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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliações microclimáticas, fenológicas e agronômicas em café arábica cultivado a pleno sol e consorciado com banana 'Prata Anã'. / Microclimatic, phenological and agronomic evaluations in coffee crop grown under unshaded and shaded by ‘Prata An㒠banana plants conditions.

José Ricardo Macedo Pezzopane 21 January 2005 (has links)
O presente trabalho foi realizado em cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.) cv. Icatu Vermelho IAC 4045, cultivados a pleno sol e consorciados com banana ‘Prata An㒠(Musa AAB), em Mococa – SP (Latitude 21º 28’ S, Longitude 47º 01’ W, altitude 665m). Foi realizada a caracterização microclimática, entre outubro de 2001 e setembro de 2002, onde foram medidos a radiação solar global, saldo de radiação, velocidade do vento e temperatura e umidade relativa do ar nos dois sistemas de cultivo. No período do inverno de 2002 e 2003, foi realizado um estudo da influência das bananeiras na variabilidade espacial da temperatura do ar e folha, além do saldo de radiação, em episódios de resfriamento noturno. Realizou-se também uma caracterização aerodinâmica e energética dos cultivos, entre dezembro de 2002 e novembro de 2003, onde foram obtidos os perfis dos bulbos seco e úmido, além da velocidade do vento em sete níveis de medida. Entre julho de 2001 a junho de 2004 foram atribuídas notas de desenvolvimento fenológico dos cultivos, além de se avaliar, o crescimento das plantas em altura e diâmetro da copa. Nas safras de 2002, 2003 e 2004 foram avaliados os parâmetros de produção nos dois sistemas de cultivo, além da variabilidade desses nas parcelas do cultivo consorciado. Houve uma atenuação dos valores de radiação solar global (21%) no cultivo de café consorciado e uma redução de 16% e 48% nos valores do saldo de radiação e velocidade do vento, em relação ao cultivo a pleno sol. Com relação à temperatura e umidade do ar, foram encontradas diferenças apenas na temperatura máxima no ponto central da parcela do cultivo consorciado, que apresentou médias superiores em relação ao cultivo a pleno sol no verão e outono, e em relação ao ponto situado próximo as bananeiras na primavera, verão e outono. Nos episódios de resfriamento do ar no período noturno, apesar do cultivo consorciado apresentar menor perda radiativa, ocorreu apenas um acréscimo de 0,3ºC na temperatura do ar nos episódios amostrados, sendo que para a temperatura das folhas esses valores atingiram até 0,5ºC. Foi verificado ainda que a ação de quebra-vento das bananeiras no cultivo consorciado, promoveu alterações nos perfis de temperatura e umidade do ar, apresentando gradientes reduzidos, em relação ao cultivo a pleno sol, acima do dossel dos cafeeiros. Os valores médios dos componentes do balanço de energia nos sistemas de cultivos de café a pleno sol e consorciado não apresentaram diferenças. Nos sistemas de cultivo avaliados, o crescimento vegetativo em altura e diâmetro apresentou maior atividade vegetativa no período primavera-verão em relação ao período outono-inverno, não tendo sido encontradas diferenças significativas das taxas de crescimento, de desenvolvimento fenológico e dos índices de produção entre os cultivos. No cultivo consorciado, o ponto amostral próximo às bananeiras apresentou diferenças em relação aos demais pontos amostrados no crescimento vegetativo e desenvolvimento fenológico para algumas épocas do ano, além de apresentar menor produção por planta e maior massa de 100 sementes. / A study was carried out in coffee crop (Coffea arabica L.) cv. Icatu Vermelho IAC 4045, unshade and shaded by banana ‘Prata An㒠(Musa AAB), in Mococa, São Paulo State, Brazil (Latitude South 21º 28 ', Longitude West 47º 01 ', altitude 665m). The microclimatic measurements (solar radiation, net radiation, wind speed, air temperature and air moisture) were taken from October, 2001 to September, 2002 under different crops conditions. During the winter of 2002 and 2003, a study of the influence of the banana plants was done on space variability of air and leaf temperature, besides net radiation, for cold nights. The aerodynamic and energy characterization were done from December, 2002 to November,2003, by obtining the profiles of the bulb wet and dry air temperature, also measurements the wind speed in seven different levels. From July, 2001 to June, 2004 phenological data for the coffee crops were taken. The growth of the plants concerning height and diameter was also evaluated. The harvests of 2002, 2003 and 2004 were appraised by the production parameters, and their variability for different positions in shaded coffee crop. The banana trees reduced the incoming solar radiation to the coffee crop by 21%, and by 16% and 48% in the values of the net radiation and wind speed, respectively. Concerning on air temperature and air mosture, differences were found just for the maximum air temperature at the central point of the shaded crop, showing higher averages in relation to the unshaded crop during the summer and autumn, and also in relation to the nearest point to the banana plants during the spring, summer and autumn. During cold nights, spite the shaded coffee crop showing smaller radiation loss, an increment of 0.3ºC in the air temperature was observed and for the leaves the values reached 0.5ºC. It was verified an windbreak action of fanlight of the banana trees in the shaded crop, promoting deviation in air temperature and humidity profiles, showing reduced gradients, in relation to the unshaded crop, above the coffee plants canopy. The mean values of the energy balance components for the different systems of cultivation did not show difference. In the cultivation systems evaluated, the vegetative growth in height and diameter showed higher vegetative activity during the spring-summer period in relation to the autumn-winter period. No significant differences of the growth taxes, of phenological development and of the yield indexes were found. In coffee crop shaded, the nearest point to the banana plants showed differences in relation to the other amostral points in vegetative growth and phenological development for some seasons of the year, besides showing smaller plant yield and higher weight of 100 seeds.

Stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer: study trough large-eddy simulations, mesoscale modelling and observations

Jiménez Cortés, Maria Antònia 12 December 2005 (has links)
La capa límit atmosfèrica és l'àrea directament influenciada per la presència de la superfície de la terra i la seva alçada és d'uns centenars de metres a uns pocs quilòmetres. Durant el vespre, el refredament radiatiu estratifica establement l'aire prop del sòl i es forma el que es coneix com a Capa Límit Estable (CLE). D'avui en dia, la CLE és un règim que encara no està prou ben caracteritzat. La turbulència, que no és homogènia ni isòtropa, i la gran importància dels efectes locals com l'orografia, entre d'altres factors, dificulten l'estudi d'aquest règim. Per aquest motiu, la CLE és objecte d'especial atenció, sobretot a l'hora de millorar la seva representació en models tant de temps com de clima.Aquest treball es centra en l'estudi de la CLE mitjançant 3 eines diferents: 1) simulacions explícites de grans remolins (més conegudes com a simulacions LES), per determinar el comportament dels moviments turbulents, on les resolucions són de l'ordre de metres; 2) simulacions mesoscalars, per caracteritzar els efectes locals, on les resolucions són de l'ordre de kilòmetres; 3) anàlisi de les observacions sota aquestes condicions per tal de caracteritzar i entendre millor els fenòmens observats.En primer lloc s'estudia el rang d'estabilitats a on el model LES, que considera la teoria de Kolmogorov per la dissipació de l'energia, funciona correctament. Els resultats del model són realistes tal com mostra la seva comparació amb les mesures de dues campanyes experimentals (SABLES-98 i CASES-99). Per explorar més a fons els resultats LES i per comparar-los amb les mesures s'han utilitzat les Funcions de Distribució de Probabilitat (PDF). Aquests resultats LES són també comparables als obtinguts amb altres models LES, tal com mostra la intercomparació de models LES, més coneguda com a GABLS.Un cop desenvolupades totes les eines necessàries es fa un LES d'un cas més realista, basat en les observacions d'un màxim de vent de capes baixes (més conegut com a Low-Level Jet, LLJ). L'anàlisi combinat dels resultats LES i les mesures permet entendre millor els processos de barreja que tenen lloc a través de la inversió. Finalment, la contribució dels efectes locals s'estudia mitjançant les simulacions mesoscalars, en aquest cas centrades a l'illa de Mallorca. Durant el vespre es veu com les circulacions locals es desenvolupen a les conques (de longitud al voltant de 25km), formant-se, per exemple, vents catabàtics o LLJ com l'estudiat anteriorment. En aquest cas les simulacions es verifiquen amb imatges de satèl·lit NOAA i observacions de les estacions automàtiques de mesures, donant resultats semblants. / The atmospheric boundary layer is the area directly influenced by the presence of the Earth's surface and its height is from hundreds of meters to few kilometres. During the night, the radiative cooling stratifies the layer close to the surface and it forms the Stably-stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer (SBL). Nowadays, the SBL is a regime not well enough characterized, yet. Turbulence, which is not homogeneous either isotropic, and the great importance of the local effects, like the orography, among other factors, make the SBL be a difficult regime to study. Even so, the SBL is an object of special attention, especially when improving its representation in numerical prediction models or climate models.This work focuses on the study of the SBL through 3 different tools: 1) Large-Eddy Simulations (LES), to determine the turbulent motions, where the resolutions are about 1m; 2) Mesoscale simulations, to characterize the local effects, where resolutions are about 1km; 3) Analysis of the observations under these conditions in order to better characterize and understand the observed phenomena.In first place, it is studied the range of stabilities where the LES model, that considers the Kolmogorov theory for the dissipation of the energy, works correctly. The results are realistic as the comparison with measures from two experimental campaigns (SABLES-98 and CASES-99) shows. To explore the results more thoroughly, and to compare the LES results to the measurements, the Probability Density Functions (PDF) have been used. The LES results are also comparable to the ones obtained with other LES models, as the intercomparison of different LES models show, better known as GABLS.Then, a more realistic case is performed using the LES model, based on observations of a Low-Level Jet (LLJ). The combined inspection of the LES results and the observations allow to better understand the mixing processes that take place through the inversion layer. Finally, the contribution of the local effects is studied through a mesoscale simulation. Here the attention is focused on the Mallorca Island. During the night, the model is able to reproduce the local circulations is a basin of a characteristic size of 25km. The main features obtained previously from the LES of the LLJ are also reproduced by the mesoscale model. These runs are verified with NOAA satellite images and observations from the automatic surface weather stations, giving that the model is able to reproduce realistic results.

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