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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling planar 3-valence meshes

Gonen, Ozgur 15 May 2009 (has links)
In architectural and sculptural practice, the eventual goal is constructing the shapes that have been designed. Due to fabrication considerations, shapes with planar faces are in demand for these practices. In this thesis, a novel computational modeling approach to design constructible shapes is introduced. This method guarantees that the resulting shapes are planar meshes with 3-valence vertices, which can always be physically constructed using planar or developable materials such as glass, sheet metal or plywood. The method introduced is inspired by the traditional sculpture and is based on the idea of carving a mesh by using slicing planes. The process of determining the slicing planes can either be interactive or automated. A framework is developed which allows user to sculpt shapes by using the in- teractive and automated processes. The framework allows user to cut a source mesh based on its edges, faces or vertices. The user can sculpt various kinds of developable surfaces by cutting the parallel edges of the mesh. The user can also introduce in- teresting conical patterns by cutting dierent vertex, edge, face combinations of the mesh.

Modeling planar 3-valence meshes

Gonen, Ozgur 10 October 2008 (has links)
In architectural and sculptural practice, the eventual goal is constructing the shapes that have been designed. Due to fabrication considerations, shapes with planar faces are in demand for these practices. In this thesis, a novel computational modeling approach to design constructible shapes is introduced. This method guarantees that the resulting shapes are planar meshes with 3-valence vertices, which can always be physically constructed using planar or developable materials such as glass, sheet metal or plywood. The method introduced is inspired by the traditional sculpture and is based on the idea of carving a mesh by using slicing planes. The process of determining the slicing planes can either be interactive or automated. A framework is developed which allows user to sculpt shapes by using the in- teractive and automated processes. The framework allows user to cut a source mesh based on its edges, faces or vertices. The user can sculpt various kinds of developable surfaces by cutting the parallel edges of the mesh. The user can also introduce in- teresting conical patterns by cutting dierent vertex, edge, face combinations of the mesh.

Non-linear Mathematical Modeling Of Gear Rotor Bearing Systems Including Bearing Clearance

Gurkan, Niyazi Ersan 01 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT NON-LINEAR MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF GEAR-ROTOR-BEARING SYSTEMS INCLUDING BEARING CLEARANCE G&Uuml / RKAN, Niyazi Ersan M.S. Department of Mechanical Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Nevzat &Ouml / ZG&Uuml / VEN November 2005, 130 pages In this study, a non-linear mathematical model of gear-rotor systems which consists of elastic shafts on elastic bearings with clearance and coupled by a non-linear gear mesh interface is developed. The mathematical model and the software (NLGRD 2.0) developed in a previous study is extended to include the non-linear effects due to bearing clearances by using non-linear bearing models. The model developed combines the versatility of using finite element method and the rigorous treatment of non-linear effect of backlash and bearing clearances on the dynamics of the system. The software uses the output of Load Distribution Program (LDP), which computes loaded static transmission error and mesh compliance for the contact points of a typical mesh cycle, as input. Although non-varying mesh compliance is assumed in the model, the excitation effect of time varying mesh stiffness is indirectly included through the loaded static transmission error, which is taken as a displacement input into the system. Previous computer program which was written in Fortran 77 is rewritten by using MatLAB 7.0 and named as NLGRD (Non-Linear Geared Rotor Dynamics) Version 3.0. The program is highly flexible and open to further developments. The program calculates dynamic to static load ratio, dynamic transmission error, forces and displacements at bearings. The mathematical model suggested and the code (NLGRD version 3.0) are validated by comparing the numerical results obtained from the model suggested with experimental data available in literature. The results are also compared with those of previously developed non-linear models. The effects of different system parameters such as bearing stiffness, bearing clearance and backlash on the gears are investigated. The emphasis is placed on the interaction of clearances in bearings with other system parameters.

Modélisation in-silico des voies aériennes : reconstruction morphologique et simulation fonctionnelle

Perchet, Diane 28 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Dans les nouveaux protocoles thérapeutiques par voie inhalée, le dosage des particules actives reste un problème complexe qui dépend de trois principaux facteurs : leur taille, la dynamique des flux et les variations de calibre bronchique. La solution nécessite de disposer d'un modèle de distribution des gaz et aérosols administrés dans les poumons. Ventilation pulmonaire et effets du cycle respiratoire sur la dynamique des fluides deviennent deux enjeux clés de la pratique clinique.<br /><br />Dans ce contexte, le projet RNTS RMOD a pour objectif de développer un simulateur morpho-fonctionnel des voies respiratoires pour l'aide au diagnostic, au geste médico-chirurgical et à l'administration de médicaments par inhalation.<br /><br />Contribuant au projet RMOD, la recherche développée dans cette thèse propose une modélisation in-silico de la structure des voies aériennes supérieures (VAS) et proximales (VAP) à partir d'examens tomodensitométriques (TDM). L'investigation morphologique et la simulation fonctionnelle bénéficient alors de géométries 3D réelles, adaptées au patient et spécifiques des pathologies rencontrées.<br /><br />La modélisation développée fait coopérer des méthodes originales de segmentation, de construction de surface maillée et d'analyse morpho-fonctionnelle.<br /><br />La segmentation des VAP est obtenue par un schéma diffusif et agrégatif gouverné par un modèle markovien, dont l'initialisation repose sur l'opérateur de coût de connexion sous contrainte topographique. De cette segmentation, l'axe central de l'arbre bronchique est extrait de manière robuste et précise en combinant information de distance, propagation de fronts, et partition conditionnelle locale. Cet axe central est représenté sous forme d'une structure hiérarchique multivaluée synthétisant caractéristiques topologiques et géométriques de l'arbre bronchique. Une surface maillée est ensuite construite en appliquant une procédure de Marching Cubes adaptative, les paramètres des différents filtres mis en jeu étant automatiquement ajustés aux caractéristiques locales du réseau bronchique conditionnellement aux attributs de l'axe central.<br /><br />La segmentation des VAS repose sur une propagation markovienne exploitant les variations locales de densité. L'initialisation combine morphologie mathématique et information de contour afin de garantir la robustesse à la topologie. Une procédure de type triangulation de Delaunay restreinte à une surface fournit ensuite la représentation maillée des VAS. Il est établi que la topologie et la géométrie des structures complexes composant les VAS sont effectivement préservées.<br /><br />Pour permettre aux médecins de valider les modèles maillés ainsi construits, un environnement virtuel 3D convivial et interactif a été réalisé. En outre, la morphologie des voies aériennes exo- et endo-luminale est analysée de façon automatique à partir de simulations d'écoulement pour des géométries réelles.<br /><br />Enfin, une modélisation unifiée des VAP et VAS est obtenue pour la première fois. Elle démontre la pertinence des approches développées. Elle ouvre la voie à la construction de modèles in-silico complets de l'appareil respiratoire ainsi qu'aux études fonctionnelles prenant en compte les paramètres morphologiques susceptibles d'influer localement ou globalement sur la dynamique des écoulements.

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