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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards heterogeneous faith communities : understanding transitional processes in Seventh-day Adventist Churches in South Africa

Parker, Alan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation examines racial transition toward heterogeneity in three Seventh-day Adventist congregations in South Africa. This dissertation aims to uncover social factors involved in this change as well as to set forth a theological direction with application to the local faith community. The first section examines recent studies and literature on multiracial congregations, indicating a possible breakdown between theory and practice. Using insights from Kuhn, Gadamer, Habermas, and Geertz, a critical correlational approach is proposed using narrative, community-based praxis, dialectical thinking, and eschatological vision. The theological methods of Groome and Browning are combined to suggest a four-phase approach to practical theological research. The second section undertakes an ethnographic study of three Seventh-day Adventist congregations on the outskirts of Durban, Cape Town and Johannesburg. Congregations are examined through the fourfold lens of history, identity, process and program. All three congregations are then compared and analysed from both an etic and emic perspective. Differences between various racial groups are examined and congregational challenges and resources identified. It is shown that while positive racial attitudes exist, underlying black distrust, white fears and other reconciliation issues need to be addressed. Common challenges include continuing racial change, mission and identity issues, evangelism issues, leadership issues and worship issues. Helpful resources in the congregations include an accepting culture, a common language, strong leadership, members with previous multicultural experience and an attractive worship service. Cultural adaptation is analysed through a psychological model ('W-Model') and a congregational model, both of which indicated tensions between assimilationist and integrationist patterns. The third section critiques the sociological approach through a theological hermeneutic. Hospitality to the stranger is proposed as an alternative narrative for handling transition to diversity, and is compared with existing narratives of difference and unity. The witness of Scripture shows both the need to embrace otherness as well as how central hospitality is to God‘s mode of interaction with His created order. The implications of this embrace are explored in terms of other theological models of identity and otherness, reconciliation, the missio Dei and the kingdom of God. In the final section a model of showing hospitality to the stranger is examined in terms of the following movements: (a) the invitation or welcome, (b) providing the gift, (c) feasting at the table, (d) sharing stories, (e) providing a room, and (f) becoming part of the household. The goal is to show how to grow in intimacy without destroying identity. Tensions in the practice of hospitality to the stranger are examined: risk is balanced against opportunity, identity against otherness; boundaries are worked out in a context of sacrifice. Nevertheless, in spite of these paradoxical tensions, it is seen that in this narrative there is potential for bringing diverse communities together based on an ethic of self-giving and mutual acceptance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif ondersoek die transformasieproses van homogene na heterogene gemeentes ten opsigte van ras in drie Sewendedag Adventiste gemeentes in Suid-Afrika. Die tesis beoog om sosiale faktore wat die transformasieproses beïnvloed te bespreek sowel as om in die verband teologies rigting te gee aan plaaslike geloofsgemeenskappe. Die eerste afdeling ondersoek onlangse studies en literatuur in verband met veelrassige gemeentes en toon 'n moontlike uiteensetting van teorie en praktyk. Deur gebruik te maak van die insig van Kuhn, Gadamer, Habermas, en Geertz word 'n kritiese korrelatiewe benadering voorgestel wat gebruik maak van narratiewe, gemeenskap gebaseerde praxis, dialektiese denke, en eskatologiese visie. Die teologiese metodes van Groome en Browning word gekombineer ten einde 'n vier-fase benadering tot praktiese teologiese navorsing voor te stel. Die tweede afdeling onderneem 'n etnografiese studie van drie Sewendedag Adventiste gemeentes aan die buitewyke van Durban, Kaapstad en Johannesburg. Gemeentes word bestudeer onder die viervoudige lens van geskiedenis, identiteit, proses en program. Al drie die gemeentes word dan vergelyk en ontleed van beide 'n lokale en globale (etic en emic) perspektief. Verskille tussen rasse word ondersoek en gemeenskaplike uitdagings en hulpbronne word geïdentifiseer. Hierdie ondersoek toon aan dat alhoewel positiewe rassehoudings bestaan, onderliggende Swart wantroue, Blanke vrese en ander versoeningskwessies aangespreek behoort te word. Algemene uitdagings sluit die hantering van voordurende verandering, missie- en identiteitsproblematiek, evangelisasie problematiek, leierskap problematiek en aanbiddingsproblematiek in. Nuttige benaderings tot die problematiek behels 'n kultuur van aanvaarding, gemeenskaplike taal, sterk leierskap, lidmate met multikulturele ervaring en besielende eredienste. Kulturele aanpassing word ontleed met behulp van 'n sielkundige model ('W-Model') en 'n gemeentelike model. Beide modelle toon spanning tussen assimilasie- en integrasiepatrone. Die derde afdeling kritiseer die sosiologiese benadering deur middel van 'n teologiese hermeneutiek. Gasvryheid teenoor die vreemdeling word voorgestel as 'n alternatiewe narratief in die plek van bestaande narratiewe van verskil en eenheid om die transisie na diversiteit te verwerk. Die getuienis van die Skrif wys op die noodsaaklikheid om die verskille tussen mense te versoen binne die konteks van God se 'gasvryheid' wat sentraal staan in Sy interaksie met Sy skepping. Die implikasies van hierdie versoening word ondersoek in terme van die aanvullende teologiese modelle van identiteit en andersheid, versoening, die missio Dei en die koninkryk van God. In die laaste afdeling word 'n model van gasvryheid teenoor die vreemdeling ondersoek in terme van die volgende bewegings: (a) uitnodiging of verwelkoming, (b) bereidheid tot opoffering, (c) viering rondom die tafel, (d) deel van verhale, (e) verskaffing van eie ruimtes, f) eenwording van die huishouding. Die doel is om aan te toon hoe om in intimiteit te groei sonder om identiteit prys te gee. Spanning in die praktiese beoefening van gasvryheid teenoor die vreemdeling word ondersoek: risiko moet gebalanseer word met geleentheid, identiteit met verskil en grense word in die konteks van opoffering uitgewerk. Ten spyte van hierdie paradoksale spannings, het die narratief van die vreemdeling en gasvryheid die potensiaal is om diverse gemeenskappe bymekaar te bring deur middel van 'n etiek van opofferende en gemeenskaplike aanvaarding.

Transforming theological education in the Church of the Province of Uganda (Anglican)

Hovil, R. Jeremy G. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study presents a practical-theological examination of the changing face of theological education in the Church of Uganda (COU). It explores the hypothesis that both the effectiveness of the Church’s training and its mission are inextricably tied to their responsiveness and integrity in the midst of multiple transitions. As an example of practical theology, it identifies itself with the praxis-centred stance of the contemporary practical theology movement, an identification that makes it both action-oriented and contextual. The action-oriented nature of the research is introduced in Chapter One, where it is described using social-science categories, and is developed in Chapter Two through an introduction to a specific theological framework for transforming theological education. This framework guides the study along practical, biblical, missional and local lines. The contextual concern is maintained throughout the study. Chapters Three, Four and Five draw on an extensive primary database and explore the Ugandan context from the socioeconomic, socio-cultural and ecclesiastical perspectives. That contextual analysis is shaped by, and continually connects with the concerns of theological education and those chapters raise and explore a number of issues. These include socio-economic challenges such as dramatic regional variation and demographic change, the need for theological education to connect with culture, particularly in relation to its heterogeneity and its oral-literary nature, and the significance of the unique narrative and identity of the COU for its theological education. However, through the synthesis of these contextual findings, two dominant requirements for the transformation of theological education in the COU emerge, namely integration and flexibility. The history, curriculum, pedagogy and structures of theological education in the COU are then evaluated in Chapters Six and Seven in the light of those two requirements, as well as from the perspective of the discipline of curriculum development. The analysis recognises where recent developments in the sphere have already begun to incorporate these values, but it also highlights the need for more radical transformation. With this in mind, Chapter Eight then examines the implementation of a recent model of training, Integrated Leadership Development (ILD), into the COU. It suggests that ILD is not only a valuable programme of transformational training in itself, but that it also serves as a pointer to and catalyst for wider changes in the education programmes of the COU. Finally, the study concludes by synthesising the findings into a dynamic curriculum development model for use in transforming theological education in the COU. Furthermore, the application of the model demonstrates its relevance and generates some specific strategic recommendations for change. As such the study contributes to both the local and global discourse on theological education, and to the field of practical theology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is ‘n prakties-teologiese ondersoek wat die veranderende gelaat van teologiese opleiding in die Anglikaanse Kerk van Uganda navors. Die navorsing ondersoek die hipotese dat beide die effektiwiteit van die kerk se opleiding sowel as sy roeping integraal verweef is met die kerk se vermoë om met integriteit te reageer op die stroom van veranderinge waarmee dit gekonfronteer word. As praktiese-teologiese ondersoek volg dit ‘n praxis-georiënteerde, kontekstueel betrokke benadering. Hoofstuk een lei dit in, stel die probleem en hipoteses en verduidelik voorts die sosiaal-wetenskaplike aard van die studie. Die tweede hoofstuk beskryf ‘n bepaalde teologiese raamwerk vir die transformasie van teologiese opleiding. Dié raamwerk begelei die studie prakties, bybels, missionêr en kontekstueel. Die studie ontwikkel kontekstueel. Hoofstukke drie tot vyf gebruik belangrike primêre navorsingsdata wanneer dit die Ugandese konteks uit verskillende verbandhoudende perspektiewe beskryf: sosio-ekonomies, sosio-kultureel en ekklesiologies. Die analises is voortdurend in dialoog met die sentrale tema van teologiese opleiding wat van verskeie hoeke oopgedek word. Wat uitstaan is die sosio-ekonomiese uitdagings wat teweeggebring is deur die demografiese veranderings wat plaasgevind het. Die belang van die verband tussen teologiese opleiding en die kulturele situasie word hoe langer hoe skerper belig en mens besef die implikasies van die land se kulturele heterogeniteit en sy mondelinge tradisie. Dit het ‘n bepalende effek or die storie van die Anglikaanse Kerk in Uganda en die aard van sy teologiese opleiding. Die sintese van die kontekstuele analise wys twee wesentlike vereistes vir die transformasieproses van teologiese opleiding in die kerk uit: integrasie en soepelheid. Die geskiedenis, kurrikulum, opvoedkunde en strukture van teologiese opleiding in die Anglikaanse Kerk in Uganda word in Hoofstuk Ses en Sewe in die lig van die twee vereistes ge-evalueer. Dit word ook getoets aan die vereistes van kurrikulum ontwikkeling. Die analise wys daarop dat resente ontwikkelinge in die vakgebied reeds geïnkorporeer is in die praktyk, maar toon aan dat radikaler stappe nodig is. Teen die agtergrond toon Hoofstuk Agt aan hoe die model van Geïntegreerde Leierskap Ontwikkeling in die kerk geïmplementeer word. As sodanig toon dit aan dat Geïntegreerde Leierskap Ontwikkeling ‘n waardevolle transformasiegerigte opleidingsprogram is wat die weg kan aantoon vir verreikende veranderinge in die opleidingsprogramme van die kerk. Die studie sluit af deur die bevindinge van die studie saam te voeg in ‘n dinamiese model vir kurrikulum ontwikkeling wat die transformasieproses in teologiese opleiding in die Anglikaanse Kerk van Uganda kan begelei. Die toepassing van die model wys reeds die toebaarheid daarvan uit en genereer voortdurend belangrike strategiese voorstelle op die pad van die transformasieproses in teologiese opleiding. As sodanig lewer dit ‘n praktiesteologiese bydrae in die plaaslike en globale gesprek oor teologiese opleiding.

Compassion fatigue : pastoral care to HIV and AIDS caregivers within the realm of the healing professions

Solomons, Daniel Peter 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation aims to address the phenomenon of compassion fatigue within the scenario - of the HIV and AIDS pandemic in South Africa where an estimated 5-6 million people are living with HIV and AIDS. One in every three patients is hospitalised at some stage of their sickness and sufferers of the pandemic come into contact with someone that gives care to HIV and AIDS infected persons, whether in a hospital, a clinic, in counselling or a hospice. Professional stress and emotional fatigue is an inherent feature of the life of caregivers, and there is growing evidence is that it is on the increase. Caregivers are generally compassionate people and the compassion that they have and share with suffering people can be depleted . Caregivers become fatigued by the plight and the situation that never lets up hence the concept compassion fatigue. In this regard, the meaning of this concept as applied to HIV and AIDS caregivers in the healing and helping professions in hospital care (chaplaincy) and different clinical settings was the focus of the research. Compassion fatigue relates to professional stress and can impair professional competency and performance within pastoral caregiving. The phenomenon was studied to distinguish between compassion fatigue burnout/burn up and vicarious traumatisation. A more comprehensive understanding of these concepts will help to clarify current misconceptions. Aspects that necessitate a closer look are whether compassion fatigue is fundamentally stress related or a kind of depletion within the self of the pastoral helper. Could it be some kind of affective exhaustion, or is it related fundamentally to the overexposure to human suffering? Is compassion fatigue then suffering related? The study focuses on the challenges that confront caregivers in the HIV and AIDS field. How can these challenges pose an existential threat to their being-function and human identity? The study also explores how the theology of the cross (from a pastoral approach) can assist caregivers to deal with the question of meaning in the suffering that their patients (and they) may experience. Research questions included how the phenomenon of compassion fatigue should be understood as an inherent feature of the life of caregivers to HIV and AIDS sufferers, and what caregiving should imply to the caregivers (“wounded healers”). What is clear is that those caregivers very definitely also need care. A viable possibility to render meaningful help to depleted caregivers is to take them out of the working place and give them time, space and means to become whole again. A retreat environment is indicated as a form of recuperation for caregivers. At this stage the study amounts to only first steps in that direction and emphasises the need to investigate the subject further. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling beoog om die fenomeen van medelye-moegheid te verstaan vanuit die agtergrond van die HIV en VIGS pandemie in Suid-Afrika waar daar 'n beraamde 5-6 miljoen mense met HIV en VIGS lewe. Dit word geskat dat 1 uit elke 3 pasiënte in 'n stadium of stadia van die siekte gehospitaliseer word en derhalwe kom die meeste lyers in aanraking met iemand wat sorg verleen aan MIV/VIGS geïnfekteerde persone, hetsy in 'n hospitaal, 'n kliniek, in berading of 'n hospice. Professionele stres en emosionele moegheid is 'n inherente kenmerk van die lewe van versorgers en daar is toenemende bewys dat dit vanweë die erns van die situasie toeneem. Versorgers is oor die algemeen deernisvolle mense en die deernis wat hulle het en deel met mense wat ly, kan uitgeput raak. Te wyte aan ʼn situasie wat toenemend versleg en nie in die afsienbare toekoms sal weggaan nie ervaar versorgers dat die blootstelling aan menslike lyding en ellende hulle vermoë om lydendes pastoraal te troos en by te staan, drasties opgebruik vandaar die begrip medelye-uitputting. In hierdie verband fokus die navorsing op die betekenis van die konsep medelye-uitputting, soos toegepas op MIV- en VIGS- sorggewers binne die kader van die genesing- en hulpverleningprofessies in die hospitaal (kapelaansdienste) en kliniese instellings. Die verskynsel van medelye-uitputting met betrekking tot professionele stres raak die professionele bevoegdheid en prestasie van versorgers in pastorale hulpverlening. In hierdie verband is die doel om te onderskei tussen medelye-uitputting, uitbranding en plaasvervangende traumatisering. Dit is aanvaarbaar dat 'n meer omvattende begrip van hierdie konsepte huidige wanopvattings daaroor beter kan toelig. 'n Aspek wat 'n nader beskouing noodsaak, is of medelye-moegheid fundamenteel stresverwant is of 'n soort uitputting van die pastorale helper self, of 'n soort affektiewe uitputting, en of dit verband hou met te veel blootstelling binne die sfeer van menslike lyding. Die studie fokus op die uitdagings wat deur versorgers in die HIV en VIGSversorgingsveld die hoof gebied moet word, en hoe hierdie uitdaging ’n eksistensiële bedreiging vir hulle kan inhou wat hulle menswees en identiteit negatief kan beïnvloed. Die studie verken hoe daar vanuit die verstaan van die kruis-teologie pastorale ondersteuning gebied kan word met die hantering/verstaan van lyding en die doel en betekenis daarvan. Navorsingsvrae sluit o.a. in hoe ons die fenomeen van medelye-moegheid as ʼn ontwikkelende verskynsel in die lewe van versorgers wat met MIV- en VIGS-lyers werk, behoort te verstaan en wat pastorale sorg aan uitgeputte versorgers sou impliseer. Wat duidelik na vore gekom het, is dat die helpende hande baie beslis self ook helpende hande benodig. ʼn Haalbare moontlikheid om betekenisvolle hulp aan uitgeputte versorgers te verleen, is aan die hand gedoen, naamlik om hulle uit die werkomgewing weg te neem. By ʼn rusplek (“retreat”) kan aan hulle die kans gegun word om te herstel, self ook weer heel te word. Hierdie vorm van herstel vir uitgeputte versorgers is kortliks hanteer en word voorgestel, maar dit is maar die eerste treë in so ’n navorsingsrigting, wat die noodsaaklikheid van verdere navorsing beklemtoon.

Towards the inculturation of marriage rituals in the National Baptist Convention of Zimbabwe: A missiological critique

Shumba, Sibiziwe 12 1900 (has links)
In thisstudy, I seek to give a missiological critique of the inculturation of marriage rituals in the National Baptist Convention (NBC) of Zimbabwe. I examine and explore the kind of inculturation that could help expedite greater engagement between the NBC of Zimbabwe, on the one hand, and the Shona and Ndebele cultures, on the other hand, in Midlands and Matabeleland regions. To that end, I use missiological research methodologies that include Pastoral Cycles, especially the four phase and the seven-point praxis matrix as propounded, among others, by Kritzinger (2010). I apply the latter as a grid of missiological questions. I apply these cycles in a mixed-research approach of quantitative and qualitative paradigms. The case study and descriptive survey are my designs. I chose as my research sample 140 research respondents from six of the thirteen denominations of the Convention in two regions, namely, the Midlands and the Matabeleland. These include National Executive members, pastors, elders, deacons, church committee members and ordinary lay members. Questionnaires, interviews and observations are used as instruments. The findings reveal that marriage rituals are significant to members of the NBC of Zimbabwe. They show how the NBC of Zimbabwe inculturated payment of bride price, ululating, dancing, and guidance and counselling into church practices. Marrying someone whose background is known was also inculturated. Respondents argue that these aspects of culture are biblically commendable and should be retained. However, polygamy, divination and ancestor veneration is rejected. The study further shows that the kusungira ritual and conducting marriage rituals in the November month are controversial. However, the inculturation of some aspects of marriage rituals was hindered by fear of syncretism, clash of doctrines and differing views within members of many ethnic tribes in the Convention. The study recommends that the NBC of Zimbabwe should encourage the payment of the bride price, whilst discouraging its abuse and that Church leaders should also handle with sensitivity controversies surrounding payment of the bride price. It also emphasises the preaching and teaching against views that perpetuate patriarchy and subordination of women by men in the church and society and encourages fusion of church and traditional wedding ceremonies. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology

The urban explosion of black majority churches : their origin, growth, distinctives and contribution to British Christianity / by Babatunde Aderemi Adedibu

Adedibu, Babatunde Aderemi January 2010 (has links)
British church history in the last sixty years is best described as a “coat of many colours”. This image is appropriate because of the growth and proliferation of Black Majority Churches in urban areas of the British Isles. The advent of these churches has contributed to the prevailing pluralistic theological landscape. This thesis aims to evaluate the current status of Black Majority Churches with respect to their origin, growth, distinctives and contributions to British Christianity. Historiographical research methods are utilised in this study, including a review of historical publications on Britain’s Black Majority Churches and evaluation of their liturgical practices, preaching styles, common ethos, training standards and generally accepted doctrinal statements. Hitherto, the general consensus amongst Black British theologians was that the Black Majority Churches originated in the Windrush migration era, beginning in 1948. However, this era is more appropriately seen as one of expansion, rather than the foundation, of Black Majority Churches. The foundation stone for the growth and proliferation of these churches had been laid with the establishment of Sumner Chapel, Peckham, in 1906 by a Ghanaian, Pastor Brem Wilson. Further impetus was given to this initiative with the emergence of the African Church Mission in 1931, led by a Nigerian, Rev Daniel Ekarte. The growth of these churches in urban areas was greatly accentuated during the Windrush dispensation, with the emergence of West Indian churches, which evolved not only as a result of racism but in order to meet the authentic social, cultural and religious needs of Africans and Caribbeans in Britain. The theological flavours of these churches are similar to those of global Pentecostalism, but are modulated by African and Caribbean cosmologies. Alongside their pneumacentric, experiential approach, there exists a strong resonance with the American Pentecostal “health and wealth” ideology. The socio-cultural and religious importance of these churches during the acculturation of migrants in Britain is pivotal, but at times these churches also limit the process of acculturation because of their minimal social interaction with the wider British communities. The political pragmatism of Black-led Churches is gradually evolving and is in sharp contrast to the political ideology of the Black Movement of America. The active involvement of various Black-led Church leaders, community groups and parachurch organizations is gradually shaping the political activities of Black Majority Churches. The missiological praxis of these churches seems suspect because many are “migrant sanctuaries”. The limitations are inherently due to a lack of retrospection on the missional tools of these churches and a certain disregard of the British context. The role and functionalities of these churches in terms of social and political relevance is gradually unfolding. The future relevance of these churches is totally dependent on proactive initiatives such as the planting of missional churches, development of articulate leadership, theological training and engagement with British culture. / PhD (Missiology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, in association with Greenwich School of Theology, UK, 2011

The urban explosion of black majority churches : their origin, growth, distinctives and contribution to British Christianity / by Babatunde Aderemi Adedibu

Adedibu, Babatunde Aderemi January 2010 (has links)
British church history in the last sixty years is best described as a “coat of many colours”. This image is appropriate because of the growth and proliferation of Black Majority Churches in urban areas of the British Isles. The advent of these churches has contributed to the prevailing pluralistic theological landscape. This thesis aims to evaluate the current status of Black Majority Churches with respect to their origin, growth, distinctives and contributions to British Christianity. Historiographical research methods are utilised in this study, including a review of historical publications on Britain’s Black Majority Churches and evaluation of their liturgical practices, preaching styles, common ethos, training standards and generally accepted doctrinal statements. Hitherto, the general consensus amongst Black British theologians was that the Black Majority Churches originated in the Windrush migration era, beginning in 1948. However, this era is more appropriately seen as one of expansion, rather than the foundation, of Black Majority Churches. The foundation stone for the growth and proliferation of these churches had been laid with the establishment of Sumner Chapel, Peckham, in 1906 by a Ghanaian, Pastor Brem Wilson. Further impetus was given to this initiative with the emergence of the African Church Mission in 1931, led by a Nigerian, Rev Daniel Ekarte. The growth of these churches in urban areas was greatly accentuated during the Windrush dispensation, with the emergence of West Indian churches, which evolved not only as a result of racism but in order to meet the authentic social, cultural and religious needs of Africans and Caribbeans in Britain. The theological flavours of these churches are similar to those of global Pentecostalism, but are modulated by African and Caribbean cosmologies. Alongside their pneumacentric, experiential approach, there exists a strong resonance with the American Pentecostal “health and wealth” ideology. The socio-cultural and religious importance of these churches during the acculturation of migrants in Britain is pivotal, but at times these churches also limit the process of acculturation because of their minimal social interaction with the wider British communities. The political pragmatism of Black-led Churches is gradually evolving and is in sharp contrast to the political ideology of the Black Movement of America. The active involvement of various Black-led Church leaders, community groups and parachurch organizations is gradually shaping the political activities of Black Majority Churches. The missiological praxis of these churches seems suspect because many are “migrant sanctuaries”. The limitations are inherently due to a lack of retrospection on the missional tools of these churches and a certain disregard of the British context. The role and functionalities of these churches in terms of social and political relevance is gradually unfolding. The future relevance of these churches is totally dependent on proactive initiatives such as the planting of missional churches, development of articulate leadership, theological training and engagement with British culture. / PhD (Missiology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, in association with Greenwich School of Theology, UK, 2011

Money raining from heaven?: an appraissal of the prosperity gospel in a missiological framework

Hendricks, Carl 10 1900 (has links)
The constituent concepts of the gospel is not only vital for the correct understanding of the true meaning of Christ, but also for the appropriate meaning and practice of mission to enlarge the church of Christ in his service. The thesis researched the background of the Prosperity Gospel critically in addition to the use of it for missiological purposes to enlarge the church with the luring of poor people with the excessive promises of vast wealth after contributing to the Prosperity Churches generously and substantially from within their poverty. The heart of the research was the analysis of ten sermons by prosperity preachers according to the “open coding” of the “Grounded Theory”, drawing conclusions from the practical analysis of the sermons, instead of the usual research working with the material from a pre-conceived theory. This approach uncovered and displayed the distortion and falsification of the true gospel. The thesis constructed an appropriate benchmark of the authentic gospel against which to measure deviations from the traditional gospel and mission according to this gospel. The dissertation exposed courteously, but deliberately that the Prosperity Gospel was infiltrated with alienated concepts from unscriptural humanism, the “American materialistic dream” and the secular Rogerian psychology with its non-spiritual psychotherapeutic approach, as well as the “profane” preaching of Norman Vincent Peale, comprising “New Thought”, metaphysics, Christian Science, and medical and psychological practices. More serious was the specific “cultic” influences and teachings. Cultic here indicated a system of religious or spiritual beliefs, especially an informal and transient belief system regarded by the traditional churches as misguided, unorthodox, extremist, or even false, and directed by a charismatic, 2 authoritarian leader. Ultimately, the Prosperity Gospel was contaminated with Swedenborgianism, Mesmerism and Unitarianism. The thesis, however, is not negative about the overflowing blessings of God, also regarding temporal prosperity, but the research unearthed the true riches of the gospel of Christ in an exegetical scriptural manner and delineated it in an extensive way – money is indeed “raining from heaven”, but spiritually in a true gospel way, through prayer and in obedience to Christ, depending on faith in God. The norm was “abundance, but not accumulation of riches”. It is sad to have unmasked the fact that some prosperity preachers commanded the churches not to pray anymore, but to command the blessings of God “onto” the “true” believers towards accumulation of vast wealth (cf. “pastor” D O OYEDEPO). The 10 sermons were thoroughly scrutinised and the main problems with the “claiming” of vast wealth according to the gospel brought out in the open – the lack of Christ-centred preaching, the absence of the emphasis of the work of the Holy spirit, the misunderstanding of the “revelation” history, the deficiency of scriptural exegesis and the unscriptural obsession with vast material wealth as a “blessing”. Usually only the prosperity preacher and a few supporters became the “blessed” rich from all the compromised donations of the “masses”. This was followed by a development of the academic discipline of theology, indicating revelation as a historical process, where the gospel moved from survival to justice in the Old Testament, and finally to unconditional love and care according to the Messiah, Jesus Christ. This was situated vis-à-vis an evaluation of the theology of the Prosperity Gospel, portraying the false concept of “faith”. Towards the end of the thesis the perspective of the development of missiology was explained up to the contemporary point and an oversight of the concept of mission of the past century was outlined: It became clear that ecclesiology did not precede missiology, but rather, missiology precedes ecclesiology, because a community of Christians did not first create a church and then developed its mission; a community of Christians participated in God’s mission and thus constituted a church, according to the New Testament. This placed the preaching of the blessings of the gospel and the functioning of God’s mission in true perspective. As poverty is a vital concept regarding the preaching of the Prosperity Gospel the plight of the poor in all its shocking depths were exposed as a problem and a mission task for all the churches of Christ - approximately 15 million people in South Africa live in dire poverty without any hope of alleviation, and 1 billion people in the world live under the poverty datum line. This is a wake-up call for the church of Christ, existing for God’s mission, to face this challenge of mission to the poor. The research closed with a summary of the mission task to the poor. The dissertation concluded with a delineation of possible further topics in this field to be studied. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

Community pastoral care : a critical empirical study of the role of the pastor in the community

Mee, Richard 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Pastors and congregations need to communicate the faithfulness and care of God within the real life contexts of the communities that they are a part of. The problem is that pastoral theology has been predominantly linked to individual psychology rather than to theory that facilitates a specifically Christian care for whole communities. This study asks how pastors can engage with the concrete realities of their communities, caring for real and practical needs, within the context of the specifically Christian focus of the Gospel. The chief goal is to make a clear contribution to the way in which Community Pastoral Care is thought about and carried out. This is a contribution that encourages engagement with the needs of the communities together with the Gospel. This requires a methodology that involves interdisciplinary understanding, calling for a hermeneutical study. The study engages firstly with Systems Theory, gaining an understanding of the way in which communities and groups function and change. Linked to this is the study of Communicative Action and Social Constructionism, these contribute understanding of the way in which communication functions within the community system. Thirdly, a study of Community Psychology, including Social Capital, emphasises the importance of focusing on the relationships within the community. Community care in this context is predominantly care for relationships and communication within the community. This includes the understanding that problems form within the relationships that make up the community, rather than individuals within the community. It also places the focus of care on building strengths rather than fixing pathologies. The specif cally Christian character of Community Pastoral Care is given through a study on sin/evil, the gospel and revelation. Th is introduces the action and communication of a faithful God. Community Pastoral Care is seen to incorporate the revelation of the Kingdom of God and its blessings, as well as the possibility of a direct relationship with Him that transforms the life of the community and individuals. Semi-structured interviews, with a small selection of pastors, give an empirical aspect to the study. This helps to ground the study in the actual experiences of pastors, giving a chance for their experience to add to and engage the theory study. The first two theory chapters suggest that the key to community care is developing positive relationships between the parts of the system. With the introduction of a relationship with a faithful God, the understanding of care expands. Revelation of His Kingdom, and the changed relationships that it brings, transforms the earlier Communicative Action into both an expression of and a communication of a faithful God and the promise of His Kingdom. What is concluded is that Community Pastoral Care is primarily the revelation of God to the community. This is carried out through relationship with the congregation including, and guided by, the ministry of the pastor. This is a Pastoral Care that is less about technique and more about mutual relationships of trust and open, positive communication with God, the congregation and the community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Predikante en gemeentes moet die trou en sorg van God kommunikeer binne die werklike lewens kontekste van die gemeenskape waarvan hulle deel is. Die probleem is dat pastorale teologie grootendeels verbind is aan individuele sielkunde eerder as teorie wat ‘n spesifi eke Christelike sorg vir hele gemeenskape fasiliteer. Hierdie studie vra hoe predikante kan betrokke raak by die konkrete realiteite van hulle gemeenskape en soedoende werklike behoeft es praktiese kan aanspreek binne die raamwerk van die spesifi ek Christelike fokus van die evangelie. Die hoefdoel is om ‘n duidelike bydrae te maak aan die teorie en praktyk van Gemeenskapspastoraat. Dit vra ‘n metodologie wat interdisiplinêr en hermeneuties van aard is. Hierdie studie gebruik eers Sisteem Teorie om te analiseer hoe groepe funksioneer en verander. In verband hiermee word die studies van Kommunikatiewe Aksie en Sosiale Konstruksie gebruik om te verstaan hoe kommunikasie funksioneer binne die gemeenskapsisteem. Derdens, word die lens van Gemeenskapssielkunde, veral die konsep van Sosiale Kapitaal, gebruik om die belang van verhoudings binne die gemeenskap te beklemtoon. Gemeenskapsorg in hierdie konteks is hoofsaaklik die sorg van verhoudings en kommunikasie binne die gemeenskap. Daaruit word daar geargumenteer dat probleme in die verhoudings binne die gemeenskap ontstaan eerder as in die individuë wat die gemeenskap vorm. Dit plaas die fokus van sorg op die uitbou van dít wat werk eerder as op die herstel van patologieë. Die besonder Christelike karakter van Gemeenskapspastoraat word uitgelig deur ‘n studie van sonde/ kwaad, die evangelie en openbaring. Dit stel die aksie en kommunikasie van ‘n getroue God voor. Gemeenskapspastoraat sluit in die openbaring van die konninkryk van God en die seëninge daarvan, sowel as die moontlikheid van ‘n direkte verhouding met Hom wat die lewe van die gemeenskap en die individu transformeer. Gedeeltelik-gestruktureerde onderhoude, met ‘n klein steekproef van predikante, het ‘n empiriese komponent aan die studie verleën. Dit help om die studie in die werklike ervaring van predikante te fundeer sodat hulle ervaringe in verband met die teorie gebring kan word. Die eerste twee hoofstukke stel voor dat die sleutel tot gemeenskapssorg is om positiewe verhoudinge te bou tussen die verskillende dele van die sisteem. Met die introduksie van ‘n verhouding met ‘n getroue God, word die verstaan van sorg uitgebrei. Die openbaring van sy Konninkryk, en die veranderde verhoudinge wat dit bring, omskep die vroeër kommunikatiewe aksie na ‘n uitdrukking van en kommunikasie van ‘n getroue God en die beloft e van sy Konninkryk. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat Gemeenskapspastoraat primêr die openbaring van God tot die gemeenskap is. Dit word uitgedra deur die verhouding tussen God en die gemeente, insluitend en gelei deur die bediening van die predikant. Dit is dan ‘n soort pastoraat wat minder oor tegniek en meer oor getroue verhoudings en oop, positiewe kommunikasie met God, die gemeente en die gemeenskap gaan.

Towards sustainable rural living : a theological critique on periphery-centre relations in Malawi

Katani, Jacob 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation presents the conscientization of the people in the rural areas, on how the church in Malawi as a community-based organisation can be an effective vehicle in bringing change in their livelihoods. It is an endeavour to answer the question: How can the Church as a community-based organization respond to community challenges in order to be an effective vehicle for community development and sustainable rural living in the light of the problem of urbanization? The researcher argues that, if the Church can take a deliberate part, in helping people in self-development and bringing a positive impact on their lives in responding to community challenges, livelihoods can be positively changed. Chapter one: The first chapter is an introduction of this dissertation and it presents the goals of undertaking this study. It emphasises the fact that urbanization has become a big challenge in developing countries such as Malawi, leading people to flock to the cities, hoping to find an easy life, where they instead find life very difficult. Many people, who have migrated to the cities, find it difficult to meet their daily basic needs, due to lack of access to income. The church as a community-based organisation has a role to play in helping to bring a positive impact, on the people for the betterment of their own life. If the church can play an active role in unlocking awareness in people in the rural areas to not migrate to squalid urban settings, the desire to move to the cities can be minimized. Chapter two: The second chapter briefly describes the context of this research. It presents a brief discussion of the historical background of the church of Nkhoma Synod CCAP. It also gives a brief explanation of the country of Malawi and its geographical location. Along with this general historical background, the chapter draws an exclusive attention to the major contributions of the church to the community, and the unique role that it played in bringing change in the developing countries like Malawi. Through its holistic approach the church reached many people in the communities, and also its emphasis on community development made a major contribution to civic life in the rural as well as urban areas. Chapter three: The third chapter discusses the poverty situation and the Malawian church existence in this context. It further presents the problems that are caused by poverty in the communities, including the challenges posed by the prevalence of HIV/AIDS which Malawi as one of the developing countries is facing due to urbanisation. The church has a huge role to play to the community in regards to community development. Chapter four: Chapter four deals with the specific role of the Church in sustainable development, and it explores the importance of rural sustainability in sustainable development. The church by nature is missional and has been called to serve the triune God, and it needs to participate in sustainable development which reflects God‟s reign in the world, for it has the nature of serving God. It has been given the task to take care of the community, and its role is to place itself with the poor in taking the responsibility of identifying and dealing with the forces that are destroying the communities, in order to bring change. The chapter also deals with how the church can sensitize people living in rural areas, and the importance of staying in the rural areas rather than migrating to urban areas. The terms like "Sustainable development", "Community development" have been defined in order to appreciate on how the church as a community-based organization can indeed be an effective vehicle in community development, and help to create a sustainable rural living. The church has a unique role to play in community development. Chapter five: This chapter gives a careful contextual analysis of rural-urban areas, the challenges that the people in those communities are facing and what should be done in a sustainable rural living. It also discusses and explores on how the church as a community-based organization can be an effective vehicle to Community Development and sustainable rural living. In order to help raise the level of awareness of rural sustainability in human beings, especially those living in rural areas, this chapter has also carefully investigated the factors which attract people to migrate to urban areas and find out the solutions to these challenges. Lastly in order to understand how the church in Malawi as a community-based organization can be an effective vehicle in community development, the chapter has developed a theory of the four steps. These four steps are: Conscientization, Empowerment, Participation and Sustainability. In this chapter it has been emphasized as to how the church could/should engage with the people in order to be an effective vehicle to a sustainable rural living and help people in self-development and bringing a positive impact on their lives. Chapter six: The final chapter summarizes the whole discussion on this study. The study emphasizes the fact that, if the Church can take a deliberate part, in helping people in self-development and bringing a positive impact on their lives, livelihoods can be positively changed. If the church in Malawi, Nkhoma Synod, can take part in conscientizing the people in the rural areas to the importance and advantages of living in the rural, the number of the people migrating to cities can be reduced. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie skripsie handel oor die bewusmaking van Malawiërs in die landelike gebiede en oor hoe die kerk in Malawi, as 'n gemeenskap-gebaseerde organisasie, 'n effektiewe voertuig van verandering in hulle lewensbestaan kan wees. Dit is 'n poging om die vraag te beantwoord: Hoe kan die kerk, as 'n gemeenskap-gebaseerde organisasie, reageer op die gemeenskapuitdagings om 'n effektiewe voertuig vir die ontwikkeling van die gemeenskap te word en volhoubare landelike voortbestaan bevorder? Die navorser betoog dat indien die kerk doelbewus kan meewerk om mense te help met self-ontwikkeling wat 'n positiewe impak op hul lewens in landelike gebiede sal hê, dan sal lewensbestaan ten goede verander. Hoofstuk een: Die eerste hoofstuk is 'n inleiding tot hierdie betoog en bespreek die doelwitte van hierdie studie. Dit beklemtoon die feit dat verstedeliking 'n groot uitdaging is in die ontwikkelende lande soos Malawi. Mense stroom na die stede met die hoop op 'n makliker lewe, maar vind dan dat hulle nie in hul basiese behoeftes kan voorsien nie by gebrek aan toegang tot inkomste. Die kerk, as 'n gemeenskap-gebaseerde organisasie, kan 'n rol speel om te help om 'n positiewe impak te maak en verandering te bring in hierdie mense se bestaan. As die kerk 'n aktiewe rol kan speel in die bewusmaking en ontwikkeling van mense in die landelike gebiede kan die hunkering van mense om te migreer na die stede beperk word. Hoofstuk Twee: Die tweede hoofstuk beskryf die konteks van hierdie navorsing. Dit behels 'n kort bespreking van die historiese agtergrond van die kerk van Nkhoma Sinode CCAP, ook inligting oor Malawi en sy geografiese ligging. Klem word gelê op die groot invloed van die kerk op die gemeenskap en die unieke rol wat dit in die verlede gespeel het om verandering in die ontwikkelende lande soos Malawi te bring. Deur sy holistiese benadering en klem op ontwikkeling het die kerk baie mense bereik en 'n belangrike bydrae tot die burgerlike lewe in landelike sowel as stedelike gemeenskappe gemaak. Hoofstuk Drie: Die derde hoofstuk bespreek die armoede-situasie waarbinne die Malawiese kerk himself bevind, insluitende die voorkoms van MIV / Vigs wat Malawi in die gesig staar as gevolg van verstedeliking. Die kerk het 'n groot taak met betrekking tot gemeenskapsontwikkeling. Hoofstuk vier: Hoofstuk vier handel oor die spesifieke rol van die Kerk in volhoubare ontwikkeling en ondersoek die belangrikheid van landelike volhoubaarheid in volhoubare ontwikkeling. Die kerk behoort van nature missionêr op te tree, aangesien die kerk geroep is om die Drie-enige God te dien. Volhoubare ontwikkeling moet deel wees hiervan. Dit behoort die versorging van die gemeenskap en identifisering van die probleme van armoede in die gemeenskap in te sluit, ten einde die vernietiging van die gemeenskap teen te werk. Hierdie hoofstuk handel ook oor hoe die kerk mense wat in landelike gebiede woon kan sensitiseer en bewus maak van die belangrikheid daarvan om nie na stedelike gebiede te trek nie. Die terme "volhoubare ontwikkeling" en "gemeenskapsontwikkeling" is omskryf om te bevestig hoe die kerk, as 'n gemeenskap-gebaseerde organisasie, 'n effektiewe instrument in die ontwikkeling van die gemeenskap kan wees om volhoubare landelike bestaan te bevorder. Die kerk het 'n unieke rol te speel in die ontwikkeling van die gemeenskap. Hoofstuk vyf: Hierdie hoofstuk gee 'n versigtige kontekstuele analise van landelik-stedelike gebiede, die uitdagings wat die mense in daardie gemeenskappe in die gesig staar en wat gedoen moet word met die oog op volhoubare landelike lewe. Dit bespreek en ondersoek ook hoe die kerk, as 'n gemeenskap-gebaseerde organisasie, 'n effektiewe voertuig kan wees tot gemeenskapsontwikkeling en volhoubare landelike bestaan. Ten einde te help om die vlak van bewustheid van landelike volhoubaarheid in mense te verhoog, veral dié in landelike gebiede, is in hierdie hoofstuk noukeurig ondersoek gedoen na die faktore wat mense lok om te migreer na stedelike gebiede. So kan die oplossings vir hierdie uitdagings gevind word. Ten slotte, om te verstaan hoe die kerk in Malawi, as 'n gemeenskap-gebaseerde organisasie, kan 'n effektiewe voertuig in die ontwikkeling van die gemeenskap kan wees, word in hierdie hoofstuk 'n teorie van vier stappe ontwikkel, nl. Bewusmaking, Bemagtiging, Deelname en Volhoubaarheid. In hierdie hoofstuk word beklemtoon hoe die kerk kan / moet betrokke raak ten einde 'n effektiewe instrument van volhoubare landelike lewe te wees en mense te help in self-ontwikkeling. Hoofstuk ses: Die laaste hoofstuk bevat 'n opsomming van hierdie studie. Die studie beklemtoon die feit dat, indien die kerk doelbewus kan deelneem om mense te help in selfontwikkeling en 'n positiewe impak op hul lewens bring, lewens positief kan verander. As die kerk in Malawi, Nkhoma Sinode, kan deelneem aan die bewusmaking van mense in die landelike gebiede van die belangrikheid en voordele van die lewe daar, kan die getal mense wat na die stede migreer verminder word.

Pastoral participation in transformation : a narrative perspective

Morkel, Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A critical reflection on the researcher’s personal story - a white Afrikaner woman and a member of the Dutch Reformed Church - and her raised awareness regarding the devastating effects of racism, sexism and poverty in South Africa informs the development of a participatory pastoral praxis. The liberation of South Africa and the post-apartheid social reality have unmasked the confessional and kerygmatic approach of practical theology, revealing them to be supportive of dualistic thinking. This approach has frequently blinded us from understanding the ideologies of apartheid and patriarchy and the extent and complexity of their oppressive effects. This research is about doing theology in context and, as such marks a radical shift in practical theology from a confessional-kerygmatic to a publichermeneutical approach. From a methodological perspective the hermeneutic spiral applied in theory formation challenges the church to participate in a praxis approach that will contribute to the healing and transformation of post-apartheid society. Feminist theology and post-structuralist theory, within which Narrative Therapy is positioned, provide the critical lenses for viewing the social realities of South African society. As an interdisciplinary partner to practical theology, Narrative Therapy contributes to liberating action as expressed in a participatory praxis. While holding the metaphor of the Shepherd as expression of God’s compassion, the normative guiding metaphor for a participatory pastoral praxis is the parable of the Good Samaritan. As an embodiment of God’s transformative love and care towards our neighbour, the Good Samaritan points the way to a new way of doing pastoral care. Ten characteristics of a participatory pastoral praxis are identified: the personal is the professional and political; participation with the other; participation with people; participation with awareness; participation in voicing; participation with our bodies; participation together with others; participation in social transformation; participation in interrelatedness and participation in doing restitution. Taken together, they make a significant contribution to the theory formation, ethics and praxis of practical theology with a transformative and healing agenda. The empirical research includes a contextual analysis of the main social problems confronting post-apartheid South Africa: namely, racism, sexism, poverty and the ways in which the HIV/AIDS pandemic interrelates with these. The researcher uses case examples from her praxis - as therapist, community participant, teacher of Narrative Therapy and member of the leadership of the Dutch Reformed Church - to research the transformative effect of a participatory pastoral praxis. In this respect the prophetic dimension of a participatory praxis of care could play a decisive role within the ecclesiology of the Dutch Reformed Church. The transformative effect of Narrative Therapy in working with survivors of childhood sexual abuse is researched in a case example where individual therapy supports the client’s empowered response to poverty, racism and sexism within a rural farming community. Case examples of community participation involve inter-faith dialogue with a Muslim community where historical injustices are addressed through story and memory in a bridge-building function as well as participation with an organization caring for people infected by HIV/AIDS. The values, commitments and practices that support the raising of awareness of social injustices like racism is researched; examples from Narrative Therapy training work show how this approach encourages awareness of social injustices in participants. The transformation of oppressive practices, structures and ideologies within the Dutch Reformed Church is researched. Examples are taken from congregational participation and from women’s participation within the male-dominated synodical leadership structures. The outcome of the research finding assists practical theology, pastoral care and counselling in theory formation and provides a methodology that will enable participation beyond the boundaries of individual consultation rooms to a personal commitment towards the healing and transformation of the wider church and South African society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Kritiese refleksie op die navorser se persoonlike storie as wit Afrikaner vrou en lidmaat van die Nederduits Gereformeerde kerk en haar verhoogde bewussyn van die vernietegende effekte van rassisme, seksisme en armoede binne die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing dien as bron en inspirasie vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n deelnemende pastorale praxis. Die bevryding van Suid-Afrika en die post-apartheid realiteite het die konfessionele en kerygmatiese benadering tot praktiese teologie ontmasker as ondersteunend van die dualisms wat ons verblind het vir die onderdrukkende effek van die ideologië van rassisme en patriargie. As radikale skuif vanaf ‘n konfessioneel-kerygmatiese na ‘n publiek-hermeneutiese benadering in praktiese teologie gaan hierdie navorsing oor die doen van teologie in konteks. Vanuit ‘n metodologiese perspektief daag die hermeneutiese spiraal wat in teorie formasie gebruik word die kerk uit om deel te neem in ‘n praxis benadering wat bydrae tot die heling en transformasie van ‘n post-apartheid samelewing. Feministiese teologie en poststrukturalistiese teorie waar binne NarratieweTerapie geposisioneer is, bied die lense vir ‘n kritiese analise van die sosiale realtiete van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing. As interdissiplinere vennoot tot praktiese teologie dra Narratiewe Terapie by tot bevrydende aksie soos uitgedruk binne ‘n deelnemende praxis. Met behoud van die metafoor van die Herder as uitdrukking van God se deernis, dien die gelykenis van die Barmhartige Samaritaan as normatiewe riglyn vir die beliggaming van God se transformerende liefde en omgee vir die naaste binne ‘n deelnemende pastorale praxis. Tien eienskappe van ‘n deelnemende pastorale praxis word identifiseer: die persoonlike is die professionele en politieke; deelname met die ander; deelname met mense; deelname met bewussyn; deelname in stemgewing; deelname deurbeliggaming; deelname tesame met ander; deelname in sosiale transformasie; deelname in interafhanklikheid en deelname in die doen van restitusie. Saam maak hulle ‘n betekenisvolle bydrae tot die teorie-vorming, etiek en praxis van praktiese teologie met ‘n transformerende en helende agenda. Die empiriese navorsing sluit ‘n konteksuele analise van die belangrikste sosiale problem: naamlik, rassisme, seksisme en armoede asook die MIV/VIGS pandemie wat hiermee verweef is. Die navorser gebruik voorbeelde vanuit haar praxis as terapeut, gemeenskapsdeelnemer, opleier van Narratiewe Terapie en lidmaat van en leier binne die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk om die transformerende effek van ‘n deelnemende pastorale praxis na te vors. In die geval behoort die profetiese dimensie van ‘n deelnemende pastorale praxis ‘n beslissende rol binne die ekklesiologie van die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk te speel. Die transformerende effek van Narratiewe Terapie in die werk met persone wat as kinders seksueel molesteer is, word nagevors in ‘n voorbeeld waar individuele terapie die kliënt ondersteun om met ‘n bemagtigde respons te reageer op die sosiale problem geassosieer met armoede, rassisme en seksisme binne ‘n plattelandse boerdery gemeenskap. Voorbeelde van gemeenskapsdeelname sluit inter-godsdienstige dialoog met ‘n Moslem gemeenskap waarin historiese onregte aangespreek word deur storie en geheue by ‘n Brugbou-funksie sowel as deelname met ‘n organisasie betrokke by die versorging van mense met HIV/VIGS. Die waardes, verbintenisse en praktyke wat bydra tot groter bewusmaking van sosiale onregte soos rassisme word nagevors deur middel van voorbeelde uit Narratiewe Terapie opleiding waar ‘n diversiteit van deelnemers aangemoedig word. Die transformasie van onderdrukkende praktyke, strukture en ideologië binne die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk word nagevors met voorbeelde uit gemeentelike deelname sowel as voorbeelde uit vroue se deelname binne die mans-gedomineerde sinodale leierskap strukture. Die uitkomste van die navorsings bevindinge help praktiese teologie, pastorale sorg en berading in teorie formasie en metodologie wat ‘n deelname buite die grense van individuele konsultasies in spreekkamers moontlik maak en wat kan lei tot ‘n persoonlike verbintenis om by te dra tot heling en transformasie van die wyer gemeenskap en kerk. Sleutelwoorde: Rassisme; seksisme; armoede; deelnemendepastorale praxis; publiek-hermeneutiese benadering tot praktiese teologie; heling en transformasie van post-apartheid samelewing; Narratiewe Terapie; feministiese theology; post-strukturalistiese teorie; terapie met seksuele molestering as kind; gemeenskaps praxis; Narratiewe Terapie opleidings praxis; profetiese leierskap in die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk.

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