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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fast Object Recognition in Noisy Images Using Simulated Annealing

Betke, Margrit, Makris, Nicholas 25 January 1995 (has links)
A fast simulated annealing algorithm is developed for automatic object recognition. The normalized correlation coefficient is used as a measure of the match between a hypothesized object and an image. Templates are generated on-line during the search by transforming model images. Simulated annealing reduces the search time by orders of magnitude with respect to an exhaustive search. The algorithm is applied to the problem of how landmarks, for example, traffic signs, can be recognized by an autonomous vehicle or a navigating robot. The algorithm works well in noisy, real-world images of complicated scenes for model images with high information content.

Triangulation Based Fusion of Sonar Data with Application in Mobile Robot Mapping and Localization

Wijk, Olle January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Agent-Based Architecture for Multirobot Cooperative Tasks: Design and Applications

Nebot Roglá, Patricio 11 January 2008 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the development of a system in which a team of heterogeneous mobile robots can cooperate to perform a wide range of tasks. In order that a group of heterogeneous robots can cooperate among them, one of the most important parts to develop is the creation of an architecture which gives support for the cooperation. This architecture is developed by means of embedding agents and interfacing agent code with native low-level code. It also addresses the implementation of resource sharing among the whole group of robots, that is, the robots can borrow capabilities from each-other.In order to validate this architecture, some cooperative applications have been implemented. The first one is an application where a group of robots must cooperate in order to safely navigate through an unknown environment. One robot with camera calculates the optical flow values from the images, and from these values calculates the "time to contact" values. This information is shared among the team so that any robot can navigate without colliding with the obstacles.The second cooperative application consists of enabling the team of heterogeneous robots to create a certain formation and navigate maintaining this formation. The application consists of two parts or stages. The first one is the creation of the formation, where a robot with the camera can detect where the rest of the robots are in the environment and indicates to them which is their initial position in the formation. In the second stage the robots must be able to navigate through an environment following the path that the robot with the laser indicates. Due to the odometry errors of the robots, the camera of one of the robots is used so that robots which lose their correct position in the formation can re-align themselves. Finally, in an attempt to facilitate access to the robots of the team and to the information that their accessories provide, a system for the teleoperation of the team has been implemented. This system can be used for teaching robotics or to facilitate the tasks of programming and debugging in the research tasks.

Guidelines For Building Experimental Mobile Robots With Off-the-shelf Components

Ozkil, Gurcan Ali 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Robotics is an emerging field, and it is also affecting several other fields. Design of robotic platforms gains more importance since the focus and aim of the robotics research broadens widely and the variety of the users is significant. This work aims to present the design of a modular mobile robotic platform, which should be simple, easy to build and easy to use. The concept of modularity, usage of off-the shelf components and utilizing a PC platform, are addressed in this work. As a result of this work, a conceptual design is presented, and a prototype is built to highlight some important aspects of the conceptual design.

Prioritized Exploration Strategy Based On Invasion Percolation Guidance

Karahan, Murat 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The major aim in search and rescue using mobile robots is to reach trapped survivors and to support rescue operations through the disaster environments. Our motivation is based on the fact that a search and rescue (SAR) robot can navigate within and penetrate a disaster area only if the area in question possesses connected voids Traversability or penetrability of a disaster area is a primary factor that guides the navigation of a search and rescue (SAR) robot, since it is highly desirable that the robot, without hitting a dead end or getting stuck, keeps its mobility for its primary task of reconnaissance and mapping when searching the highly unstructured environment We propose two novel guided prioritized exploration system: 1) percolation guided methodology where a percolator estimates the existence of connected voids in the upcoming yet unexplored region ahead of the robot so as to increase the efficiency of reconnaissance operation by the superior ability of the percolation guidance in speedy coverage of the area / 2) the hybrid exploration methodology that makes the percolation guided exploration collaborate with entropy based SLAM under a switching control dependent on either priority given to position accuracy or to map accuracy This second methodology has proven to combine the superiority of both methods so that the active SLAM becomes speedy, with high coverage rate of the area as well as accurate in localization.

Hierarchical motion planning for autonomous aerial and terrestrial vehicles

Cowlagi, Raghvendra V. 03 May 2011 (has links)
Autonomous mobile robots - both aerial and terrestrial vehicles - have gained immense importance due to the broad spectrum of their potential military and civilian applications. One of the indispensable requirements for the autonomy of a mobile vehicle is the vehicle's capability of planning and executing its motion, that is, finding appropriate control inputs for the vehicle such that the resulting vehicle motion satisfies the requirements of the vehicular task. The motion planning and control problem is inherently complex because it involves two disparate sub-problems: (1) satisfaction of the vehicular task requirements, which requires tools from combinatorics and/or formal methods, and (2) design of the vehicle control laws, which requires tools from dynamical systems and control theory. Accordingly, this problem is usually decomposed and solved over two levels of hierarchy. The higher level, called the geometric path planning level, finds a geometric path that satisfies the vehicular task requirements, e.g., obstacle avoidance. The lower level, called the trajectory planning level, involves sufficient smoothening of this geometric path followed by a suitable time parametrization to obtain a reference trajectory for the vehicle. Although simple and efficient, such hierarchical separation suffers a serious drawback: the geometric path planner has no information of the kinematic and dynamic constraints of the vehicle. Consequently, the geometric planner may produce paths that the trajectory planner cannot transform into a feasible reference trajectory. Two main ideas appear in the literature to remedy this problem: (a) randomized sampling-based planning, which eliminates altogether the geometric planner by planning in the vehicle state space, and (b) geometric planning supported by feedback control laws. The former class of methods suffer from a lack of optimality of the resultant trajectory, while the latter class of methods makes a restrictive assumption concerning the vehicle kinematic model. In this thesis, we propose a hierarchical motion planning framework based on a novel mode of interaction between these two levels of planning. This interaction rests on the solution of a special shortest-path problem on graphs, namely, one using costs defined on multiple edge transitions in the path instead of the usual single edge transition costs. These costs are provided by a local trajectory generation algorithm, which we implement using model predictive control and the concept of effective target sets for simplifying the non-convex constraints involved in the problem. The proposed motion planner ensures "consistency" between the two levels of planning, i.e., a guarantee that the higher level geometric path is always associated with a kinematically and dynamically feasible trajectory. We show that the proposed motion planning approach offers distinct advantages in comparison with the competing approaches of discretization of the state space, of randomized sampling-based motion planning, and of local feedback-based, decoupled hierarchical motion planning. Finally, we propose a multi-resolution implementation of the proposed motion planner, which requires accurate descriptions of the environment and the vehicle only for short-term, local motion planning in the immediate vicinity of the vehicle.

Triangulation Based Fusion of Sonar Data with Application in Mobile Robot Mapping and Localization

Wijk, Olle January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Design, modeling and control of a micro-robotic tip for colonoscopy

Chen, Gang Redarce, Tanneguy. January 2006 (has links)
Thèse doctorat : Automatique Industrielle : Villeurbanne, INSA : 2005. / Thèse rédigée en anglais. Résumé étendu en français. Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr. p. 155-167.

A study of human-robot interaction with an assistive robot to help people with severe motor impairments

Choi, Young Sang. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D)--Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010. / Committee Chair: Kemp, Charles; Committee Member: Glass, Jonathan; Committee Member: Griffin, Paul; Committee Member: Howard, Ayanna; Committee Member: Thomaz, Andrea. Part of the SMARTech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection.

Mobile wireless sensor network architecture: Applications to mobile sensor deployment

Erdelj, Milan 11 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les progrès de la robotique mobile nous permettent aujourd'hui d'ajouter la notion de mobilité dans plusieurs classes de réseaux de capteurs sans fil. Le déploiement de capteurs mobiles est possible et utile dans de nombreuses applications, comme la surveillance de l'environnement, les applications dans l'industrie, dans la santé et le domaine militaire. Le terme robot mobile peut représenter n'importe quel type de robot avec la capacité de modifier sa position. Cette notion inclut une vaste gamme de robots industriels utilisés dans les lignes de production. Dans le contexte spécifique de cette thèse, l'attention se focalise uniquement sur les robots mobiles et plus particulièrement les véhicules autonomes dont les mouvements ne sont pas limités par leur taille physique. Ainsi, un robot ou un groupe de robots mobiles peuvent être utilisés pour explorer des environnements inconnus et effectuer une variété de fonctions. La mobilité du robot dans le contexte des réseaux de capteurs, nous permet de résoudre les problèmes qui ne pourraient pas être résolues dans un cas statique. Les robots mobiles permettent d'augmenter la robustesse du réseau en remplaçant des nœuds de capteurs et de s'adapter aux environnements inconnus ou dynamiques. Deux thèmes sont abordées dans cette thèse : la conception d'un intergiciels pour les réseaux de robots mobiles et un ensemble d'approches pour le déploiement de robots mobiles dans le cadre de réseaux de capteurs sans fil. L'intergiciel proposé et décrit dans cette thèse permet à l'utilisateur de facilement mettre en œuvre différents types d'algorithmes de déploiement pour les robots mobiles. Il permet de déployer une application sur la station de base centrale qui permet à un utilisateur de rassembler toutes les informations captées par la flotte de robots. L'application de la station de base permet à un utilisateur d'envoyer des commandes à un groupe ou à un robot, introduisant ainsi la commande manuelle en option dans le réseau robotique. L'intergiciel présenté dans ce travail est dédié à être utilisé avec des robots mobiles Wifibot. Il permet réaliser plusieurs tâches. Tout d'abord, il interagit avec le microgiciel du robot pour piloter les moteurs des roues et recueille les informations concernant la sortie du capteur et de l'état de la batterie. Deuxièmement, il gère la communication avec d'autres robots et les stations de base du réseau. Troisièmement, il traite les informations sur l'environnement et les messages reçus des voisins dans le réseau. Enfin, il réagit et il s'adapte de manière rapide et fiable pour aux événements de l'environnement. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, trois problèmes sont présentés et analysés : le problème de l'amélioration de la qualité de service avec l'utilisation des réseaux robotiques mobiles, la couverture du point d'intérêt avec des robots mobiles et la découverte de points d'intérêt et leur couverture avec l'utilisation des robots mobiles. Le premier problème est résolu avec l'utilisation de l'algorithme de déploiement qui améliore les performances de la transmission multimédia. Cet algorithme utilise une méthode intrusive pour réunir les métriques de qualité de service. Ensuite, l'attention est focalisé sur l'application des réseaux de capteurs sans fil est la surveillance de l'environnement. Au lieu de surveiller toute la région, couvrir seulement un ensemble de points d'intérêt spécifiques accroît les performances du réseau et réduit le coût de déploiement. Nous faison l'hypothèse que la station de base fixe est placé à l'intérieur du domaine d'intérêt, tandis que les robots mobiles disponibles couvrent le point d'intérêt et relayent l'information vers la station de base. L'approche pour résoudre le dernier problème est basée sur le mouvement continu et à vitesse variable de capteurs mobiles, qui suivent des trajectoires circulaires concentriques afin d'explorer et de couvrir le domaine d'intérêt. En se déplaçant constamment, les capteurs exécutent la tâche de découverte de l'environnement et, en ajustant la vitesse de déplacement, ils répondent aux contraintes de la couverture et la connectivité avec la station de base. L'algorithme installé sur tous les capteurs mobiles est distribué et introduit une nouvelle technique de calcul de la vitesse en fonction des informations disponibles à partir des capteurs dans le voisinage à un-saut. Ces algorithmes de déploiement de robots mobiles ont prouvé leur faisabilité à travers de nom- breuses simulations ainsi que dans la mise en pratique en s'appuyant sur l'intergiciel proposé.

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