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A homoeopathic drug proving of Bitis atropos and a subsequent comparison of results with that of existing proven remedies of the Genus BitisSchönfeld, Victoria-Leigh 13 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted in partial compliance with the requirements of the Master’s Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2013. / Introduction
The aim of this study was to investigate the homeopathic potential of Bitis atropos 30CH (Homoeopathically prepared Berg adder venom) and to compare the materia medica of Bitis atropos with that of existing remedies originating from remedies derived from the same genus: Bitis.
It was hypothesised that the thirtieth centesimal potency of the substance Bitis atropos would produce clearly observable signs and symptoms in healthy volunteers, furthermore it was hypothesised that the materia medica of Bitis atropos would be comparable with those of existing remedies originating from the genus Bitis.
The homeopathic drug proving of the substance Bitis atropos 30CH took the form of a double-blinded, randomised, placebo controlled trial. A total of 28 provers took part in the proving, twenty one percent (6 provers) were randomly administered placebo, the other seventy nine percent (22 provers) were randomly administered verum (active proving drug). Each prover received six lactose powder sachets, either placebo or verum, and were instructed to take one powder three times a day or until symptoms arose. Symptoms induced in healthy provers by Bitis atropos or placebo were recorded in journal format on a daily basis for a period of 4 weeks or until symptoms subsided. This data was subsequently transcribed into nomenclature suitable for the materia medica and repertory. A general picture of the remedy was described which according to the Law of Similars forms the clinical indications of the substance in homoeopathic practice.
A concurrent study of the proving of Bitis atropos 30CH was conducted by Brijnath (2013), and focused on comparing the results of the proving with the venom toxicology of the snake and other related remedies.
A wide variety of mental, emotional and physical symptoms were produced. Some of the main themes included feelings of antagonism with one’s self, polarity, anxiety, irritability and a lack of focus with a feeling of confusion. Some of the physical symptoms produced were a lack of energy, fatigue, temperature sensitivity, skin eruptions, eye symptoms, ear symptoms, back pain, asthma symptoms, and an increase in libido.
The symptoms from the proving of Bitis atropos 30CH were subsequently compared with remedies that belong to the same genus: Bitis. This analysis aimed to demonstrate the similarities between the remedies in the same genus: Bitis. A significant degree of similarity was noted within the mental sphere, where the remedies shared the same themes of anxiety, irritability, polarity, confusion and lack of mental focus. Some of the physical symptoms shared by the remedies were those of respiratory symptoms, temperature sensitivity, fatigue, lack of energy and headaches and an increased libido.
This investigation supported the hypothesis that Bitis atropos 30CH would produce clear and observable signs and symptoms in healthy volunteers in addition it supported the hypotheses that the materia medica produced would be comparable to the existing remedies sharing the same genus i.e.- Bitis arietans arietans(Puff adder) and Bitis gabonica gabonica (Gaboon viper).
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A homoeopathic drug proving of the plant Peucedanum galbanum, analysing symptomatology in relation to the doctrine of signaturesWagner, Abbey January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Homoeopathy)-Dept. of Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2007. xi, 238 leaves / The first objective of this study was to determine the symptomatology that the plant remedy Peucedanum galbanum 30CH, produced in healthy individuals, so that it could be prescribed according to the Law of Similars, as required by homoeopathy. The second objective was to analyse this symptomatology in relation to the doctrine of signatures. It was hypothesised that Peucedanum galbanum 30CH would produce symptomatology in healthy individuals which would correlate to the doctrine of signatures of the plant.
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A homoeopathic drug proving of ivory from the male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) with a subsequent comparison to Lac Loxodonta africanaForbes, Barry January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Homoeopathy)--Durban University of Technology, 2008 / Introduction
This dissertation entails a homoeopathic proving of ivory from the male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 30CH with a subsequent comparison to Lac Loxodonta africana.
The primary objective of this proving was to determine the effects of homoeopathically prepared ivory from the male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) in a 30CH dilution and was achieved by administering the remedy to a group of healthy individuals (provers) who will document all symptoms that arise as a result of taking the remedy. These symptoms will be used to identify the therapeutic indications of homoeopathic ivory. With these specific indications being documented the remedy can then be utilized in the sick individual, that present with similar symptoms, to induce a cure.
A further objective of this proving is to report any variation that may exist in the comparison of two remedies, namely Lac Loxodonta africana (milk derived from the African elephant) and the remedy used in this proving, ivory from the male African elephant (Loxodonta africana).
The substance was triturated up until the 3CH and subsequently converted into a liquid potency to be potentised up until the 30CH. Granules were then impregnated with the 30CH liquid potency. Ten impregnated granules were then placed in each individual
lactose powder sachets. A total of six powders were dispensed to the proving participants.
The proving was conducted as a double blind placebo controlled study with a total of twenty-six (26) provers that met the inclusion criteria (Appendix A). The group was made up of both homoeopathic students as well as the general public of varying ages, race and gender. The total group was randomly divided into two groups, twenty (20) of which received the homoeopathic remedy, the remainder (6) received placebo. A full case history of each prover was taken before commencing the proving as well as on completion of the study. Each individual prover kept a journal, starting a week before the proving, which was continued while taking the remedy and ceased when all symptoms had abated.
Once all provers had completed the proving, the information received from the provers through the journals from both groups was collated, assessed and analyzed.
A comparison was then made between this proving and Lac Loxodonta africana to assess whether any similarities or differences were evident. The comparison was made on symptom similarities and rubric analysis.
The proving of ivory from the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) revealed a variety of symptoms. A total of 32 systems were affected in the twenty provers who received the remedy. 716 symptoms were recorded, 83 of which were new symptoms. The systems that were predominately affected were the mind, head and extremities.
Many symptoms were confirmed to be similar to those identified in the proving of Lac Loxodonta africana, though differences were also acknowledged.
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A comparative study of Hahnemannian and radionically prepared potencies of Natrum muriaticum using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopyAllsopp, Clare January 2010 (has links)
Submitted in partial compliance with the requirements of the Master's Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2010. / The aim of this study was to compare the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectra of homoeopathic potencies prepared according to the orthodox Hahnemannian method with those produced with Radionic instrumentation.
The chemical shift values and relative integration values for the H2O, CH2, CH3 and OH peaks of the 6C, 12C and 30C potencies of Hahnemannian and Radionic Natrum muriaticum were compared.
The orthodox Hahnemannian method of preparing potencies involves dilution of the crude substance followed by the dilution and succussion at each subsequent deconcentration (potency) level. The Hahnemannian potencies were prepared according to the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (GHP) and the potencies diluted using a 1:100 ratio and succussed ten times at each potency level. The Radionic group of potencies were prepared using the ‘Magnetogeometric Potency Simulator’ (a Radionic apparatus).
NMR testing took place at the Chemistry Department at the University of KwaZulu Natal, Pietermaritzburg using a Bruker Avance lll NMR spectrometer 500MHz.The samples were dispensed into boro-silicate glass NMR tubes with a co-axial tube containing Dimethyl sulfoxide-d6 (DMSO-d6) which was used as a frequency lock around the tube. Three samples were drawn from each group, including the controls, and analysed using the NMR spectrometer.
The NMR spectrometer information was received and the chemical shift and relative integration values of H2O, OH, CH2 and CH3 peaks on the NMR spectra recorded. All the data was entered into a Microsoft Excel© 2000 spreadsheet and then from there transferred into SPSS© software package for statistical analysis. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to make a comparison between the eight unpaired groups. If a significant difference occurred between the groups
individual comparisons between groups were made using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The significant value was set at α= 0.05.
The results of this study revealed significant differences between the Hahnemannian and Radionic samples. The chemical shift values of the parallel potencies showed significant differences for the H2O, CH2 and CH3 peaks. A significant difference for the OH peaks was observed between the 30C potencies. The relative integration values showed a significant difference for the OH and CH3 peaks between the parallel 12C and 30C potencies but not between the parallel 6C potencies.
From studying the results it can be concluded that the respective manufacture methods resulted in the NMR spectra of the parallel potencies being significantly different (exhibiting distinctive physico-chemical properties) thus confirming the hypotheses of the study. The standardisation of the process of preparing homoeopathic remedies is important as different methods produce potencies with distinct physico-chemical identities. Further studies into different methods should be researched in order to control and standardise the production of potencies.
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A comparison of the results of a triple-blind homoeopathic drug proving of Erythrina lysistemon 30CH, to the doctrine of signaturesThiel, Gregory Justin January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Homoeopathy)-Dept. of Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2007 xiii, 181 leaves / The objectives of the following study were to determine: 1.The sphere of action of Erythrina lysistemon 30CH on healthy provers who recorded the signs and symptoms produced in order to determine the substances potential usefulness in a future clinical setting according to the Law of similars. 2. To test the efficacy of a triple blind proving methodology, which had never been done before at this institution. 3. To analyse the symptoms produced from this proving according to the doctrine of signatures. / M
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Evaluating the implementation of the New Medicine Service in EnglandWells, Katharine M. January 2014 (has links)
Community pharmacies in England provide a variety of services including essential services such as the dispensing of medicines, advanced services such as Medicine Use Reviews, and enhanced and locally commissioned services, for example the minor ailments scheme. In October 2011 a new advanced service called the New Medicine Service (NMS) was introduced. It aimed to improve adherence to newly prescribed medicines for patients with certain long term conditions and reduce medicines wastage. This thesis aims to evaluate the implementation of the NMS by exploring how the service was developed and implemented, identifying both potential and actual barriers and facilitators to NMS implementation, investigating the proportion of prescription items that are eligible for the service, and examining the uptake and provision of the service. In order to achieve this several studies were carried out. Interviews were conducted with stakeholders involved in the service’s development and implementation. Focus groups were conducted with community pharmacists complimented by interviews with superintendent pharmacists both before and after the introduction of the NMS. Data regarding the number of prescription items eligible for the service were collected in community pharmacies, and an analysis of service records for a large national chain of pharmacies was carried out. The studies determined that there were four stages to the development and implementation of the NMS; pre-negotiation, negotiations, the launch phase, and post-implementation. Both community pharmacists and superintendent pharmacists were enthusiastic about the potential of the service prior to the introduction of the service and anticipated good uptake of the service which was confirmed by post-implementation results. Several barriers were identified prior to implementation, the most important of which was the payment structure. Post-implementation results confirmed that the payment structure had affected NMS implementation, and direct observations in pharmacies, that the opportunity rate to provide the service was nearly half of the payment structure’s theoretical rate. Analysis of service data showed the uptake of the NMS was greater than the uptake of MURs in 2005. The findings of this thesis provide policy makers, pharmacy stakeholders, community pharmacists, and researchers with knowledge of how pharmacy services are developed. It also provides insights about factors that can facilitate or hinder service provision, including pharmacist attitudes towards a service, certain service and pharmacy characteristics (such as the ability to carry out telephone consultations), company encouragement to provide the service, the experience of conducting other pharmacy services, pharmacist workload, the accreditation procedure, and the services payment structure. These insights can be used to improve future pharmacy services’ implementation.
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A homoeopathic drug proving of Withania somnifera 30CHLaidlaw, Marisa January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology : Homeopathy, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / Introduction
The purpose of this study was to conduct a homoeopathic proving of Withania somnifera in the thirtieth centesimal potency [30CH], thereafter to determine and report the symptomatology in standard materia medica and repertory format, and then compare this symptomatology to the indigenous African and Ayurvedic medicinal usage of Withania somnifera.
The homoeopathic drug proving of Withania somnifera 30CH was conducted as a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial at the Durban University of Technology.
The intervention, Withania somnifera 30CH, was manufactured according to methods 6, 8a and 10 of the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia [GHP] (Driehsen, 2003).
Thirty healthy subjects were recruited as provers after meeting with the inclusion criteria (see Appendix A). The provers were randomised into two groups: 80% of provers received verum and 20% received a placebo control identical in appearance to the verum. The vehicle for both verum and control was six lactose powders, self-administered sublingually three times daily by all provers over two consecutive days.
The measurement of proving symptoms was two-fold: a subjective account of symptoms produced by the verum/placebo recorded daily in a journal provided, and objective monitoring by the researcher.
After the proving-generated symptoms had subsided, journals were collected and data analysis commenced. The accepted symptoms were collated and reported in standard materia medica and repertory format.
The proving of Withania somnifera 30CH produced a total of 282 rubrics, five of which were newly formulated rubrics. There were 184 Grade 1 rubrics, 98 Grade 2 rubrics and 0 Grade 3 rubrics. The majority of rubrics were represented in the MIND, DREAMS, HEAD and GENERALS sections of the repertory.
Analysis of results provided insight into the similarities and differences between indigenous African and Ayurvedic medicinal usage of Withania somnifera and the relationship to other homoeopathic medicines.
Clearly observable symptomatology was produced by healthy provers in response to the administration of Withania somnifera 30CH. In addition, there was significant correlation between the proving symptomatology and the indigenous African and Ayurvedic medicinal usage of Withania somnifera. / M
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Development of analytical methodologies for the determination of metals and organic acids in environmental and traditional Chinesemedicine studies by capillary electrophoresis董豪珊, Tung, Ho-shan. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Chemistry / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Phytochemical investigation of plants used in traditional medicine in Hong Kong徐永欣, Tsui, Wing-yan, Pamela. January 1996 (has links)
The Best M.Phil Thesis in the Faculties of Dentistry, Engineering, Medicine and Science (University of Hong Kong), Li Ka Shing Prize,1995-1997 / published_or_final_version / Chemistry / Master / Master of Philosophy
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Traditional Chinese medicinal plants and their endophytic fungi: isolation, identification, and bioassayHuang, Wuyang., 黃午陽. January 2008 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Biological Sciences / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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