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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketingová strategie pivovaru Svijany / Marketing strategy of Svijany brewery

Vostrý, Filip January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is, based on the knowledge of marketing theory, to describe in detail marketing strategy of Svijany brewery, analyze its strengths and weaknesses and based on these findings recommend changes that would help brewery in the future. Thesis includes secondary analysis of surveys, MML-TGI database and SWOT matrix on whose basis the proposals are made.

Druhy a značky alkoholických nápojov ako výraz osobnosti / Types and brands of alcoholic beverages as an expression of personality

Pavlišin, Dominik January 2013 (has links)
Thesis focuses on describing the consumer behavior on the alcoholic beverages market in the Czech Republic. In addition to quantitative analysis, which uses the MML - TGI data from Median Ltd., thesis also includes qualitative research with further analysis of selected segments. Based on the findings from analysis, recommendation for creating a new alcoholic beverage is made according to lifestyle of the consumer.

Chování spotřebitele při nákupu na internetu / Consumer behavior in e-commerce

Hedrlínová, Alice January 2015 (has links)
This Thesis deals with the behavior of consumers when shopping on the Internet. The aim was to find out what factors influence the behavior of consumers when shopping online, how the consumers decide when shopping on the Internet and how they think that specific e-shop should look like. To obtain the necessary primary data, the technique of quantitative online interviews was used. Furthermore, the primary data were supplemented by secondary data obtained from research MML-TGI. Based on the analysis of primary and secondary data, a list of recommendations for new and established e-shops was made. Advice, how to become a successful Internet shop, were related both to arising and establishing e-shops, recommendations also focused on the facts, which payment methods and forms of transport should e-shop provide and how the website should look like.

Marketingový význam body image žien / Marketing importance of women's body image

Kocková, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The topic of the presented thesis is: The Body Image of Women from the Marketing Point of View. The main aim is to find out and evaluate the women's attitude to the body image; how do they perceive the women's presence in TV commercials and compare it with real women's image in these commercials. Subsequently there is a description of some special trends which relate to this sphere in the assistance of an advice arising from the survey. The thesis is divided into four main chapters; the first chapter includes an outline of the current conditions of handled topic, which is purveying the basis for the practical part. The second chapter includes the methodology of the thesis in which we are describing the used methods of work. The special attention is given to the questionnaire survey and the content analysis. The two last chapters are dealing with the survey results. In the third chapter there is worked marketing survey of the women's body image acceptance and its evaluation which was given at the beginning of this questionnaire. The last chapter is dealing with the women's presence in the TV commercials. This analysis was worked out on the basis of already mentioned content analysis. In the end of this last chapter there are mentioned the marketing suggestions which are arising from the findings of questionnaire, from the content analysis and from the enriched information of the MML-TGI data. The conclusion of the thesis includes the complex picture of gained results formulated in main points and the marketing advice.

Marketingový význam body image pro generaci Y / Marketing importance of body image for generation Y

Barvínek, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the determination of meaning of body image for generation Y. Its goal is to identify the perception of body image by young generation and compare this perception with body image which is communicated via commercial messages focusing Czech generation Y. In the theoretical part of this thesis there is a description of the evolution of beauty ideal, the impact of media on the perception of elements of body image and theoretical conception the role of body image for market segmentation. The analytical part of this thesis deals with the evaluation of communication using content analysis of commercial messages and description of posture of generation Y to the elements related to body image and lifestyle of the target group. The posture of target group is described by analysis MML -- TGI data. Based on results of this thesis it is possible to assess the importance of meaning of individual components of body image for target group of young people and interpret described data for purposes of market segmentation and marketing communication.

Ergebnisse bei modularen Megaendoprothesen im Bereich der unteren Extremitäten, Literaturauswertung und eigene Kasuistik (MML-System)

Zieme, Almut 19 April 2016 (has links)
Modulare Megaendoprothesensysteme dienen der Überbrückung sehr großer Knochendefekte und gehören mittlerweile in der Tumorbehandlung wie auch in der Revisionsendoprothetik zu etablierten Behandlungsmethoden in der Orthopädischen Chirurgie. Im ersten Teil dieser Ar-beit wird anhand der publizierten Literatur ein umfassender Überblick über wichtige Aspekte bei Megaendoprothesen gegeben (Geschichte, Indikationen, Charakteristika, Ergebnisse). Im zweiten Teil erfolgt im Rahmen der eigenen Erhebungen die Auswertung eines Patientengutes von 104 Patienten (114 Operationen), welche in den Jahren 1994–2011 in der Orthopädischen Universitätsklinik Leipzig mit dem modularen Megaendoprothesensystem MML (Modular-system München-Lübeck) an den unteren Extremitäten versorgt wurden. Die Ergebnisse wur-den anhand der Krankenakten ausgewertet und mithilfe eines Erhebungsbogens standardisiert erfasst. Bei den Indikationen dominierten Tumoren mit 39,5 %, gefolgt von Revisionsoperati-onen aufgrund von TEP-Lockerungen (33,3 %), periprothetischen Frakturen (21,9 %), pri-mären Frakturen (16,7 %), Pseudarthrosen (6,1 %) und Resektionen nach Infektionen (6,1 %). Die häufigste Lokalisation stellte der proximale Femurersatz dar (65,8 %). Insgesamt bewegte sich die Komplikationsrate mit 38,6 % im Bereich der Angaben der Literatur. Allerdings sind die Ergebnisse in der Literatur heterogen dokumentiert. Eine standardisierte Erfassung der Komplikationen würde zu einer deutlich besseren Vergleichbarkeit führen. In unseren Erhe-bungen war die Infektion die zweithäufigste Komplikation (12,3 %). Die Luxation nahm in unserem Patientengut mit 25,6 % den größten Stellenwert ein, war jedoch im Verlauf meist besser zu beherrschen als Infektionen. Des Weiteren kam es zu periprothetischen Frakturen (3,5 %), Lockerungen (3,5 %), einem Endoprothesenbruch (0,9 %) und einer deutlichen an-haltenden Bewegungsstörung (0,9 %). Bei der Versorgung mittels modularer Megaendopro-thesen handelt es sich um komplikationsträchtige Eingriffe. Gemessen an den oftmals schwie-rigen Ausgangssituationen bewegen sich jedoch die Komplikationsraten in einem akzeptablen Bereich. Insbesondere die Infektion der Megaendoprothese stellt eine schwerwiegende Kom-plikation dar und resultiert oft in komplizierten Verläufen, bis hin zum Verlust der Extremität. Somit muss der Infektprävention besonders große Beachtung geschenkt werden. Modulare Endoprothesen stellen eine wichtige und nützliche Therapieform dar, wobei die Indikation für einen solchen Eingriff angesichts der teils schwierigen Verläufe mit äußerster Sorgfalt gestellt werden sollte. Die Verwendung modularer Endoprothesensysteme sollte erfahrenen und spe-zialisierten Zentren vorbehalten sein.:Inhaltsverzeichnis ...................................................................................I Tabellenverzeichnis ................................................................................V Abbildungsverzeichnis ...........................................................................VI Abkürzungsverzeichnis .......................................................................VIII 1 Einführung und Aufgabenstellung........................................................ 1 2 Modulare Megaendoprothesen ........................................................... 3 2.1 Definition ......................................................................................... 3 2.2 Geschichte ....................................................................................... 5 2.3 Indikationen ............................................................................................................... 8 2.4 Modulare Megaendoprothesen – Charakteristik und Ergebnisse..... 9 2.4.1 Modulares Endoprothesensystem München-Lübeck™ (MML-System)....................................................................................... 10 2.4.2 KMFTR™/HMRS™ (Kotz-Modular-Femur-Tibia-Reconstruction-System/Howmedica-Modular-Reconstruction-System) ............................................................................................................. 12 2.4.3 MUTARS™ (Modular Universal Tumor and Revision System) ............................................................................................................. 16 2.4.4 Megasystem C™, Tumor- und Revisionssystem ............................................................................................................. 19 2.4.5 HSS(Hospital for Special Surgery)-modular linked system™/FINN™ ............................................................................................................. 20 2.4.6 STANMORE™ ............................................................................... 20 2.4.7 GUEPAR™-Endoprothese ............................................................ 21 2.4.8 Weitere Megaendoprothesensysteme ........................................ 21 3 Eigene Untersuchungen ................................................................... 23 3.1 Materialien und Methoden ............................................................. 23 3.2 Ergebnisse...................................................................................... 23 3.2.1 Charakteristika des Patientengutes ........................................... 23 Alters- und Geschlechtsverteilung ........................................... 23 Seitenverteilung ...................................................................... 24 Body-Mass-Index .................................................................. .. 24 Indikationen ............................................................................ 25 Tumoren als Indikation ............................................................ 25 Voroperationen ........................................................................ 27 Lokalisation der Endoprothese ................................................ 27 Charakteristika der mehrfach mit einer MML-Endoprothese versorgten Patienten ... ....................................................................... 28 3.2.2 Stationärer Aufenthalt bei MML-Endoprothesenimplantation ...... 29 OP-Dauer ................................................................................. 29 Muskel- und Sehnenrefixation, Trevira-Anbindungsschlauch ... 29 Intraoperative Komplikationen ................................................ 29 Stationäre Liegedauer ............................................................. 30 Postoperative Komplikationen während des stationären Aufenthaltes ........................................................................................ 30 Keimbefunde ............................................................................ 30 Implantatlage .......................................................................... 31 Reoperationen während des stationären Aufenthaltes ........... 31 Mobilisation .............................................................................. 32 3.2.3 Poststationärer Verlauf ............................................................... 32 Poststationäre Komplikationen ................................................ 32 Erneuter Eingriff poststationär ................................................ 34 3.2.4. Ausführliche Übersicht über die Komplikationen ........................ 35 Chirurgische Komplikationen und ihr Verlauf ............................ 35 Endoprothesenkomplikationen und ihr Verlauf ........................ 36 Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bei den Komplikationen (stationär und poststationär zusammengefasst) ................................ 36 Altersunterschiede beim Auftreten von Komplikationen ........... 37 Einfluss des BMI auf die Komplikationen .................................. 38 Zusammenhänge zwischen der Indikation und Komplikationen ............................................................................................................. 38 Zusammenhänge zwischen Voroperationen und Komplikationen (stationär und poststationär zusammengefasst) ................................ 39 Komplikationen und Lokalisation der eingesetzten modularen Endoprothese ...................................................................................... 39 3.2.5 Letzter Untersuchungsbefund .................................................... 40 Zeitpunkt der letzten Untersuchung ........................................ 40 Schmerzen ............................................................................... 41 Beweglichkeit .......................................................................... 41 Gehfähigkeit ............................................................................ 42 Röntgenbefunde ...................................................................... 42 4 Diskussion ........................................................................................ 43 4.1 Diskussion der Datenerhebung ..................................................... 43 4.2 Diskussion der Ergebnisse ............................................................ 43 4.2.1 Allgemeine Angaben ................................................................... 43 4.2.2 Präoperative Angaben ................................................................ 44 4.2.3 Intraoperative Komplikationen ................................................... 45 4.2.4 Postoperative Komplikationen .................................................... 46 4.2.5 Poststationäre Komplikationen ................................................... 48 4.2.6 Zusammenhänge ........................................................................ 52 4.3 Resümee ........................................................................................ 54 5 Zusammenfassung ........................................................................... 56 6 Literaturverzeichnis .......................................................................... 59 7 Anlage.............................................................. ................................ 65 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit ...................... 73 Lebenslauf und wissenschaftlicher Werdegang ................................... 74 Danksagung......................................................................................... 76

Marketingova strategie HPhobby s.r.o. / Marketing strategy of the company HPhobby s.r.o.

Tegzová, Milena January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the marketing strategy of the company HPhobby s.r.o., which is realising its activities only through the online store www.hphobby.cz. The aim is to analyze the company and its competitors and apply this data to marketing strategy focused on Internet marketing tools. The first chapter deals with the analysis of the company and its competitors, for this chapter the SWOT, PEST analysis and BCG matrix are used. The second chapter concerns the segmentation of the consumer, for this MML-TGI ČR data, Czech statistical office data, questionnaire and internal company data are used. The third chapter deals with the marketing strategy, where I define marketing objectives of the company. Another part of this chapter deals with the marketing mix, including budget, monitoring and evaluation of the company.

Non-normal Bivariate Distributions: Estimation And Hypothesis Testing

Qumsiyeh, Sahar Botros 01 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
When using data for estimating the parameters in a bivariate distribution, the tradition is to assume that data comes from a bivariate normal distribution. If the distribution is not bivariate normal, which often is the case, the maximum likelihood (ML) estimators are intractable and the least square (LS) estimators are inefficient. Here, we consider two independent sets of bivariate data which come from non-normal populations. We consider two distinctive distributions: the marginal and the conditional distributions are both Generalized Logistic, and the marginal and conditional distributions both belong to the Student&rsquo / s t family. We use the method of modified maximum likelihood (MML) to find estimators of various parameters in each distribution. We perform a simulation study to show that our estimators are more efficient and robust than the LS estimators even for small sample sizes. We develop hypothesis testing procedures using the LS and the MML estimators. We show that the latter are more powerful and robust. Moreover, we give a comparison of our tests with another well known robust test due to Tiku and Singh (1982) and show that our test is more powerful. The latter is based on censored normal samples and is quite prominent (Lehmann, 1986). We also use our MML estimators to find a more efficient estimator of Mahalanobis distance. We give real life examples.

Kupní rozhodovací proces na trhu mobilních telefonů / Buying decision process in the market of mobile phones

Szelesová, Anita January 2016 (has links)
The goal of the master's thesis is to analyse the buying decision process in the market of mobile phones and determine the phases of the buying decision process focusing on individuals in the Czech and Slovak markets. In the theoretical part the thesis focuses on different views on the buying decision process and presenting the factors that affect the process of decision making. In the practical part the greatest attention is dedicated to the research of the consumer buying decision process in the market of mobile phones based on data from MML - TGI and a questionnaire survey. The analysis realized on the basis of Microsoft Excel tables and charts. In the conclusion of the thesis the obtained results are summarized with focus on the phases of the buying decision process and its factors in the market of mobile phones and marketing suggestions.

Segmentace trhu wakeboardů / Markets segmentation of Wakeboard

Janouchová, Iveta January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to explore the wakeboard market in the Czech Republic by revealing, describing and developing the profile of segments in this market. I used primary and secondary data. Primary data I gained through primary research (on-line questioning). This information I then processed in the statistical program SPSS Statistics. Secondary data I gained from the data MML/TGI, which are included in the program Data Analyzer. Based on the outputs of the two programs I revealed, described and interpreted the individual segments. With this interpretation, I was able to make a suggestion marketing recommendation that might be in the market of the Czech Republic very useful.

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