonalisation and personal accomplishment did not however reflect a significant difference.The Wilcoxon‟s Signed Rank Test indicated that for both groups there was a significant improvement in the emotional exhaustion subscale between baseline and follow up 1 and between follow up 2 and baseline (i.e. P<0.05). The Kruskal-Wallis Test showed no significant difference between the treatment and placebo groups. This was the case for all three subscales of the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey. The results of the study led to the conclusion that statistically the homoeopathic complex (Germanium metallicum 30CH, Nux vomica 12CH, Kalium phosphoricum 6CH, Picricum acidum 6CH) was not effective in the treatment of job burnout.
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A homoeopathic drug proving of Yam ha-Melach of the 30th centesimal potency and a subsequent comparison of the symptomatology with existing indications of clinical therapeutic useRabinowitz, Tamara January 2009 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements of the Master’s Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2009. / Introduction
Provings form a fundamental part of the philosophy and practice of homoeopathy and the foundation on which homoeopathic prescribing rests. The substance chosen for this study is Yam ha-Melach (Dead Sea water). This substance has been known for its healing properties since ancient times and thus seemed an apt addition to the homoeopathic Materia Medica.
The primary purpose of this investigation was to investigate and determine the complete symptom picture of Yam ha-Melach , homeopathically prepared to the thirtieth centesimal potency, on the healthy individuals and record the mental, emotional and physical signs and symptoms produced, so that it may be prescribed to those suffering from similar signs and symptoms, according to the Laws of Similars, as required by homoeopathy. A further purpose of this investigation was to compare the symptom picture gained to the existing indications of clinical therapeutic use of this substance. This study was done in conjunction with Natasha Wallace, who compared the symptom picture gained from the proving of Yam ha-Melach 30CH to the symptom picture of its constituent minerals.
To prepare the remedy, Yam ha-Melach was triturated at a ratio of 1:99 with Saccharum lactis powder to the 3rd centesimal potency. Liquid potencies were then manufactured from Yam ha-Melach 3CH to a potency of 30CH. The remedy was dispensed in the form of Saccharum lactis granules that have been triple impregnated at 1% volume/volume (according to Method 10 of the GHP) with Yam ha-Melach 30CH in 90% ethanol. The remedy was dispensed in the form of 6 single enveloped powders. 10 lactose granules impregnated with potentised Yam ha-Melach 30CH was added to each envelope. This was administered to the provers in the experimental group. The placebo was dispensed in the form of 6 single enveloped powders. 10 neutral lactose granules were added to each envelope. This was dispensed to the placebo group. The placebo and the active remedy were identical in appearance thus ensuring the double blind nature of the experiment with neither the provers nor the researchers able to differentiate the active remedy from the placebo.
The research methodology of Jeremy Sherr is thorough and well researched as well as very user friendly thus for the purpose of this study the methodologies suggested by Sherr in his Dynamics and methodology of Homoeopathic Provings were used (1994).
Twenty healthy individuals took part in this study. Participants were fully informed about the research (Appendix D) and had to meet all the inclusion criteria (Appendix B) before commencing the proving. 10% (2 provers) of the prover group received placebo and the remainder (18 provers) of the group received the verum. The homoeopathic proving of Yam ha-Melach 30CH took the form of a double blind placebo controlled study where neither the provers nor the researcher knew to whom the placebo or active remedy was given. The provers had no knowledge of the substance being proved or the potency in which it was administered. The potency utilized for this proving was the 30th centesimal potency or 30CH.
Data collection was in the form of a journal kept by each prover. Provers observed themselves before, during and after administration of the remedy and recorded all their mental, emotional and physical signs and symptoms in the journal. On completion of the proving the information elucidated by the provers was correlated and assessed by the two researchers for suitability to be included in the Materia Medica of Yam ha-Melach 30CH. These symptoms were then translated into Materia Medica and repertory language. Information obtained from the case histories, physical examinations (Appendix F) and group discussions were also utilized.
The information obtained from the proving of Yam ha-Melach 30CH was compared to the existing indications of clinical therapeutic use. This highlighted important themes in the remedy and explained symptoms. Symptoms and themes that emerged from the proving were related to the ailments, symptoms and signs being treated with Dead Sea water in an attempt to clarify and expand on the understanding of the remedy.
Provers experienced a wide range of symptoms on the mental, emotional and physical planes. In the mental and emotional spheres, provers experienced intense irritability, anxiety and depression which was characterized by loneliness and hopelessness as well as much crying and thoughts of suicide. Mania was prevalent with spontaneity and rebellion against societal norms and religion, paranoia and discrimination. Physically, provers experienced much joint pain and stiffness as well as a variety of skin symptoms resembling psoriasis and vitiligo. Dehydration was a central theme as was detachment and symptoms involving the female system.
It was hypothesized that the proving of Yam ha-Melach 30CH would produce clearly observable signs and symptoms in healthy individuals. The results of the proving show no contradiction to this and thus the hypothesis verified.
The musculoskeletal symptoms of Yam ha-Melach 30CH were comparable to those of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis and skin symptoms were comparable to those of psoriasis and vitiligo. These are the primary clinical therapeutic indications for Dead Sea products. This verifies the homoeopathic principle of the Law of Similars.
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A homeopathic drug proving of Yam ha-Melach 30CH with a subsequent comparison to the materia medica of its constituent mineralsWallace, Natasha January 2009 (has links)
Mini-dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master's Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2009. / Provings are important to expand known materia medica and advance homeopathy.
The Dead Sea was chosen as a substance because it has numerous therapeutic
properties in its crude form, making Yam ha-Melach an invaluable homeopathic
remedy as the therapeutic properties of a substance is increased during the
potentization process.
The objective of the study was to investigate the therapeutic potential of Yam ha-
Melach 30CH, on healthy provers and to record the signs and symptoms produced,
so that it may be prescribed according to the Law of Similars, to those presenting
with similar symptoms and further to compare the materia medica of Yam ha-
Melach’s constituent minerals with symptoms obtained from the proving of Yam ha-
Melach 30CH.
This proving took the form of a randomised double-blind, placebo controlled study.
The potency used was the 30th centesimal potency or 30CH. The proving population
consisted of a combined project of twenty provers who met the inclusion criteria
(Appendix A). Ten percent of the test group (two subjects) received placebo and the
rest received Yam ha-Melach 30C (18 subjects). In order for the study to have
remained double blind, neither the researchers nor the provers were aware of who
received placebo and who received the remedy.
Data collection was in the form of a journal kept by each prover, in which their
symptoms were recorded daily for a total of five weeks, before, during and after
taking the powders. On completion of the proving, data obtained from the journals
were analyzed by the researcher for suitability of symptoms for inclusion in the
materia medica of Yam ha-Melach. These symptoms were then translated into
materia medica and repertory language, and a homeopathic picture of the remedy
formulated. Data obtained from the case histories and physical examinations
(Appendix E) and group discussions were also considered.
A comparison between the ‘minimum characteristic syndrome’ of Yam ha-Melach
and the symptoms on the mental, emotional and physical planes of each of Yam ha-
Melach’s main constituent mineral remedies and their group themes were made,
whereby the essential similarities and differences between them were elucidated.
The main constituent minerals of the Dead Sea are magnesium chloride, potassium
chloride, sodium chloride, bromide and sulphur. The materia medica of Yam ha-
Melach’s main constituent minerals therefore included the remedies:
Magnesium muriaticum
Kali muriaticum
Natrum muriaticum
The proving symptoms were also compared to the materia medica group themes of
the Magnesuims, Kali’s, Bromatums, Muriaticums and the Natrums in Scholten’s
Homeopathy and Minerals (Scholten, 1993).
Rabinowitz (2008) conducted an analysis of the proving symptoms, comparing the
symptoms with existing indications of the Dead Sea’s clinical therapeutic use, in a
parallel study of similar methodology. Symptoms were taken from the groups of both
studies and included in the materia medica and repertory for Yam ha-Melach.
The symptoms obtained from the proving had a very definite polarity. On the one
side there was depression and loneliness, whilst on the other side there was
happiness. This was shown also on the mental sphere, which varied from confusion
to mental clarity.
The main symptoms of this proving were the dreams, especially of war; violence;
evil; religion; family and friends.
Provers experienced a wide range of symptoms on mental, emotional and physical
levels during the study.
The main themes were feelings of loneliness and isolation, depression and
hopelessness, being emotionally overwhelmed and crying, irritability and frustration,
worrying about family and friends, needing affection, paranoia, oversensitivity and
mood swings; and the feeling of being relaxed, calm and happy.
The polarity continued on the physical level with regards to sleep, energy and
On the physical level provers experienced dehydration resulting in headaches, dry
itchy skin, eyes and mouth with diarrhea or constipation as well as nausea and
vomiting. Some of the subjects had no appetite while others had an increase in
appetite. Provers noted flu and hay fever like symptoms as well as joint and muscle
stiffness and pain. Numbness, pins and needles and increased sensitivity were
present in the extremities of most provers. Provers noticed pimples and dry patches
on skin with severe itchiness and burning all over. Sleep was affected with some
provers having difficulty sleeping, waking up all the time and others sleeping like a
‘rock.’ There was either a lack of energy or an increase in energy levels. Some
provers had hot flushes and others felt cold and noticed fluctuations of body
temperature. There was a general increase in perspiration. Some provers displayed
black rashes and black stools. Provers experienced a general aggravation from
alcohol. The main cravings were for salty food and coffee. The main aversion was
for sweets. There was a general increase in thirst among the prover population.
The 30CH potency of Yam ha-Melach produced clearly observable signs and
symptoms in healthy provers. Comparing the symptoms elucidated from the proving
of Yam ha-Melach to the materia medica of its mineral constituents attempted to
expand and clarify the therapeutic action of the remedy and allowed a better
understanding of the similarities and differences between Yam ha-Melach and these
remedies that exist in known materia medica. A complete and thorough
understanding of Yam ha-Melach and its relationship to these remedies was
achieved and contributed to a comprehensive remedy picture and aided in its
practical application. The comparison revealed that Yam ha-Melach was most
similar to Magnesium muriaticum on mental, emotional and physical planes. Both
remedies had similar feelings of aggression, depression, being overwhelmed quickly,
dreams of water, anxiety and restlessness, lethargy and similar sensations and
complaints on the physical level. This is interesting as the Dead Sea consists of
53% magnesium chloride, 37% potassium chloride, 8% sodium chloride, low
concentration of sulfate ions and a high bromide concentration. Magnesium chloride
is therefore the main mineral constituent of the Dead Sea.
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A comparison of the results of a triple blind proving of Strychnos henningsii 30CH with the materia medica of existing remedies showing repertorial similarityNaidoo, Melanie January 2010 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements of the Master’s Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2010. / The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effect of Strychnos henningsii 30CH on healthy provers, and to compare these signs and symptoms to a selection of remedies sharing commonality with prominent rubrics.
It was hypothesised that the 30CH potency of Strychnos henningsii would produce clearly observable signs and symptoms in healthy provers. It was further hypothesised that a comparison of Strychnos henningsii to those remedies yielding the highest numerical value and total number of rubrics on repertorisation of the proving symptoms would highlight differences and similarities between Strychnos henningsii and other existing homoeopathic remedies so that confusion as to its therapeutic indication is reduced.
A mixed-method, triple-blind, placebo-controlled proving of Strychnos henningsii 30CH was conducted on thirty-two healthy volunteers who met specific inclusion criteria. Sixteen of the thirty-two provers received independently assigned placebo, with neither researcher nor prover knowing who was on placebo. A homoeopathic case history was taken and a thorough physical examination performed on provers before commencement of the proving. Data collection was in the form of a journal. On completion of the proving, the information from each journal was collated and assessed by the four researchers. The symptoms elicited were then translated into materia medica and repertory language, and a homoeopathic picture of the remedy emerged. Data from the case histories, physical examinations and group discussions were also considered.
A repertorisation of 37 rubrics chosen to represent the essence of Strychnos henningsii was done using Radar 9.0. Exclusion repertorisation then followed, in order to identify those remedies producing the highest numerical value and total number of rubrics within the animal, mineral and plant kingdoms, and Loganiaceae family respectively.
A total number of 877 rubrics were produced. Exclusion repertorisation yielded the basis for comparison to the remedies from the animal kingdom namely Sepia which repertorised the highest, followed closely by Calcarea carbonica. Exclusion repertorisation of remedies from the mineral kingdom showed basis for comparison with Natrum carbonicum, Arsenicum album and Causticum, and from the plant kingdom, Lycopodium clavatum, China officinalis, Staphysagria and Rhus toxicodendron. Within the Loganiaceae family Nux vomica and Ignatia amara repertorised the highest, although Spigelia anthelmia, Gelsemium sempervirens and Strychninum also shared striking similarities with Strychnos henningsii.
The investigation clearly supported the hypothesis that Strychnos henningsii 30CH would produce observable signs and symptoms in healthy provers. The subsequent comparison of Strychnos henningsii proving symptoms to the materia medica of Sepia, Calcarea carbonica, Natrum carbonicum, Arsenicum album, Causticum, Lycopodium clavatum, China officinalis, Staphysagria, Rhus toxicodendron, Nux vomica, Ignatia amara, Spigelia anthelmia, Gelsemium sempervirens and Strychininum highlighted the similarities and differences between these remedies and Strychnos henningsii.
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Towards an integrated methodology : C4, Sherr and Dream provings of Protea cynaroidesBotha, Izel January 2010 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment for the requirements of the Degree in Doctor of Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2010. / Homoeopathic provings form the experimental base of clinical homoeopathy. Provings are conducted through the administration of homoeopathically prepared medicine to healthy volunteers in order to elicit disease symptoms. The symptoms are collated to formulate the materia medica of the substance.
The aim of this study was to compare the most commonly employed proving methodologies, the C4 trituration, the Sherr and the Dream proving methodology, by application in order to ascertain the validity of the claims made in terms of the efficiency of the method to elicit reproducible symptoms. This study sought to follow the existing methodologies exactly as set out by the original developers with the aim of developing an integrated methodology. The order in which the three groups were assigned followed a logical sequence that ensured that the maximum efficiency would be obtained, and that the blinding process would not be compromised.
The claims were investigated based on the hypotheses proving symptoms are reproducible when applying identical proving methodologies in consecutive years, that different methodologies yield different numbers, types and quality symptoms, that differences exist between the symptoms yielded by the placebo and the verum groups within the same methodology, and that an integrated methodology could be developed based on the study of the relative efficiency of the respective methodologies.
During the course of the research, 70 provers were recruited to test the unknown substance through application of the three methodologies
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mentioned above. Each of the three groups comprised of 10 verum provers per year, thus totalling 20 verum provers per group. The second group had an additional 10 provers, comprised of five placebo provers for 2008 and 2009 respectively.
The rubrics produced in each group were statistically analysed. The results reflected a reasonable level of reproducibility, proving the first hypothesis, but highlighted the fact that different provers would result in different symptoms due to their individual susceptibility and sensitivity to the proving substance. This effectively proved the hypothesis that the proving effect was reproducible in consecutive years through the application of the same methodology.
The result of the data collection was the formulation of 1 373 rubrics utilised for analysis purposes, resulting in 881 verified rubrics, that comprise the repertory for Protea cynaroides. From the data, it was evident that the C4 trituration and the Sherr proving methodologies yield the most rubrics. Not only do they yield a large number of rubrics, but they also yield a much larger number of rubrics than produced by the placebo portion of the Sherr proving methodology. In the Dream proving methodology group there is much less rubrics present at each rubric level than yielded by the C4 trituration and the Sherr proving methodologies. Strong chapter affinities were observable when applying the C4 and Sherr proving methodologies. The C4 methodology seem to favour the chapters dealing with the senses, evident in the Ear, Eye, Hearing, Mouth, Nose, Skin and Vision chapters where the C4 rubrics were more prevalent than the Sherr rubrics. The Sherr methodology was evident in the remainder of the chapters, indicating the wide applicability of this methodology. This proved the hypothesis that some proving methodologies are more effective than others.
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The hypothesis of difference between the placebo and verum groups within the Sherr proving methodology was proven as it was evident in the number of rubrics produced by each section. The verum portion elicited 63 percent of the total rubrics compared to the placebo portion which only elicited 28 percent. Placebo provers thus elicit fewer symptoms during the proving process than verum provers, demonstrating that homoeopathic drug provings are not a placebo response, but that the administration of the medicine results in the development of clearly observable symptoms in the participants.
As originally assumed, the proving did produce clearly observable symptoms in healthy provers. The symptoms gathered through the application of the methodologies were also comprehensive enough to develop a complete materia medica and repertory for Protea cynaroides.
From the data presented in the study, one can thus conclude that in order to elicit symptoms representing all 38 chapters present in the Protea cynaroides proving, the C4 trituration proving and the Sherr proving methodologies would have to be combined. Although Group two is able to elicit the majority of symptoms, it would be even more effective when it is combined with the C4 proving methodology, hence leading to the development of an integrated methodology combining these methods, proving the final hypothesis. The suggested integrated methodology thus comprises of firstly conducting a C4 trituration proving using at least 10 predominantly experienced C4 provers. This proving would serve to highlight the major themes. These themes can then be confirmed through secondly conducting a proving according to the Sherr methodology, in a group comprising of at least 17 provers, including a 10 percent placebo in the group. Repeated oral doses would be administered to the participants in this. At the conclusion of the second
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proving stage, all the data would be collated and formatted into a materia medica and repertory.
It would, however, be important to prove the integrated methodology‘s usefulness through practical application, leading to the recommendation that the methodology be tested.
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