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TFT-LCD Merger Simulation Modeling-- A Study of Between AUO & QDIWang, Shen-Jen 05 August 2003 (has links)
After semiconductor industry, TFT-LCD technology has become the other valuable technique for Taiwan to play an important role in the world. Both government and investors have already spent lots of effort to make it grow during last decade. To be able to increase the competitive, we are looking forward to merge the TFT-LCD manufactories. This paper focuses on the market expectation of merge of TFT-LCD industry in Taiwan. This paper has use two stock market public corporate, A.U.O. and Q.D.I, as our study and observation models and by applies the L-G model from Kermit D. Larson and Nicholas J. Gonedes, we will be able to prove the concept and examine our observation cases. On the other hand, I use the free cash flow model from Damodaran to evaluate the capital value for both companies. In particular, we examine them in three different scenarios to analysis their firm-value and use them as the ratio for future stock merge between both companies. By simulate our observation models and experiment for their fair market value; we will be able to demonstrate the L-G model is appropriate in this particular circumstance.
According to the result and demonstration of cases study, it can provide the new prospective of Taiwan TFT-LCD industry in the future.
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High resolution linkage and association study of quantitative trait lociJung, Jeesun 01 November 2005 (has links)
As a large number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and microsatellite
markers are available, high resolution mapping employing multiple markers or
multiple allele markers is an important step to identify quantitative trait locus (QTL)
of complex human disease. For many complex diseases, quantitative phenotype values
contain more information than dichotomous traits do.
Much research has been done on conducting high resolution mapping using information
of linkage and linkage disequilibrium. The most commonly employed approaches
for mapping QTL are pedigree-based linkage analysis and population-based
association analysis. As one of the methods dealing with multiple alleles markers,
mixed models are developed to work out family-based association study with the information
of transmitted allele and nontransmitted allele from one parent to offspring.
For multiple markers, variance component models are proposed to perform association
study and linkage analysis simultaneously. Linkage analysis provides suggestive
linkage based on a broad chromosome region and is robust to population admixtures.
One the other hand, allelic association due to linkage disequilibrium (LD) usually
operates over very short genetic distance, but is affected by population stratification.
Combining both approaches plays a synergistic role in overcoming their limitations
and in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of gene mapping.
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Semiparametric functional data analysis for longitudinal/clustered data: theory and applicationHu, Zonghui 12 April 2006 (has links)
Semiparametric models play important roles in the field of biological statistics. In this dissertation, two types of semiparametic models are to be studied. One is the partially linear model, where the parametric part is a linear function. We are to investigate the two common estimation methods for the partially linear models when the data is correlated  longitudinal or clustered. The other is a semiparametric model where a latent covariate is incorporated in a mixed effects model. We will propose a semiparametric approach for estimation of this model and apply it to the study on colon carcinogenesis.
First, we study the profilekernel and backfitting methods in partially linear models for clustered/longitudinal data. For independent data, despite the potential rootn inconsistency of the backfitting estimator noted by Rice (1986), the two estimators have the same asymptotic variance matrix as shown by Opsomer and Ruppert (1999). In this work, theoretical comparisons of the two estimators for multivariate responses are investigated. We show that, for correlated data, backfitting often produces a larger asymptotic variance than the profilekernel method; that is, in addition to its bias problem, the backfitting estimator does not have the same asymptotic efficiency as the profilekernel estimator when data is correlated. Consequently, the common practice of using the backfitting method to compute profilekernel estimates is no longer advised. We illustrate this in detail by following Zeger and Diggle (1994), Lin and Carroll (2001) with a working independence covariance structure for nonparametric estimation and a correlated covariance structure for parametric estimation. Numerical performance of the two estimators is investigated through a simulation study. Their application to an ophthalmology dataset is also described.
Next, we study a mixed effects model where the main response and covariate variables are linked through the positions where they are measured. But for technical reasons, they are not measured at the same positions. We propose a semiparametric approach for this misaligned measurements problem and derive the asymptotic properties of the semiparametric estimators under reasonable conditions. An application of the semiparametric method to a colon carcinogenesis study is provided. We find that, as compared with the corn oil supplemented diet, fish oil supplemented diet tends to inhibit the increment of bcl2 (oncogene) gene expression in rats when the amount of DNA damage increases, and thus promotes apoptosis.
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A Study on Technology Acceptance Model of Management Information SystemLi, Jui-Yang 07 June 2008 (has links)
Most enterprises reinforce themselves with the Management Information System and the intranet to get information promptly and also the internet to enhance the relationships with customers as one of the most important strategies to survive in the competitive environment. The key success factors of Management Information System are mature system planning, friendly design for users, and end user¡¦s participation, which is recognized as the most crucial factor of the above. Therefore, how to evaluate end user¡¦s satisfaction and acceptance on the Management Information System becomes the most interesting topic for the managers.
This study explores the technology acceptance of the end users of Shop Information System from the model of TAM2 (Technology Acceptance Model II). And its purpose is to find the influent factors of Intention to Use and Use Behavior of the end users of Shop Information System. The managers can carry out or improve the MIS according to this study.
After the research, this study indicates that there are four components that influenced the degree of acceptance of technology, included the Usefulness of system, the result demonstrability; the ease of use, and ought to use or not. Different factors under several conditions in demography significantly influence the intention of users. The managers can improve the management information system according to the finding of this study.
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Nonlinear Analysis of Stock Correlations among East Asian Countries, and The U.S., Japan, and GermanHuang, Hsiao-wen 14 July 2008 (has links)
With gradually increasing interdependence of international political and economic environments, part of Asian countries' financial markets reform adopted progressive policies towards liberalization and internationalization. Therefore, the integration of international financial markets has attracted a bunch of scholars to investigate related topics of international stock market. Granger and (1993) documented that most of the economic variables have nonlinear characters. Chelley-Steeley (2004) uses smooth transition regression model to explore the financial market integration of regional and global markets among emerging and developed countries. Smooth transition regression model considered the possibility of nonlinear changes in regression parameters.
This paper applies the smooth transition regression model to reinvestigate Chelley-Steeley¡¦s (2004) study of nonlinear relationship of stock markets among some East Asian countries and the United States, Japan and Germany. The main difference of our model and Chelley-Steeley¡¦ model is that we relax his constant market index correlation between two countries by allowing the autoregressive process on market index correlation. Empirical evidences of linear model, original non-linear model and our non-linear extension model show that our non-linear extension model outperformedthe other two models in terms of goodness of fit.
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Source contributions of suspended particles using Air Quality Model and Receptor ModelWang, Wen-Cheng 21 December 2008 (has links)
Air quality of the Kao-Ping airshed has been the worst of all airsheds which are divided into seven groups by districts in Taiwan. The percentage of annual bad air quality (Pollution Standard Index, PSI > 100) in the Kao-Ping airshed (6.65−13.56%) was twice than it in the Yun-Chia-Nan airshed (2.58−6.98%) during the past decade (1998−2007). Oil refineries, petrol/plastic industries, power plants, and iron/steel/metal plants are the major industries in the Kaohsiung metropolitan area. Due to intensive industrial and traffic activities, the Kao-Ping area has the poorest air quality in Taiwan − either increased ground-level concentrations of particulate matter (PM) or ozone (O3) associated with unfavorable meteorological conditions − particularly between late fall and mid-spring
The temporal and spatial characterization of suspended particles in the Kao-Ping area was analyzed by using TAPM (air quality model) and CMB (receptor model) to understand the contributions of the major emission sources. Estimations using the TAPM model suggest that point-source emissions were the predominant contributors (about 49.1%) to PM10 concentrations at Hsiung-Kong industrial site in Kaohsiung City, followed by area sources (approximately 35.0%) and neighboring transport (7.8%). Because Ping-Tung City (urban) and Chao-Chou town (rural) are located downwind of Kaohsiung City when north or northeasterly winds prevail, the two sites also experience severe pollution events despite the lack of industrial sources; neighboring transport contributed roughly 39.1% to PM10 concentrations at Ping-Tung and 48.7% at Chao-Chou.
Results of CMB (chemical mass balance) modeling show that the main contributors to PM2.5 mass are vehicle exhaust (gasoline vehicle emission: 43% and diesel vehicle emission: 17% at Hsiung-Kong; gasoline vehicle emission: 45% and diesel vehicle emission: 19% at Ping-Tung; gasoline vehicle emission: 12% and diesel vehicle emission: 29% at Chao-Chou). And the main contribution to PM2.5-10 mass is the paved road emission (Hsiung-Kong: 40%; Ping-Tung: 48%; Chao-Chou: 50%). It is recommended that air quality model is an appropriate tool to large area and receptor model is more suitable to specific point to identify emission sources by the results in this study.
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Cyclical Fluctuation and its Determinants in Taiwan Mobile MarketLi, Yi-te 12 February 2009 (has links)
In retrospect, telecommunication technology and services have seen incessant renovation and development. The wave of liberalization is also the inexorable trend in the global telecommunications industry, the telecommunications industry in Taiwan can not be excluded itself from the trend. The telecommunications industry in Taiwan has been opened by degrees and sought to establish a fair competitive environment. In the meantime, there are several important changes no matter in facets of regulatory regimes, industrial structure, technology, or market demand, etc. The environment of telecommunications industry became more volatile than the monopoly one's. We extend the opinion of Noam (2006) who observed the long-term upturn and downturn in the American telecommunications industry and concluded that that volatility and cyclicality will be an inherent part of the telecommunication sector in the future. First, in our thesis we explore the cyclical behavior of Taiwan telecommunications industry. As the turning point of the telecommunications industry may be obscure, we adopt a Markov Regime-Switching model with two regimes representing contraction and expansion. This nonlinear, two states, regime-switching model shows that Taiwan telecommunications industry has suffered from the cyclic fluctuation since the liberalization had been followed out.
We focus on the mobile phone industry thereafter in this study. Since three telecommunication-related laws passed in 1996, the mobile phone industry is the first industry implemented the liberalization policy. In the process of the mobile phone industry's evolution, the carriers in this industry all experience the rapid growth in the mobile phone penetration rate and the fierce competition. Hence, to identify the main explanatory factors of the mobile phone industry fluctuation and cycles we introduce an 11-variable vector autoregressive (VAR) model. The empirical results confirm that the mobile phone industry' output can be influenced by five factors mainly including the macroeconomic status, demand, network effect, relative equipment import price, and output price, and furthermore, the impetus of the liberalization policy and the progress of the technology also play an important role beyond the five main factors in terms of the separate carriers' analysis.
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noneLin, Yu-cheng 30 June 2009 (has links)
Divident discount model found further expected dividend discounting to some fix period. The dividends are determined from the the core of company and relates retain earning. In Taiwan stock market, divedneds are not paid per season. So, I adept earning per share to proxy variable and employ market value weight to conduct dividends for Taiwan stock idnex. The next step,
investgate the relationship between price index and diviednds using the econometric model was created by Kapetanios et al. (2006). Consequencely, the relationship are fitted discribtion by ESTR cointegration rather than linear cointegration.
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Development Strategies of Taiwan Futures ExchangeTsai, Ming-Liang 07 July 2009 (has links)
With the trend to globalization and undergone the 2008 Financial Storm, the capital markets worldwide have faced ever changing and unprecedented challenges. Most major futures exchanges have therefore adjusted their structures, changed operation models, acquired their competitors, or partnered with other derivative exchanges. Through these efforts, we know that global futures markets have been marching on an overall revolution.
Only through reinforcement of its own advantages, setting a long term strategy, basing on its strength in product research and market promotion, can one ensure its competitiveness in the world.
This research focuses on the development of the worldwide futures industry, the positioning and strategics of major exchanges, utilizing tools such as FIVE FORCE model, SWOT model to analyze TAIFEX¡¦s current operation conditions and core value, so as to raise the efficiency and value of TAIFEX. It also refers to the experiences and strategies of other major futures exchanges, setting the long term goal for TAIFEX, in order to gain its competitiveness under the trends of globalization and electronic trading.
The research concluded that TAIFEX has currently faced the predicament of products centralization and saturation of domestic demand. Products centralization can be resolved through the continuous launch of more new products. However, the success of the new products lies upon the domestic demand. After careful evaluation, among all the new products that under research that might be launched, currency futures and stock futures can meet the requirements of the local markets. The interest futures is unlikely to be launched in the foreseeable future under the current Central Bank¡¦s policy. Whereas the stock futures has the advantages of simplicity in trading and easy promotion, it might raise the issue of substitution with the the securities loans business. Therefore, this research suggests that TAIFEX should put more efforts on the market promotion and enhancement of the depth and broadness of the existing products. Given that the current market is saturated, other than reinforcing its leading position in the Taiwan market, TAIFEX should collaborate with other futures exchanges and strengthen its cooperation with the Chinese futures industry, so as to open a new era into the future and fulfill its goal of economic efficiency.
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The Impact of Financial Derivatives Activities on the Risk of BanksChang, Chi-pang 08 July 2009 (has links)
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