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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Magnetic fields near microstructured surfaces : application to atom chips

Zhang, Bo January 2008 (has links)
Microfabricated solid-state surfaces, also called atom chip', have become a well-established technique to trap and manipulate atoms. This has simplified applications in atom interferometry, quantum information processing, and studies of many-body systems. Magnetic trapping potentials with arbitrary geommetries are generated with atom chip by miniaturized current-carrying conductors integrated on a solid substrate. Atoms can be trapped and cooled to microKelvin and even nanoKelvin temperatures in such microchip trap. However, cold atoms can be significantly perturbed by the chip surface, typically held at room temperature. The magnetic field fluctuations generated by thermal currents in the chip elements may induce spin flips of atoms and result in loss, heating and decoherence. In this thesis, we extend previous work on spin flip rates induced by magnetic noise and consider the more complex geometries that are typically encountered in atom chips: layered structures and metallic wires of finite cross-section. We also discuss a few aspects of atom chips traps built with superconducting structures that have been suggested as a means to suppress magnetic field fluctuations. The thesis describes calculations of spin flip rates based on magnetic Green functions that are computed analytically and numerically. For a chip with a top metallic layer, the magnetic noise depends essentially on the thickness of that layer, as long as the layers below have a much smaller conductivity. Based on this result, scaling laws for loss rates above a thin metallic layer are derived. A good agreement with experiments is obtained in the regime where the atom-surface distance is comparable to the skin depth of metal. Since in the experiments, metallic layers are always etched to separate wires carrying different currents, the impact of the finite lateral wire size on the magnetic noise has been taken into account. The local spectrum of the magnetic field near a metallic microstructure has been investigated numerically with the help of boundary integral equations. The magnetic noise significantly depends on polarizations above flat wires with finite lateral width, in stark contrast to an infinitely wide wire. Correlations between multiple wires are also taken into account. In the last part, superconducting atom chips are considered. Magnetic traps generated by superconducting wires in the Meissner state and the mixed state are studied analytically by a conformal mapping method and also numerically. The properties of the traps created by superconducting wires are investigated and compared to normal conducting wires: they behave qualitatively quite similar and open a route to further trap miniaturization, due to the advantage of low magnetic noise. We discuss critical currents and fields for several geometries. / Mikrotechnologische Oberflächen, sogenannte Atomchips, sind eine etablierte Methode zum Speichern und Manipulieren von Atomen geworden. Das hat Anwendungen in der Atom-Interferometrie, Quanteninformationsverarbeitung und Vielteilchensystemen vereinfacht. Magnetische Fallenpotentiale mit beliebigen Geometrien werden durch Atomchips mit miniaturisierten stromführenden Leiterbahnen auf einer Festkörperunterlage realisiert. Atome können bei Temperaturen im $mu$ K oder sogar nK-Bereich in einer solchen Falle gespeichert und gekühlt werden. Allerdings können kalte Atome signifikant durch die Chip-Oberfläche gestört werden, die sich typischerweise auf Raumtemperatur befindet. Die durch thermische Ströme im Chip erzeugten magnetischen Feldfluktuationen können Spin-Flips der Atome induzieren und Verlust, Erwärmung und Dekohärenz zur Folge haben. In dieser Dissertation erweitern wir frühere Arbeiten über durch magnetisches Rauschen induzierte Spin-Flip-Ratenund betrachten kompliziertere Geometrien, wie sie typischerweise auf einem Atom-Chip anzutreffen sind: Geschichtete Strukturen und metallische Leitungen mit endlichem Querschnitt. Wir diskutieren auch einige Aspekte von Aomchips aus Supraleitenden Strukturen die als Mittel zur Unterdrückung magnetischer Feldfluktuationen vorgeschlagen wurden. Die Arbeit beschreibt analytische und numerische Rechnungen von Spin-Flip Raten auf Grundlage magnetischer Greensfunktionen. Für einen Chip mit einem metallischen Top-Layer hängt das magnetische Rauschen hauptsächlich von der Dicke des Layers ab, solange die unteren Layer eine deutlich kleinere Leitfähigkeit haben. Auf Grundlage dieses Ergebnisses werden Skalengesetze für Verlustraten über einem dünnen metallischen Leiter hergeleitet. Eine gute Übereinstimmung mit Experimenten wird in dem Bereich erreicht, wo der Abstand zwischen Atom und Oberfläche in der Größenordnung der Eindringtiefe des Metalls ist. Da in Experimenten metallische Layer immer geätzt werden, um verschiedene stromleitende Bahnen vonenander zu trennen, wurde der Einfluß eines endlichen Querschnittsauf das magnetische Rauschen berücksichtigt. Das lokale Spektrum des magnetischen Feldes in der Nähe einer metallischen Mikrostruktur wurde mit Hilfe von Randintegralen numerisch untersucht. Das magnetische Rauschen hängt signifikant von der Polarisierung über flachen Leiterbahnen mit endlichem Querschnitt ab, im Unterschied zu einem unendlich breiten Leiter. Es wurden auch Korrelationen zwischen mehreren Leitern berücksichtigt. Im letzten Teil werden supraleitende Atomchips betrachtet. Magnetische Fallen, die von supraleitenden Bahnen im Meissner Zustand und im gemischten Zustand sind werden analytisch durch die Methode der konformen Abbildung und numerisch untersucht. Die Eigenschaften der durch supraleitende Bahnen erzeugten Fallen werden erforscht und mit normal leitenden verglichen: Sie verhalten sich qualitativ sehr ähnlich und öffnen einen Weg zur weiteren Miniaturisierung von Fallen, wegen dem Vorteil von geringem magnetischem Rauschen. Wir diskutieren kritische Ströme und Felder für einige Geometrien.

High Heat Flux Spray Cooling With Ammonia On Enhanced Surfaces

Bostanci, Huseyin 01 January 2010 (has links)
Many critical applications today, in electronics, optics and aerospace fields, among others, demand advanced thermal management solutions for the acquisition of high heat loads they generate in order to operate reliably and efficiently. Current competing technologies for this challenging task include several single and two phase cooling options. When these cooling schemes are compared based on the high heat flux removal (100-1000 W/cm2) and isothermal operation (within several oC across the cooled device) aspects, as well as system mass, volume and power consumption, spray cooling appears to be the best choice. The current study focused on high heat flux spray cooling with ammonia on enhanced surfaces. Compared to some other commonly used coolants, ammonia possesses important advantages such as low saturation temperature, and high heat absorbing capability. Moreover, enhanced surfaces offer potential to greatly improve heat transfer performance. The main objectives of the study were to investigate the effect of surface enhancement on spray cooling performance, and contribute to the current understanding of spray cooling heat transfer mechanisms. These objectives were pursued through a two stage experimental study. While the first stage investigated enhanced surfaces for the highest heat transfer coefficient at heat fluxes of up to 500 W/cm2, the second stage investigated the optimized enhanced surfaces for critical heat flux (CHF). Surface modification techniques were utilized to obtain micro scale indentations and protrusions, and macro (mm) scale pyramidal, triangular, rectangular, and square pin fins. A third group, multi-scale structured surfaces, combined macro and micro scale structures. Experimental results indicated that micro- and macrostructured surfaces can provide heat transfer coefficients of up to 534,000 and 426,000 W/m2oC at 500 W/cm2, respectively. Multi-scale structured surfaces offered even a better performance, with heat transfer coefficients of up to 772,000 W/m2oC at 500 W/cm2, corresponding to a 161% increase over the reference smooth surface. In CHF tests, the optimized multi-scale structured surface helped increase maximum heat flux limit by 18%, to 910 W/cm2 at nominal liquid flow rate. During the additional CHF testing at higher flow rates, most heaters experienced failures before reaching CHF at heat fluxes above 950 W/cm2. However, the effect of flow rate was still characterized, suggesting that enhanced surfaces can achieve CHF values of up to 1,100 W/cm2 with 67% spray cooling efficiency. The results also helped shed some light on the current understanding of the spray cooling heat transfer mechanisms. Data clearly proved that in addition to fairly well established mechanisms of forced convection in the single phase regime, and free surface evaporation and boiling through secondary nucleation in the two phase regime, enhanced surfaces can substantially improve boiling through surface nucleation, which can also be supported by the concept of three phase contact lines, the regions where solid, liquid and vapor phases meet. Furthermore, enhanced surfaces are capable of retaining more liquid compared to a smooth surface, and efficiently spread the liquid film via capillary force within the structures. This unique advantage delays the occurrence of dry patches at high heat fluxes, and leads to higher CHF.

Investigation of Spray Cooling Schemes for Dynamic Thermal Management

Yata, Vishnu Vardhan Reddy 05 1900 (has links)
This study aims to investigate variable flow and intermittent flow spray cooling characteristics for efficiency improvement in active two-phase thermal management systems. Variable flow spray cooling scheme requires control of pump input voltage (or speed), while intermittent flow spray cooling scheme requires control of solenoid valve duty cycle and frequency. Several testing scenarios representing dynamic heat load conditions are implemented to characterize the overall performance of variable flow and intermittent flow spray cooling cases in comparison with the reference, steady flow spray cooling case with constant flowrate, continuous spray cooling. Tests are conducted on a small-scale, closed loop spray cooling system featuring a pressure atomized spray nozzle. HFE-7100 dielectric liquid is selected as the working fluid. Two types of test samples are prepared on 10 mm x 10 mm x 2 mm copper substrates with matching size thick film resistors attached onto the opposite side, to generate heat and simulate high heat flux electronic devices. The test samples include: (i) plain, smooth surface, and (ii) microporous surface featuring 100 μm thick copper-based coating prepared by dual stage electroplating technique. Experimental conditions involve HFE-7100 at atmospheric pressure and 30°C and ~10°C subcooling. Steady flow spray cooling tests are conducted at flow rates of 2 - 5 ml/cm².s, by controlling the heat flux in increasing steps, and recording the corresponding steady-state temperatures to obtain cooling curves in the form of surface superheat vs. heat flux. Variable flow and intermittent flow spray cooling tests are done at selected flowrate and subcooling conditions to investigate the effects of dynamic flow conditions on maintaining the target surface temperatures defined based on reference steady flow spray cooling performance.

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