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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metody depozice tenkých vrstev pomocí nízkoteplotního plazmatu / Deposition methods of thin films using low-temperature plasma

GÜNZEL, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the description of selected deposition methods of thin films using low-temperature plasma. Currently, many various technologies of thin films are developed and there are many applications in various industrial sectors. This thesis first gives a brief overview of deposition methods, plasma behavior during deposition and subsequent description of the selected methods of application due to the physical and chemical processes. They also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the described coating technologies, and several examples of their use. The thesis should thus contribute to the overall view of modern coating technologies, their development and use currently, or possible use in the future.

Vliv posttranslačních modifikací minoritních proteinů a acetylace mikrotubulů na průběh infekce myším polyomavirem / The role of posttranslational modifications of minor proteins and acetylation of microtubules in mouse polyomavirus infection

Mariničová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
Mouse polyomavirus (MPyV) capsid is composed of the main capsid protein VP1 and minor capsid proteins VP2 and VP3. Minor proteins are not essential capsid assembly, but they are key for efficient viral infection. The first part of this thesis studies the modifications of VP2 and VP3, the deamidation of Asn at 253 of VP2 (137 of VP3) and N-terminal acetylation of Ala of VP3, which could be the cause of double bands for VP2 and VP3 on SDS-PAGE. Mutated genomes of MPyV N253D (Asn to Asp) and N253E (Asn to Glu) simulating deamidation and A117V (Ala to Val) with reduced acetylation were prepared previously. We prepared three isolations of the mutant viruses and we confirmed that the deamidation is the cause of the double bands. Mutant viruses were compared to the wild type in terms of efficiency of infection, but the role of deamidation could not be proven. Virus A117V is noninfectious either due to lowered acetylation or the substitution of amino acid at this position. This thesis also studies the role of -tubulin acetylation in the infection of MPyV. The role of -tubulin acetylation in viral infection is being investigated to find new antiviral strategies. Acetylation rises after MPyV infection, but this is not due to a change in mRNA expression of tubulin acetylating (TAT1) or deacetylating enzyme...

Role onkogenní mikroRNA-155 a proto-onkogenu MYB u chronické lymfatické leukémie / Role onkogenní mikroRNA-155 a proto-onkogenu MYB u chronické lymfatické leukémie

Vargová, Karina January 2013 (has links)
(EN) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) represents a disease of mature-like B-cells. Due to failed apoptosis but also due to enhanced proliferative signals, the leukemic B-cells accumulate in the peripheral blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes and spleen. The clinical course of B-CLL is very heterogeneous; in some patients B-CLL progresses very rapidly into an aggressive form. Such patients need therapy sooner while in other patients with indolent B-CLL the onset of therapy takes years. Several standard prognostic and disease progression markers are used for disease staging and monitoring, however a reliable marker that will suggest when to start therapy is unknown. Expression of small, non-coding microRNAs is often deregulated and represent important prognostic markers in variety of cancers including leukemia. Hence in our study we concentrated to miR-155, an important molecule regulating differentiation of hematopoietic cells, inflammation process and antibody production. Its aberrant expression was described in Hodgkin`s as well as in non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma, including indolent lymphoproliferations like B- CLL. Our results confirmed elevated levels of both, primary miR-155 transcript and mature form of miR-155 in our B-CLL patient samples (N=239). The aberrant expression of miR-155 in B-CLL samples...

Substantivní fráze v psaném a mluveném akademickém diskurzu / The noun phrase in written and spoken academic discourse

Sládečka, Dušan January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is concerned with exploring the differences between the noun phrases in written and spoken academic monologue, focussing on the length of the phrase, its internal complexity and syntactic functions. In the theoretical part of the study, the noun phrase, its constituents, structure and usage are introduced. The noun phrase is introduced as one of the means of complex condensation. The basic characteristics of written and spoken academic language are introduced as well. The practical part of the study is a detailed analysis of 210 noun phrases. The written sample is collected from selected academic articles, whereas the sample of spoken lecture is collected from the lecture database of the BASE corpus. Since the study focuses on two different forms of language, the material is analysed for each of them separately and the results are subsequently compared in the final part of each subsection. The hypothesis of the thesis is that the written sample contains noun phrases with more complex modification, whereas the spoken sample contains more simple noun phrases and more clausal modification. The hypothesis was, for the most part, confirmed.

Analysis of the WTO Dispute on Trade with GMOs / Analysis of the WTO Dispute on Trade with GMOs

Everett, Kirstin Elizabeth January 2008 (has links)
In 2003 the United States filed an official complaint against the European Community at the World Trade Organization in regards to the ban imposed on GM crops within the EU, saying that there was no scientific defense for their point of view, and this had created barriers to trade. After one of the longest dispute settlement in WTO history, the body sided with the US and deemed the ban to be restricting free trade. Conflicting research on the safety of GM crops has further complicated the matter and many members of the EU are still choosing to ban GM crops in defiance of the WTO ruling.

Společné jmění manželů / Common property of spouses

Popeláková, Klára January 2011 (has links)
The Master's Thesis deals with the common property of spouses according to both current legal regulation, and secondly future legal regulation of the Czech Republic. The main objective of this Master's Thesis is to present a comprehensive and coherent overview of the current legal regulation of common property of spouses and to compare the present situation with the regulation in new Civil Code, which takes effect in January 2014. The Master's Thesis contains three parts; first part contains the historical development, second part provides a summary of current legal regulation and the last part focuses on the comparison of the current and future legislation.

Vliv modifikovaných TiO2 nanotrubiček na interakce na biorozhraní / The influence of modified TiO2 nanotubes on biointerfacial interaction

Bílek, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
Nanotrubičky oxidu titaničitého v průběhu posledních let nabyly na významu v poli biomedicíny. Jakožto biokompatibilní nanostrukturovaný povrch nachází potenciál pro své uplatnění především v oblasti implantačních aplikací. Teoretická část této práce je tak věnována různým přístupům pro syntézu TiO2 nanotrubiček, jejich modifikacím a aplikacím v biomedicíně. Experimentální část pak pojednává o nanotrubičkách oxidu titaničitého, které jsou připraveny z titanu metodou jednokrokové anodické oxidace v organickém elektrolytu. Jako výchozí materiály jsou používány křemíkové disky s naprášenou vrstvou titanu a titanové folie. Zprvu amorfní nanotrubičky jsou žíháním převedeny na svou krystalickou podobu, a následně modifikovány selenovými a stříbrnými nanočásticemi. Připravené struktury jsou zkoumány z hlediska povrchových vlastností a biologických interakcí s vybranými tkáňovými kulturami (MG-63, NIH-3T3) a bakteriemi (E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus). V závěru experimentální práce jsou stručně porovnány výsledky selenových a stříbrných nanočástic. Hlavním cílem této práce je rozšířit znalosti týkající se bio-rozhraní tvořeným adherentními buněčnými liniemi, bakteriálními buňkami a nanostrukturovaným povrchem tvořeným TiO2 nanotrubičkami dekorovanými selenovými a stříbrnými nanočásticemi.

Vliv úpravy povrchu borem dopovaných diamantových elektrod na elektrochemickou oxidaci fenolu a jeho derivátů / The influence of the surface pretreatment of boron doped diamond electrodes on electrochemical oxidation of phenol and its derivatives

Hnízdilová, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the study of electrochemical oxidation of para-substituted phenol derivates using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and ,,direct current" voltammetry (DCV) on boron-doped diamond electrode (BDD) and comparison with some analogous meta-substituted compounds. Among the studied substances were p-cresol, 4-methoxyphenol, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid, 4-nitrophenol, 4-chlorophenol and 3-(trifluoromethyl)phenol. The oxidation of the analytes was performed in an acidic (pH 2,0) and basic (pH 11,0) Britton-Robinson buffer on mechanically polished, oxidated and hydrogenated surfaces. Another subject of the thesis is to analyze the influence of different substituents, characterized by the Hammett constant, on the oxidation potential of selected phenols. They are oxidized at more positive redox potentials in acidic media, than in basic media, where they are dissociated. The oxidation on the polished and hydrogenated surfaces were similar, whereas were shifted to higher values on the oxidated surface. Further, the signal intensity decreased on the oxidated one, and the oxidation of phenols was not recognizable in basic media. The passivation of the electrode was less significant in pH 2,0 buffer. The best result of Hammett correlation was achieved on a polished and...

Řešení nestacionárního pohybu tělesa v proudící kapalině / Solution of the unsteady motion of the body in the liquid flow

Zbavitel, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with CFD solution of flow through mechanical heart valves. The opening part includes a research on the negative impacts of implantation of artificial heart valves and the common approaches used in their modeling. This is followed by a detailed analysis of the dynamic mesh functionality and CFD solution is performed using the open-source library FOAM-extend. Part of the thesis focuses on evaluation of the geometry modifications from the perspective of forming the instabilities of the current and the course of force effects on the valve.

Study of Correlation between Grease Film Formations and Mechanical Losses on Various Surfaces / Study of Correlation between Grease Film Formations and Mechanical Losses on Various Surfaces

Sakai, Kazumi January 2018 (has links)
Tato disertační práce se zaměřuje na studium závislosti mezi reakčním momentem ložiska mazaného plastickým mazivem s lithným mýdlem a vlastnostmi maziva, jako například tloušťka vytvářeného mazacího filmu, jeho reologie, struktura zpevňovadla, trakční vlastnosti či vliv topografie povrchu. Typ maziva poskytujícího nižší odpor závisí na podmínkách provozu ložiska, zejména rychlosti. Chování mazacího filmu za nízkých rychlostí má vliv na reakční moment ložiska v nízkých rychlostech. Mez toku a trakční chování koreluje s momentem ložiska za vysokých rychlostí. Schopnost zpevňovadla vstupovat do kontaktu má vliv na tloušťku filmu, vzhled kavitační oblasti na výstupu kontaktu a chování hladovění. Důvod vstupu zpevňovadla do kontaktu je jeho chemická struktura. Vysoká polárnost hydroxylových sloučenin zpevňovadla podporuje jeho vtažení kontaktními povrchy. Mazivo s nejvyšší polaritou prokázalo na površích obsahujících denty nejčastější vstup do prostoru dentů. Na základě předchozích pozorování je navržen popis principu mechanismu mazání.

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