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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Umetničko delo u funkciji podsticanja razvoja likovnih sposobnosti kod učenika mlađeg školskog uzrasta

Selaković Kristinka 09 July 2015 (has links)
<p>U radu se razmatra uloga umetničkog dela u funkciji podsticanja likovnih sposobnosti kod učenika mlađeg &scaron;kolskog uzrasta u nastavi likovne kulture. Ukazano je na savremene tendencije u umetničkom obrazovanju koje ističu da je umetnost i proces učenja u umetnosti od vitalnog značaja za harmoničan razvoj svakog deteta. U tom kontekstu istaknuto je da nastava likovne kulture treba da podržava i podstiče razvoj likovnih sposobnosti &ndash; likovno-oblikovni razvoj, likovno-aprecijativne sposobnosti i kreativnost dece. Činjenica jeste da se likovno obrazovanje može kvalitetno sprovoditi samo ukoliko se podjednako poklanja pažnja i produktivnim, i perceptivnim i receptivnim likovnim aktivnostima, pri čemu se razvija produktivno i receptivno mi&scaron;ljenje.<br />Osnovni cilj istraživanja odnosio se na ispitivanje efikasnosti i uticaj Razvojnog programa aktivnog posmatranja umetničkog dela putem primene posebno osmi&scaron;ljenih strategija, metoda i postupaka koji podstiču razvoj likovnih sposobnosti &ndash; likovne kreativnosti, likovno aprecijativnih sposobnosti i likovno-oblikovnog razvoja kod učenika mlađeg &scaron;kolskog uzrasta u nastavi likovne kulture. Namera istraživanja bila je da se prouče efekti eksperimentalnog intervenisanja u nastavi likovne kulture kada je u pitanju upotreba i kori&scaron;ćenje umetničkog dela u trećem razredu osnovne &scaron;kole. U istraživanju je primenjena metoda eksperimenta sa paralelnim grupama. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 201 učenika (eksperimentalnu grupu činila su 102 učenika, a kontrolnu 97) iz dve osnovne &scaron;kole u Užicu. Za potrebe istraživanja kori&scaron;ćen je test op&scaron;te kreativnosti (LV1), test likovne aprecijacije (AP test) i test četiri crteža (LV2) koji ispituje op&scaron;tu likovnu kreativnost, ali i specifičnosti likovno-kreativnog razvoja. Podaci su obrađeni i analizirani kvantitativnom metodom u cilju povećanja interpretabilnosti podataka.<br />Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je aktivno posmatranje umetničkog dela, primenom posebno osmi&scaron;ljenih strategija, metoda i postupaka neophodno u nastavi likovne kulture jer može da podstiče razvoj likovnih sposobnosti &ndash; likovne kreativnosti, likovno aprecijativnih sposobnosti (percepciju i recepciju) kao i likovno-oblikovni razvoj. Razvojni program, primenjen u eksperimentalnoj grupi, pored inovativnog pristupa u planiranju i izvođenju nastave likovne kulture i posmatranja umetničkog dela, imao je nameru i da unapredi nastavu likovne kulture. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da su učenici eksperimnetalne grupe pokazali vi&scaron;i nivo u svim postavljenim zadacima, &scaron;to potvrđuje pretpostvaku da je Razvojni program, koji postavlja umetničko delo u interesno područje učenika, efikasniji u odnosu na nastavu u kojoj nije bio uveden eksperimentalni faktor.<br />Istraživanje je pokazalo da je oblast likovne umetnost specifična i kompleksna, &scaron;to zahteva izvesnu reorganizaciju i unapređenje u smislu istovremenog razvijanja produktivnih i receptivnih sposobnosti. Učenici mlađeg &scaron;kolskog uzrasta nemaju previ&scaron;e prilike da nauče kako da posmatraju umetničko delo, kako da ga dožive i u njemu uživaju. Aktiviranjem suptilne percepcije može doći do kvalitetne recepcije i doživljavanja umetničkih dela &scaron;to je stvar učenja i vežbe. Ovo istraživanje je ukazalo na to da umetničko delo treba da postane značajan integrativni deo nastave likovne kulture.</p>

Efikasnost primene multimedijalnih sadržaja u nastavi prirode i društva

Cekić-Jovanović Olivera 29 July 2015 (has links)
<p>U radu su prikazani rezultati eksperimentalne primene multimedijalnih sadržaja u okviru obrazovno-računarskog softvera u obradi sadržaja nastave Prirode i dru&scaron;tva. Ispitan je uticaj takvog načina rada na kvalitet znanja učenika. Izvr&scaron;eno je anketiranje učitelja i učenika eksperimentalne grupe kako bi se utvrdila njihova mi&scaron;ljenja o primeni multimedijalnih sadržaja u okviru obrazovno-računarskog softvera u nastavi Prirode i dru&scaron;tva. Rezultati su potvrdili da pomenuti način rada doprinosi povećanju kvaliteta znanja učenika (posebno kada su u pitanju nivo prepoznavanja, reprodukcije i praktične primene), da ga učenici vrlo pozitivno prihvataju. Njihovi odgovori govore u prilog činjenici da bi takav način rada trebalo da bude če&scaron;će zastupljen u praksi. Odgovori učitelja ukazuju na to da oni poznaju značaj i prednosti primene računara, obrazovnih softvera i multimedije, upoznati su sa osnovnim didaktičko-metodičkim zahtevima koje je potrebno uvažavati prilikom primene takvog načina rada, ali su i svesni koliko je priprema i organizacija takvih časova zahtevna i složena.</p>

Efekti primene autentičnih tekstova u nastavi nemačkog jezika

Stipančević Ana 30 June 2016 (has links)
<p>U ovoj disertaciji se proučavaju efekti primene autentičnih tekstova u nastavi nemačkog jezika na motivaciju, jezičko znanje i jezičke kompetencije studenata. Da bi se dati efekti izmerili, odnosno da bi se postavljene hipoteze istraživanja potvrdile ili opovrgnule sprovedeno je eksperimentalno istraživanje na Filozofskom fakultetu u Novom Sadu od oktobra 2014. do juna 2015. godine sa studentima koji uče nemački kao izborni jezik, na nivou znanja A2. Pre početka istraživanja grupe su ujednačene po znanju, a zatim je sprovedeno inicijalno testiranje kojim su se merile tri jezičke ve&scaron;tine: slu&scaron;anje, čitanje i pisanje, kao i broj kori&scaron;ćenih reči (vokabular). Na početku istraživanja studenti su popunjavali i anketu o motivaciji za učenje nemačkog jezika, dok su nakon sprovedenog istraživanja, u junu, rađena finalna merenja.<br />Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je generalno interesovanje za učenje stranih jezika u eksperimentalnoj grupi nakon istraživanja statistički značajnije od kontrolne grupe, da studenti eksperimentalne grupe imaju pozitivnije i manje stereotipne asocijacije na Nemačku. Osim toga, u istraživanju je utvrđeno postojanje značajnih korelacija između stavova ispitanika prema Nemcima, nemačkom jeziku, nastavi nemačkog jezika, asocijacija na Nemačku i autentičnih tekstova. Istraživanje je, takođe, pokazalo da autentični tekstovi imaju pozitivne efekte na jezičko znanje i ve&scaron;tine, a ispitanici sami ocenjuju nastavu u kojoj se primenjuju autentični tekstovi efikasnijom od tradicionalne nastave koja se odvija uz pomoć udžbenika.</p>

Metodika vyšetřování sexuálních trestných činů /vybrané probémy/ / Methods of investigation of sexual crimes (selected issues)

Vlášková, Iveta January 2014 (has links)
80 Abstract The aim of this thesis titled Methods of investigation of sexual crimes (selected issues) is to clarify methods of investigation of sexual crimes with special focus on rape. The thesis is divided into nine chapters and sub-chapters. Introduction defines the goal of the thesis. The first chapter describes term of rape and its development from 1852 to the present. The first chapter also includes statistical data for the year 2012. The second chapter describes criminological characteristics of rape relating to typical way of committing, offender and victim. The myth that most of the offenders are sexually deviant is refuted in this chapter. The third chapter analyzes typical traces with traditional distinction between traces in the mind and material traces. Biological traces are emphasized, because they are in the investigation of the crime of rape very common. The fourth chapter is divided into two sub-chapters devoted to typical investigative situations. Following fifth chapter deals with the scope of investigation. Questions which must be clarified are mentioned in order to investigate facts of case beyond all reasonable doubt. The sixth chapter describes impetus to the investigations. The most common are notifications of inhabitant and notifications of institutions. Chapters number four, five...

Metodika separace a izotopové analýzy hořčíku ve vybraných geomateriálech / Methodology for separation and isotope analysis of magnesium in selected geomaterials

Francová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
An efficient methodology for separation of magnesium from different geomaterials was developed in order to determinate their isotopic composition. This methodology with 100% yield is suitable for high precision analysis of Mg isotopes by multi collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). Three separate stages of ion-exchange chromatography were carried out in ultra-trace laboratory equipped with laminar flowbox using cation exchange resin, AG50W-X12 and chemicals of ultrapure quality. Variations in samples 26 Mg/24 Mg and 25 Mg/24 Mg ratios are expressed as δ26 Mg and δ25 Mg units, which are deviations in parts per 103 from the same ratio in DSM3 Mg standard. The robustness of the technique was assessed by replicate analyses of magnesium standards Cambridge 1 versus DSM3. The long term repeatability of the Mg isotope ratio measurements of Cambridge 1 against DSM3 using this technique is -2.577 ± 0.10‰ on δ26 Mg and -1.328 ± 0.06‰ on δ25 Mg at 95% of confidence (2σ). Delta 26 Mg in five natural standard samples was measured in order to validate a quality of measurement in two different laboratories: Czech Geological Survey, Prague, Czech Republic and GFS Potsdam, Research centre for geoscientist, Potsdam, Germany. The results measured in this study (laboratory of CGS) are...

Náhrada újmy při ublížení na zdraví / Damages for personal injury

Molnár, Peter January 2015 (has links)
Damages for personal injury The diploma thesis focuses on the analysis and evaluation of the recodified legal regulation on damages for non-pecuniary loss arising from personal injury in the light of its comparison with the relevant English common law. On the background of the historical evolution of the method for assessing the amount of damages for non-pecuniary loss arising from personal injury, as well as through the comparison of Metodika Nejvyššího soudu k náhradě nemajetkové újmy při ublížení na zdraví (bolest a ztížení společenského uplatnění podle § 2958 občanského zákoníku) with Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases, the diploma thesis arrives at a conclusion in favour of the development and application of the former, which it deems to have been a suitably chosen pre-emptive measure that would allow Czech legal practice to approach damages for non-pecuniary loss arising from personal injury in a consistent and proportionate fashion right from the moment of the coming into effect of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, without having to overcome a period of relative legal uncertainty, during which standardised amounts of damages would have been developed through judicial practice, as was the case in the English common law. As regards the...

Metodika telemarkového lyžování / Methodology of telemark skiing

Turek, Michael January 2014 (has links)
Title: Methodology of telemark skiing Aim of the study: The aim of this thesis is to create educational, methodological and motivational film, which will include design of metodology of telemark skiing. Methods: In developing this thesis, we used a combination of methods of critical analysis of documents and the author's own empirical experience with telemark skiing with the method of comparison of selected knowledge, methods and participating and uninvolved observation and cinematographic film processing method. The work is a synthesis of theoretical research and dynamic field work. Results: According to this thesis was created teaching methodology and motivational DVD that in addition to the metodology also out lines the historical aspects and current concepts of telemark skiing. The text of the thesis in theoretical part complements the DVD detailed information from the history and information about telemark equipment. Methodology of teaching in the text corresponds to the contents of the DVD. Keywords: telemark, methodology, turn, step, stance, free heel

Technologická podpora metodiky vyprávění příběhů ve výuce / Technological support of the Storytelling teaching method

Bouchner, Jan January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: The technological support of the Storytelling teaching method AUTHOR: Jan Bouchner DEPARTMENT: Department of information technology and technical education SUPERVISOR: Ing. Bořivoj Brdička, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The subject of this dissertation is the use of digital technologies to support storytelling in the classroom. This thesis aims to introduce storytelling as an innovative method based on the principles of modern pedagogy, especially social constructivism, and determine the role of this methodology in the current curriculum. Another objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of methods and activities of digital storytelling including the examples of hardware and software instruments. Their value for practical use in digital storytelling was verified. The analysis of scientific literature was used in the theoretical part of this study. The work also includes the description of two cases of implementation and a description of their realization. In the conclusion the recommendations for the use of digital storytelling in practice are formulated. KEYWORDS: storytelling, methodology, constructivism, designing, educational technology

Cheerleading - metodický materiál pokročilých stunts / Cheerleading - methodical material of advanced stunts

Horáková, Denisa January 2011 (has links)
Title: Cheerleading - Methodical material of advanced stunts Objectives: The objective is to provide comprehensive outline of information about cheerleading and to create listing of recommendations for advanced stunts and practice of advanced stunts. Methods: Creation of chapter theoretical data was done by analyzing all available sources. The listing of recommendations for practicing advanced stunts was created by comparison of available literature concerning advanced stunts in cheerleading. Further we used the method of observation and then selected particular stunts for methodical material. Results: Comprehensive review of information about cheerleading. Complete listing of grips, load-ins and dismounts. Didactic recommendations for practice of advanced stunts formed into methodical lists and photo documentation. Keywords: Cheerleader, methodics, didactics, lifting figures

Porovnání přípravy v běhu na lyžích v Norsku a České republice. / Comparison of Cross-Country Skiing Training in the Czech Republic and in Norway

Opočenský, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
Title: Comparison of Cross-Country Skiing Training in the Czech Republic and in Norway Objectives: The aim of the diploma thesis was to gain information about Norwegian nordic skiers' training and to compare it with the preparation of nordic skiers in the Czech Republic. The possibility of applying Norwegian training methods to the Czech Republic was considered with relation to local conditions. Methods: The methods of questionnaire, observation and content analysis were used in the diploma thesis. Results: The evaluation and comparison of the questionnaire data were illustrated in tables and charts. The evaluation of observations and training documentation in the Czech team Olfin Car - Vella Trutnov and the Norwegian team Holmen IF Langrenn. Key words: Cross-country skiing, system of training preparation, training methodics

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