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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Die funksionering van die charismata in die opbou van die gemeente (Afrikaans)

Jackson, Casparus Johannes 24 August 2009 (has links)
AfrikaansHoofstuk 1: Die gemeente en die opbou van die gemeenteVir die doel van hierdie studie word slegs daardie aspekte van die gemeente behandel wat vir hierdie aspek van die bestaan van die gemeente van belang is. By die behandeling van die ekklesia in die Ou Testament en in die Nuwe Testament word aangetoon dat die ekklesia in albei bedelinge die openbaring van een kontinue handeling van God is. Vir die belang van die opbou van die ekklesia word oor die plaaslike gemeente gehandel omdat die opbou alleen daar sy beslag kan kry. Omdat die gemeente die liggaam van Christus is waarin Hy woon en waardeur Hy in hierdie wêreld handel, is sowel die getuienis as die lewe van die gemeente missionaries van aard. Aangesien Christus die Hoof, dit wil sê die oorsprong en ontstaan van die ekklesia is, beteken dit dat die gemeente alleen van Hom afhanklik is vir sy groei en opbou. Die feit dat die doop beskou word as inlywingsmoment in die gemeente word die onderskeie aspekte hiervan ook behandel. Terwyl die nagmaal ook openbaring is van die vereniging van die gemeente met Christus sowel as met mekaar, word hierdie aspek ook behandel. Vervolgens word vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie die aard en karakter van die gemeente onder die volgende temas behandel: (1) Die charismatiese karakter en struktuur (2) Die diakoniese karakter en struktuur (3) Die missionêre karakter (4) Die aanbiddingskarakter (5) Die eskatologiese karakter By die opbou van die gemeente word die funderende werk van die Here God behandel, asook die interne opbou en groei, en die uitbreidende bouwerk. Vir hierdie doel skenk die Heilige Gees die charismata aan elke lid van die gemeente. Die proses van die opbou het egter ook altyd ‘n christologiese gerigtheid (Ef. 4:15-16), omdat Hy die oorsprong en ontstaan van die gemeente is. Vir hierdie opbouwerk het die Here God ook n bepaalde reëling gegee volgens Efesiers 4:1,1-12 en 1 Petrus 4:10. Hoofstuk 2: Die Gees en die gawes van die Gees Nadat die Heilige Gees as die eskatologiese gawe aangedui is, word aangetoon wat sy koms juis met die Pinksterfees beteken. Vervolgens word aangetoon dat Hy die stigter van die gemeente is en tegelyk ook die begeleier van die opbou van die gemeente op weg na die eschaton, die pleroma. Hierna word die gawes van die Heilige Gees behandel en aangetoon dat dit voortspruit uit die charis wat die mens in Christus deelagtig geword het. Aandag word ook gegee aan die Bybelse fundering van die charismata, die wesensfunksie en doel van die charismata, asook die funksionering daarvan. Daar word aangetoon dat daar nie ‘n afgeslote katalogus van charismata in die Nuwe Testament gegee word nie, en dat die gawes ook nie op een of ander stadium nadat die Nuwe Testament op skrif gestel is, uit die ekklesia verdwyn het en daarna nie meer nodig sou wees nie. Dit was ook nodig om enkele misbruike rondom die funksionering van die charismata aan te toon, waarna dan bepaalde kriteria vir die funksionering behandel word. Ten slotte word die vraag aangaande die amp behandel, sowel as die verhouding tussen die charismata en die ampswerk. Hoofstuk 3: Gestaltegewing betreffende die funksionering van die charismata in die opbou Met die oog op die gestaltegewing van die gemeente is dit van belang om die wese van die gemeente, naamlik as liggaam van Christus, te handhaaf, asook die charismatiese karakter en struktuur van die gemeente terwyl die doel van die gemeente steeds duidelik voor oë gehou word. Vervolgens word die rol van die charismata in die strukturering van die gemeente. sowel as die rol van die ampte in hierdie verband behandel. Hierna word die struktuur as ontplooiings- en werkruimte vir die charismata behandel. en aangetoon dat daar ‘n basiese gegewe struktuur is wat deur die Heilige Gees gewerk word. Ten slotte word voorstelle gedoen in verband met die strukturering en gestaltegewing van die gemeente onder die vrye werking van die Heilige Gees. English Chapter 1: The congregation and the edification of the congregation For the aim of this study only those aspects of the congregation is dealt with which are of importance regarding this facet of the existence of the congregation. In dealing with the congregation in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament it is pointed out that the ecclesia during both these periods is the revelation of the one continuous redeeming act of God. With reference to the edification of the ecclesia, the local congregation is dealt with, as this edification can only materialize where God’s people congregate as the body of Christ. Seeing that the congregation is the body of Christ wherein He Himself is present and whereby He acts, the witness as well as the exemplary life of the congregation has a missionary character. Whereas Christ is the head, viz the origin and source of the ecclesia, its growth and edification depends on Him only. Whereas baptism is seen as the incorporative moment in the congregation, the different aspects regarding this fact is also dealt with. While the Holy Communion is the revelation of the unification of the congregation with Christ and with one another, the importance thereof is also pointed out. Subsequently the essence and character of the congregation of Christ is dealt with, considering the importance thereof for this study. This includes the following: (1) The charismatic character and structure (2) The diaconic character and structure (3) The missionary structure (4) The worshipping character (5) The eschatological character In dealing with the edification of the congregation, the founding work of the Lord God is dealt with as well as the internal edification and growth and the expansion of the ecclesia. For this purpose the charismata are bestowed by the Holy Spirit to every member of the ecclesia. The process of edification must always be Christologically-orientated (Eph. 4:15-16), because He is the origin and source of the congregation. For the edifying work the Lord God has established a certain order according to Ephesians 4:11-12 and 1 Peter 4:10. Chapter 2: The Spirit and the gifts of the spirit The Holy Spirit is pointed out as the eschatological gift and subsequently the meaning of His advent at Whitsuntide. He is indicated as the founder and companion of the edification of the congregation on their way to the "eschaton", the "pleroma" - the fulfilment. Against this background the gifts of the Spirit are dealt with and pointed out that it arises from the "charis" by virtue of man's salvation in Christ. Attention is then given to the biblical foundation of the charismata, the essential functioning and the aim thereof. Furthermore, it is pointed out that no fixed catalogue for the charismata in the New Testament exists, and that at no stage before or after the finalization of the New Testament. the charismata disappeared in the ecclesia, or that it was no more of consequence for today. It was also necessary to point out some of the abuses of and deviations concerning the functioning of the charismata, whereafter some criteria for the functioning thereof is dealt with. Finally, the question regarding the office within the ecclesia is discussed, as well as the relationship between the charismata and the office. Chapter 3: Embodiment with regard to the functioning of the charismata in the edification process With a view to the embodiment of the congregation it is of utmost importance that the essence of the congregation, viz as the body of Christ, is retained, as well as the charismatic character and structure of the congregation, whilst the objective for the ecclesia is continually honoured. Subsequently the role of the charismata in the structuring of the congregation, as well as the role of the offices in this regard, is dealt with. The importance of the structure as a framework for the realization and operating sphere for the charismata is dealt with, and it is pointed out that a basic given structure which is established by the Holy Spirit, does exist. Finally, a few proposals are made regarding the structuring and embodiment of the local congregation according to the free authoritative functioning of the Holy Spirit. / Thesis (DD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Paulo e a ekklesia de Corinto: conflitos sociais e disputas de autoridade no período paleocristão

MENDES, S. R. P. 28 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-29T14:12:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_4768_.pdf: 1631573 bytes, checksum: 32e8996cf600805490bc0b9db363a47e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-28 / Este estudo objetiva identificar a motivação para a emergência dos conflitos de natureza política na ekklesia de Corinto, logo após a sua fundação, em 50, por Paulo de Tarso. Destaca que as epístolas 1 e 2 Coríntios, redigidas por Paulo e endereçadas a essa comunidade entre 54-60, apresentam conflitos relacionados ao tipo de conduta adotado pelos membros e, sobretudo, a disputas por autoridade dentro da ekklesia, as quais se desdobram numa oposição à autoridade de Paulo como apóstolo. Na averiguação dos conflitos, faz uso de uma metodologia que se apoia na Análise de Conteúdo e nos pressupostos teóricos de Bourdieu acerca da eficácia do discurso e do poder simbólico, e assim investiga o grau de institucionalização do paleocristianismo e os modelos de autoridade apostólica vigentes no século I. Aponta como resultados que a autoridade de Paulo foi contestada porque os grupos paleocristãos não tinham uma referência única de autoridade e que o grau de institucionalização do paleocristianismo na metade do século I se mostrava incipiente, caracterizado pela ausência de fronteiras bem definidas entre os grupos religiosos de tendência judaico-cristã.

Paulo e a ekklesia de Corinto : conflitos sociais e disputas de autoridade no período paleocristão

Mendes, Simone Rezende da Penha 28 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:33:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Simone Rezende Mendes.pdf: 1637331 bytes, checksum: aea6da94c5da703176140b6b01613163 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-28 / Este estudo objetiva identificar a motivação para a emergência dos conflitos de natureza política na ekklesia de Corinto, logo após a sua fundação, em 50, por Paulo de Tarso. Destaca que as epístolas 1 e 2 Coríntios, redigidas por Paulo e endereçadas a essa comunidade entre 54-60, apresentam conflitos relacionados ao tipo de conduta adotado pelos membros e, sobretudo, a disputas por autoridade dentro da ekklesia, as quais se desdobram numa oposição à autoridade de Paulo como apóstolo . Na averiguação dos conflitos, faz uso de uma metodologia que se apoia na Análise de Conteúdo e nos pressupostos teóricos de Bourdieu acerca da eficácia do discurso e do poder simbólico, e assim investiga o grau de institucionalização do paleocristianismo e os modelos de autoridade apostólica vigentes no século I. Aponta como resultados que a autoridade de Paulo foi contestada porque os grupos paleocristãos não tinham uma referência única de autoridade e que o grau de institucionalização do paleocristianismo na metade do século I se mostrava incipiente, caracterizado pela ausência de fronteiras bem definidas entre os grupos religiosos de tendência judaico-cristã / This study aims to identify the motivation for the emergence of political conflicts in the ekklesia of Corinth, soon after its foundation in 50 A.C., by Paul of Tarsus. It highlights that the letters 1 and 2 Corinthians, written by Paul and addressed to this community between 54-60 A.C., present conflicts related to the type of conduct adopted by its members and, above all, the disputes over authority within the ekklesia, which unfold in opposition to the authority of Paul as "apostle." In the investigation of conflicts, it makes use of a methodology that relies on Content analysis and Bourdieus theoretical assumptions about the effectiveness of speech and symbolic power and thus it investigates the degree of institutionalization of Paleochristianity and models of apostolic authority in force in the 1st century. It points as results that Pauls authority was challenged because Paleochristians groups have not had only one reference of authority and that the degree of institutionalization of Paleochristianity showed itself incipient in the first half of the 1st century, characterized by the absence of well-defined boundaries among groups Jewish Christian tendency

L'authenticité du discernement vocationnel de femmes qui se disent appelées à la prêtrise ou au diaconat dans l'Église catholique du Québec

Jacob, Pauline January 2006 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Vereinsamung in der postmodernen Gesellschaft als Herausforderung der Kirche / Isolation in postmodern society as a challenge to the church

Breidenbach, Roy 30 April 2007 (has links)
Text in German / Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht von der Beobachtung aus, dass die postmoderne Gesellschaft tendenziell isolierend auf die Menschen wirkt. Demgegenüber wohnt der Kirche ein Gemeinschaftspotential inne, das eine greifbare Alternative für vereinsamte Menschen anbieten kann. Diese Untersuchung stellt nun die zentrale Frage, wie die Kirche ihr gemeinschaftsförderndes Potential effektiver in die Gesellschaft einbringen kann. Hierzu werden zunächst die soziologischen und theologischen Voraussetzungen geklärt, denen dann, anhand einer begrenzten empirischen Studie, praktische Erfahrungen von Menschen mit kirchlicher Gemeinschaft an die Seite gestellt werden. Zuletzt wird die zeitgenössische Gemeindebauliteratur vergleichend herangezogen, um schlussendlich die zentrale Frage dieser Untersuchung mit einigen praktischen Vorgehensvorschlägen zu beantworten. Summary of Dissertation This study has its roots in the observation, that the postmodern society has a tendency to isolate the people. In contrast to this, the church has an inherent potential of community, which can offer a concrete alternative for isolated people. This study now asks the central question, how the church can be enabled to bring their community-promoting potential more effectively into the society. For this, firstly the sociological and theological conditions are clarified, to which then, on the basis of a limited empirical study, practical experiences of people with church community are placed beside. At last, the contemporary literature of church growth is consulted comparatively, in order to finally answer the central question of this study by some practical procedure suggestions. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

Vereinsamung in der postmodernen Gesellschaft als Herausforderung der Kirche / Isolation in postmodern society as a challenge to the church

Breidenbach, Roy 30 April 2007 (has links)
Text in German / Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht von der Beobachtung aus, dass die postmoderne Gesellschaft tendenziell isolierend auf die Menschen wirkt. Demgegenüber wohnt der Kirche ein Gemeinschaftspotential inne, das eine greifbare Alternative für vereinsamte Menschen anbieten kann. Diese Untersuchung stellt nun die zentrale Frage, wie die Kirche ihr gemeinschaftsförderndes Potential effektiver in die Gesellschaft einbringen kann. Hierzu werden zunächst die soziologischen und theologischen Voraussetzungen geklärt, denen dann, anhand einer begrenzten empirischen Studie, praktische Erfahrungen von Menschen mit kirchlicher Gemeinschaft an die Seite gestellt werden. Zuletzt wird die zeitgenössische Gemeindebauliteratur vergleichend herangezogen, um schlussendlich die zentrale Frage dieser Untersuchung mit einigen praktischen Vorgehensvorschlägen zu beantworten. Summary of Dissertation This study has its roots in the observation, that the postmodern society has a tendency to isolate the people. In contrast to this, the church has an inherent potential of community, which can offer a concrete alternative for isolated people. This study now asks the central question, how the church can be enabled to bring their community-promoting potential more effectively into the society. For this, firstly the sociological and theological conditions are clarified, to which then, on the basis of a limited empirical study, practical experiences of people with church community are placed beside. At last, the contemporary literature of church growth is consulted comparatively, in order to finally answer the central question of this study by some practical procedure suggestions. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

An Impact Study Using Kingdom of God Economics For Inner-City Community Development

Brown, Norman J. 20 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Fakta eller förvirring : en granskning av ett par omdiskuterade avsnitt i 1 Korintierbrevet och kommentarer till dessa

Ödman, Bengt January 2010 (has links)
I 1 Korintierbrevet finns två ofta diskuterade avsnitt som med speciellt fokus på kvinnorna talar om ordningen vid kristna sammankomster: 11:2-16 och 14:34-36. Denna uppsats gör en analys av dessa texter och deras behandling i den vetenskapliga litteraturen. Hur ska man förhålla sig till att kompetenta forskare kommer till rakt motsatta slutsatser? Är det fel i argumentationen, i premisserna, eller saknar vi helt enkelt tillräcklig kunskap? Går det att skilja på vad som är omstritt av exegetiska respektive teologiska skäl? Slutsatsen är att bland tre typer av argumentation som förekommer i litteraturen, som jag kallar den värderande, den datainsamlande respektive den konstruktiva, har forskningen en olycklig slagsida mot den första typen. Alltför mycket har skrivits utan att tillföra något av varken fakta eller ideer - man refererar bara till tidigare forskning och väger olika uppfattningar mot varandra. Om man refererar till andra författares tidigare arbeten utan att gå in på argumenten blir forskningen svår att bedöma efter att nya data tillkommit. Alltför ofta är kriteriet dessutom hur väl en teori stämmer med på förhand given teologi, snarare än en värdering av argumentens stöd i fakta. / In 1 Corinthians we find two much discussed passages which, focusing especially on the women, speak of order at the Christian gatherings: 11:2-16 and 14:34-36. This paper analyses these passages and their treatment in the scholarly literature. How should one relate to the fact that competent scholars reach diametrically opposed conclusions? Is there error in the argumentation, the premises, or do we simply lack sufficient knowledge? Is it possible to distinguish between what is contested for exegetical and for theological reasons? The conclusion is that among three types of argumentation in the literature, which I call value judgments, information gathering, and construction, there is an unfortunate imbalance towards the first type. Too much has been written that adds neither facts nor ideas - there is only references to earlier research and weighing of points of view against each other. If there is only references to other scholars' works and no engagement with the arguments, it is difficult for others to reassess the results after new data has appeared. Too often, also, the conclusions are based on a pre-conceived theology, rather than a weighing of the factual support of the arguments.

Mystik und Koinonia: Das ekklesiologisch-missiologische potential mystischer spiritualitat / Mysticism and Koinonia: The ecclesiological and missiological potential of mystical spirituality

Breidenbach, Roy 02 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht primär das Potential christlicher Mystik für die Ekklesia, Koinonia und die Mission der Kirche. Dabei wird berücksichtigt, dass der Mystikbegriff definitorisch nur schwer zu greifen ist, da keine eindeutige Definition dieses Begriffes existiert.. Auf Grund dieser Tatsache entstehen Irritationen und Missverständnisse, gerade auch in der evangelischen und evangelikalen Christenheit, die keine traditionelle Verankerung der Mystik in ihrem Glaubensleben kennen, wie es etwa bei der katholischen Kirche der Fall ist. An dieser Stelle definiert diese Arbeit in einem hinführenden ersten Teil, was christliche Mystik ist, in ihrer Unterscheidung zu esoterischen Phänomenen oder auch nichtchristlichen Mystiken. In der Folge wird nach den praktischen Ausformungen christlicher Mystik anhand von vier exemplarisch ausgewählten spirituellen Übungswegen gefragt. Auch psychologische Fragen, sowie die Frage nach der Mystagogie finden hier ihren Platz. Im Weiteren wird dann das Verhältnis zwischen der christlichen Mystik und der Koinonia, Ekklesia und Mission der Kirche bedacht. Hier ist es immer wieder das zentrale Begegnungsgeschehen, welches im Mittelpunkt des Interesses steht und als verbindendes Element dieser Aspekte ins Blickfeld rückt. Abschließend skizziert diese Arbeit eine mystische Ekklesiologie, wie sie auf Grund der vorangegangenen Erwägungen denkbar ist. Das Potential christlicher Mystik in Gemeindeaufbau und Mission wird verdeutlicht, sowie die Notwendigkeit einer empirischen Überprüfung der aufgestellten Theorie anhand einiger praktischer Anregungen aufgezeigt. / This work mainly asks for the potential of christian mysticism for the Ekklesia, Koinonia and the mission of the Church. In order to this, it is considered that the term mysticism is difficult to grasp by definition, for there is no clear definition of the term mysticism. Due to this fact irritations and misunderstandings are caused, especially in the protestant and evangelical Christianity, that have no traditional anchoring of mysticism in their life of faith, as it is the case in the catholic Church for example. At this point, the work at hand defines in an afferent first part, what christian mysticism is, in distinction to esoteric phenomena or non-christian mysticism. The following part asks for the practical forms of christian mysticism with reference to four selected samples of spiritual exercises. At this place, psychological issues are considered too, as well as the question for the mystagogy. In the next part of this work, the relationship between the christian mysticism and Koinonia, Ekklesia and the mission of the Church will be considered. At this point, the occurance of community as a connecting element for these issues is in the focus of interest. Finally, this work outlines a mystical ecclesiology, as it is now possible and conceivable on the basis of the foregoing considerations. The potential of christian mysticism for church development and the mission of the church will be clarified, as well as the need for empirical research and testing of the shown theory by some practical suggestions. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Th. (Missiology)

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