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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zobrazování zvířat v českých médiích - Blesk, MF Dnes / Representation of Animals in the Czech media - Blesk, MF Dnes

Kratochvílová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the relationship between humans and animals in contemporary society. Formerly animals were a part of everyday human life but with the advent of modern society, the relationship between man and animal weakens. Today the situation is such that people increasingly form the relationship with animals only through the media. Therefore, the aim of practical research was to determine how and in what context animals are represented in the Czech media, specifically in two selected newspapers - Blesk and MF Dnes. To achieve a comprehensive view on the subject, the work combined two basic approaches to research - qualitative and quantitative. Main method is a qualitative frame analysis during which frames of representing animals that occur in these two newspapers were formulated, described and interpreted. To complement and quantify the information gathered in qualitative analysis, quantitative content analysis was also made. Among others, the results offer us a reflection how we currently think about animals and what role they play in our lives and in life of the whole society.

Pietní vzpomínka na vyhlazení obce Lidice v Gymnáziu Kladno / Reverent commemoration of the annihilation of the village Lidice in Kladno Gymnasium

Šonová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The presented diploma work under the title Reverent commemoration of the annihilation of the village Lidice in Kladno Gymnasium deals primarily with the course of this memorial action and informing grammar school students about historical events which happened on its field. Then it tries to give an idea of problematic of passing the historical awareness to further generations and ways which can lead to this public education. The work also tries to reflect the current situation in informing next generations and its research is grounded in tangible and memorial resources, thus literature and interviews with narrators. It is divided into three explanatory chapters. The introduction part occupies with methodological methods, based on which this one was worked out, research of information sources including available literature, archival or website sources as well as other kinds of backgrounds. It offers a possibility of getting to know a method of oral history, which are the roots of this work, to its reader. It also includes the process in details from picking and addressing the narrators to course of all made interviews, where there were eight of them recorder for the aim of this presented diploma work. The second part reinforces the presented research into its theoretical image. The history of...

Citová vazba a riziko poruch příjmu potravy u žen / Attachment and Eating Disorder Risk in Women

Klásková, Aneta January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with connections between attachment and eating disorders (EDs) in females. It is divided into two sections - literature review and research. In the literature review, we define key subjects of the thesis, i.e. eating disorders and the concept of attachment. The research section is based on quantitative research. The research aims to explore 1) the relationship between ED risk and the dimension of attachment avoidance - anxiety within the concept of attachment, 2) the relationship between ED risk and early memories of warmth and safeness, and 3) if the dimension of attachment avoidance - anxiety within the concept of attachment and early memories of warmth and safeness increase the probability of EDs. The research was conducted via online questionnaire survey. The research sample consisted of 570 females in young adulthood (aged 20-30). The measures used in the research include Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26), the ECR scale, and the EMWSS scale. The findings for our research sample suggest a statistically significant positive relationship between the dimension of attachment avoidance in the ECR scale and "Bulimia and Food Preoccupation" and "Oral Control" subscales in EAT-26. There has also been found a statistically significant positive relationship between the dimension of...

Myšlenkový svět mladé inteligence: intimita, rovnost a odlišnost ve střední Evropě 1956-1968 / The World of Meaning of the Young Intelligentsia: Intimacy, Equality and Difference in Central Europe 1956-1968

Nebřenský, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with thought, mentality and conceptions of the higher education students. It focuses especially on discussions and controversies between students and party, state or universities authorities and aims at frictions which spread in official discourse and arose from student demands on more space for autonomous activity. Its main concern is the way in which these controversies were related to power transformations in the Central-European dictatorship since 1956. As an example of young intelligentsia, activists of youth and student organizations at higher education institutions in Warsaw, Prague and Bratislava have been chosen. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part researches on the conceptions of intimate, especially problems of youth sexuality, student marriage and living conditions of young families. The second part deals with the conceptions of equality in relation to centralized work-placement of graduates. The power authorities in the state-socialist society laid stress on social equality of all citizens, but paradoxically it produced strong inequality at a local level and undermined work, social and transnational mobility. The third parts researches on conceptions of difference. In this case, authorities claimed generation unity and culture uniformity for the whole...

Mediální obraz lobbingu / The media image of lobbying

Groll, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Media Image of Lobbying" focuses on the issue of the media image of lobbying and lobbyists in the newspapers Mladá fronta Dnes and Právo in the year 2008. Lobbying is an activity which the majority of population experiences through the media only. The media may thus greatly influence the way the public perceives and evaluates lobbying. In the first part of the diploma thesis the question of the media presentation of reality are introduced and the factors which influence the form of the media content are outlined. The paper further deals briefly with the effect the media have on the population and with the agenda-setting concept. Then the definition of lobbying is given, as well as the reasons and conditions for its positive and negative reputation. Positive and negative functions of lobbying are pointed out and various types and forms of lobbying are presented including indirect lobbying, which is associated with PR activities. In the research part of the paper the results of the quantitative research are presented. The aim of this research was to discover the most frequent types of lobbying and lobbyists in the newspapers studied. The qualitative frame analysis then shows the ways in which lobbying and lobbyists are presented in the media. The appendix to the paper contains a codebook...

Sebeprezentace českých sportovců na internetových sociálních sítích a její využití v masových médiích / Self-presentation of czech sportsmen on social networking sites and its usage in mass media

Novotný, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Self-presentation of Czech Sportsmen on Social Networking Sites and its Usage in Mass Media" deals with a new phenomenon of the few last years - social networking sites and their usage for the work of sports journalists in particular. The thesis sums up the essential information about history and beginnings of the most important social networking sites. It also outlines the impact on the work of journalists. The core of the thesis is an analysis of the process how the information from social networking sites make their way to the articles in media. This research is based on three major sporting events - the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, the 2012 Summer Olympics in London and the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. It covers the production of two Czech daily newspaper - Mladá fronta DNES and daily Sport, the two printed media which provided the most comprehensive coverage of the Olympics. The thesis analyses the change of the news sources in the course of the last years, among which the social networking sites play a much bigger role than in the past. It focuses on determining the prevailing source for the articles during the Olympics. The thesis also explores whether the proportion of using the different sources changed during the years. It traces the amount of articles using...

PAU vázané na velikostně segregovaný aerosol v městském ovzduší. / Aerosol size distribution of PAH in urban atmosphere

Bendl, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to determine the 13 health risk PAHs (phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene, ideno(1,2,3-cd)perylene and coronene; c-PAU highlighted) in the fractions of size-segregated aerosol of the urban air in Ostrava (2012, 2014) and Mlada Boleslav (2013) at low temperatures in winter, and to verify experimentally a sampling artifact, i.e., to quantify PAHs in the gas phase. For the particle size separation high-volume cascade impactor Hi-Vol BGI 900 was used. PAHs were determined by HPLC-FLD/PDA. In Ostrava in 2012 during the winter inversion (up to -25 řC), mean concentration of 13 PAHs in aerosol was 432 ng.m-3 ; in fraction 10 - 1 µm 119 ng.m-3 , 1 - 0,5 µm 185 ng.m-3 , 0,5 - 0,17 µm 91 ng.m-3 , in fraction < 0,17 µm 37 ng.m-3 and in the gaseous phase of min. 40 ng.m-3 . In the most unfavorable day 2. 2. 2012 (-18.6 ř C) reached the 24-hour average of 13 PAHs 890 ng.m-3 , the sum of carcinogenic PAHs 237 ng.m-3 and benzo(a)pyrene 32.3 ng.m-3 . An irregular and different decline of PAHs concentrations after inversion was measured: in fraction 1 - 10 µm 2.8 times, 0.5 - 1 µm 4.2 times, 0.5 - 0.17 µm 4 times and for <0.17 µm up to 7.6 times....

Vybrané aspekty válečného zpravodajství na příkladu války v Chorvatsku / "Selected aspects of the war news on the example of the war in Croatia

Drejčková, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
Thesis "Selected aspects of the war news in Czech daily newspapers on the example of the war in Croatia" analyze approach Czech printed media to reporting on the war in Croatia. This work verifies the existence of selected journalistic routines, using by journalists when they reporting on military conflicts, that was emerged from the study of foreign research, through quantitative analysis of the front pages of Mladá fronta Dnes and Rudé právo from the years 1991 to 1995. The theoretical part of this thesis is devoted to news reporting, with an emphasis on the sociology of sources, then composes the theory of framing and finally assesses the role of the media in military conflicts. The practical part is a research project based on foreign research that evaluates the use of sources in war reporting and processes the anchoring of themes of conflict in Croatia with the use of quantitative analytical methods. The aim of the research is to obtain results related to the issue of informing the Czech media about the war, and their subsequent comparison with results of foreign researches on the issue of reporting on wars. Qualitative analysis complete the findings of quantitative research closer insight into the conflict, through the evaluation of using of specific frameworks within individual texts in...

Sociální postavení členů jednoty bratrské v Mladé Boleslavi na počátku 17. století / The social status of members of the Unity of the Brethren in Mladá Boleslav in the early 17th century

Simon, Karel January 2012 (has links)
The Unity of the Brethren has a rich history in Mladá Boleslav. This thesis focused on the social status of members of the Unity of the Brethren in Mladá Boleslav in the early 17th century. The basic source, from which the research is based, is a part of a unique finding of the Brethren Church correspondence, which had been found in 2006. This is the registra of Boleslav corps Church from the years 1610 and 1611. By the processing and evaluation of entries in these registers is determined by amount of members of the Corps unity and their percentage representation of Bohemian Brethren in the population of the city. The participation of members of the Unity in the administration of the city has been identified according to the data in the indexes and records preserved in the books of the early 17th century. The work also pays attention to the representation of Bohemian Brethren in the leading positions of individual guilds in Mladá Boleslav. The subject of research is also the property status of the members of the Unity corps in Mladá Boleslav. Research found that in 1610 and 1611 members of the Unity corps in Mladá Boleslav were 17 % to 18 % of the population of the city. Members of the Unity of the Brethren participated in the administration of the city. The average representation of Bohamian...

Analýza práce novináře se zdroji na příkladu zpravodajství o francouzském prezidentovi Nicolasu Sarkozym v letech 2007-2010 / An Analysis of Journalistic Source Work on the Example of Reporting on the French President Nicolas Sarkozy in the Years 2007-2010

Měšťanová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The French President Nicolas Sarkozy is presented in the long term as the head of state with a strong media influence and strong media manipulation ability. This tendency is moreover not rare in the field of politics, and it can have a strong impact on society. That is why it seems appropriate to devote attention to this topic within media studies. The aim of this thesis is to find out, based on the content-study of three Czech national newspapers, how Czech journalists deal with the topic of the French presidency - do they have their specific sources, how do they cope with information from the Élysée Palace, do they use the same sources, do they create stereotypes about Nicolas Sarkozy etc. Qualitative analysis of the articles is supplemented by findings from interviews with the journalists themselves. The thesis has two main parts. In the first one, the overview of the available research in the field of agenda-setting and news coverage sociology is offered, literature is also presented, which deals with the influence of President Sarkozy and the issues affecting French journalists' work. The second part presents the analysis of the daily newspapers' material, which makes it possible to see the current trends in journalists' work with sources. The findings are supplemented by information from the...

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