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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical simulation of non-equilibrium graded sediment transport

Li, Qiang January 1995 (has links)
No description available.


O'Neil, Sean 18 October 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Fully coupled 1D model of mobile-bed alluvial hydraulics: application to silt transport in the Lower Yellow River

Huybrechts, Nicolas 10 September 2008 (has links)
The overall objective is to improve the one-dimensional numerical prediction of the fine and non-cohesive bed material load in alluvial rivers, especially during high intensity episodes during which sediment beds are strongly remobilized. For this reason, we attempt to reduce the major inaccuracy sources coming from the alluvial resistance and bed material load relations needed to close the mathematical system. Through a shared parameter called the control factor m, the interactions occurring in alluvial rivers are incorporated more deeply into the mathematical model and more particularly into the closure laws: bed material load (SVRD, Suction-Vortex Resuspension Dynamics) and the energy slope (Verbanck et al. 2007). The control factor m is assumedly related to the Rossiter resonance modes of the separated flow downstream the bed form crest. To further improve the representation of the flow-sediment-morphology interactions, a fully coupled model approach has been naturally chosen. In this work the terminology fully coupled means that the three equations forming the system are solved synchronously and that the terms often neglected by more traditional decoupled models are kept. The feasibility of the new closure methodology has been drawn up by reproducing numerically the silt-flushing experiment conducted by the Yellow River Conservancy Commission (Y.R.C.C.) in the Lower Yellow River (LYR) in Northern China. The objective of the silt flushing experiment is to reverse the aggradation trend of the Lower Yellow River which, in the last decades, has become a perched river. The numerical simulation specifically reproduces the silt-flush effects in a reach of LYR located in the meandering part of the river. This reach (around 100 km) is delimited by Aishan and Luokou hydrometric stations. Since the SVRD formulation has been developed from flume observations, the law has first been confronted to river datasets. The confrontation has revealed that the SVRD law becomes less suitable for fine sediment fluxes (ratio of water depth over median particle size > 5000). Therefore, a modified equation SVRD-2 has been built to enlarge the validity range. The suitability of the SVRD-2 equation to predict fine sediment fluxes has been tested on data available from several hydrometric stations located in the meandering reach of the LYR: historical observations and measures collected during the flushes. The SVRD-2 has also been compared with relations specifically calibrated for this configuration. The comparison has pointed out that the performance of the two formulas is similar, which is encouraging for the SVRD-2 approach as it has not been calibrated on those data. The closed equation system has been written on its quasi-linear form and is solved by a Finite Volume Method combined with a linearized Riemann algorithm. The numerical model has been checked up on two test cases: deposition upstream of a dam and the aggradation experiment conducted by Soni 1975. As it is not yet possible to predict dynamically the value of the control factor m, a possible solution would be to extract its value from the measured data at the inlet cross section. Unfortunately, the necessary data are not measured locally. Moreover, a uniform value of the control factor m may not suffice to reproduce the flow along the whole reach. Therefore, it has been proposed to work temporarily in the reverse way. From the comparison between the numerical results and the experimental data, a time evolution of the control factor m has effectively been extracted and it has been shown that it varies along the reach. At Aishan, the evolution of the control factor m corresponds to the evolution expected from the data analysis previously conducted on other data sets: the value of the control factor m decreases during the flush as it tries to reach the optimal value m=1. The time evolution at Luokou behaves differently to the one at Aishan, but remains in agreement with m evolution patterns observed historically for the river section flowing round Jinan City walls. For Luokou, the highlighted differences may come from three dimensional effects coming from the meander bend upstream the station. Generally, the results obtained for the hydraulics, the sediment transport and bed adaptation are encouraging but still need improvements and additional feeding from the experimental data. The results for the concentration and therefore the bed elevation are very sensitive to the value of the control factor m as it influences most of the terms of the bed material load equation (SVRD-2). The major remaining difficulties are, firstly, to deal with the rapid transients for which the model is less suitable and, secondly, to improve the prediction of the value of control factor m. Before paying more attention into the transients, enhancements concerning the flow along the reach (initial condition and discharge rates during the first days of the flush) must be conducted in priority. Indeed as the prediction of the bed or the cross section evolutions depend directly on the quality of the prediction of the sediment concentration and the hydraulics, one should first improve these aspects. To perform this study, more information about the water levels or sediment concentrations is necessary at some intermediate stations. One solution is to lengthen the studied reach, upstream to Sunkou and downstream to Lijin, totaling a river length of 456 Km. A more entire signal of the energy slopes and the associated bed configurations at different stations would enlighten how the control factor m evolves along the reach during the silt-flush events.

Numerical Modeling of River Diversions in the Lower Mississippi River

Pereira, Joao Miguel Faisca Rodrigues 20 May 2011 (has links)
The presence of man-made levees along the Lower Mississippi River (MR) has significantly reduced the River sediment input to the wetlands and much of the River's sediment is now lost to the Gulf of Mexico. The sediment load in the River has also been decreased by dams and river revetments along the Upper MR. Freshwater and sediment diversions are possible options to help combat land loss. Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics and sediment transport of the MR is a useful tool to evaluate restoration projects and to improve our understanding of the resulting River response. The emphasis of this study is on the fate of sand in the river and the distributaries. A 3-D unsteady flow mobile-bed model (ECOMSED; HydroQual 2002) of the Lower MR reach between Belle Chasse (RM 76) and downstream of Main Pass (RM 3) was calibrated using field sediment data from 2008 – 2010 (Nittrouer et al. 2008; Allison, 2010). The model was used to simulate River currents, diversion sand capture efficiency, erosional and depositional patterns with and without diversions over a short period of time (weeks). The introduction of new diversions at different locations, e.g., Myrtle Grove (RM 59) and Belair (RM 65), with different geometries and with different outflows was studied. A 1-D unsteady flow mobile-bed model (CHARIMA; Holly et al. 1990) was used to model the same Lower MR reach. This model was used for longer term simulations (months). The simulated diversions varied from 28 m3/s (1, 000 cfs) to 5, 700 m3/s (200, 000 cfs) for river flows up to 35, 000 m3/s (1.2x106 cfs). The model showed that the smaller diversions had little impact on the downstream sand transport. However, the larger diversions had the following effects: 1) reduction in the slope of the hydraulic grade line downstream of the diversion; 2) reduction in the available energy for transport of sand along distributary channels; 3) reduced sand transport capacity in the main channel downstream of the diversion; 4) increased shoaling downstream of the diversion; and 5) a tendency for erosion and possible head-cutting upstream of the diversion.

Numerical Modelling of Shallow Water Flows over Mobile Beds

Liu, Xin January 2016 (has links)
This Ph.D. thesis aims to develop numerical models for two-dimensional and three-dimensional shallow water systems over mobile beds. In order to accomplish the goal of this dissertation, the following sub-projects are defined and completed. 1: The first sub-project consists in developing a robust two-dimensional coupled numerical model based on an unstructured mesh, which can simulate rapidly varying flows over an erodible bed involving wet–dry fronts that is a complex yet practically important problem. In this task, the central-upwind scheme is extended to simulation of bed erosion and sediment transport, a modified shallow water system is adopted to improve the model, a wetting and drying scheme is proposed for tracking wet-dry interfaces and stably predict the bed erosion near wet-dry area. The shallow water, sediment transport and bed evolution equations are coupled in the governing system. The proposed model can efficiently track wetting and drying interfaces while preserving stability in simulating the bed erosion near the wet-dry fronts. The additional terms in shallow water equations can improve the accuracy of the simulation when intense sediment-exchange exists; the central-upwind method adopted in the current study shows great accuracy and efficiency compared with other popular solvers; the developed model is robust, efficient and accurate in dealing with various challenging cases. 2: The second sub-project consists in developing a novel numerical scheme for a coupled two-dimensional hyperbolic system consisting of the shallow water equations with friction terms coupled with the equations modeling the sediment transport and bed evolution. The resulting 5*5 hyperbolic system of balance laws is numerically solved using a Godunov-type central-upwind scheme on a triangular grid. A spatially second-order and temporally third-order central-upwind scheme has been derived to discretize the conservative hyperbolic sub-system. However, such schemes need a correct evaluation of local wave speeds to avoid instabilities. To address such an issue, a mathematical result by the Lagrange theorem is used in the proposed scheme. Consequently, a computationally expensive process of finding all of the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrices is avoided: The upper/lower bounds on the largest/smallest local speeds of propagation are estimated using the Lagrange theorem. In addition, a special discretization of the bed-slope term is proposed to guarantee the well-balanced property of the designed scheme. 3: The third sub-project consists in designing a novel scheme to estimate bed-load fluxes which can produce more accurate results than the previously reported coupled model. Using a pair of local wave speeds different from those used for the flow, a novel wave estimator in conjunction with the central upwind method is proposed and successfully applied to the coupled water-sediment system involving a rapid bed-erosion process. It was demonstrated that, in comparison with the decoupled model, applying the proposed novel scheme to approximate the bed-load fluxes can successfully avoid the numerical oscillations caused by simple and less stable schemes, e.g. simple upwind methods; in comparison with the coupled model using same flux-estimator for both hydrodynamic and morphological systems, the proposed numerical scheme successfully prevents excessive numerical diffusion for prediction of bed evolution. Consequently, the proposed scheme has advantages in terms of accuracy which are shown in several numerical tests. In addition, analytical expressions have been provided for calculating the eigenvalues of the coupled shallow-water-Exner system, which greatly enhances the efficiency of the proposed method. 4: The fourth sub-project consists in developing a three-dimensional numerical model for the simulation of unsteady non-hydrostatic shallow water flows on unstructured grids using the finite volume method. The free surface variations are modeled by a characteristics-based scheme which simulates sub- and super-critical flows. Three-dimensional velocity components are considered in a collocated arrangement with a sigma coordinate system. A special treatment of the pressure term is developed to avoid the water surface oscillations. Convective and diffusive terms are approximated explicitly, and an implicit discretization is used for the pressure term. The unstructured grid in the horizontal direction and the sigma coordinate in the vertical direction facilitate the use of the model in complicated geometries. 5: The fifth sub-project consists in developing a well-balanced three-dimensional shallow water model which is able to simulate shock waves over dry bed. Due to the hydrostatic simplification of the vertical momentum equation, the governing system of equations is not hyperbolic and can not be solved using standard hyperbolic solvers. That is, one can not use a high-order Godunov-type scheme to compute all fluxes through cell-interfaces. This may cause the model to fail in simulations of some unsteady-flows with discontinuities, e.g., dam-break flows and floods. To overcome this difficulty, a novel numerical scheme for the three-dimensional shallow water equations is proposed using a relaxation approach in order to convert the system to a hyperbolic one. Thus, a high-order Godunov-type central-upwind scheme based on the finite volume method can be applied to approximate the numerical fluxes. The proposed model can also preserve the ``lake at rest'' state and positivity of water depth over irregular bottom topographies based on special reconstruction of the corresponding parameters. 6: The sixth sub-project consists in extending the result of the fifth sub-project to development of a three-dimensional numerical model for shallow water flows over mobile beds, which is able to simulate morphological evolutions under shock waves, e.g. dam-break flows. The hydrodynamic model solves the three-dimensional shallow water equations using a finite volume method on prismatic cells in sigma coordinates based on the scheme prposed in sub-project 5. The morphodynamic model solves an Exner equation consisting of bed-load sediment transportation. The performance of the proposed model has been demonstrated by several laboratory experiments of dam-break flows over mobile beds.

Remoção de DQO e de nitrogênio, e estudo dos consórcios microbianos em sistema com três reatores sobrepostos, em série, alimentado com esgoto sanitário / COD and nitrogen removal, and microbial associations study on a three superposed, in series, reactors system, fed with domestic wastewater

Santos, Pedro Ivo de Almeida 17 December 2004 (has links)
Esta pesquisa enfoca a avaliação do desempenho de nova configuração de unidade para tratamento biológico de esgoto sanitário por processo combinado, visando à remoção de nutrientes, especialmente nitrogênio. O sistema construído em escala piloto tem volume útil igual a 71,48 litros. Nesta nova configuração de reatores para tratamento terciário de esgoto sanitário, utilizaram-se três reatores sobrepostos, sendo: um reator UASB - “Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket"; um reator de leito móvel e filme fixo aeróbio (com aplicação de oxigênio puro); e, um reator de leito móvel e filme fixo com ambiente anóxico. O material suporte utilizado nos reatores de leito móvel e filme fixo constituiu alternativa inédita no tratamento de efluentes líquidos. Foram utilizadas cavilhas “ranhuradas" de madeira, de dimensões aproximadas de 8,0 mm de diâmetro por 8,0 mm de comprimento. O desempenho geral do sistema quanto à remoção de matéria carbonácea e compostos nitrogenados, e as associações microbianas formadas nos três reatores são objetos principais de estudo deste trabalho. Foram obtidos resultados de remoção de DQO e de nitrogênio bastante satisfatórios, sobretudo quando o tempo de detenção hidráulica total esteve próximo a 20 horas, incluindo o compartimento de decantação (94,6 % para DQO; e 96,7 % para N-NTK, com formação de nitrato em concentrações inferiores a 10,0 mgN-NO3-/l). O TDH estudado variou entre 5 e 24 horas para os sistema completo. O estudo dos consórcios de microrganismos forneceu excelentes resultados quanto à quantidade, diversidade, e atividade das populações desenvolvidas nos diferentes ambientes, confirmando o bom desempenho do sistema e o fornecimento de ambiente adequado para o desenvolvimento das diferentes populações nos três reatores. A idealização desta configuração tem como finalidade realização de tratamento de esgoto sanitário até nível terciário em planta compacta, podendo ser utilizada por pequenas e grandes comunidades, devido à possibilidade de se construir diversos módulos do sistema proposto. / This research is focused on the performance evaluation of a new system configuration of combined biological reactors, treating domestic wastewater till tertiary level. The pilot scale proposed system had a total useful volume of 71,48 liters. This new configuration involves three types of superposed reactors: an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor; an aerobic fixed film mobile bed reactor (fed with pure oxygen); and a fixed film mobile bed reactor at anoxic environment. The support material used inside the fixed film mobile bed reactors was wood made grooved dowels. The main purposes of this work are to evaluate the systems general performance regarding COD and nitrogen removal, and the microbial associations inside the reactors. It reached quite satisfactory results regarding COD and nitrogen removal when the total hydraulic retention time (HRT) was around 20 hours, including the clarification zone volume (94,6 % for the COD; and 96,7 % for the TKN-N, whit nitrate formation below 10,0 mgN-NO3-/l). HRTs from 5 to 20 hours were studied. The microbial associations were present in large number, with a great diversity and high specific activities at the different environments, confirming the good results obtained and the suitable environment provided for the growth of the different populations inside the three reactors. The idealization of this treatment system has the goal to treat domestic wastewater from small to large communities till tertiary level, in compact treatment plants, due to the possibility of constructing several modules of the system.

Remoção de DQO e de nitrogênio, e estudo dos consórcios microbianos em sistema com três reatores sobrepostos, em série, alimentado com esgoto sanitário / COD and nitrogen removal, and microbial associations study on a three superposed, in series, reactors system, fed with domestic wastewater

Pedro Ivo de Almeida Santos 17 December 2004 (has links)
Esta pesquisa enfoca a avaliação do desempenho de nova configuração de unidade para tratamento biológico de esgoto sanitário por processo combinado, visando à remoção de nutrientes, especialmente nitrogênio. O sistema construído em escala piloto tem volume útil igual a 71,48 litros. Nesta nova configuração de reatores para tratamento terciário de esgoto sanitário, utilizaram-se três reatores sobrepostos, sendo: um reator UASB - “Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket”; um reator de leito móvel e filme fixo aeróbio (com aplicação de oxigênio puro); e, um reator de leito móvel e filme fixo com ambiente anóxico. O material suporte utilizado nos reatores de leito móvel e filme fixo constituiu alternativa inédita no tratamento de efluentes líquidos. Foram utilizadas cavilhas “ranhuradas” de madeira, de dimensões aproximadas de 8,0 mm de diâmetro por 8,0 mm de comprimento. O desempenho geral do sistema quanto à remoção de matéria carbonácea e compostos nitrogenados, e as associações microbianas formadas nos três reatores são objetos principais de estudo deste trabalho. Foram obtidos resultados de remoção de DQO e de nitrogênio bastante satisfatórios, sobretudo quando o tempo de detenção hidráulica total esteve próximo a 20 horas, incluindo o compartimento de decantação (94,6 % para DQO; e 96,7 % para N-NTK, com formação de nitrato em concentrações inferiores a 10,0 mgN-NO3-/l). O TDH estudado variou entre 5 e 24 horas para os sistema completo. O estudo dos consórcios de microrganismos forneceu excelentes resultados quanto à quantidade, diversidade, e atividade das populações desenvolvidas nos diferentes ambientes, confirmando o bom desempenho do sistema e o fornecimento de ambiente adequado para o desenvolvimento das diferentes populações nos três reatores. A idealização desta configuração tem como finalidade realização de tratamento de esgoto sanitário até nível terciário em planta compacta, podendo ser utilizada por pequenas e grandes comunidades, devido à possibilidade de se construir diversos módulos do sistema proposto. / This research is focused on the performance evaluation of a new system configuration of combined biological reactors, treating domestic wastewater till tertiary level. The pilot scale proposed system had a total useful volume of 71,48 liters. This new configuration involves three types of superposed reactors: an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor; an aerobic fixed film mobile bed reactor (fed with pure oxygen); and a fixed film mobile bed reactor at anoxic environment. The support material used inside the fixed film mobile bed reactors was wood made grooved dowels. The main purposes of this work are to evaluate the systems general performance regarding COD and nitrogen removal, and the microbial associations inside the reactors. It reached quite satisfactory results regarding COD and nitrogen removal when the total hydraulic retention time (HRT) was around 20 hours, including the clarification zone volume (94,6 % for the COD; and 96,7 % for the TKN-N, whit nitrate formation below 10,0 mgN-NO3-/l). HRTs from 5 to 20 hours were studied. The microbial associations were present in large number, with a great diversity and high specific activities at the different environments, confirming the good results obtained and the suitable environment provided for the growth of the different populations inside the three reactors. The idealization of this treatment system has the goal to treat domestic wastewater from small to large communities till tertiary level, in compact treatment plants, due to the possibility of constructing several modules of the system.

Fully coupled 1D model of mobile-bed alluvial hydraulics: application to silt transport in the Lower Yellow River

Huybrechts, Nicolas 10 September 2008 (has links)
The overall objective is to improve the one-dimensional numerical prediction of the fine and non-cohesive bed material load in alluvial rivers, especially during high intensity episodes during which sediment beds are strongly remobilized. For this reason, we attempt to reduce the major inaccuracy sources coming from the alluvial resistance and bed material load relations needed to close the mathematical system. Through a shared parameter called the control factor m, the interactions occurring in alluvial rivers are incorporated more deeply into the mathematical model and more particularly into the closure laws: bed material load (SVRD, Suction-Vortex Resuspension Dynamics) and the energy slope (Verbanck et al. 2007). The control factor m is assumedly related to the Rossiter resonance modes of the separated flow downstream the bed form crest. <p><p>To further improve the representation of the flow-sediment-morphology interactions, a fully coupled model approach has been naturally chosen. In this work the terminology fully coupled means that the three equations forming the system are solved synchronously and that the terms often neglected by more traditional decoupled models are kept. <p><p>The feasibility of the new closure methodology has been drawn up by reproducing numerically the silt-flushing experiment conducted by the Yellow River Conservancy Commission (Y.R.C.C.) in the Lower Yellow River (LYR) in Northern China. The objective of the silt flushing experiment is to reverse the aggradation trend of the Lower Yellow River which, in the last decades, has become a perched river. The numerical simulation specifically reproduces the silt-flush effects in a reach of LYR located in the meandering part of the river. This reach (around 100 km) is delimited by Aishan and Luokou hydrometric stations.<p><p>Since the SVRD formulation has been developed from flume observations, the law has first been confronted to river datasets. The confrontation has revealed that the SVRD law becomes less suitable for fine sediment fluxes (ratio of water depth over median particle size > 5000). Therefore, a modified equation SVRD-2 has been built to enlarge the validity range.<p><p>The suitability of the SVRD-2 equation to predict fine sediment fluxes has been tested on data available from several hydrometric stations located in the meandering reach of the LYR: historical observations and measures collected during the flushes. The SVRD-2 has also been compared with relations specifically calibrated for this configuration. The comparison has pointed out that the performance of the two formulas is similar, which is encouraging for the SVRD-2 approach as it has not been calibrated on those data. <p><p>The closed equation system has been written on its quasi-linear form and is solved by a Finite Volume Method combined with a linearized Riemann algorithm. The numerical model has been checked up on two test cases: deposition upstream of a dam and the aggradation experiment conducted by Soni 1975. <p><p>As it is not yet possible to predict dynamically the value of the control factor m, a possible solution would be to extract its value from the measured data at the inlet cross section. Unfortunately, the necessary data are not measured locally. Moreover, a uniform value of the control factor m may not suffice to reproduce the flow along the whole reach. Therefore, it has been proposed to work temporarily in the reverse way. <p><p>From the comparison between the numerical results and the experimental data, a time evolution of the control factor m has effectively been extracted and it has been shown that it varies along the reach. At Aishan, the evolution of the control factor m corresponds to the evolution expected from the data analysis previously conducted on other data sets: the value of the control factor m decreases during the flush as it tries to reach the optimal value m=1. The time evolution at Luokou behaves differently to the one at Aishan, but remains in agreement with m evolution patterns observed historically for the river section flowing round Jinan City walls. For Luokou, the highlighted differences may come from three dimensional effects coming from the meander bend upstream the station.<p><p>Generally, the results obtained for the hydraulics, the sediment transport and bed adaptation are encouraging but still need improvements and additional feeding from the experimental data. The results for the concentration and therefore the bed elevation are very sensitive to the value of the control factor m as it influences most of the terms of the bed material load equation (SVRD-2). <p><p>The major remaining difficulties are, firstly, to deal with the rapid transients for which the model is less suitable and, secondly, to improve the prediction of the value of control factor m. Before paying more attention into the transients, enhancements concerning the flow along the reach (initial condition and discharge rates during the first days of the flush) must be conducted in priority. Indeed as the prediction of the bed or the cross section evolutions depend directly on the quality of the prediction of the sediment concentration and the hydraulics, one should first improve these aspects. To perform this study, more information about the water levels or sediment concentrations is necessary at some intermediate stations. One solution is to lengthen the studied reach, upstream to Sunkou and downstream to Lijin, totaling a river length of 456 Km.<p><p>A more entire signal of the energy slopes and the associated bed configurations at different stations would enlighten how the control factor m evolves along the reach during the silt-flush events. <p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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