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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Histomorphometrische und molekularbiologische Untersuchungen zur Osseointegration von dentalen Implantaten am mit Zoledronat behandelten Tiermodell des Göttinger Minipigs / Eine Pilotstudie

Behrens, Wiebke K. 20 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Venöse Revaskularisation bei Vorliegen einer Mikro- und Makroangiopathie

Schiller, Julia Virginie 14 June 2011 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die venöse Revaskularisation bei Vorliegen einer Mikro- und Makroangiopathie untersucht. Die Zielgruppe dieser Methodik sind Patienten, die aus kardiologischer und herzchirurgischer Sicht austherapiert sind, für die weder ein Stent noch eine konventionelle Bypassoperation in Frage kommt. Das betrifft Patienten mit disseziierten Gefäßen, mit schwerer diffuser koronarer Herzerkrankung oder small vessel disease. Für diese Patienten ist derzeit keine optimale Therapie vorhanden. Es handelt sich somit um eine ultima ratio-Therapie. Zur Prüfung der Effektivität der Methode bei beschriebenem Krankheitsbild wurde in Minipigs eine Mikroangiopathie durch Injektion von Mikrosphären (Durchmesser 100µm) in den linken Hauptstamm erzeugt. Nach 7 Wochen Krankheitsentwicklung der Mirkoangiopahtie wurde eine hochgradige Stenose des Ramus interventricularis anterior (RIVA) hervorgerufen, welches die Makroangiopathie simulieren sollte. Anschließend wurden die Tiere der Therapiegruppe mit einem Bypass von der Arteria mammaria auf die Begleitvene des RIVA versorgt. Dabei wurde die Begleitvene proximal der Anastomose ligiert. Die Kontrollgruppe blieb ohne Therapie. Die Stenose und der Bypass wurden angiographisch dargestellt. Nach 17 Wochen wurde bei allen Tieren eine Herzkatheteruntersuchung durchgeführt, um die Stenose und den Bypass zu beurteilen. Als Maß für die Herzleistung wurde zu allen 3 Versuchsteilen die Ejektionsfraktion bestimmt. Anhand der Ejektionsfraktion konnte die Überlegenheit der venösen Revaskularisation als Therapie gezeigt werden. 7 Wochen nach Injektion der Mikrosphären fielen die Werte der Ejektionsfraktion beider Gruppen ab. Nach 17 Wochen nahm die Ejektionfraktion der Therapiegruppe, die in der Zwischenzeit mit einem Bypass versorgt wurden, wieder deutlich zu und die der Kontrollgrupppe sank weiter ab. Zusätzlich wurden die entnommenen Herzen histologisch untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich ein Umbau des Gefäßsystems im Bereich der angeschlossenen Vene.:1. Einleitung 7 1.1. Patienten ohne therapeutische Option 7 1.2. Das therapeutische Dilemma bei gleichzeitigem Vorliegen einer Mikro- und Makroangiopathie 8 1.3. Therapieoption - venöse Revaskularisation 10 1.4. Vorversuch 12 1.5. Fragestellung 14 2. Methodik 15 2.1. Versuchskonzept 15 2.2. Versuchsbeschreibung 16 2.2.1. Vorgehensweise vor der Operation 16 Vorbereitung 16 Narkose 17 2.2.2. Medikation 17 2.2.3. Versuchsprotokoll 19 Versuchsteil 1: Induktion der Mikroangiopathie durch Mikropsphären 19 Versuchsteil 2: Herzinfarkt, venöse Revaskularisation (Therapiegruppe) 20 Versuchsteil 3: Herzkatheteruntersuchung, Herzexplantation 24 2.3. Erhobene Parameter und Untersuchungen 26 2.3.1. Echokardiographie 26 2.3.2. Herzkatheteruntersuchung 27 2.3.3. Ultraschallflussmessung 28 2.3.4. Bestimmung der Enzyme 29 2.3.5. Elektrokardiographie 29 2.3.6. Messung des mittleren arteriellen Blutdrucks 29 2.3.7. Blutgasanalyse 30 2.3.8. Entnahme Herz 30 2.4. Histologische Methodik und Auswertung 30 2.4.1. Herstellung der histologischen Schnitte 30 2.4.2. Protokoll der Hämatotoxilin Eosin- Färbung für Paraffinschnitte 31 2.4.3. Auswertung Histologie 31 2.5. Lyse 32 2.6. Statistik 33 3. Materialien 34 3.1. Versuche 34 3.1.1. Minipigs 34 3.1.2. Medikamente 34 3.1.3. Materialien 35 3.1.4. Geräte 35 3.2. Histologische Aufarbeitung 36 3.2.1. Materialien 36 3.2.2. Geräte 36 3.3. Lyse 37 3.3.1. Materialien 37 3.3.2. Geräte 37 3.4. Statistische Datenanalyse 37 4. Ergebnisse 38 4.1. Allgemeine Charakteristika der Versuchstiere 38 4.1.1. Vergleich Therapiegruppe und Kontrollgruppe 38 4.1.2. Komplikationen/Ausfälle 39 4.2. Funktionelle Ergebnisse 40 4.2.1. Auswertung Mikroangiopathie 40 Herzkatheteruntersuchung 40 Funktionelle Befunde 43 Ergebnisse Lyse 43 4.2.2. Echokardiographie - Ejektionsfraktion 44 4.2.3. Herzkatheteruntersuchung - Auswertung Makroangiopathie 45 4.2.4. Ultraschallflussmessung 45 4.2.5. Enzymbestimmung 45 4.2.6. Elektrokardiographie und hämodynamische Parameter 47 Elektrokardiographie – ST-Veränderungen 47 Herzfrequenz 48 Mittlerer arterieller Blutdruck 49 Systolischer und diastolischer Blutdruck 49 4.3. Histologische Ergebnisse 51 4.3.1. Vergleich Gefäße in verschiedenen Bereichen des Herzens 51 4.3.2. Nicht klassifizierter Gefäßtyp 53 5. Diskussion 58 5.1. Versuchsmodell 58 5.1.1. Auswahl der Versuchstiere 58 5.1.2. Mikroangipathie 58 5.1.3. Makroangiopathie 59 5.1.4. Operationskonzept 60 Auswahl des Bypassgrafts 60 Beating heart Chirurgie 61 5.1.5. Auswertung der Ergebnisse 62 5.2. Umbau des Gefäßsystems 67 5.3. Limitationen des Modells 71 5.3.1. Anzahl Versuchstiere 71 5.3.2. Methodik und funktionelle Parameter 72 5.4. Mögliche klinische Anwendungen der Operationstechnik 74 6. Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 77 7. Literaturverzeichnis 79 8. Anhang 87 9. Danksagung 92 / Objective: Many patients with significant arterioclerosis of the heart cannot benefit from a coronary artery bypass and other methods because they have macroangiopathy combined with microangiopathy. We evaluated the efficiency of venous revascularization in minipigs with macroangiopathy combined with microangiopathy in a chronic model of 3 months. Histological analysis of arterial and venous vessels of the heart was conducted. Methods: In left anterior descending artery (LAD) microspheres (diameter 100µm) were injected in 24 minipigs (12 control group, 12 therapy group). 7 weeks later a stenosis of the LAD was performed in both groups with an average of 84,6 ± 4,3%. In therapy group left internal thoracic artery was anastomosed to the concomitant vein of the LAD in beating heart surgery. The flow of bypass was proved in angiography and the flow rate was measured by ultrasound. 10 weeks later bypass of therapy group and stenosis of both groups were verified in angiography. At the beginning of every part of the experiment the ejection fraction in both groups was evaluated with echocardiography. Hemodynamic monitoring was performed throughout the experiment. In histological analysis arterial and venous vessels in left atrium, right atrium, septum and area of anastomosis were evaluated in the thickness of wall and area of lumen. Results: In ejection fraction a significant difference between control and therapy group was seen. After performing the bypass, the ejection fraction in therapy group increased, while it decreased in control group in the same period of time of 10 weeks. In the histological analysis a non-classifiable type of vessel was found only in the area of the anastomosis. The vessel had a a large area of lumen and a thick wall due to media hyperplasia. Conclusion: Venous revascularization of the concomitant vein of the LAD via bypass of the left thoracic artery in a chronic model improves cardiac funcion and is therefore an effective method when having microangiopathy and macroangiopathy combined. The non-classifiable type of vessel are most likely arterialized veins which underwent a structural change of the wall due to the arterial blood pressure.:1. Einleitung 7 1.1. Patienten ohne therapeutische Option 7 1.2. Das therapeutische Dilemma bei gleichzeitigem Vorliegen einer Mikro- und Makroangiopathie 8 1.3. Therapieoption - venöse Revaskularisation 10 1.4. Vorversuch 12 1.5. Fragestellung 14 2. Methodik 15 2.1. Versuchskonzept 15 2.2. Versuchsbeschreibung 16 2.2.1. Vorgehensweise vor der Operation 16 Vorbereitung 16 Narkose 17 2.2.2. Medikation 17 2.2.3. Versuchsprotokoll 19 Versuchsteil 1: Induktion der Mikroangiopathie durch Mikropsphären 19 Versuchsteil 2: Herzinfarkt, venöse Revaskularisation (Therapiegruppe) 20 Versuchsteil 3: Herzkatheteruntersuchung, Herzexplantation 24 2.3. Erhobene Parameter und Untersuchungen 26 2.3.1. Echokardiographie 26 2.3.2. Herzkatheteruntersuchung 27 2.3.3. Ultraschallflussmessung 28 2.3.4. Bestimmung der Enzyme 29 2.3.5. Elektrokardiographie 29 2.3.6. Messung des mittleren arteriellen Blutdrucks 29 2.3.7. Blutgasanalyse 30 2.3.8. Entnahme Herz 30 2.4. Histologische Methodik und Auswertung 30 2.4.1. Herstellung der histologischen Schnitte 30 2.4.2. Protokoll der Hämatotoxilin Eosin- Färbung für Paraffinschnitte 31 2.4.3. Auswertung Histologie 31 2.5. Lyse 32 2.6. Statistik 33 3. Materialien 34 3.1. Versuche 34 3.1.1. Minipigs 34 3.1.2. Medikamente 34 3.1.3. Materialien 35 3.1.4. Geräte 35 3.2. Histologische Aufarbeitung 36 3.2.1. Materialien 36 3.2.2. Geräte 36 3.3. Lyse 37 3.3.1. Materialien 37 3.3.2. Geräte 37 3.4. Statistische Datenanalyse 37 4. Ergebnisse 38 4.1. Allgemeine Charakteristika der Versuchstiere 38 4.1.1. Vergleich Therapiegruppe und Kontrollgruppe 38 4.1.2. Komplikationen/Ausfälle 39 4.2. Funktionelle Ergebnisse 40 4.2.1. Auswertung Mikroangiopathie 40 Herzkatheteruntersuchung 40 Funktionelle Befunde 43 Ergebnisse Lyse 43 4.2.2. Echokardiographie - Ejektionsfraktion 44 4.2.3. Herzkatheteruntersuchung - Auswertung Makroangiopathie 45 4.2.4. Ultraschallflussmessung 45 4.2.5. Enzymbestimmung 45 4.2.6. Elektrokardiographie und hämodynamische Parameter 47 Elektrokardiographie – ST-Veränderungen 47 Herzfrequenz 48 Mittlerer arterieller Blutdruck 49 Systolischer und diastolischer Blutdruck 49 4.3. Histologische Ergebnisse 51 4.3.1. Vergleich Gefäße in verschiedenen Bereichen des Herzens 51 4.3.2. Nicht klassifizierter Gefäßtyp 53 5. Diskussion 58 5.1. Versuchsmodell 58 5.1.1. Auswahl der Versuchstiere 58 5.1.2. Mikroangipathie 58 5.1.3. Makroangiopathie 59 5.1.4. Operationskonzept 60 Auswahl des Bypassgrafts 60 Beating heart Chirurgie 61 5.1.5. Auswertung der Ergebnisse 62 5.2. Umbau des Gefäßsystems 67 5.3. Limitationen des Modells 71 5.3.1. Anzahl Versuchstiere 71 5.3.2. Methodik und funktionelle Parameter 72 5.4. Mögliche klinische Anwendungen der Operationstechnik 74 6. Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 77 7. Literaturverzeichnis 79 8. Anhang 87 9. Danksagung 92

Avaliação da interface osso- implante em mandíbula de miniporcos irradiados e o uso de células-tronco mesenquimais associadas ao plasma rico em plaquetas na osseointegração / Evaluation of the bone-implant contact in the mandible of irradiated minipigs and the use of mesenchymal stem cells associated with platelet-rich plasma on osseointegration

Zanicotti, Roberta Targa Stramandinoli 24 January 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Pacientes com câncer na região de cabeça e pescoço normalmente são tratados por combinação de cirurgia, radioterapia (RT) e quimioterapia. Em muitos casos, a reabilitação oral com próteses implanto-suportadas representa a melhor opção para uma recuperação funcional adequada. Entretanto, em pacientes irradiados procedimentos como exodontias e instalações de implantes dentários são fatores de risco ao desenvolvimento de osteorradionecrose. Diversos estudos experimentais têm demonstrado que o uso de células-tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) associadas a fatores de crescimento como plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) proporciona melhora no reparo ósseo e na osseointegração, podendo ser considerada uma alternativa viável para defeitos ósseos ou injúria. Objetivos: Isolar e caracterizar as CTMs da medula óssea (MO) de miniporcos brasileiros (Minipigs BR-1), avaliar a interferência da RT e o efeito da associação de CTMs-MO+PRP no processo de osseointegração de implantes instalados em alvéolos frescos em mandíbulas de miniporcos, por análise histológica e histomorfométrica da interface osso-implante. Métodos: CTMs-MO de 12 miniporcos adultos machos foram isoladas da crista ilíaca. Após 21 dias de cultura, o potencial de diferenciação celular foi avaliado por meio de coloração e RT-PCR. O perfil imunofenotípico foi caracterizado por citometria de fluxo. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos: Grupo A (grupo controle, sem RT), Grupo B (implantes instalados 15 dias antes da RT) e Grupo C (implantes instalados três meses após a RT). A dose total de radiação para cada lado da mandíbula foi de 24 Gy, divididos em três doses de 8 Gy com intervalo de 7 dias entre as doses, a qual equivale biologicamente a aproximadamente 56 Gy, com 28 exposições de 2 Gy cada. Quatro implantes de titânio foram instalados nos alvéolos frescos, imediatamente após as extrações dos terceiro e quarto pré-molares, totalizando 48 implantes controles e 48 experimentais (uso de CTM-MO+PRP). Os animais foram eutanasiados 90 dias pós-implantação. Foram analisados o percentual de implantes perdidos (PIP), o contato osso-implante (COI), e a densidade óssea no interior das roscas (DOIR). Resultados: A eficiência de isolamento das CTMs-MO foi de 100% e em cultura as células apresentaram morfologia fibroblastóide. As células foram positivas para CD90 (88,6%), CD29 (89,8%), CD44 (86,9%) e negativas para CD34 (1,6%), CD45 (1,8%), CD14 (1,8%) e MHC-II (2,7%). As células foram diferenciadas em adipócitos, demonstrado pela presença de vacúolos lipídicos no interior das células; osteoblastos, pela mineralização da matriz extracelular e condrócitos pela presença de lacunas ao redor dos condrócitos jovens. A maior expressão gênica de AP2, ALP e COL II em células induzidas também confirmou o potencial de diferenciação (p < 0,001; p < 0,001; p = 0,031; respectivamente). Os PIP nos lados controle e experimental foram respectivamente 25,0% e 18,7% no grupo A (p = 0,686), 31,2% e 25,0% no grupo B (p=0,686) e 68,7% e 68,7% no grupo C (p =1,000). Na comparação entre os três grupos, o PIP apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante tanto no lado controle (p=0,041) como no experimental (p = 0,047). Os percentuais de COI nos lados controle e experimental foram respectivamente 39,0 e 27,7 no grupo A (p = 0,110); 20,9 e 16,7 no grupo B (p=0,347) e 16,0 e 7,1 no grupo C (p = 0,310), com diferença estatística entre os grupos tanto no lado controle (p = 0,033) quanto no experimental (p=0,046). As DOIR nos lados controle e experimental foram respectivamente 46,8 e 36,5 no grupo A (p = 0,247); 29,3 e 24,1 no grupo B (p = 0,379) e 21,0 e 11,6 no grupo C (p = 0,421), porém com diferença estatisticamente significante entre os três grupos somente no lado controle (p=0,025). Conclusões: As CTMs-MO de Minipigs BR-1, obtidas com o protocolo utilizado neste estudo são células-tronco, podendo ser aplicadas em ensaios pré-clínicos na medicina regenerativa. Os resultados mostraram um efeito negativo da radiação ionizante na neoformação óssea periimplantar tanto no grupo B quanto no C. Após a RT a perda de implantes foi três vezes maior que em osso não irradiado. A RT realizada 15 dias após a instalação dos implantes não interferiu na perda de implantes, sugerindo que este seria o melhor momento para reabilitação bucal com implantes dentários. Com a metodologia empregada, o uso da associação CTMs-MO+PRP previamente à instalação de implantes não apresentou efeito positivo significante na neoformação óssea periimplantar / Introduction: Patients with head and neck cancer are usually treated by a combination of surgery, radiotherapy (RT) and chemotherapy. In many cases, oral rehabilitation with implant-supported prostheses is the best option for a proper functional recover. However, in irradiated patients procedures as dental extractions and implants are risk factors for developing osteoradionecrosis. Several experimental studies have shown that the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) associated with growth factors such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) provides improvement in bone regeneration and osseointegration, being considered an alternative to bone defects or injury. Objectives: To isolate and characterize MSCs from bone marrow (BM) of Brazilian minipigs (Minipigs BR-1), to evaluate the effect of RT and of BM-MSCs+PRP in the osseointegration of implants placed in fresh sockets, by histological and histomorphometric analysis of the bone-implant interface. Methods: BM-MSCs from 12 adult male minipigs were isolated from the iliac crest. After 21 days of culture, cell differentiation potential was assessed by staining and RT-PCR. The immunophenotypic profile was characterized by flow cytometry. The animals were divided into three groups: Group A (control group, no RT), Group B (implants placement 15 days before RT) and Group C (implants placement three months after RT). The total radiation dose for each side of the mandible was 24 Gy, divided into 3 doses of 8 Gy with a 7 dayinterval for each dose, which is biologically equivalent to approximately 56 Gy, with 28 sections of 2 Gy each. Four titanium implants were installed in the alveoli fresh, immediately after the extraction of the third and fourth premolars of each hemimandible, totalling 48 implants on the control side and 48 on the experimental side (using BM-MSCs+PRP). The animals were euthanized 90 days post-implantation. The implant loss rate (ILR), the bone-implant-contact (BIC) and bone density inside the threads (BDIT) were determined in each group. Results: The efficiency of the isolation of BM-MSCs was 100%, and in culture, the cells showed fibroblastoid morphology. Cells were positive for CD90 (88.6%), CD29 (89.8%), CD44 (86.9%) and negative for CD34 (1.6%), CD45 (1.8%), CD14 (1.8%) and MHC-II (2.7%). Cells were differentiated into adipocytes, as demonstrated by the presence of lipid vacuoles in the cells, osteoblasts, by mineralization of extracellular matrix and chondrocytes, by the presence of gaps around the young chondrocytes. The higher gene expression of AP2, ALP and COL II at induced cells also confirmed the differentiation potential (p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p=0.031; respectively). The ILR in control and experimental sides were respectively 25.0% and 18.7% in group A (p=0.686), 31.2% and 25.0% in group B (p = 0.686) and 68.7% and 68.7% in group C (p =1.000), with a statistically significant difference between the three groups at the control side (p = 0.041) and at the experimental side (p = 0.047). The percentage of BIC in control and experimental sides were respectively 39.0 and 27.7 in group A (p = 0.110), 20.9 and 16.7 in group B (p = 0.347) and 16.0 and 7.1 in group C (p = 0.310), with statistical significance between the groups at the control side (p = 0.033) and at the experimental side (p = 0.046). The BDIT in experimental and control sides were respectively 46.8 and 36.5 in group A (p = 0.247), 29.3 and 24.1 in group B (p = 0.379) and 21.0 and 11.6 in group C (p = 0.421), with statistical significance between the three groups only at the control side (p = 0.025). Conclusions: The BM-MSCs of Minipigs BR-1 obtained with this protocol can be used in pre-clinical regenerative medicine since they are stem cells. The results showed a negative effect of RT in peri-implant bone regeneration in group B and C. The implant loss was three times higher in irradiated bone than in non-irradiated one. The RT performed 15 days after implant placement did not interfere with implant loss, suggesting that this would be the best time for oral rehabilitation with dental implants. With this methodology, the use of BM-MSCs+PRP before the implant placement did not show any significant positive effect on peri-implant bone regeneration

Avaliação da interface osso- implante em mandíbula de miniporcos irradiados e o uso de células-tronco mesenquimais associadas ao plasma rico em plaquetas na osseointegração / Evaluation of the bone-implant contact in the mandible of irradiated minipigs and the use of mesenchymal stem cells associated with platelet-rich plasma on osseointegration

Roberta Targa Stramandinoli Zanicotti 24 January 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Pacientes com câncer na região de cabeça e pescoço normalmente são tratados por combinação de cirurgia, radioterapia (RT) e quimioterapia. Em muitos casos, a reabilitação oral com próteses implanto-suportadas representa a melhor opção para uma recuperação funcional adequada. Entretanto, em pacientes irradiados procedimentos como exodontias e instalações de implantes dentários são fatores de risco ao desenvolvimento de osteorradionecrose. Diversos estudos experimentais têm demonstrado que o uso de células-tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) associadas a fatores de crescimento como plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) proporciona melhora no reparo ósseo e na osseointegração, podendo ser considerada uma alternativa viável para defeitos ósseos ou injúria. Objetivos: Isolar e caracterizar as CTMs da medula óssea (MO) de miniporcos brasileiros (Minipigs BR-1), avaliar a interferência da RT e o efeito da associação de CTMs-MO+PRP no processo de osseointegração de implantes instalados em alvéolos frescos em mandíbulas de miniporcos, por análise histológica e histomorfométrica da interface osso-implante. Métodos: CTMs-MO de 12 miniporcos adultos machos foram isoladas da crista ilíaca. Após 21 dias de cultura, o potencial de diferenciação celular foi avaliado por meio de coloração e RT-PCR. O perfil imunofenotípico foi caracterizado por citometria de fluxo. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos: Grupo A (grupo controle, sem RT), Grupo B (implantes instalados 15 dias antes da RT) e Grupo C (implantes instalados três meses após a RT). A dose total de radiação para cada lado da mandíbula foi de 24 Gy, divididos em três doses de 8 Gy com intervalo de 7 dias entre as doses, a qual equivale biologicamente a aproximadamente 56 Gy, com 28 exposições de 2 Gy cada. Quatro implantes de titânio foram instalados nos alvéolos frescos, imediatamente após as extrações dos terceiro e quarto pré-molares, totalizando 48 implantes controles e 48 experimentais (uso de CTM-MO+PRP). Os animais foram eutanasiados 90 dias pós-implantação. Foram analisados o percentual de implantes perdidos (PIP), o contato osso-implante (COI), e a densidade óssea no interior das roscas (DOIR). Resultados: A eficiência de isolamento das CTMs-MO foi de 100% e em cultura as células apresentaram morfologia fibroblastóide. As células foram positivas para CD90 (88,6%), CD29 (89,8%), CD44 (86,9%) e negativas para CD34 (1,6%), CD45 (1,8%), CD14 (1,8%) e MHC-II (2,7%). As células foram diferenciadas em adipócitos, demonstrado pela presença de vacúolos lipídicos no interior das células; osteoblastos, pela mineralização da matriz extracelular e condrócitos pela presença de lacunas ao redor dos condrócitos jovens. A maior expressão gênica de AP2, ALP e COL II em células induzidas também confirmou o potencial de diferenciação (p < 0,001; p < 0,001; p = 0,031; respectivamente). Os PIP nos lados controle e experimental foram respectivamente 25,0% e 18,7% no grupo A (p = 0,686), 31,2% e 25,0% no grupo B (p=0,686) e 68,7% e 68,7% no grupo C (p =1,000). Na comparação entre os três grupos, o PIP apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante tanto no lado controle (p=0,041) como no experimental (p = 0,047). Os percentuais de COI nos lados controle e experimental foram respectivamente 39,0 e 27,7 no grupo A (p = 0,110); 20,9 e 16,7 no grupo B (p=0,347) e 16,0 e 7,1 no grupo C (p = 0,310), com diferença estatística entre os grupos tanto no lado controle (p = 0,033) quanto no experimental (p=0,046). As DOIR nos lados controle e experimental foram respectivamente 46,8 e 36,5 no grupo A (p = 0,247); 29,3 e 24,1 no grupo B (p = 0,379) e 21,0 e 11,6 no grupo C (p = 0,421), porém com diferença estatisticamente significante entre os três grupos somente no lado controle (p=0,025). Conclusões: As CTMs-MO de Minipigs BR-1, obtidas com o protocolo utilizado neste estudo são células-tronco, podendo ser aplicadas em ensaios pré-clínicos na medicina regenerativa. Os resultados mostraram um efeito negativo da radiação ionizante na neoformação óssea periimplantar tanto no grupo B quanto no C. Após a RT a perda de implantes foi três vezes maior que em osso não irradiado. A RT realizada 15 dias após a instalação dos implantes não interferiu na perda de implantes, sugerindo que este seria o melhor momento para reabilitação bucal com implantes dentários. Com a metodologia empregada, o uso da associação CTMs-MO+PRP previamente à instalação de implantes não apresentou efeito positivo significante na neoformação óssea periimplantar / Introduction: Patients with head and neck cancer are usually treated by a combination of surgery, radiotherapy (RT) and chemotherapy. In many cases, oral rehabilitation with implant-supported prostheses is the best option for a proper functional recover. However, in irradiated patients procedures as dental extractions and implants are risk factors for developing osteoradionecrosis. Several experimental studies have shown that the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) associated with growth factors such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) provides improvement in bone regeneration and osseointegration, being considered an alternative to bone defects or injury. Objectives: To isolate and characterize MSCs from bone marrow (BM) of Brazilian minipigs (Minipigs BR-1), to evaluate the effect of RT and of BM-MSCs+PRP in the osseointegration of implants placed in fresh sockets, by histological and histomorphometric analysis of the bone-implant interface. Methods: BM-MSCs from 12 adult male minipigs were isolated from the iliac crest. After 21 days of culture, cell differentiation potential was assessed by staining and RT-PCR. The immunophenotypic profile was characterized by flow cytometry. The animals were divided into three groups: Group A (control group, no RT), Group B (implants placement 15 days before RT) and Group C (implants placement three months after RT). The total radiation dose for each side of the mandible was 24 Gy, divided into 3 doses of 8 Gy with a 7 dayinterval for each dose, which is biologically equivalent to approximately 56 Gy, with 28 sections of 2 Gy each. Four titanium implants were installed in the alveoli fresh, immediately after the extraction of the third and fourth premolars of each hemimandible, totalling 48 implants on the control side and 48 on the experimental side (using BM-MSCs+PRP). The animals were euthanized 90 days post-implantation. The implant loss rate (ILR), the bone-implant-contact (BIC) and bone density inside the threads (BDIT) were determined in each group. Results: The efficiency of the isolation of BM-MSCs was 100%, and in culture, the cells showed fibroblastoid morphology. Cells were positive for CD90 (88.6%), CD29 (89.8%), CD44 (86.9%) and negative for CD34 (1.6%), CD45 (1.8%), CD14 (1.8%) and MHC-II (2.7%). Cells were differentiated into adipocytes, as demonstrated by the presence of lipid vacuoles in the cells, osteoblasts, by mineralization of extracellular matrix and chondrocytes, by the presence of gaps around the young chondrocytes. The higher gene expression of AP2, ALP and COL II at induced cells also confirmed the differentiation potential (p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p=0.031; respectively). The ILR in control and experimental sides were respectively 25.0% and 18.7% in group A (p=0.686), 31.2% and 25.0% in group B (p = 0.686) and 68.7% and 68.7% in group C (p =1.000), with a statistically significant difference between the three groups at the control side (p = 0.041) and at the experimental side (p = 0.047). The percentage of BIC in control and experimental sides were respectively 39.0 and 27.7 in group A (p = 0.110), 20.9 and 16.7 in group B (p = 0.347) and 16.0 and 7.1 in group C (p = 0.310), with statistical significance between the groups at the control side (p = 0.033) and at the experimental side (p = 0.046). The BDIT in experimental and control sides were respectively 46.8 and 36.5 in group A (p = 0.247), 29.3 and 24.1 in group B (p = 0.379) and 21.0 and 11.6 in group C (p = 0.421), with statistical significance between the three groups only at the control side (p = 0.025). Conclusions: The BM-MSCs of Minipigs BR-1 obtained with this protocol can be used in pre-clinical regenerative medicine since they are stem cells. The results showed a negative effect of RT in peri-implant bone regeneration in group B and C. The implant loss was three times higher in irradiated bone than in non-irradiated one. The RT performed 15 days after implant placement did not interfere with implant loss, suggesting that this would be the best time for oral rehabilitation with dental implants. With this methodology, the use of BM-MSCs+PRP before the implant placement did not show any significant positive effect on peri-implant bone regeneration

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