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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterizing coil windings noise due to compressive fault currents : A study to determine if there is a characteristic noise from transformer windings due to fault currents

Lundgren, Simon January 2022 (has links)
Transformers are essential for modern power distribution system. They are efficient and enable the voltages to be transformed up for transportation of electricity and back down for consumer use. The reliability of the transformer is affected by faults and fatigue of the copper. The bigger faults a transformer is subjected to, the shorter life time it will have due to damage to the winding and other parts of the transformer. This thesis investigates if it is possible to characterise the noise made from the windings during a short circuit fault or lightning strike, to see if it can be replicated and if transformers can be diagnosed with the help from the noise. Faults creates forces on the windings, these forces can be so great that the windings collide with each other and in worst case breaks. The sound sources that are interesting are the thermal expansion due to the current, the radial forces and the axial forces acting on the coil. Simulations were made in Comsol multiphysics to see how the currents and forces behaved in a winding. A simplified microphone circuit was built and tested to see if it could detect the noise made from the collisions in the coil. Two microphone types and amplifier circuits were tested to see which ones was most suited for the experiments. The microphone circuit was used to record the sound made from the coils when being compressed. An experiment with a capacitor bank sending a large current pulse through different coils and the noise made from the coil was recorded with a microphone circuit connected to an oscilloscope. The currents are recorded by a computer using the program Picoscope. The capacitor bank was charged to different voltages to get different current amplitudes. A microphone circuit was built and tested so it could detect the sound from the collision. Sound occured with a current pulse with an amplitude of 2 kA, and permanent deformation occured when the amplitude of the current pulse was 4.5 kA. The frequency content of the impact was within the audible spectrum. Possibly even higher frequencies than 20 kHz was present during the fault. The microphone had a bandwidth between 20-20000 Hz, which limits the frequencies that is picked up by the microphone. / Transformatorer är viktiga för det morderna elsystemet. Transformatorer är effektiva och tillåter spänningen att transformeras upp för transport vilket minimerar förlusterna i lendningarna och sedan ned igen för kunder. Tillförlitligheten av transformatorer blir påverkad av fel, felen kan orsaka utslitning av kopparen i lindningarna. Ju större fel som transformatorn blir utsatt för, ju kortare livstid får transformatorn på grund av skada på lindningarna eller andra delar av transformatorn. Denna avhandling undersöker om det är möjligt att karaterisera ljudet från transformator lindningar under ett kortslutningsfel eller blixtnedslag. Felströmmarna skapar krafter på lindningarna, dessa krafter kan vara så stora att lindningarna kolliderar med varandra och i värsta fall går lindningarna sönder. Några intressanta ljudkällor är termisk expansion av kopparen från strömmarna, den radiella kraften på spolen och den axiella kraften på spolen. Simuleringar gjordes i Comsol Multiphysics för att se hur strömmar och krafterna beter sig i transformator lindningarna. En mikrofonkrets byggdes och testades för att se om den kunde detektera ljudet från kollisionerna i spolen. Två olika mikrofontyper och två olika förstärkartyper testades för att se vilka som passade bäst för experimenten. Mikrofonkretsen användes för att spela in ljudet från spolarna. Experimenten gjordes med med hjälp av en kondensatorbank som genererar en strömpuls genom de olika lindningarna/spolarna och ljudet från spolarnas kompression var inspelade av mikrofonkretsen som var inkopplad till ett oscilloskop. Strömpulsen var sparad på datorn med programmet Picoscope. Kondensatorbanken var uppladdad med olika spänningar för att få strömpulser med olika amplituder. Experimenten gjordes på fyra olika spolar, en två varvs spole, en 19 varvs spole, en 40 varvs tätlindad spole och en deformerad 19 varvs spole, för att se om det var skillnad mellan kollisionerna. Ljud uppstod vid en strömpuls med amplituden 2 kA och permanent deformation uppstod vid 4.5 kA. Frekvensinnehållet från kollisionen befann sig inom det hörbara spektrumet. Det fanns möjligen frekvenser över 20 kHz, men mikrofonen hade en bandbredd mellan 20-20000 Hz vilket begränsar de upptagna frekvenserna.
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Lampový mikrofonní předzesilovač / Tube microphone preamplifier

Čacký, Adam Unknown Date (has links)
The theme of the master´s thesis is design a microphone preamplifier which uses vacuum tube as a main amplifying element. Part of the work is theoretical assumptions for the optimal design and implementation of peripheral involvement, comparing the properties of components used and the resulting parameters of modeled device. The thesis also includes a proposal of the source unit for supplying all parts of the preamplifier. The results are accompanied by circuit simulations and laboratory measurements of the main parameters of the designed device.

Lampový mikrofonní předzesilovač / Tube microphone preamplifier

Čacký, Adam Unknown Date (has links)
The theme of the master´s thesis is design a microphone preamplifier which uses vacuum tube as a main amplifying element. Part of the work is theoretical assumptions for the optimal design and implementation of peripheral involvement, comparing the properties of components used and the resulting parameters of modeled device. The thesis also includes a proposal of the source unit for supplying all parts of the preamplifier. The results are accompanied by circuit simulations and laboratory measurements of the main parameters of the designed device.

Lampový mikrofonní předzesilovač / Tube microphone preamplifier

Čacký, Adam Unknown Date (has links)
The theme of the master´s thesis is design a microphone preamplifier which uses vacuum tube as a main amplifying element. Part of the work is theoretical assumptions for the optimal design and implementation of peripheral involvement, comparing the properties of components used and the resulting parameters of modeled device. The thesis also includes a proposal of the source unit for supplying all parts of the preamplifier. The results are accompanied by circuit simulations and laboratory measurements of the main parameters of the designed device.

Програмски оквир заснован на машинском учењу за аутоматизацију обраде резултата фотоакустичних мерења / Programski okvir zasnovan na mašinskom učenju za automatizaciju obrade rezultata fotoakustičnih merenja / MACHINE LEARNING-BASED SOFTWARE FRAMEWORK FOR THEAUTOMATION OF PHOTOACOUSTIC MEASUREMENT DATAPROCESSING

Jordović Pavlović Miroslava 30 October 2020 (has links)
<p>Главни задатак истраживања приказаног у дисертацији је развој модела,<br />заснованог на алгоритмима машинског учења, који описује сложени<br />утицај мерног система на користан, експериментални сигнал са циљем<br />његове елиминације. Студија случаја је широко распрострањена<br />фотоакустична, трансмисиона мерна метода са ћелијом минималне<br />запремине. Мултидисциплинарност и комплексност проблема одредили<br />су следеће кораке у методологији решења: 1) развој софтвера за<br />генерисање симулираних експерименталних података, 2) развој<br />регресионог модела заснованог на трослојној неуронској мрежи, за<br />прецизну и поуздану карактеризацију детектора која се извршава у<br />реалном времену, 3) развој класификационог модела заснованог на<br />неуронској мрежи једноставне структуре за прецизну и поуздану<br />предикцију типа коришћеног детектора која се извршава у реалном<br />времену, 4) спрезање регресионог и класификационог модела уз развој<br />додатног софтвера за прилагођење модела стварном експерименту. На<br />овај начин заокружен је програмски оквир који извршава сложени задатак<br />издвајања &ldquo;правог&rdquo; сигнала oд изобличеног експерименталног сигнала<br />без ангажовања истраживача, односно извршава аутокорекцију.<br />Тестирање је извршено на више различитих детектора и више<br />различитих материјала у фотоаксустичном експерименту. Применом<br />развијеног програмског оквира конкурентност експерименталне технике<br />је знатно порасла: повећана је тачност и поузданост, проширен је мерни<br />опсег и смањено време обраде резултата мерења.</p> / <p>Glavni zadatak istraživanja prikazanog u disertaciji je razvoj modela,<br />zasnovanog na algoritmima mašinskog učenja, koji opisuje složeni<br />uticaj mernog sistema na koristan, eksperimentalni signal sa ciljem<br />njegove eliminacije. Studija slučaja je široko rasprostranjena<br />fotoakustična, transmisiona merna metoda sa ćelijom minimalne<br />zapremine. Multidisciplinarnost i kompleksnost problema odredili<br />su sledeće korake u metodologiji rešenja: 1) razvoj softvera za<br />generisanje simuliranih eksperimentalnih podataka, 2) razvoj<br />regresionog modela zasnovanog na troslojnoj neuronskoj mreži, za<br />preciznu i pouzdanu karakterizaciju detektora koja se izvršava u<br />realnom vremenu, 3) razvoj klasifikacionog modela zasnovanog na<br />neuronskoj mreži jednostavne strukture za preciznu i pouzdanu<br />predikciju tipa korišćenog detektora koja se izvršava u realnom<br />vremenu, 4) sprezanje regresionog i klasifikacionog modela uz razvoj<br />dodatnog softvera za prilagođenje modela stvarnom eksperimentu. Na<br />ovaj način zaokružen je programski okvir koji izvršava složeni zadatak<br />izdvajanja &ldquo;pravog&rdquo; signala od izobličenog eksperimentalnog signala<br />bez angažovanja istraživača, odnosno izvršava autokorekciju.<br />Testiranje je izvršeno na više različitih detektora i više<br />različitih materijala u fotoaksustičnom eksperimentu. Primenom<br />razvijenog programskog okvira konkurentnost eksperimentalne tehnike<br />je znatno porasla: povećana je tačnost i pouzdanost, proširen je merni<br />opseg i smanjeno vreme obrade rezultata merenja.</p> / <p>The main task of the research presented in this dissertation is the development<br />of the model based on machine learning algorithms, which describes the<br />complex influence of the measuring system on a useful, experimental signal,<br />with the aim of the elimination of this influence. The case study is a widespread<br />photoacoustic, transmission measurement method with minimum volume cell<br />configuration. Multidisciplinarity and complexity of the problem determined the<br />following steps in the solution methodology: 1) development of the software for<br />generating simulated experimental data, 2) development of the regression<br />model based on a three-layer neural network, for precise and reliable<br />characterization of detectors, performed in real time, 3) development of the<br />classification model based on a neural network of simple structure for precise<br />and reliable prediction of the type of detector in use, performed in real time, 4)<br />coupling of the regression and the classification model with the development<br />of additional software for adjustment of the model to a real experiment. In this<br />way, the program framework is completed, which performs the complex task<br />of extracting the &quot;true&quot; signal from the distorted experimental signal without the<br />involvement of researchers, performing, thus, the autocorrection. Testing was<br />performed on several different detectors and several different materials in a<br />photoacoustic experiment. With the application of the developed software<br />framework, the competitiveness of the experimental technique has<br />significantly increased: the accuracy and the reliability have been increased,<br />the measurement range has been expanded and the processing time of<br />measurement results has been reduced.</p>
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Zpracování signálu z digitálního mikrofonu / Digital microphone signal processing

Vykydal, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this work is to implement digital filters into programmable gate array. The work also includes a description of the MEMS technology, including comparisons with the technology of MEMS microphones from various manufacturers. Another part is devoted to the Sigma-delta modulation. The main section is the design and implementation of digital CIC and FIR filters for signal processing of digital microphone, including simulation and verification of properties of the proposed filter in Matlab.

Mobilní platforma pro testování automobilových systémů pro Bluetooth Hands-Free komunikaci / Mobile platform for testing of automotive systems in Bluetooth Hands-Free communication

Mecerod, Václav January 2014 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou implementace Hands-Free komunikačních systémů v automobilovém průmyslu. První kapitola je zaměřena na teoretické aspekty zpracování řeči v embedded aplikacích, jako je potlačení šumu, potlačení akustické zpětné vazby a další faktory ovlivňující kvalitu Hands-Free systémů. Druhá kapitola obsahuje návrh kompaktního flexibilního mobilního testovacího zařízení pro bezdrátové komunikační Hands-Free moduly.

Röststyrning i industriella miljöer : En undersökning av ordfelsfrekvens för olika kombinationer mellan modellarkitekturer, kommandon och brusreduceringstekniker / Voice command in industrial environments : An investigation of Word Error Rate for different combinations of model architectures, commands and noise reduction techniques

Eriksson, Ulrika, Hultström, Vilma January 2024 (has links)
Röststyrning som användargränssnitt kan erbjuda flera fördelar jämfört med mer traditionella styrmetoder. Det saknas dock färdiga lösningar för specifika industriella miljöer, vilka ställer särskilda krav på att korta kommandon tolkas korrekt i olika grad av buller och med begränsad eller ingen internetuppkoppling. Detta arbete ämnade undersöka potentialen för röststyrning i industriella miljöer. Ett koncepttest genomfördes där ordfelsfrekvens (på engelska Word Error Rate eller kortare WER) användes för att utvärdera träffsäkerheten för olika kombinationer av taligenkänningsarkitekturer, brusreduceringstekniker samt kommandolängder i verkliga bullriga miljöer. Undersökningen tog dessutom hänsyn till Lombard-effekten.  Resultaten visar att det för samtliga testade miljöer finns god potential för röststyrning med avseende på träffsäkerheten. Framför allt visade DeepSpeech, en djupinlärd taligenkänningsmodell med rekurrent lagerstruktur, kompletterad med domänspecifika språkmodeller och en riktad kardioid-mikrofon en ordfelsfrekvens på noll procent i vissa scenarier och sällan över fem procent. Resultaten visar även att utformningen av kommandon påverkar ordfelsfrekvensen.  För en verklig implementation i industriell miljö behövs ytterligare studier om säkerhetslösningar, inkluderande autentisering och hantering av risker med falskt positivt tolkade kommandon. / Voice command as a user interface can offer several advantages over more traditional control methods. However, there is a lack of ready-made solutions for specific industrial environments, which place particular demands on short commands being interpreted correctly in varying degrees of noise and with limited or no internet connection. This work aimed to investigate the potential for voice command in industrial environments. A proof of concept was conducted where Word Error Rate (WER) was used to evaluate the accuracy of various combinations of speech recognition architectures, noise reduction techniques, and command lengths in authentic noisy environments. The investigation also took into account the Lombard effect.  The results indicate that for all tested environments there is good potential for voice command with regard to accuracy. In particular, DeepSpeech, a deep-learned speech recognition model with recurrent layer structure, complemented with domain-specific language models and a directional cardioid microphone, showed WER values of zero percent in certain scenarios and rarely above five percent. The results also demonstrate that the design of commands influences WER. For a real implementation in an industrial environment, further studies are needed on security solutions, including authentication and management of risks with false positive interpreted commands.
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Robot s autonomním audio-vizuálním řízením / Robot with autonomous audio-video control

Dvořáček, Štěpán January 2019 (has links)
This thesis describes the design and realization of a mobile robot with autonomous audio-visual control. This robot is able of movement based on sensors consisting of camera and microphone. The mechanical part consists of components made with 3D print technology and omnidirectional Mecanum wheels. Software utilizes OpenCV library for image processing and computes MFCC a DTW for voice command detection.

Elektronický modul pro akustickou detekci / Electronic module for acoustic detection

Maršál, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and implementation of an electronic module for acoustic detection. The module has the task of detecting a predetermined acoustic signals through them learned classification model. The module is used mainly for security purposes. To identify and classify the proposed model using machine learning techniques. Given the possibility of retraining for a different set of sounds, the module becomes a universal sound detector. With acoustic sound using the digital MEMS microphone, for which it is designed and implemented conversion filter. The resulting system is implemented into firmware microcontroller with real time operating system. The various functions of the system are realized with regard to the possible optimization (less powerful MCU or battery power). The module transmits the detection results of the master station via Ethernet network. In the case of multiple modules connected to the network to create a distributed system, which is designed for precise time synchronization using PTP protocol defined by the IEEE-1588 standard.

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