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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La statuaire privée memphite de la XXVe dynastie au début de la XXVIIe dynastie / Private statuary from the Memphite area from XXVth Dynasty to the beginning of XXVIIth Dynasty

Cressent, Mélanie 14 December 2013 (has links)
Cent vingt-sept statues privées de la XXVe dynastie au début de la XXVIIe dynastie ont été recensées, dont neuf raccords, auxquelles s'ajoutent cinquante-neuf monuments qui n'ont pas été retenus pour l'analyse finale en raison de problèmes rencontrés concernant leur provenance et/ou leur datation. Le volume I est consacré à la documentation qui est rangée par lieux de conservation. Il comprend une fiche détaillant la présentation (type, matière, dimensions, état de conservation, signalements du propriétaire et du dédicant, provenance et datation, histoire de l'objet), la description (attitude, réserves de matière, détails anatomiques, vêtement et accessoires, objet de culte présenté), les inscriptions et la bibliographie de chacune des statues du corpus. Le volume II contient la synthèse de notre étude, composée de deux grandes parties consacrées respectivement à la sculpture et aux textes. La première traite de la matière, des dimensions, des types statuaires, des tenues et accessoires, ainsi que des détails anatomiques. Dans la seconde partie de notre développement, seuls les éléments les plus importants ont été retenus, à savoir le signalement du propriétaire, l'éventuelle dédicace de al statue, les formules d'offrandes, les appels aux passants, les requêtes, les incitations à agir, les avertissements, les éléments biographiques, la formule "saïte" et les cartouches et titulatures royales. Les divinités et les épithètes géographiques rencontrées ont aussi été étudiées. les marques d'archaïsme ont également été signalées. Enfin, le volume III comprend la bibliographie, les indices et les planches de chacune des statues. / One hundred twenty-seven private statues from the Memphite area from XXVth Dynasty to the beginning of XXVIIth Dynasty were inventoried, included nine joins. Fifty-nine others were not retained to the final analysis for problems about their origin and/or their dating. The volume I deals with the documentation which is classified in storage places. It consists of sheets made up of a presentation (type, material, dimensions, preservation, owner and dedicant, origin and dating, story of the object), a description (attitude, anatomical details, garment and accessories, cult object), the inscriptions and the bibliography for each statue. The volume II contains a synthesis in two parts about the sculpture and the texts. The first studies the material, dimensions, statuary types, dresses and accessories, as well as the anatomical details. In a second part, only the most important elements were kept as the owner description, the statue dedication, the offering formulae, the appeals to the living, the requests, the incentives to act, the warnings, the bibliographic elements, the formula "sa¨ite" , the King's names and royal titulatures. The divinities and their geographical epithets were studied. The archaism marks were also indicated. Finally, the volume III includes the bibliography, index and the plates of each statue.

Factors influencing urban special education teachers' commitment, job satisfaction, and career plans

Hendricks, Mary Beth 06 June 2008 (has links)
High teacher attrition rates coupled with critical personnel shortages in special education have augmented the need for research in teacher attrition/retention. Retaining quality personnel in special education teaching is vital to assuring that students with disabilities receive an appropriate education. The purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth exploration of factors influencing urban special education teachers' career plans. To gain a better understanding of urban special educators' commitment, job satisfaction, and career plans, qualitative research methods were employed throughout this study's data collection and analysis procedures. Based on the results of a screening instrument from another study, sixty special education teachers in the Memphis City Schools (MeS) were selected to participate in this study. These teachers were divided equally into three groups of special educators (i.e., stayers, leavers, undecideds) with specific career plans and attitudes (e.g., commitment, job satisfaction). Face-to-face interviews were conducted with each of the special educators using an interview guide. Cross-interview analyses were used to analyze the interviewees' responses to each of the questions on the interview guide. Patterns and themes that emerged from the data were identified and discussed. Specific teacher examples and verbatim quotes were also included to illustrate the study's findings. According to interviewees, various job-related factors (e.g., support, work assignment, student factors, work rewards) were most important to their commitment, job satisfaction, and plans to remain in and leave special education teaching in MCS. Support was more often mentioned as a reason for wanting to stay than any other factor. Reasons for wanting to leave special education teaching in MCS clustered around two major factors, work assignment and support. These findings suggest that special attention to job related factors may be particularly important to prevent attrition among these at-risk teachers. By listening to interviewees' recommendations for improving work conditions in MCS and including these teachers in the decision making process, school administrators may positively affect teachers' career plans and better retain their special education teaching force. / Ed. D.

Prosopographia Memphitica: individuelle Identitäten und kollektive Biographien einer Residenzstadt des Neuen Reiches

Herzberg, Anne January 2016 (has links)
Das primäre Ziel meiner Arbeit ist es, das Gesellschaftsgefüge der memphitischen Region für die Zeit des Neuen Reiches erstmals auf einer Vollständigkeit anstrebenden, breiten Basis näher zu beleuchten. Dazu soll zunächst eine aktualisierte und umfassende Sammlung an Personendaten für die memphitische Region erstellt werden. Die Materialgrundlage ist dabei bewusst sehr breit angelegt und nicht auf ausgesuchte Personenkreise beschränkt, sondern durchdringt alle im epigraphischen Befund belegten sozialen Schichten der memphitischen Bevölkerung. Obwohl die Zusammenstellung prosopographischer Daten eine gängige Methode darstellt, die gesellschaftliche Interaktion alter Kulturen abzubilden und zu analysieren, wurde sie in der Ägyptologie des 3.-2. Jahrtausends v. Chr. erstaunlicherweise schon längere Zeit nicht mehr auf breiter Basis angewandt. Für die großen Fundplätze wie etwa Theben im 2. Jahrtausend oder die Zeit der Pyramidenprojekte des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. existieren lediglich Separatabhandlungen. Die wenigen Versuche, wie etwa die „Materialien zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte“ von Wolfgang Helck, sind mehr als 50 Jahre alt und konnten noch nicht auf die heutige Datenfülle und digitalen Rechercheoptionen zurückgreifen. Im Herbst 2013 wurde mit der Zusammenstellung des Inschriftenmaterials und dem Aufbau einer prosopographischen Datenbank begonnen. Die Datenaufnahme und -speicherung erfolgt in einer zu diesem Zweck angelegten FileMaker-Datenbank. Jede Person erhält hier einen Eintrag, der mit einer stabilen Personen ID versehen ist. Die Hauptunterscheidungskriterien einzelner Individuen sind deren Datierung, Genealogie und Titulatur (hier vor allem Titelfolgen und Kombinationen). Jedem Datenbankeintrag sind mehrere Datenblätter untergeordnet, in denen die unterschiedlichen prosopographischen Informationen zu einer Person dokumentiert werden können. Bislang konnten 1611 Personen in die Datenbank eingespeist werden, eine im Vergleich in der Ägyptologie für diesen Zeitraum bislang noch nicht prosopographisch verarbeitete Größenordnung. Da die überlieferten Privatdenkmäler memphitischer Amtsträger innerhalb eines komplexen Geflechts sozialer Interaktion als Medium zur Selbstrepräsentation und Mittel zur Partizipation und Kommunikation fungieren, ermöglicht die Sammlung und Auswertung der Texte es die Vorgänge sozio-kultureller Kommunikation und der jeweiligen personellen Teilhabe daran zu untersuchen. Dabei greift mein Vorhaben auf der einen Seite auf klassische Instrumentarien mit dem Ziel der Identifikation von Individuen, genealogischen Zusammenhänge und Karrieren zurück. Die Herangehensweise wird auf der anderen Seite mit den Chancen einer Methodik untermauert, die sich darüber hinaus der Erarbeitung von Kollektivbiographien zuwendet. Durch sie werden die einzelnen Personen nicht als isolierte Einheiten, sondern als Individuen definiert, die auf sozialer Ebene untereinander agieren, soziale Bindungen eingehen und demnach bestimmten Personengruppen und sozialen Netzwerken zugeordnet werden können. / Egypt\''s capital and royal residence – Memphis – and its exceptional rich inventory of textual sources forms the main focus of my dissertational project. The remaining epigraphic material dating to the New Kingdom, mainly originates from Memphite burial contexts and contains therefore high quantities of prosopographic data (e.g. names, titles, geneaological relations), which provide information about the administrative and cultic personnel belonging to different Memphite institutions. Nevertheless, investigations of the people, who are recorded in inscriptions they left intentionally on objects and monuments in the Memphite region have occurred only sporadically. Moreover, the relevant works consist mostly of bare compilations of personal data and their arrangement to prosopographic lists. That\''s why it is the aim of my thesis to document all individuals attestested on inscribed monuments as well as their relationship with each other marked by social and genealogical ties. Based on that I\'' like to attain a regional prosopography for the whole New Kingdom, which is for the first time not limited to specific groups of people, but illuminates all identifiable social classes of the Memphite society.

Non-elite mortuary variability in the Early Dynastic Memphis region

Janulíková, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
No settlement remains at Early Dynastic Memphis, the first ‘capital’ of the newly emerging Egyptian state, have yet been located. This study draws together exclusive evidence from three well-known non-elite Memphite cemeteries Saqqara-Serapeum, Turah and the recently excavated site of Helwan (all dating from 3200 to 2700 BC) to explore the society of this early urban centre through its funerary remains. The study engages in statistical analyses of cemetery data comparing grave parameters such as volume, quantity of grave goods, their materials and pottery vessel types, but also architecture, body protection, skeletal sex and the age of the deceased across sites. The application of statistical hypothesis testing techniques forms a methodological cornerstone highlighting some pitfalls of mortuary analyses rooted in Processual theoretical frameworks. As a result, a nuanced funerary culture with a significant degree of mortuary variability was revealed at each of the sites investigated. Non-elite funerary provision at Memphis was influenced by a complex web of factors such as economic potential, relationships to local elites, communal and personal identities, choice, and practicality. While mortuary differentiation by sex could not be proven statistically, evidence emerged for significant age differentiation in the funerary provision. The four communities investigated are distinct and each represent a different population within the Memphite region ranging from a main necropolis (Helwan) to a cemetery of a secondary or tertiary local centre (Turah). The smallscale regionality observed at Memphis should serve as a springboard for future research on Early Dynastic Egypt. Finally, the study has highlighted the research potential of statistical analyses to extract vital information from old data, alongside the importance of hypothesis testing in the evaluation of such analyses.

Gang Injunctions Effects: The Experiences of Residents and Enjoined Gang Members

Burnett, Natasha R 01 January 2019 (has links)
Civil gang injunctions (CGIs) are bans on nuisance behavior that have been enacted against gang members. Numerous studies conducted on the efficacy of CGIs have proven that they have little to no long-term effects on the communities in which they are implemented, nor on the gang members enjoined under them and their gang activities. The purpose of this empirical, phenomenological interpretative analysis study was to (a) determine the sociofamilial effects of CGIs on community residents; (b) determine the effects of CGIs on the behaviors and activities of enjoined gang members; and (c) determine the overall efficacy of CGIs based on the perspectives of community residents and enjoined gang members, with the goal of creating avenues to improve CGIs or eliminate them, if necessary. The theoretical framework for this study was Berger and Luckmann's social construction theory. A total of 7 anonymous phone interviews were conducted with community residents, enjoined gang members, and local law enforcement living and/or working in the enjoined neighborhood during the implementation of the first gang injunction in Memphis, TN. Data from these interviews were coded for thematic analysis and constant comparison. The findings were mixed in that some participants expressed that the injunction had positive results for a while and others expressed that it had a negative effect on the community. It was found that the injunction was positively effective, but only on a short-term basis, and that consistent introduction of community resources to address underlying issues that lead to crime would have been a better solution.

Beyond the Walls: The Architecture of Imprisonment and Community

Parrish, Neil Lawrence 01 August 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate the role architecture plays in both causing and ameliorating cycles of crime and punishment. To accomplish this task, the study combines an investigation of historical prison typologies, with an investigation into the philosophical and ethical questions surrounding the practice of imprisonment itself, as well as in depth sociological and criminological studies of the ways in which crime and incarceration affect the health of communities over time. It then employs the tools and conclusions of these studies to investigate the change over time in a singe community in North Memphis, Tennessee from its roots as a thriving, multi-racial industrial hub to a community defined by endemic crime, poverty, and violence and, finally, to suggest a way to improve the health of the community through the prison system itself. The study concludes that the prison system as it currently exists must undergo a fundamental philosophical and physical change in order to actually meet the goals of reducing crime and improving community health for which it was intended. To that end, the thesis suggests a vision of an incarceration facility for a single community in North Memphis that uses architecture as a vehicle to instrumentalize the key emotion that defines imprisonment -- how to escape from it -- in order to reconcile prisoners back to the communities they have offended.

Studien zur hellenistischen Toreutik die antiken Gipsabgüsse aus Memphis /

Reinsberg, Carola. January 1980 (has links)
Slight revision of Thesis (doctoral), Bonn, 1977. / Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

A case study of the home cell group approach in a suburban small church

French, David, January 1995 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Harding University Graduate School of Religion, 1995. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 296-303).

Empowering senior adults through the role of grandparenting

Sanderson, Leon B. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Harding University Graduate School of Religion, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 153-159).

Faith development tools as sources for enhancing field adaptability of Memphis School of Preaching students

Mosher, Keith A., January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Harding Graduate School of Religion, 1992. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 107-118).

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