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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The characteristics of a missional church as part of the Missio Dei / Christiaan de Beer

De Beer, Christiaan January 2012 (has links)
The GKSA seems to be in a weak condition concerning the Missio Dei. There is a drastic decline in membership, a weak impact on society and a crisis in following our calling. This study aims to explore the relationship between the Missio Dei and the missional church. The Biblical principles for aligning a church with the Missio Dei will be analysed. Eventually, I will propose a preliminary paradigm for transforming an ingrown church into a missional church. The question addressed in this study is what principles should a church follow to be a part of the Missio Dei and therefore become a missional church? / MTh (Missiology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Verenigende Gereformeerde gemeente-Koelenhof : op reis van instandhouding tot gestuur-wees, die ontwikkeling van volhoubare plaasgemeenskappe

Meyer, Desmond Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die globale en plaaslike veranderende konteks van die kerk en die vermindering in die invloed van die kerk in die samelewing, noodsaak die kerk tot eerlike selfondersoek. Dit is vir die kerk belangrik hoe sy op hierdie verandering reageer, want dit het ‟n impak op die taak van die kerk in die wêreld. Hierdie navorsing wil help om ‟n gepaste reaksie te vind vir die VGK-Koelenhof op haar spesifieke konteks. Hoofstuk een gee ‟n uiteensetting van die navorsing wat die doel, motivering en metode betref. Hoofstuk twee lê die basis vir die hele navorsing wat gegrond is in die Drie-Enige God wat ‟n sturende God is (missio Dei). Daar word gevra hoe die lewe in die triniteit die roeping van die kerk bepaal en die gang van die wêreld beїnvloed. In hoofstuk drie word die kerk se verhouding tot die Drie-Enige God belig. Die kerk moet geloofsonderskeiding beoefen ten einde haar roeping te ontdek. Hierdie proses is ook belangrik vir die besluitnemingsprosesse van die kerk. Dit impliseer dat die kerk as gestuurde van God in ‟n persoonlike gemeenskap met Hom moet leef sodat die kerk sensitief genoeg kan wees vir sy stem en hul roeping kan ontdek vir hul spesifieke omstandighede. In die vierde hoofstuk word beklemtoon dat die kerk ook in verhouding tot die wêreld staan waarin sy leef. Om haar roeping werklik uit te leef, moet die kerk nie net na God se stem luister nie, maar ook na die konteks waarin die kerk haar bevind. Die kerk het in haar bestaan sedert Jesus Christus telkens voor nuwe uitdagings te staan gekom en het verskillend daarop gereageer. ‟n Gepaste reaksie van die kerk se kant vereis soms dat die kerk intern verandering benodig. Dit is die fokus van hoofstuk vyf. Daar word gefokus op die aard van hierdie verandering, veral die rol van die leierskap in die hele proses. Hierdie verandering behels in hoofsaak ‟n verandering van instandhouding na gestuur-wees. Die verandering of transformasie in die kerk kan nooit ‟n doel op sigself wees nie. Dit is met die oog op die transformasie van die samelewing. Die verandering moet die kerk help om teken en voorsmaak van die koninkryk van God te wees in die wêreld. En daarom is die titel van hoofstuk ses: Van missionale transformasie na gemeenskapstransformasie. Ten slotte word „n opsomming gegee van die resultate van hierdie navorsing. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Uniting Reformed Congregation of Koelehof on the road from maintenance to be missional: the development of sustainable farming communities. The changing global and local context of the church and the decline of the church‟s influence on society, call for a need of honest introspection. It is important how the church respond to these changes as it has an impact on the church‟s role in the world. This research aims to help the Uniting Reformed Congregation of Koelenhof to respond properly to its own context. Chapter one gives an outline of the research with regard to the goal, motivation and method. Chapter two lays the basis for the research which is grounded in the Triune God who is a sending God (missio Dei). The question here is how life in the Trinity affects the task of the church and destination of the world. In Chapter three the relationship between the church and God is highlighted. The church must exercise spiritual discernment to discover its missional vocation in the world. Spiritual discernment is also vital with regard to the decision processes of the church. This implies that the church, as a missionary of God, must have a personal relationship with Him so that the church can be sensitive enough to hear His voice. In chapter four the emphasis is on the church‟s relationship to the world in which she finds herself. For the church to really be faithful to her calling, she needs not only listen to God, but also to the context. Since the time of Jesus, the church has to face different challenges and has always react differently to each situation. A change of context often requires a change of heart. This is the focus of chapter five. What is the nature of these changes and especially the role of the church leadership in this regard? The answer is a transformation from being maintenance driven to being missionally inspired. This transformation is never a goal in itself. This transformation aims at the transformation of society. The transformation must enable the church to be an effective sign and foretaste of the kingdom of God. Therefore the title of chapter six is: From missional transformation to community transformation. In conclusion a summary is given of the results of this research.

Die implikasies van 'n missionale transformasieproses vir die NG Gemeente Marken se voortbestaan

Peens, Hannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Small rural congregations like Marken with a member count of 60 often battle with the question if the congregation will be able to survive. This question is influenced through individuals and larger congregations' perception that bigger is better. The vitality of small congregations is being judged by a modernistic approach. According to this viewpoint a large member count is an important factor for survival. The uniqueness of small rural congregations is not taken into account when the vitality of such congregations comes under the spotlight. The style of ministry and the program approach of larger congregations is the model normally associated with success and vitality and leads to small congregations' attempt to follow that model and in the process lose its God given uniqueness. The congregations' question of survival is addressed through a guided journey in an attempt to help the congregation realize its missional calling. A congregation like Marken must realize that a small congregation also can and should be a mirror of God's kingdom. Missional theology and Trinitarian theology cannot be discussed without taking into account the missio Dei of God. The Dutch Reformed Congregation of Marken' expression as church in and for the world must be modelled in God's missio Dei. The Trinity is the foundation for missional theology. The purpose of the study is the transformation of the Dutch Reformed Congregation of Marken who battles with a question of survival to become a missional congregation who takes part in God's mission. The history of the congregation, her identity and culture plays an important role. In the history of the congregation it became evident that a number of factors, the long absence of a minister, shortage in funds and a schism in the congregation lead to the question of survival. A pattern became evident in which the congregation described herself as small. This became part of the identity and culture of the congregation and is confirmed in the ethnographic research. All of these factors contributed to the single deepest question in the hearts of the congregation: How can the Dutch Reformed Church in Marken survive? To be able to understand these questions, one must underline the importance of the context in which the congregation finds herself. The congregation is situated in Limpopo province and form part of the Mogalakwena municipality which consists of roughly 300,000 Pedi speaking people. Realities like demography and migration patterns in the contextual analysis are indications that the congregation can't rely on growth through birth rate. The contextual analysis was also a step to open the blinded eyes of the congregation to the realities around the congregation. This was done to motivate the congregation to take part in the missio Dei. The congregation's involvement in the missio Dei can be described as a journey. In the study the first steps of Marken on this missional road is also researched. It shows that the Spirit of God is already transforming Marken and it can be seen in normal, natural experiences which helped people to recognize the work and the intention of the Spirit (Marais, 2007:120) This should give hope to a congregation who battled with a question of survival in the past. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Klein plattelandse gemeentes soos Marken met ʼn lidmaattal van 60 worstel baie keer met die vraag of die gemeente sal kan voortbestaan. Hierdie vraag word beïnvloed deur individue en ander groter gemeentes se persepsie oor klein gemeentes en dat klein gelykstaande aan minderwaardigheid is. Die lewensvatbaarheid van klein gemeentes word na aanleiding van ʼn modernistiese vertrekpunt beoordeel. Hiervolgens is ʼn groot lidmaat getal ʼn belangrike norm vir bestaansreg. Die eiesoortigheid van klein plattelandse gemeentes word meesal nie in berekening gebring wanneer oor die lewensvatbaarheid van sulke gemeentes gedink word nie. Die bedieningstyle en programbenaderings in groot gemeentes word dikwels ook voorgehou as die ideaal en dit lei daartoe dat klein gemeentes hulle daaraan meet en hulle eie Godgegewe uniekheid uit die oog begin verloor. Die voortbestaansvraag van die gemeente word aangespreek deur die gemeente te begelei om haar missionale roeping te ontdek. ʼn Gemeente soos Marken moet besef dat ʼn klein gemeente ook ʼn spieëlbeeld van God se koninkryk kan en moet wees. Missionale teologie, trinitariese teologie en die missio Dei is in mekaar gevleg. NG Gemeente Marken se uitdrukking as kerk in en vir die wêreld moet gemodelleer word in God se drie-enige uitdrukking van sy sending in die wêreld deur die geskiedenis soos dit gereflekteer word in die Bybelse getuienis. As sending dan essensieel God se sending is, dan is die Triniteit die fondasie vir missionale teologie. Die transformasie van NG Gemeente Marken wat worstel met ʼn voortbestaansvraag na ʼn missionale gemeente is dus die doelwit van die studie. Die gemeente se geskiedenis, haar identiteit / kultuur speel ewe-eens ʼn belangrike rol. In die geskiedenis van die gemeente kan duidelik gesien word dat verskeie gebeure soos die lang afwesigheid van ʼn eie leraar, ʼn tekort aan finansies en ʼn kerkskeuring aanleiding gegee het tot die voortbestaansvraag van die gemeente. Die gebeure het ʼn tendens na vore laat tree waarin die gemeente haarself as klein beskryf. Hierdie identiteit is ook bevestig met die etnografiese navorsing en dit het deel geword van die kultuur van die gemeente. Al hierdie faktore het ʼn invloed op die mees prominente of diepste vraag wat in die harte van die 60 lidmate leef. “Hoe kan die NG Gemeente Marken voortbestaan?” Om hierdie vrae te verstaan en te begin antwoord is dit belangrik om die gemeente in haar konteks te verstaan. Die gemeente is geleë in Limpopo provinsie en vorm deel van Mogalakwena munisipaliteit waar ongeveer 300,000 hoofsaaklik Pedi sprekende mense woon. Demografiese realiteite en die migrasie patroon in die kontekstuele analise toon aan dat die gemeente nie kan staat maak op die normale manier van groei deur geboorte en bevolkingsaanwas nie. Die kontekstuele analise is gedoen as ʼn stap in die proses om die fokus van Marken op oorlewing aan te spreek en die gemeente se oë oop te maak vir die werklikheid rondom die gemeente en sodoende dan te kan deelneem aan God se missio Dei. Die gemeente se deelname aan God se missio Dei kan beskryf word as ʼn reis. In die studie word die eerste treë van Marken in hierdie missionale reis ook nagevors. Dit toon aan dat die Gees van God besig is om Marken te transformeer en dit kan soos wat Frederick Marais (2007:120) dit stel waargeneem word in die “gewone, natuurlike ervarings wat mense tot die oortuiging laat kom van die werk en die bedoeling van die Gees.” Dit moet hoop gee aan Marken wat in die verlede met die vraag geworstel het of die gemeente kan voortbestaan.

Mission work and pastoral care in the port of Durban : a narrative hermeneutical adventure

Viljoen, Christoffel Johannes 11 May 2012 (has links)
This research was an attempt at a social construction of an understanding that came into being through the collaboration between the researcher and the co-researchers concerning the life and circumstances of seafarers. The purpose of this construction was to participate, together with the co-researchers, in developing a research narrative that can be beneficial to seafarers. The aim is for it to lead to their emancipation and empowerment. The title of this research indicates that this is a hermeneutical adventure. It is hermeneutical because it is about a construction of meaning and about coming to an understanding. It is an adventure because whatever meaning and understanding was constructed in the end was unknown at the beginning. New knowledge was constructed in which all who participated had a say. The development of this research narrative was guided by the ABDCE formula which uses the metaphor of research as story writing. The researcher’s epistemology was informed by the notions of social constructionism, the narrative approach based on social constructionism and postfoundationalism. Theological issues in this research had to do with postfoundationalist practical theology, with its emphasis on embeddedness, contextuality and particularity while also trying to move beyond the local. In addition to this there was also a focus on missiology and the concept of Missio Dei was emphasised. Seafaring is still a dangerous profession where the seafarers many times find themselves being powerless in situations of injustice. On ships there is a lot of diversity. Men and women from many different religions and cultures have to sail together. Occasionally this causes tension between seafarers, but mostly they are working and living together in harmony. A bigger concern than conflict is that diversity might cause social isolation. Seafarers are willing to endure a lot of hardship and especially seafarers from developing countries are making this sacrifice in order to provide a better future for their families. The relationship between seafaring and the family is an ironic one because the seafarers sail in order to provide for the family, but at the same time sailing takes them away from their loved ones. From the perspective of the researcher three general weaknesses were found as far as the ministry to seafarers is concerned: At times there is lack of a spiritual dimension to the ministry, secondly there is a need for a stronger presence among the seafarers and thirdly more emphasis should be put on involvement with fishers especially as far as justice issues are concerned. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Transforming missions : mission strategy and cyber space. Research on the use of cyber space in transforming the mission of the South Korean church in 21st century

Kim, Ho Yun 13 June 2012 (has links)
The present generation lives in the new information age as a result of rapid computer developments and the accessibility of the internet. Therefore, in the 21st century the world has to come to grips with the cyber space culture. Internet connections in South Korea, as in many countries in the world, make access to the world available in every house. Therefore, it is a necessity to understand the internet culture and internet is becoming part of everyday life. However, at the beginning of the 21st century, the most important attribute of the mission is missio Dei: the mission is God’s mission. God is a missionary God and mission has its origin in God. And finally, God also calls people as missionaries to share his love with the world. According to Bosch (1991:368-372), our daily life has become so fast and constantly changing that we cannot use past methods to be effective today. Therefore we need a paradigm shift in our thinking towards missions today, to become more relevant. There is a need for the church to understand this paradigm shift, and implement it into its thinking and practice of mission. Cyber mission is becoming important in the information age, and there are many advantages and disadvantages to it. These advantages are to be managed carefully. It is the church's responsibility to use cyber space to the advantage of God's Kingdom. The opening up of cyber space may prove to be a gift from God to his church today. Many Christians began to share their faith with others in cyber space through the internet and internet evangelism and cyber missions were born. Today, the internet has become one of the available means of sharing and proclaiming the Gospel. It offers us incredible power to share the Good News. The Christian has the great responsibility to the great commission to deliver the gospel to the end of the earth through the cyber Mission. The South Korean church became a strong Christian church, ranking as the second missionary sending country in the world of today. The South Korean church developed the cyber mission, as they realized the power of the internet. Most of the churches have their own web site and they have already started to use the cyber space for church ministry. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Science of Religion and Missiology / unrestricted

An Impact Study Using Kingdom of God Economics For Inner-City Community Development

Brown, Norman J. 20 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Diaspora missiology : the emerging apostolic role of Chinese migrants in Africa and Middle East colligate with Trinitarian Missio Dei / John Robert Gordy

Gordy, John Robert January 2015 (has links)
Missio Dei is a phrase used to describe the mission of God, as revealed in Scripture. One of the key verses to understanding the ultimate goal of God’s mission is the vision of heaven given to the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation, “After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…” (Rev 7:9). God’s mission is to have for Himself a special redeemed people from every ‘People Group’ on earth. In Trinitarian Missio Dei, God is a ‘sending’ God, who sent Himself in pursuit of lost mankind; who sent His Son, Jesus to bear the sins of a lost world upon His body on the Cross; and who sent the Holy Spirit to instruct and empower the Church, which is commissioned and sent forth to carry on His mission of having a people from among all ‘Peoples’ of the earth. The shift in the center of gravity of world Christianity from the Global North to the Global South can be seen as God’s divine orchestration in raising up a mighty army, who will take the Gospel to the remaining unreached, unengaged ‘Peoples’. The Chinese house church networks have sensed God’s calling to take the Gospel ‘back to Jerusalem’ crossing the Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim worlds, along the ancient eastern Silk Routes. As part of this Global South migration, Chinese are already living in over 140 countries around the world, where many of these unreached ‘People Groups’ are located. We see the Nestorian ‘merchant missionaries’ as a model for Chinese migrants to fulfill God’s calling to complete the ‘Great Commission’ mandate. / PhD (Missiology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Diaspora missiology : the emerging apostolic role of Chinese migrants in Africa and Middle East colligate with Trinitarian Missio Dei / John Robert Gordy

Gordy, John Robert January 2015 (has links)
Missio Dei is a phrase used to describe the mission of God, as revealed in Scripture. One of the key verses to understanding the ultimate goal of God’s mission is the vision of heaven given to the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation, “After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…” (Rev 7:9). God’s mission is to have for Himself a special redeemed people from every ‘People Group’ on earth. In Trinitarian Missio Dei, God is a ‘sending’ God, who sent Himself in pursuit of lost mankind; who sent His Son, Jesus to bear the sins of a lost world upon His body on the Cross; and who sent the Holy Spirit to instruct and empower the Church, which is commissioned and sent forth to carry on His mission of having a people from among all ‘Peoples’ of the earth. The shift in the center of gravity of world Christianity from the Global North to the Global South can be seen as God’s divine orchestration in raising up a mighty army, who will take the Gospel to the remaining unreached, unengaged ‘Peoples’. The Chinese house church networks have sensed God’s calling to take the Gospel ‘back to Jerusalem’ crossing the Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim worlds, along the ancient eastern Silk Routes. As part of this Global South migration, Chinese are already living in over 140 countries around the world, where many of these unreached ‘People Groups’ are located. We see the Nestorian ‘merchant missionaries’ as a model for Chinese migrants to fulfill God’s calling to complete the ‘Great Commission’ mandate. / PhD (Missiology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Die verhouding tussen gesag en sendingmotivering binne die Gereformeerde Kerke / The relation between authority and motivation for missionary involvement from within the reformed churches

Weyers, Mario 01 January 2002 (has links)
In this dissertation an attempt has been made to investigate the means by which God is at work in our world. The researcher has acted on the assumption that God rules in our world, but investigates the content of such a belief. The question whether God acts in our world from a basis of control, or from a motivation of shared interest is currently brought to the surface. Istrumental is the use of Critical Theory to investigate the above mentioned problem. With this instument oppressive perspectives (paternalistic views) are identified and unmasked as well as new perspectives (stewardship) implemented. Biblical stewardship seems to be a perspective on how God wants to use the local church to assist in his plan of salvation for those in need. Authority with others rather over others seems to be the stewardship strategy God wants us to participate in. / In hierdie verhandeling word ondersoek ingestel na die wyse waarop God in die wereld betrokke is (Missio Dei). Daar word uitgegaan van die veronderstelling dat God in die wereld regeer en wat hierdie navorsing poog om te verstaan hoe God in die wereld regeer. Die problematiek wat deurgaans in hierdie studie hanteer word, hou verband met die vraag of God vanuit 'n beheerstelsel (pantokratiese stelsel) in die wereld betrokke is en of sy werksaamhede eerder vanuit 'n bestuurstelsel (oikonomos) verstaan moet word. In 'n poging om bogenoemde probleem op te los word gebruik gemaak van die Kritiese Teorie. Met hierdie instrument word enersyds gepoog om onderdrukkende perspektiewe (soos God as Pantokrator) te weerle, wat onderdrukkende ideologie instand hou. Andersyds word die Kritiese Teorie as instrument gebruik om alternatiewe te ondersoek (soos God as bestuurder van ons heil) wat nuwe perspektiewe daar kan stel. Bybelse rentmeesterskap hou gevoglik daarmee verband dat God die mens/kerk medeverantwoordelik maak in bogenoemde bestuursproses ten einde God se Missio Dei deelnemend te bestuur. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

New wine into new wineskins(Luke 5:38): church growth and revitalisation

Haase, John Martin 30 September 2004 (has links)
Individuals and organisations follow a general developmental cycle, that begins with birth, and progresses through growth, maturity, decline and death. While individuals necessarily die after a period of years, organisations may continue through many generations, though they too may die. Once an organisation reaches maturity, it tends toward decline, for sin has corrupted not only men, but all creation (Rms. 8:21-22). Though all things tend toward decay and death, they can be revitalised, for such is the power of God's grace. Like all organisations, the church can become ineffective. Many prefer abandoning the old organisation and starting a new work. Revitalisation may be the better solution, though it is certainly the greater challenge. This project considers the organisational life cycle biblically, historically and contemporarily. It considers how the church grows, and what keeps it from growing. It also considers the merits of creating `new wineskins,' versus revitalising old ones. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

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