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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementace metrik help desk v malé IT firmě / Help Desk Metrics Implementation in a Small Company

Braverman, Jan January 2007 (has links)
V této práci byla navržena sada metrik vhodných pro měření help desku a ta byla podrobena mutlidimenzionální analýze. Základním konceptem pro celé řešení je metodika ITIL, proto je v práci obsažena i analýza odpovídajících procesů ITIL. Pro vyzkoušení některých metrik, byly tyto nasazeny v help desk aplikaci. Navržená sada metrik byla zúžena na ty, které jsou uplatnitelné v malé firmě. Závěr práce vyhodnocuje provoz vybraných metrik nad reálnými daty a zkoumá možné způsoby interpretace získaných výsledků.

Metriky v informatice / Metrics in informatics

Maryška, Miloš January 2006 (has links)
Cílem práce je vytvoření souhrnného přehledu o metrikách jakosti a ekonomické efektivnosti softwarových produktů a prakticky je aplikovat. V první části práce ? teoretické, je vytvořen souhrn a sumarizace dostupných metrik (ukazatelů), které jsou při hodnocení systémů využívány. Součástí je přehled o jednotlivých vlastnostech metrik (ukazatelů). Druhá část je zaměřena na popis informačních systémů Albatros a GICR. Ve třetí části ? praktické, je provedena aplikace vybraných metrik (ukazatelů). V poslední kapitole třetí části je provedeno komplexní zhodnocení systému a rozhodnutí o jeho vhodnosti pro splnění stanovených požadavků. Výsledkem provedené analýzy IS je doporučení pro investici do systému Albatros.

Dynamická metrika v OSPF sítích / Dynamic Metric in OSPF Networks

Mácha, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Masivní vývoj Internetu vedl ke zvýšeným požadavkům na spolehlivou síťovou infrastrukturu. Efektivita komunikace v síti závisí na schopnosti směrovačů určit nejlepší cestu pro odesílání a přeposílání paketů ke koncovému zařízení. Jelikož OSPF v současné době představuje jeden z nejpoužívanějších směrovacích protokolů, jakýkoli přínos, který by pomohl udržet krok s rychle se měnícím prostředí Internetu, je velmi vítán. Významným omezením OSPF protokolu je, mimo jiné, absence informovanosti algoritmu pro výpočet metriky o aktuálním vytížení linky. Tato vlastnost představuje tzv. slabé místo, což má negativní vliv na výkonnost sítě. Z tohoto důvodu byla navržena nová metoda založená na dynamické adaptaci měnících se síťových podmínek a alternativní strategii OSPF metrik. Navržená metoda řeší problém neinformovanosti OSPF metriky o síťovém provozu a nevhodně vytížených linek, které snižují výkonnost sítě. Práce rovněž přináší praktickou realizaci, kdy vlastnosti nové metody jsou testovány a ověřeny spuštěním testů algoritmu v reálných zařízeních.

Manhattanská metrika ve výuce na základní škole / Taxicab Metric in Teaching-Learning Process at Basic School

Bruna, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis explores the possibility of including Taxicab metric as a subject matter into instruction at lower secondary level of education and it does so in several ways. Firstly, it looks into a curricular document of state level (Framework Educational Programme) and discusses instances at which the subject matter and the concept of lower secondary education are in agreement. Secondly, this thesis analyses a selected series of textbooks with respect to exercises that can be seen as linked to non-Euclidean metrics. Furthermore an experiment is described and evaluated, whose purpose, as a part of this thesis, was to find out if selected pupils can successfully solve problems in the context of the Taxicab metric and if related instruction influenced pupils' understanding of the concept of line segment and circle in a desired way. The teaching material which constituted an integral part of the experiment is presented as well.

Metodika řízení složitosti podnikových informačních systémů / Methodology for Managing of Enterprise Information System Complexity

Holub, Ilja January 2015 (has links)
Complexity of business information systems (IS) and information and communication technology (ICT) in general is a challenge faced by both IT professionals and project managers, but also the users of these systems, whether as employees of enterprises and organizations or their customers, partners or suppliers. In this work we study the complexity and its manifestations in informatics. We review relevant literature to analyze the state of the art in methods and approaches used for building and maintaining business information systems. The main results of this analysis is realization that even though complexity is considered an important parameter that have a negative impact on performance of information systems, the current methods and approaches for IT system maintenance do not provide any tools for complexity evaluation or management. The author therefore based on existing approaches and methodologies is establishing his own definition of a metrics to measure the complexity of the information system. The complexity is defined as the sum of the individual entities of system UML models, which are selected according to the methodology MMDIS to consistently describe all relevant content dimensions of the system. Subsequently derives causal relationship between the complexity of each dimension. Both between each other in one phase of the life cycle of the information system and in time. The next section examines the reasons and mechanisms to increase the complexity of the corporate information system and identifies the causes, characteristics, stakeholders, processes and life cycle stages of the IS, which influence this growth. Next we investigate impact of IS complexity on its implementation and we identify the critical processes involved in day to day operation of IS, in its maintenance and in extending its functionality. The main aim of this dissertation thesis is to design a methodology for managing the complexity of the information system and its validation in practice on a real SAP implementation project. In addition, we provide a software tool written in ABAP programming language. This program can be used as a tool of the methodology for measuring SAP IS complexity.

Návrh dashboardů pro MBI metriky / Proposals of dashboards for MBI metrics

Kožušník, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to design dashboards proposals for MBI metrics. In the theoretical part, the concept of a metric is set in the context of MBI methodology and the concept of dashboard is set in contexts of Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management in small and medium-sized enterprises. The theoretical part is resolved by the analysis of information sources. MS Excel PowerPivot tool is used for designing dashboards proposals. Designing dashboards, assessment of the importance of Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management in SMEs and the proposed extension of the existing MBI metric classification system are main contributions of the author.

Výkonnost IP provozu / IP traffic performance

Bednář, František January 2012 (has links)
The master thesis „IP traffic performance“ is focused on traffic testing in IP networks. Theoretical section explains routing issue in an autonomous system. This work contains a detailed description of OSPF protocol. This work also deals with behavior of a link failure. There are described mechanisms that are used to link failure detection and subsequent traffic rerouting. The next section describes mechanisms to ensure quality of service. In master thesis are explained InterServ and DiffServ mechanisms. A large part is devoted to DiffServ mechanism that ensures distinction of data flows and classification packets into different classes. The routers than can process the individual data streams with different priorities. The practical section includes the design of experimental network and creation of simulation in Opnet Modeler. By using several scenarios are compared the characteristics of routing protocols and impact of QoS on the transmission characteristics of the network. Part of practical section is the improvement of OSPF protocol by adding a new metric and implementing a new metric in software suite Quagga.

Hodnocení informačního systému s přihlédnutím k jeho efektivnosti / Evaluation of information system with special concern in effectiveness

Pobuda, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to work up an overview about problematic relating to evaluation of use and effectiveness of IS/IT in organization. The accent in analyzing and evaluating is placed on soft metrics of IS/IT and its character. Author creates a task to specify and make clear why to evaluate IS/IT and which utility such evaluation brings. Other goal is to explain possible approaches of evaluating and the differences between them. The thesis is divided into two logical parts. First part contains theoretical base focused on soft metrics of measuring IS/IT. The second part is focused on describing practical measurement of IS/IT in organization. For full description of given area, author presents important aspects of public sector and significant law restrictions. This thesis presents one of the possible approaches to evaluate IS/IT in organization. Its benefit lies in connecting theoretical base with practical example, which author considers "best practice" in area of elaborated problematic.

Studium přesných prostoročasů s kosmologickou konstantou / The study of exact spacetimes with a cosmological constant

Hruška, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
In this work we investigate an exact solution of Einstein's equations which is described by the Pleba'nski-Demia'nski metric. This metric represents type D space-times and contains seven free parameters, including electric and magnetic charges and a cosmological constant. We study geometrical and phy- sical properties of these space-times in the case when repeated principal null congruences have zero expansion. Therefore, first we study de Sitter universe and anti-de Sitter universe in the Pleba'nski-Demia'nski coordinates, and we care- fully analyze the corresponding parametrizations of (anti-)de Sitter hyperboloid in five-dimensional flat space-time, unknown so far, we draw the respective con- formal diagrams, and we find transformations to various known forms. After that, we investigate the more general case of the B metrics with a cosmological con- stant, and we do a basic analysis of its geometrical properties. We summarize the article by Gott from 1974, where he interprets the BI metric as a part of space-time with a tachyon singularity, and we generalize his results for the case of non-zero cosmological constant. Finally, we analyze even more general cases of the Pleba'nski-Demia'nski metric with more non-zero parameters. In particular, we study the electromagnetic field in the case of non-zero...

Priklausomų atsitiktinių dydžių sumų aproksimavimas puasono tipo matais / Poisson type approximations for sums of dependent variables

Petrauskienė, Jūratė 07 March 2011 (has links)
Disertacijoje tiriamas diskrečių m-priklausomų atsitiktinių dydžių aproksimavimo Puasono tipo matais tikslumas. Silpnai priklausomų atsitiktinių dydžių sumos yra natūralus nepriklausomų atsitiktinių dydžių sumų apibendrinimas. Vis dėlto atsitiktinių dydžių priklausomybė žymiai pasunkina tokių sumų tyrimą. Disertacijoje pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas dviparametrėms ir triparametrėms diskrečiosioms aproksimacijoms. Gautus rezultatus galima suskirstyti į keturias dalis. Pirmoje dalyje nagrinėjant dviejų narių serijų statistikos aproksimaciją Puasono ir sudėtiniais Puasono skirstiniais buvo nustatyta, kad dviparametrė sudėtinė Puasono aproksimacija yra tikslesnė už Puasono dėsnio asimptotinį skleidinį su vienu asimptotikos nariu. Aproksimacijos tikslumas įvertintas pilnosios variacijos ir lokalioje metrikoje. Specialiu atveju apskaičiuotos asimptotiškai tikslios konstantos. Taip pat nustatyta, kad gautieji įverčiai iš apačios yra tos pačios eilės, kaip ir įverčiai iš viršaus. Antroje dalyje buvo gauta, kad sveikaskaičiai atsitiktiniai dydžiai, tenkinantys Frankeno sąlygos analogą, gali būti naudojami perėjimui nuo m-priklausomų prie 1-priklausomų atsitiktinių dydžių. Nustatyta, kad ženklą keičiančios sudėtinės Puasono aproksimacijos yra tokios pačios tikslumo eilės, kaip žinomi rezultatai nepriklausomų atsitiktinių dydžių sumoms. Trečioje dalyje nustatyta, kad kai atsitiktiniai dydžiai yra simetriniai, tuomet sudėtinio Puasono aproksimacijos tikslumas yra daug geresnis nei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Our aim is to investigate Poisson type approximations to the sums of dependent integer-valued random variables. In this thesis, only one type of dependence is considered, namely m-dependent random variables. The accuracy of approximation is measured in the total variation, local, uniform (Kolmogorov) and Wasserstein metrics. Results can be divided into four parts. The first part is devoted to 2-runs, when pi=p. We generalize Theorem 5.2 from A.D. Barbour and A. Xia “Poisson perturbations” in two directions: by estimating the second order asymptotic expansion and asymptotic expansion in the exponent. Moreover, lower bound estimates are established, proving the optimality of upper bound estimates. Since, the method of proof does not allow to get small constants, in certain cases, we calculate asymptotically sharp constants. In the second part, we consider sums of 1-dependent random variables, concentrated on nonnegative integers and satisfying analogue of Franken's condition. All results of this part are comparable to the known results for independent summands. In the third part, we consider Poisson type approximations for sums of 1-dependent symmetric three-point distributions. We are unaware about any Poisson-type approximation result for dependent random variables, when symmetry of the distribution is taken into account. In the last part, we consider 1-dependent non-identically distributed Bernoulli random variables. It is shown, that even for this simple... [to full text]

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