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Political autobiography, nationalist history and national heritage: the case of Kenneth Kaunda and ZambiaSimakole, Brutus Mulilo January 2012 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / The research for this thesis started off as a long academic essay that sought to review a 1970s biography of Kenneth Kaunda.1 In its original focus, the study aimed at evaluating the work on the narrations of Kenneth Kaunda’s life from a theoretical and critical perspective. Specifically it sought to evaluate the biography for its theoretical and methodological approaches, its attention to issues of sources, archives, narrative and history. In addition, it aimed at locating the biography in relation to debates over biography and history in South Africa. As I began my research for the long essay, it soon became apparent that the biography of Kenneth Kaunda ended its narration in 1964 and yet it was published ten years later in 1974. By ending its ‘coverage’ of the narrations of Kenneth Kaunda’s life in 1964, it seemed obvious that its coverage was in many ways similar to his autobiography that was published in 1962.2 The ending of the biography’s coverage in 1964 thus seemed rather abrupt as it precluded any representations of the subject in the post 1964 period in which he had become President of Zambia. Kenneth Kaunda was resident of Zambia for nearly three decades (1964-1991) having led the ‘final’ phase of the nationalist struggle for Independence through the United National Independence Party (UNIP). Surely, I surmised, the meanings of Kenneth Kaunda’s life as nationalist leader, as presented in most of his biography, would differ from those of him as President? Upon evaluating the biography, it seemed to be a largely chronological and descriptive rather analytical account of the subject’s life. However, what made it profound to me was the ways in which it entwined the narratives of Kenneth Kaunda’s life with the events, dates 1 The biography of Kenneth Kaunda by Fergus Macpherson was the subject of the long essay. See Fergus Macpherson, Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia: The Times and the Man (Lusaka: Oxford University Press, 1974). 2 Kenneth D. Kaunda, Zambia Shall Be Free: An Autobiography (London: Heinemann Educational Books td, 1962). and activities of the history of the Zambian nation. Some accounts inadvertently referred to this interconnection by referring to Kenneth Kaunda as the ‘founder of Zambia’. My exposure to various other debates around the production of history in the public domain such as through museums and national heritage sites or monuments prompted me to consider undertaking a study of the post-1964 historiography of Kenneth Kaunda. Rather than attempting to fill Kenneth Kaunda’s post-1964 historiographical gap with a chronological account of his political life, I wanted to trace the narratives of Kenneth Kaunda’s life in connection with the production of history in different domains in Zambia. This thesis thus aims at examining the political auto/biographical narrations of Kenneth Kaunda in relation to the production of nationalist history and national heritage in Zambia in the years following the country’s Independence in 1964.4 One of the key questions that this study sought to engage with was: how did the ‘representations’ of Kenneth Kaunda influence the ways in which Zambia’s post-independence nationalist history and national heritage were produced? In seeking to provide an answer to the question, the study evaluated the auto/biography of Kenneth Kaunda itself, as well as how it reflects in the history texts utilised in Zambian schools and in history in the public domain through national heritage sites or monuments and museum exhibitions. The thesis will show that in Zambia, the auto/biography of Kenneth Kaunda has acquired significance through history as school lesson and as history in the public domain, through the production of national heritage sites and museum exhibitions. / South Africa
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Identity and pedagogy in a university context : a study of student experiences and critique in the work of anti-racism in educationHousee, Shirin January 2012 (has links)
A considerable amount of work has been written on race and education in the British context since the 1960s. This work has largely focused on policy issues, curriculum development and teacher training. This work has been important largely for developments in multicultural education in the school context. In Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), the teaching of race related modules and courses have flourished since the 1980s (Jacobs 2006). This interest, however, has not translated into work on praxis, that is, anti-racist teaching practices that aim to improve the situation that students and teachers face when challenging racism. This PhD study by publication begins to redress this by exploring student experiences and classroom dialogue. It adopts an interpretist methodological perspective and uses participant observation and interview methods. The observations and interviews are drawn from my classroom teaching, specifically, my modules dealing centrally with race and racism. Most of the writing around race and HEIs focuses on institutional matters rather than those that seek to enable praxis. The original contribution to knowledge advanced in this critical commentary and my published works submitted here is that it underlines the importance of anti-racism as it emerges organically within classroom engagement and exchange. Anti-racist practice, I claim, becomes fundamental to the learning process, where student experiences are first considered within the teaching process. This study focuses on students' learning experiences as found in my second and third level modules on the Sociology degree on which I teach at Wolverhampton University. My publications examine students' perspectives on racism as they arise in class. They explore student identities as they are experienced and classroom interaction. In this endeavour, I focus on the ways that Critical 5 Theory and Feminism and Critical Pedagogy can challenge students' prior perspectives on their identities and those of others. This work seeks to add to analyses of the ways that racism currently operates and could be challenged in HEIs. It argues that it can be challenged through more fully developing anti-racist educational practices that must engage with debates about ethnicity and identity in education, as discussed in Section One. This is because students’ lived experiences are core to an understanding of how racism impacts on students' lives. This commentary advances the argument that anti-racist debates in HEIs that organically evolve from classroom teaching and learning are paramount to the work of anti-racist education in HEi, because lived experience is seen to be powerful material that can counter mainstream discourse on racism. What is distinctive about my model of anti-racist teaching and learning practices is my anti-racist practice. This informs my academic work with students and encourages them to reconsider their thinking in classroom teaching and learning. The use of Critical Race Theory and Feminist theoretical and methodological approaches and Critical Pedagogy is central to my anti-racist teaching practices in HEis.
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AvaliaÃÃes de abordagens metodolÃgicas da equaÃÃo de rendimentos aplicadas em cenÃrios selecionados do mercado de trabalho brasileiro / Reviews of methodological approaches of the earnings equation applied in selected scenarios of the Brazilian labor marketDaniel Barboza GuimarÃes 08 August 2013 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este estudo compreende duas anÃlises para investigar alguns cenÃrios especÃficos sobre os rendimentos de trabalhadores brasileiros. A primeira trata de investigar os principais determinantes dos rendimentos dos filhos, dentre os quais a ocorrÃncia de transmissÃo das rendas dos pais. EstimaÃÃes de equaÃÃes de rendimentos com distintos procedimentos metodolÃgicos permitem captar o efeito transmissÃo (heranÃa familiar) e o efeito dinÃmico (anÃlise de geraÃÃes superpostas), cujas verificaÃÃes empÃricas sÃo baseadas nos dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de DomicÃlios (PNAD) para os anos de 1989 e 2009. SÃo utilizados os mÃtodos de Heckman em dois estÃgios e o modelo de variÃveis instrumentais, haja vista a necessidade de correÃÃo do viÃs de seleÃÃo amostral e a endogeneidade presente em equaÃÃes de rendimentos. AlÃm destes, aplica-se o mÃtodo KleinâVella, por ser um procedimento corretivo para se obter o verdadeiro efeito mÃdio, e nÃo apenas um efeito para os indivÃduos que sÃo realmente afetados por variaÃÃes nos instrumentos. Em seguida, devido à impossibilidade de se obter contrafactuais perfeitos nos dados da PNAD, estimam-se regressÃes quantÃlicas no sentido de aumentar o grau de confiabilidade nas estimativas atravÃs da homogeneizaÃÃo dos trabalhadores na amostra por faixas de rendimento. Das alternativas metodolÃgicas, constatou-se que o mÃtodo de variÃveis instrumentais apresentou o pior ajuste preditivo. Quanto Ãs demais abordagens, suas estimativas nÃo permitiram concluir haver superioridade estatÃstica de uma sobre a outra para fins de inferÃncia. Portanto, pode-se concluir a partir destas que as rendas dos pais, principalmente a renda da mÃe, exercem um impacto positivo e significante de transmissÃo sobre as rendas dos seus filhos. Apesar da comprovaÃÃo do efeito de transmissÃo de renda, este se mostrou com tendÃncia declinante ao longo do tempo. A segunda anÃlise visa testar possÃveis diferenÃas de rendimentos por gÃnero em trÃs nÃveis regionais (Brasil, Nordeste e Sul-Sudeste) e quatro nÃveis ocupacionais (todas as ocupaÃÃes, dirigentes, serviÃos e tÃcnicos). Para tanto, foram avaliados trÃs enfoques metodolÃgicos para estimaÃÃes da equaÃÃo minceriana de rendimentos. Primeiramente avaliam-se os mÃtodos de MÃnimos Quadrados OrdinÃrios e de Heckman em dois estÃgios para corrigir o viÃs de seleÃÃo. Para testar a existÃncia de discriminaÃÃo por gÃnero no mercado de trabalho emprega-se o mÃtodo de Propensity Score Matching. Para inferir sobre tal discriminaÃÃo aplica-se o mÃtodo OaxacaâBlinder, o qual permite decompor as diferenÃas salariais devidas Ãs caracterÃsticas individuais (explicada) e à discriminaÃÃo (nÃo explicada).
Independentemente do mÃtodo utilizado nas estimaÃÃes realizadas, comprova-se que existe diferenÃa salarial a favor dos homens, cuja superioridade varia de 36,32% (Dirigentes no Brasil) a 118,72% (TÃcnicos no Nordeste). AlÃm disso, conclui-se que tal diferenÃa à resultado da presenÃa de discriminaÃÃo por gÃnero, uma vez que, em todas as estimaÃÃes realizadas, o efeito da discriminaÃÃo, o qual varia de 100,5% (ServiÃos no Sul-Sudeste) a 153,8% (TÃcnicos no Brasil), à maior que a diferenÃa dos rendimentos, pois as mulheres tÃm, em mÃdia, atributos adquiridos (escolaridade, por exemplo) superiores aos dos homens. Portanto, caso nÃo houvesse discriminaÃÃo, hà evidÃncias na amostra utilizada de que os rendimentos das mulheres tenderiam a ser, em mÃdia, superiores aos dos homens.
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Planering av mejeriproduktion med diskret händelsesimulering / Planning of dairy production using discrete event simulationOlsson, Philip, Bjelke, Carl-Johan January 2020 (has links)
A producer of dairy products intends to improve planning work by utilizing a simulation model. Dairy production has specific requirements that consequently means that planning is a complex task because of factors such as changeovers of production which limits production flexibility. The purpose of the thesis is thus to create a discrete event simulation for dairy production and to document the specific circumstances and approaches that the simulation project includes to support the producer's development of the planning work. To achieve the purpose, two questions have been formulated that aim to answer for the theoretical work as well as the practical work in establishing a simulation model. The project utilizes a conceptual model and follows a twelve-step model for work sequence. Theory intends to form the basis for answering questions and covers methodological approaches, discrete event simulation, programming methods based on continuous and discrete data and the meaning of stops and changeovers in production. The steps in the methodological approach are limited to problem formulation, setting a project plan and goals using the conceptual model, model building, data collection, coding, verification and validation. The work resulted in a theoretical methodological approach, a conceptual model and a partly verified simulation model for planning based on discrete event simulation. / En mejeriproducent ämnar förbättra sitt planeringsarbete med hjälp av en simuleringsmodell. Mejeriproduktion innebär särskilda krav som leder till att planeringsarbetet blir komplext på grund av omställningsvillkor vilket hämmar flexibiliteten av produktionen. Syftet med examensarbetet är därmed att upprätta en diskret händelsesimulering för mejeriproduktion och dokumentera de särskilda omständigheter och tillvägagångsätt som simuleringsprojektet innefattar för att stödja producentens utveckling av planeringsarbetet. För att uppnå syftet har två frågeställningar formulerats, vilka svarar dels för den teoretiska aspekten av att genomdriva ett sådant projekt, dels för hur en simuleringsmodell kan utformas i praktiken. Simuleringsmodellen upprättas med hjälp av en konceptuell modell samt ett metodologiskt tillvägagångsätt här omnämnt Banks metod. Teoriavsnittet avser att ligga till grund för besvarande av frågeställningar och innefattar metodologiska tillvägagångssätt, diskret händelsesimulering, programmeringsmetoder baserade på kontinuerliga och diskreta data samt innebörden av stopp och omställning i produktion. Det metodologiska tillvägagångssättet används i begränsad utsträckning. Projektet avgränsas till problemformulering, upprättande av projektplan och mål med hjälp av den konceptuella modellen, insamling av data, modellering och verifiering. Arbetet resulterade i ett teoretiskt metodologiskt tillvägagångssätt, en konceptuell modell samt en delvis verifierad simuleringsmodell för planering baserad på diskret händelsesimulering.
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Лирске народне песме у школским програмима / Lirske narodne pesme u školskim programimaPivnički Jasmina 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Циљ ове докторске дисертације је да<br />допринесе ученичким компетенцијама у<br />основној и средњој школи при читању,<br />доживљавању и тумачењу лирских народних<br />песама. Тема је актуелна јер садржај ове<br />поезије сублимира све аспекте културе<br />омогућавајући сагледавање и разумевање<br />традицијског и културолошког контекста<br />српске књижевности; пружа теоријски оквир;<br />критичку анализу, истраживања научног и<br />уметничког садржаја и иновативна решења<br />пренесена на дидактичко–педагошку праксу.<br />Полазећи од савремених научних<br />достигнућа, интердисциплинарности и<br />актуелних методичких приступа настави,<br />сагледане су специфичности ове врсте<br />народног стваралаштва. Очекује се<br />унапређивање наставе у области изучавања народних лирских песама кроз боље</p><p>разумевање обредног и обичајног слоја,<br />историјског и социјалног слоја у песмама.<br />Инсистирањем на претпоставкама савремене<br />наставе отвара се могућност да се<br />„придобије“ ученик за читање, доживљавање<br />и тумачење, као и креативно стварање<br />засновано на пулсиру синкретичности,<br />формулативности, функционалности и<br />животворности народних лирских песама.<br />Акценат је стављен на значењској<br />димензији текста чији се вишеслојни и<br />вишезначни поетски свет доживљава и<br />критички вреднуј кроз истраживачко и<br />стваралачко приступање наставном процесу.<br />У раду су представљена свеобухватна<br />методолошка полазишта и осмишљени су<br />методички поступци који сведоче о<br />целовитости народне лирске поезије и њеном<br />сагласју које онемогућава чврсту<br />класификацију.<br />На конкретним примерима песама<br />заснивају се методичке интерпретације с<br />коментарима који показују како се са<br />ученицима основношколског и<br />средњошколског узраста може засновати<br />савремена, научно заснована наставна и<br />ваннаставна интерпретација народних<br />лирских песама.<br />Технички рад се састоји из шест<br />целина.</p> / <p>Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je da<br />doprinese učeničkim kompetencijama u<br />osnovnoj i srednjoj školi pri čitanju,<br />doživljavanju i tumačenju lirskih narodnih<br />pesama. Tema je aktuelna jer sadržaj ove<br />poezije sublimira sve aspekte kulture<br />omogućavajući sagledavanje i razumevanje<br />tradicijskog i kulturološkog konteksta<br />srpske književnosti; pruža teorijski okvir;<br />kritičku analizu, istraživanja naučnog i<br />umetničkog sadržaja i inovativna rešenja<br />prenesena na didaktičko–pedagošku praksu.<br />Polazeći od savremenih naučnih<br />dostignuća, interdisciplinarnosti i<br />aktuelnih metodičkih pristupa nastavi,<br />sagledane su specifičnosti ove vrste<br />narodnog stvaralaštva. Očekuje se<br />unapređivanje nastave u oblasti izučavanja narodnih lirskih pesama kroz bolje</p><p>razumevanje obrednog i običajnog sloja,<br />istorijskog i socijalnog sloja u pesmama.<br />Insistiranjem na pretpostavkama savremene<br />nastave otvara se mogućnost da se<br />„pridobije“ učenik za čitanje, doživljavanje<br />i tumačenje, kao i kreativno stvaranje<br />zasnovano na pulsiru sinkretičnosti,<br />formulativnosti, funkcionalnosti i<br />životvornosti narodnih lirskih pesama.<br />Akcenat je stavljen na značenjskoj<br />dimenziji teksta čiji se višeslojni i<br />višeznačni poetski svet doživljava i<br />kritički vrednuj kroz istraživačko i<br />stvaralačko pristupanje nastavnom procesu.<br />U radu su predstavljena sveobuhvatna<br />metodološka polazišta i osmišljeni su<br />metodički postupci koji svedoče o<br />celovitosti narodne lirske poezije i njenom<br />saglasju koje onemogućava čvrstu<br />klasifikaciju.<br />Na konkretnim primerima pesama<br />zasnivaju se metodičke interpretacije s<br />komentarima koji pokazuju kako se sa<br />učenicima osnovnoškolskog i<br />srednjoškolskog uzrasta može zasnovati<br />savremena, naučno zasnovana nastavna i<br />vannastavna interpretacija narodnih<br />lirskih pesama.<br />Tehnički rad se sastoji iz šest<br />celina.</p> / <p>The aim of this doctoral thesis is to contribution<br />to student competence in elementary and<br />secondary school when reading, experiencing<br />and interpreting lyrical folk poems. The topic is<br />current because the content of this poetry<br />sublimates all cultural aspects, making it possible<br />to assess and understand the traditional and<br />cultural context of Serbian literature, and it<br />provides a theoretical framework, as well as a<br />critical analysis, of the exploration of the<br />scientific and artistic content and the innovative<br />solutions applied in didactic and pedagogical<br />practices.<br />The specifics of this kind of folk creativity are<br />analyzed, taking modern scientific<br />achievements, interdisciplinary and<br />contemporary methodical approaches to teaching<br />as the starting point. The expectation is that an<br />improvement of teaching will be achieved in the<br />field of the study of lyrical folk poems through a<br />better understanding of the ritual and customary<br />layer, and the historical and social layer in<br />poems. By insisting on assumptions of modern<br />teaching methods the possibility is created to<br />“win over“ the student to reading, experiencing<br />and interpreting, and creativity based on the<br />pulsating of syncretism, formativeness,<br />functionality and life–giving quality of lyrical<br />folk poems.<br />The emphasis is placed on the semantic<br />dimension of the text whose poetic world, with<br />multiple layers and multiple meanings, is<br />experienced and critically evaluated through an<br />exploratory and creative approach to the teaching<br />process. The paper presents comprehensive<br />methodological starting points and designed<br />methodical procedures, testifying to the<br />comprehensiveness of lyrical folk poetry and its<br />harmony, which renders hard classification<br />impossible.<br />The methodical interpretations are based on<br />concrete examples of poems, with comments that<br />show how a modern, scientifically based<br />teaching and extracurricular interpretation of<br />lyrical folk poems can be established with<br />elementary and secondary school students.<br />Technically the paper consists of six sections.</p>
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