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Summity Nixon-Brežněv v letech 1973 a 1974 v československém tisku / Nixon-BreznevSummits in 1973 and 1974 in Czechoslovakian PressKvapilík, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis named "Nixon-Brezhnev Summits in 1973 and 1974 in Czechoslovakian Press" deals with the presentation of summits between Leonid Brezhnev and Richard Nixon in contemporary Czechoslovakian dailies. It analyzes texts published by the media concerning the meetings in 1973 and 1974 in Washington and Moscow in the set period of more than one month around the meetings. Not only does the thesis research the degree of bias of the media content due to the ideological inclination towards the Soviet Union. It also analyzes the way in which the media in Czechoslovakia dealt with the presentation of both the enemy superpowers as partners. The theory part provides in introduction of the topic and basic historical context of the events. Furthermore it characterizes the respective meetings and the analyzed dailies. The practical part covers detailed qualitative content analysis of the selected representatives of the contemporary Czechoslovakian press, namely Rudé právo, Svobodné slovo, Mladá fronta and Lidová demokracie. Then the thesis compares the presentation of the respective summits and attempts to find the causes of the differences and trends in the in the presentation. As an addition the thesis also provides a comparison with similar meetings between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev,...
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Vojenský újezd jako determinant populačního vývoje daného mikroregionu / Military Area as a Determinant of Microregion Population DevelopmentKusovská, Marie January 2012 (has links)
Military Area as a Determinant of Microregion Population Development Marie Kusovská Abstract The study deals with military area as a specific factor of microregion population development. The objective of the study is to describe and demonstrate the different effects of current and former military areas on neighbourhood population's demographic behaviour. The analysis is focused on the period of 1995-2010 and takes place in five current military areas: Boletice, Brdy, Březina, Hradiště and Libavá and three former military areas: Mladá (today's municipality Milovice), Ralsko and Dobrá Voda. The study examines the population development and its structure, natural and mechanical movement, including an analysis of migration directions. There is a finding that the municipality Milovice and Ralsko differs significantly from other areas in young age structure, high levels of total fertility rate and the intensity of immigration. At the level of mortality no significant differences were indicated. Therefore, it appears that a military area can be considered as a determinant of microregion population development, but it depends on the military uses of this area and in case of its cancelation it depends on the future civilian use.
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Očekávání mladých mužů a žen v partnerském vztahu s důrazem na uspokojování emočních potřeb / Expectations of young men and women in partner relationships with an emphasis on meeting the emotional needsČervená, Denisa January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide the generationally authentic view of the issue of young men's and women's relationships with the focus on mapping their expectations and emotional needs satisfaction. The theoretical part describes the period of young adulthood that is specific exactly to a relationship build-up. The next part of the paper focuses on the phenomenon of love, problems of a partner choice and men's and women's specific expectations and emotional needs. The last chapter covers sexuality that is a natural part of relationships. The thematic areas are always accompanied by a pedagogical point of view because education has the significant impact in a partnerships formation. The practical part contains the survey of 60 respondents. The subject was young men's and women's expectations in a relationship. The main goal was to determine which expectations young men and women start a relationship with. The key result is the fact that men and women have different expectations in a relationship but they agree about the expectation of mutual love and understanding.
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Odraz národních povstání v NDR, Polsku a Maďarsku v letech 1953-1956 v soudobém československém tisku se zaměřením na deníky Rudé Právo a Mladá fronta / Reflection of national uprisings in NDR, Poland and Hungaryin the years 1953-1956 in contenporary press in Czechoslovakia, focusing ithe study on daily newspapers Rude Pravo and Mlada frontaŠafář, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD Institut komunikačních studií a žurnalistiky Ondřej Šafář Odraz národních povstání v NDR, Polsku a Maďarsku v letech 1953-1956 v soudobém československém tisku se zaměřením na deníky Rudé právo a Mladá fronta Diplomová práce Praha 2016 Abstract The thesis "Reflection of national uprisings in East Germany, Poland and Hungary in the years 1953-1956 in contemporary press in Czechoslovakia, focusing the study on daily newspapers Rude právo and Mladá fronta" concentrates on the way, how the media reflected uprisings that took place in the 50s in neighbouring countries under the Soviet sphere of influence. The thesis describes the political development in Czechoslovakia from the end of World War II until 1956. The thesis also describes the development, structure and governance of the Czechoslovakia media in this period of time, including the history of the monitored dailies Rudé právo and Mladá fronta. The thesis also focuses on the background and the process of the three uprisings in East Germany, Poland and Hungary. Following part introduces basic theoretical concepts (including ideology, propaganda, hegemony and discourse) as a background for the practical part, which is a qualitative research of journals Rudé právo and Mladá fronta at selected periods of time...
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Analýza politické instrumentalizace deníku Mladá fronta DNES v období před volbami do Poslanecké sněmovny PČR v roce 2013 / Analysis of the political instrumentalization of the periodic press Mladá fronta DNES in the period before elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2013Dobrovodský, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis Analysis of the political instrumentalization of the periodic press Mladá fronta DNES in the period before elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2013 examines, if leader of the political party ANO Andrej Babiš used his position of the owner of the media group MAFRA to influence media content in the periodic press Mlada fronta DNES during the period before elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2013. Theoretical framework briefly describes the basic concepts of political communication and geopolitical division of the models of political communication including the Czech media scene. Focus is primarily on the development and possible ways of instrumentalization of printed media operating in the Czech media market after 1989. Results of quantitative research showed that four other political parties gained more media attention then political party ANO which ended up second in the election. The title pages of the Mlada fronta DNES therefore was not used to increase promotion of Andrej Babis and his political party. The final part of the research interprets the results of quantitative analysis regarding the possible instrumentalization in terms of political topics presented on the front pages of the...
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Úspěchy zlínského hokejového klubu ve vybraných médiích / Successes of the Zlín ice-hockey club as reported in chosen mediaJurák, Vojtěch January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the media presentation of three chosen successes the Zlín ice-hockey club has achieved since the 1990s. The practical part is constituted by a quantitative content analysis that studies three different types of newspaper and their online counterparts (a community paper the Zlínský deník, online at: zlinsky.denik.cz, a national paper with a developed regional supplement the Mladá fronta dnes, online at: idnes.cz and a national paper the Právo, online at: sport.cz) in three periods of time (the Czech ice-hockey league finals in 1995, 2004 and 2014). The analysis studied 873 media articles in total. In general, the extent of coverage increased strongly between the years 1995 and 2004. The coverage of the finals by the community media was the most detailed, just as supposed. Quite surprising was the extent of coverage by the Mladá fronta dnes that was larger than expected. The core of sports reporting didn't really change across time, titles or information channels. The news, stories and game evaluations comprised the biggest part of the coverage. But it was the form of reporting that kept changing. The most observable trends were the growth of visual content in time and the increasing position of the Internet. Especially in 2014, its usage was quite extensive.
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Postavení mladé generace na trhu práce po roce 2007 v České republice a Španělsku / The position of the young generation on the labour market in the Czech Republic and Spain after 2007PRAVDÍKOVÁ, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the unemployment of young people in two selected EU countries, namely the Czech Republic and Spain. The main aim of the thesis is to analyze the position of the young generation in the labor market in the selected EU countries and their comparison. The partial objective is to evaluate the currently used tools of active employment policy, identify barriers to implementation and propose possible solutions to unemployment of this target group in selected countries. The analysis focuses not only on the overall unemployment rate of the monitored age category, but also on the development of the number of unemployed by type of education and sex. Last but not least, information is also provided in relation to the unemployment rate in individual NUTS 2 cohesion regions in the above countries. The reference period is between 2007 and 2017.
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Krajně pravicové strany v českých médiích před parlamentními volbami 2017 / Far-right Parties in Czech Media before 2017 Parliament ElectionsBajtler, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Topic of the thesis is the image of Czech far-right parties in Czech media prior to Elections to Chamber of Deputies in 2017. Aim of the thesis is to investigate how media displays far-right parties prior to the Elections in 2017, what the topics of media coverage are in regards of far- right and how the topics changed in the Elections in 2017 comparing with Elections in 2013. Using quantitative content analysis the thesis monitors texts with far-right topics in national daily newspapers Mladá fronta DNES, Lidové noviny, Právo and Hospodářské noviny in the periods prior to the Elections to Chamber of Deputies in 2017 and 2013. Author also uses qualitative analysis of specific texts. The parties followed in thesis are chosen based on definition of far-right by Cas Mudde and definition of right wing populism by Hans-Georg Betz. In the period prior to the Elections in 2017 the followed parties are: Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti; ROZUMNÍ - stop migraci a diktátu EU - peníze našim občanům, důchodcům, dětem, zdravotně postiženým; Svoboda a přímá demokracie - Tomio Okamura; Blok proti islamizaci - Obrana domova; Sdružení pro republiku - Republikánská strana Československa Miroslava Sládka and Řád národa - Vlastenecká unie. In the period prior to the Elections in 2013 the focus is on parties Úsvit...
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Vztah mladých lidí ke značkám / Relationship of young people towards brandsKlimentová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The goal of my diploma thesis is to describe and evaluate relationship of young people in Czech Republic towards brands. In first chapter I describe historical development of marketing approach towards brands, the function of a brand, its elements and the differences between brands and products. I mention and compare two diverse concepts of brand management - Kellers CBBE concept and Roberts Lovemarks concept. In the second chapter I characterize young Czechs at the age between 15 and 30. I do so thanks to information gathered from different sociological studies and from papers about phenomenom of generation Y. Last chapter follows the previous two and is purely about relationship of young pepople towards brands. I used for it facts described in the thesis above and data that I get from particular qualitative research as well as quantitative research that I realised by myself.
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Útvary psané publicistiky / Styles of written journalismPELECHOVÁ, Ilona January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis Styles of written journalism explores news styles, analytical formations and stylishly mixed these ones. It explores verbal and ideographical devices, used in the Czech present dailies MFD, Lidové noviny and Právo. The work is based on an analysis of linguistic material, accumulated in the time between August 2010 - August 2011. The Attention is aimed at mainly lexical devices. The diploma thesis evaluates their function in the journalistic text and similarities and differences in jounarist´s work with them in various formations in journalistic style. The Interest focuses on the structure of present Czech dailies and the diploma thesis tries to capture their profile. Furthermore, it deals with the headlines, their types and functions in the text. It the introduction there is an explanation of the terminology in the the diploma thesis. Also a brief history of news service is given.
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